雅思口语高分句型:被字句 所字句

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雅思口语高分句型:被字句 所字句



  在幼儿园阶段,我们的小朋友课可以很容易的说: 声sound,信息出来,但是我们不明白他的寓意。 到了小学生阶段:学生学会了组词: 声音 sound of voice, 随后用形容词来修饰, 轰隆隆的声音 noisy sound of voice, 其所表达的意识就更加鲜明了。

  到中学生阶段,大多数学生可以找到想要描述的对象, 例如:火车轰隆隆的声音 the noisy sound of train,大多数基础好的同学都能做出完整的句子如下, 我听到火车轰隆隆的声音,I heard the noisy sound of the train. 这个句子很好,过去式做到了,主谓宾都有,在雅思口语考试中我们完全可以轻松拿到6分。

  对于广大的大学生朋友,特别是想要雅思高分的同学,那么下面的句子才是大家最终奋斗的目标: 尽管我我听到火车轰隆隆的声音从我耳边响过,我仍旧集中精力看书,所以我觉得自己很专注。

  Although I heard the noisy sound of the train passing by my ears, still I could focus on reading, thats why I think I was really concentrated.

  句中although., still.的从句首先是一个亮点,体现了考生的思维模式,已经到了主从句的复杂句型, heard, could, was都体现了考生的灵活的过去式,passing by, 动词ing表伴随, thats why表结果的从句, was concentrated灵活的被动语态。这样的句子就是7分,甚至7.5 到8分如果考生的发音也非常的舒服。




  I was really amazed by .我被震撼了。

  I was really amazed by the Forbidden city in Beijing.

  I was really amazed by the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

  I was impressed by我对印象深刻。

  i was impressed by the West Lake in HangZhou.

  I was impressed by his English.

  I felt adj./done感到

  I felt relaxed refreshed 感到被放松,被清新

  I feel pressured 感到被压迫

  I feel content 感到满足

  I feel satisfactory 感到满意

  我所想说的是 The thing I want to say is that


  The thing I want to say is that modern-day people are much keener on travelling rather than staying at home during holidays.

  我上次所看到的主要是是The thing I saw last time was mainly that


  The thing I saw last time was mainly that tourists nationwide all queue up for each pavilion in great order inside the 2010 World Expo Park.

  我所珍惜的自由是The freedom that I cherish is that


  The freedom that I cherish is that I now live on my own, independently managing my study leisure time, not living with my parents their nagging any more.

  我所要提一提的是The point that I want to say is that


  The point that I want to say is that the living standard the consumption level are much better and higher than those two 20 years ago.

  所进入我脑海的第一点是The first thing that sprang into my mind is that..


  The first thing that sprang into my mind is that visitors to those historic buildings can learn history in a vivid way rather than from a book.

  之所以是因为The reason whyis because


  The reason why I want to become a professor in a university in UK is because I hope to deliver Chinese culture in western countries.


  The reason why we Chinese students have to learn English well is that it can provide us with more opportunities wider stage for development.

  由于这样一个事实This is due to the fact that.


  Modern-day people should go to the gym regularly. This is due to the fact that exercise can stretch our bodies, muscles and ligaments, for those who sit for too long, sports can really do good to their spines.

  这是因为It is because


  We can try to eat more vegetables and fruits, it is because they are full of vitamin fiber, helping our digestion metabolism system.





  在幼儿园阶段,我们的小朋友课可以很容易的说: 声sound,信息出来,但是我们不明白他的寓意。 到了小学生阶段:学生学会了组词: 声音 sound of voice, 随后用形容词来修饰, 轰隆隆的声音 noisy sound of voice, 其所表达的意识就更加鲜明了。

  到中学生阶段,大多数学生可以找到想要描述的对象, 例如:火车轰隆隆的声音 the noisy sound of train,大多数基础好的同学都能做出完整的句子如下, 我听到火车轰隆隆的声音,I heard the noisy sound of the train. 这个句子很好,过去式做到了,主谓宾都有,在雅思口语考试中我们完全可以轻松拿到6分。

  对于广大的大学生朋友,特别是想要雅思高分的同学,那么下面的句子才是大家最终奋斗的目标: 尽管我我听到火车轰隆隆的声音从我耳边响过,我仍旧集中精力看书,所以我觉得自己很专注。

  Although I heard the noisy sound of the train passing by my ears, still I could focus on reading, thats why I think I was really concentrated.

  句中although., still.的从句首先是一个亮点,体现了考生的思维模式,已经到了主从句的复杂句型, heard, could, was都体现了考生的灵活的过去式,passing by, 动词ing表伴随, thats why表结果的从句, was concentrated灵活的被动语态。这样的句子就是7分,甚至7.5 到8分如果考生的发音也非常的舒服。




  I was really amazed by .我被震撼了。

  I was really amazed by the Forbidden city in Beijing.

  I was really amazed by the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai.

  I was impressed by我对印象深刻。

  i was impressed by the West Lake in HangZhou.

  I was impressed by his English.

  I felt adj./done感到

  I felt relaxed refreshed 感到被放松,被清新

  I feel pressured 感到被压迫

  I feel content 感到满足

  I feel satisfactory 感到满意

  我所想说的是 The thing I want to say is that


  The thing I want to say is that modern-day people are much keener on travelling rather than staying at home during holidays.

  我上次所看到的主要是是The thing I saw last time was mainly that


  The thing I saw last time was mainly that tourists nationwide all queue up for each pavilion in great order inside the 2010 World Expo Park.

  我所珍惜的自由是The freedom that I cherish is that


  The freedom that I cherish is that I now live on my own, independently managing my study leisure time, not living with my parents their nagging any more.

  我所要提一提的是The point that I want to say is that


  The point that I want to say is that the living standard the consumption level are much better and higher than those two 20 years ago.

  所进入我脑海的第一点是The first thing that sprang into my mind is that..


  The first thing that sprang into my mind is that visitors to those historic buildings can learn history in a vivid way rather than from a book.

  之所以是因为The reason whyis because


  The reason why I want to become a professor in a university in UK is because I hope to deliver Chinese culture in western countries.


  The reason why we Chinese students have to learn English well is that it can provide us with more opportunities wider stage for development.

  由于这样一个事实This is due to the fact that.


  Modern-day people should go to the gym regularly. This is due to the fact that exercise can stretch our bodies, muscles and ligaments, for those who sit for too long, sports can really do good to their spines.

  这是因为It is because


  We can try to eat more vegetables and fruits, it is because they are full of vitamin fiber, helping our digestion metabolism system.



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