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  1. Talking About Personal Habits

  Example question: What do you usually do in the evenings?

  I usually

  I often

  While Im studying I usually

  Sometimes I.

  As a rule,I

  Whenever I can I

  2. Expressing Likes and Dislikes

  Example question: What kinds of music do you like?

  My favourite is

  I like

  I enjoy

  Im keen on

  I just love

  I absolutely adore.

  Im crazy about

  Im addicted to

  Im really into

  I dont mind

  As far asis concerned,I can take it or leave it.

  I dont care too much for = Im not really into

  My least favouriteis

  I dislike

  I cant stand

  I hate

  I find

  3. Expressing Reasons for Likes and Dislikes



  The main reason I likeis that its

  What I like best aboutis

  The thing I like best aboutis

  The best/worst thing about is

  I dont like that very much because its too

  Thats because I find it

  4. Expressing a Preference

  Example question: Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?

  I prefer because

  My preference is because

  I prefer A to B because

  If I had the choice,Id + V because

  If I had the choice,Id rather + Vbecause

  If I have the choice,Ill + V

  5. Comparing

  Example question:What are the differences between modern art in China and traditional Chinese art?

  A is bigger than B.

  B is not as big as A.

  You can also use some of these:

  Use much as in,A is much better / worse than B.

  A is not nearly as good as B.

  B is nowhere near as big as A

  A is not quite as important as B.

  A is almost as important as B,but not quite.

  In comparison to B,A is quite big. Or,A is quite big in comparison to B.

  Compared to B,A is a lot bigger.

  6. Talking About Recent Changes= Comparing the recent past and the present

  Example question:Has your hometown changed much in the past few years?

  Yes,it has. For example,

  Today there are many more cars on the roads than there were thirty years ago.

  The air pollution is much worse/much better than it used to be.

  Compared to thirty years ago,the population of the city has increased by about two million.

  The population of the city has increased by about two million people in the last thirty years.

  More people today own a car than was the case thirty years ago.

  Today,more and more people are living in high-rise apartment buildings whereas thirty years ago,we had very few high-rise apartments buildings in our city.

  More and more large-scale supermarkets are being built nowadays but there were very few of them in my hometown thirty years ago

  7. Contrasting

  The question is usually a compare question. When you answer one of these questions,you can use a contrasting statement. However,since the grammar of the comparing answers is more difficult,you will impress the examiner more by mostly using that,rather than by using contrasting statements.

  Example: A is big but B is small.

  8. Suggesting

  Example questions:What would you suggest a visitor to your country see and do?

  What do you think the government could/should do?


  Maybe/perhaps/possibly + could / should

  It might/may help if.+ past tense form of verb

  It would probably + if + past tense form of verb


  9. Expressing Opinions

  Example question:Do you think that children should always be offered an incentive when parents ask their children to do something?

  I think

  I believe

  I feel


  I tend to + that

  In my opinion,

  In my view,

  Ive always + that

  I maintain that

  Ive always maintained that

  It seems to me that

  Im convinced that

  As far as Im concerned,

  My view is that

  From my point of view,

  To my mind,

  The way I see it,

  As I see it,

  10. Giving Reasons for Opinions



  The main reason I say that is because

  One of the reasons I say that is because

  11. Explaining

  Example question: Why are many older people reluctant to learn computer skills?

  The reason why is because / is that

  The main reason why is because / is that

  One reason why is because / is that

  One possible explanation is

  To understand why..,you first need to..

  Well,its like this: .

  You could look at it this way:

  12. Speculating

  Example question: Do old people in China have opportunities to attend any forms of classes?

  Well,Im not sure but

  Well,Ive never thought about that before but

  I imagine

  I guess

  I suppose

  Id say ..

  13. Speculating About the Future

  Example question: How do you think the tourist industry will develop in the future?

  I predict + a noun

  I foresee + or + a noun

  I imagine / suppose / guess

   will + adverb

   be likely to

   be bound to

   be + going to + V = will + V

  Therell probably / possibly be

  We might see / have

   will be + 现在分词

   might be + 现在分词

  Id be surprised if + past tense/past continuous tense

  Ill be very surprised if + present tense/past continuous tense

  I expect ..

  14. Expressing Plans,Intentions and Hopes for the Future

  Example question: What are your future work plans?

  I plan to

  My plan is to

  I plan on + Ving

  I intend to

  I hope to

  Im going to

  My ambition is to

  My immediate goal is to

  My ultimate goal is to




  I expect to

  Id like to = I want to ..

  As an alternative,I might

  If all goes well,Ill / I should

  If everything goes according to plan,Ill / I should

  My dream is to

  Its always been my hope/plan/ambition/dream to

  My heart is set on + Ving

  15. Clarifying

  What I mean is

  My meaning is

  In other words,

  That is to say,

  Let me put that another way.

  To put that another way,

  What Im trying to say is

  My point is that

  More specifically,

  For example,

  For instance,

  16. Explaining a Word When you have Forgotten the Word

  I cant remember the word but..

  its a thing that

  its a type of

  its something you

  hes a person who

  its something like

  its similar to

  its kind of like a

  These sentences use the present tense because you are speaking in general. For example,Its a thing,a tool that you use to put air into your bicycle tyre - you use it like this .

  17. Speaking in General

  On the whole,

  As a rule,

  In general,


  Generally speaking,

  For the most part,





  1. Talking About Personal Habits

  Example question: What do you usually do in the evenings?

