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考试成绩好的同学最大的成功经验就是多做练习题,对于大学英语四级词汇来说也是如此,词汇题往往不太好把握1. Word had come from the manager ____________ a new transaction would be concluded.A) whoB) thatC) whichD) when2. There was a traffic jam, but she ____________ get to the destination in time.A) couldB) mightC) ought toD) was able to3. Do you think ____________ I should ? she asked me.A) thatB) whetherC) ifD) when4. Their room was on the third floor, its window ____________ the sports ground.A) overlooksB) overlookingC) overlookedD) to overlook5. On no account ____________ to anyone who works in the company.A) my name must be mentionedB) my name must mentionC) must my name be mentionedD) must my name mention6. Jim knows little of mathematics, ____________ of chemistry.A) and still lessB) as well asC) no less thanD) and still more7. The man denied ____________ any thing at the supermarket when he was questioned by the police.A) to have stolenB ) to stealC ) having stolenD ) having been stealing8. Did he tell you what ____________ if he had a chance?A) was he going to doB) he would doC) be had doneD) had to do9. The results were to ____________ yesterday, but we have heard nothing.A) revealB) have revealedC) be revealedD) have been revealed10. Calculations, which are astronomically exact, have been made ____________ with the use of computers.A) possibleB) it possibleC) possiblyD) to be possible

答案与解析:1. B)空格及其后的内容作word的同位语,表示经理所说的话的内容。2. D)本题主要是A)和D)的辨析,be able to 与can的主要区别在于前者表示客观的能力,后者主观更多色彩更浓。本题根据时态及全句的内容,看出这是个客观的事实,因此应选D)。3. A)此处是由that引导的宾语从句。4. B)分词的独立主格结构,window与overlook的关系是主动的,故要用现在分词。5. C)倒装。状语on no account中含有否定词,故要用倒装。6. A)less与little才是递进的关系。7. C)在deny之后要用动名词。8. B)在tell you的后面是一个宾语从句,而在这个宾语从句中用的是虚拟语气,看清这一点后,再看看if状语从句中的时态就能做出正确答案了。9. D)首先,我们知道结果是要 被公布 的,所以动词部分必须用被动语态,去掉A)、B)。再由句子的意思判断,结果本来要被公布的,但是我们没有听到什么消息,隐指消息未被公布,所以这是个虚拟的。10. A)这是一个固定句型。由make possible变化而来。

考试成绩好的同学最大的成功经验就是多做练习题,对于大学英语四级词汇来说也是如此,词汇题往往不太好把握1. Word had come from the manager ____________ a new transaction would be concluded.A) whoB) thatC) whichD) when2. There was a traffic jam, but she ____________ get to the destination in time.A) couldB) mightC) ought toD) was able to3. Do you think ____________ I should ? she asked me.A) thatB) whetherC) ifD) when4. Their room was on the third floor, its window ____________ the sports ground.A) overlooksB) overlookingC) overlookedD) to overlook5. On no account ____________ to anyone who works in the company.A) my name must be mentionedB) my name must mentionC) must my name be mentionedD) must my name mention6. Jim knows little of mathematics, ____________ of chemistry.A) and still lessB) as well asC) no less thanD) and still more7. The man denied ____________ any thing at the supermarket when he was questioned by the police.A) to have stolenB ) to stealC ) having stolenD ) having been stealing8. Did he tell you what ____________ if he had a chance?A) was he going to doB) he would doC) be had doneD) had to do9. The results were to ____________ yesterday, but we have heard nothing.A) revealB) have revealedC) be revealedD) have been revealed10. Calculations, which are astronomically exact, have been made ____________ with the use of computers.A) possibleB) it possibleC) possiblyD) to be possible

答案与解析:1. B)空格及其后的内容作word的同位语,表示经理所说的话的内容。2. D)本题主要是A)和D)的辨析,be able to 与can的主要区别在于前者表示客观的能力,后者主观更多色彩更浓。本题根据时态及全句的内容,看出这是个客观的事实,因此应选D)。3. A)此处是由that引导的宾语从句。4. B)分词的独立主格结构,window与overlook的关系是主动的,故要用现在分词。5. C)倒装。状语on no account中含有否定词,故要用倒装。6. A)less与little才是递进的关系。7. C)在deny之后要用动名词。8. B)在tell you的后面是一个宾语从句,而在这个宾语从句中用的是虚拟语气,看清这一点后,再看看if状语从句中的时态就能做出正确答案了。9. D)首先,我们知道结果是要 被公布 的,所以动词部分必须用被动语态,去掉A)、B)。再由句子的意思判断,结果本来要被公布的,但是我们没有听到什么消息,隐指消息未被公布,所以这是个虚拟的。10. A)这是一个固定句型。由make possible变化而来。