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  routine 规律 重复的

  career 事业

  profession/ occupation 职业

  individual success个人成功

  work overtime加班

  laid off 下岗

  contribute to/ make contribute to贡献

  balance between 平衡

  preoccupied with忙于

  promotions 升职

  under stress 承受压力

  job hopping 跳槽

  intense competition强烈竞争

  be replaced被淘汰

  benefits 福利

  head hunter猎头

  human resource 人力资源

  meaning in life 生命的意义

  self-worth 自我价值

  being in a team 在团队中

  learn from your boss 跟老板学习

  become fast friend with your colleagues 和同事交朋友

  contribute to social progress and stability 为社会进步和稳定做贡献

  become an able, worthy and useful person 成为有能力, 有价值,有用之人

  a bread-winning process赚钱过程

  mental satisfaction 精神满足感