  I usually

  I often

  While Im studying I usually

  Sometimes I.

  As a rule,I

  Whenever I can I

  2. Expressing Likes and Dislikes

  Example question: What kinds of music do you like?

  My favourite is

  I like

  I enjoy

  Im keen on

  I just love

  I absolutely adore.

  Im crazy about

  Im addicted to

  Im really into

  I dont mind

  As far asis concerned,I can take it or leave it.

  I dont care too much for = Im not really into

  My least favouriteis

  I dislike

  I cant stand

  I hate

  I find

  3. Expressing Reasons for Likes and Dislikes



  The main reason I likeis that its

  What I like best aboutis

  The thing I like best aboutis

  The best/worst thing about is

  I dont like that very much because its too

  Thats because I find it

  4. Expressing a Preference

  Example question: Do you prefer to travel alone or with others?

  I prefer because

  My preference is because

  I prefer A to B because

  If I had the choice,Id + V because

  If I had the choice,Id rather + Vbecause

  If I have the choice,Ill + V

  5. Comparing

  Example question:What are the differences between modern art in China and traditional Chinese art?

  A is bigger than B.

  B is not as big as A.

  You can also use some of these:

  Use much as in,A is much better / worse than B.

  A is not nearly as good as B.

  B is nowhere near as big as A

  A is not quite as important as B.

  A is almost as important as B,but not quite.

  In comparison to B,A is quite big. Or,A is quite big in comparison to B.

  Compared to B,A is a lot bigger.

  6. Talking About Recent Changes= Comparing the recent past and the present

  Example question:Has your hometown changed much in the past few years?

  Yes,it has. For example,

  Today there are many more cars on the roads than there were thirty years ago.

  The air pollution is much worse/much better than it used to be.

  Compared to thirty years ago,the population of the city has increased by about two million.

  The population of the city has increased by about two million people in the last thirty years.

  More people today own a car than was the case thirty years ago.

  Today,more and more people are living in high-rise apartment buildings whereas thirty years ago,we had very few high-rise apartments buildings in our city.

  More and more large-scale supermarkets are being built nowadays but there were very few of them in my hometown thirty years ago

  7. Contrasting

  The question is usually a compare question. When you answer one of these questions,you can use a contrasting statement. However,since the grammar of the comparing answers is more difficult,you will impress the examiner more by mostly using that,rather than by using contrasting statements.

  Example: A is big but B is small.

  8. Suggesting

  Example questions:What would you suggest a visitor to your country see and do?

  What do you think the government could/should do?


  Maybe/perhaps/possibly + could / should

  It might/may help if.+ past tense form of verb

  It would probably + if + past tense form of verb


  9. Expressing Opinions

  Example question:Do you think that children should always be offered an incentive when parents ask their children to do something?

  I think

  I believe

  I feel


  I tend to + that

  In my opinion,

  In my view,

  Ive always + that

  I maintain that

  Ive always maintained that

  It seems to me that

  Im convinced that

  As far as Im concerned,

  My view is that

  From my point of view,

  To my mind,

  The way I see it,

  As I see it,

  10. Giving Reasons for Opinions



  The main reason I say that is because

  One of the reasons I say that is because

  11. Explaining

  Example question: Why are many older people reluctant to learn computer skills?

  The reason why is because / is that

  The main reason why is because / is that

  One reason why is because / is that

  One possible explanation is

  To understand why..,you first need to..

  Well,its like this: .

  You could look at it this way:

  12. Speculating

  Example question: Do old people in China have opportunities to attend any forms of classes?

  Well,Im not sure but

  Well,Ive never thought about that before but

  I imagine

  I guess

  I suppose

  Id say ..

  13. Speculating About the Future

  Example question: How do you think the tourist industry will develop in the future?

  I predict + a noun

  I foresee + or + a noun

  I imagine / suppose / guess

   will + adverb

   be likely to

   be bound to

   be + going to + V = will + V

  Therell probably / possibly be

  We might see / have

   will be + 现在分词

   might be + 现在分词

  Id be surprised if + past tense/past continuous tense

  Ill be very surprised if + present tense/past continuous tense

  I expect ..

  14. Expressing Plans,Intentions and Hopes for the Future

  Example question: What are your future work plans?

  I plan to

  My plan is to

  I plan on + Ving

  I intend to

  I hope to

  Im going to

  My ambition is to

  My immediate goal is to

  My ultimate goal is to




  I expect to

  Id like to = I want to ..

  As an alternative,I might

  If all goes well,Ill / I should

  If everything goes according to plan,Ill / I should

  My dream is to

  Its always been my hope/plan/ambition/dream to

  My heart is set on + Ving

  15. Clarifying

  What I mean is

  My meaning is

  In other words,

  That is to say,

  Let me put that another way.

  To put that another way,

  What Im trying to say is

  My point is that

  More specifically,

  For example,

  For instance,

  16. Explaining a Word When you have Forgotten the Word

  I cant remember the word but..

  its a thing that

  its a type of

  its something you

  hes a person who

  its something like

  its similar to

  its kind of like a

  These sentences use the present tense because you are speaking in general. For example,Its a thing,a tool that you use to put air into your bicycle tyre - you use it like this .

  17. Speaking in General

  On the whole,

  As a rule,

  In general,


  Generally speaking,

  For the most part,





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