雅思口语part 2话题:A Television Program

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雅思口语part 2话题:A Television Program

  A Television Program

  Describe an educational TV program that you like to watch.

  You should say:

  the name of the program

  what type of program it is

  what contents it has

  and explain what you learn from this program.

  Part 3

  Television Tastes

  What types of TV programs do you like?

  In general, what types of TV programs are most popular in China?

  Have TV programs changed in the past few years?

  Educational Television

  Do you think there should be more educational TV programs?

  How do you think television will develop in the future?

  In your opinion, how does watching TV influence people?

  What do you think are the benefits, and the drawbacks, of watching television?

  What do you think can be the result if a person watches too much TV?

  Do you want to be a TV celebrity ?

  Do you think its good that TV celebrities are often role models for young people?

  In your opinion, what qualities does someone need to have to become a TV celebrity?

  Many TV stars have an income that is very high. Do you think this is reasonable?



  A Television Program

  Describe an educational TV program that you like to watch.

  You should say:

  the name of the program

  what type of program it is

  what contents it has

  and explain what you learn from this program.

  Part 3

  Television Tastes

  What types of TV programs do you like?

  In general, what types of TV programs are most popular in China?

  Have TV programs changed in the past few years?

  Educational Television

  Do you think there should be more educational TV programs?

  How do you think television will develop in the future?

  In your opinion, how does watching TV influence people?

  What do you think are the benefits, and the drawbacks, of watching television?

  What do you think can be the result if a person watches too much TV?

  Do you want to be a TV celebrity ?

  Do you think its good that TV celebrities are often role models for young people?

  In your opinion, what qualities does someone need to have to become a TV celebrity?

  Many TV stars have an income that is very high. Do you think this is reasonable?