雅思作文TASK 2真题写作技巧精讲和范文

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雅思作文TASK 2真题写作技巧精讲和范文

  在雅思写作考试中,在TASK TWO部分曾出现这样一道考题大致如下: There is an issue of what are the purposes of the places like museums. Some people suggest that the government should invest a small amount of money, others think the museum is a financial burden to society. What is your opinion? And how should they be funded? 假设您是一名考生, 您会怎样构思和作答? 你可否写一篇例文?

  答: 现根据你提供的题目, 谈一谈我的写作思路, 并提供一篇我写的例文仅供参考。

  首先, 我们来分析一下考题。题目是关于博物馆的作用以及政府是否需要资助的问题, 有些人认为政府应给博物馆提供一些资金,也有些人认为博物馆已成为政府的财政负担,你的观点怎样? 对博物馆应怎样资助? 审题这一步非常重要,考生可将题目中的关键词划出以加深印象。此题要求考生就政府是否需要资助博物馆的问题提出自己的分析, 根据题目类型, 考生要在较短的时间内确定赞同或反对的观点及论据,这一般要根据个人的经验,选择较为大众化、内容充实、容易表述的观点,考生要尽量选择符合西方人生活态度和对事物看法的论点, 这样既安全又省力。考生选择的观点要切忌过于琐碎,也不要逻辑混乱。写作时要注意结构清晰,语言准确精练,避免重复,一气呵成。同时,还要展示自己写复杂句子的能力,这是高分作文的需要。以下是我根据自己的理解所写的例文:

  Currently a growing number of governments are investing some money in museums. Some people believe this will benefit the whole society while others maintain that the government should tighten its budget and spend the money on more important things. To my mind, the former view does make sense.

  We can hardly lose sight of the fact that every country prides itself on the glory of its own history. Undoubtedly, the museum, which usually boasts a collection of objects of artistic and historical value, plays a vital role in recording a countrys history. By visiting museums, we can not only learn about our history and civilization, but gradually cultivate a sense of social responsibility, which normally stems from a clear understanding of mankinds history. For instance, if young people come to know what their ancestors have contributed to the development of their country, they will be inspired to dedicate themselves to the economic well-being of society. Moreover, in the museum, they will also learn something that can not be acquired from books. In addition, revelling in nostalgic memories is likely to be a sort of great enjoyment and relaxation. Therefore, it will be beneficial to the whole society if the government takes the lead in funding museums.

  However, we have to admit that some countries, especially poor ones, may have difficulty spending a large sum of money in this respect, but they are able to organize fundraising activities so that wealthy members of society can donate money to public facilities such as museums. As far as I know, this is common practice in many countries.

  In the final analysis, it is quite clear that museums are treasure troves of mankind. The government, as well as the individuals, should endeavour to provide enough funds for them to be on the right track.

  在上面的例文中,我使用的从句占了主体,同时使用了一些书面惯用语,如 We can hardly lose sight of the fact that, boast a collection of objects of artistic and historical value, reveling in nostalgic memories, is likely to be等等。考生应学会在考试时,加入一些语言 亮点, 也许在考官审评时会 闪光, 给全文增色。大家在平时的学习中一定要注意积累, 多背诵一些好的文章, 对提高写作水平大有裨益。


  在雅思写作考试中,在TASK TWO部分曾出现这样一道考题大致如下: There is an issue of what are the purposes of the places like museums. Some people suggest that the government should invest a small amount of money, others think the museum is a financial burden to society. What is your opinion? And how should they be funded? 假设您是一名考生, 您会怎样构思和作答? 你可否写一篇例文?

  答: 现根据你提供的题目, 谈一谈我的写作思路, 并提供一篇我写的例文仅供参考。

  首先, 我们来分析一下考题。题目是关于博物馆的作用以及政府是否需要资助的问题, 有些人认为政府应给博物馆提供一些资金,也有些人认为博物馆已成为政府的财政负担,你的观点怎样? 对博物馆应怎样资助? 审题这一步非常重要,考生可将题目中的关键词划出以加深印象。此题要求考生就政府是否需要资助博物馆的问题提出自己的分析, 根据题目类型, 考生要在较短的时间内确定赞同或反对的观点及论据,这一般要根据个人的经验,选择较为大众化、内容充实、容易表述的观点,考生要尽量选择符合西方人生活态度和对事物看法的论点, 这样既安全又省力。考生选择的观点要切忌过于琐碎,也不要逻辑混乱。写作时要注意结构清晰,语言准确精练,避免重复,一气呵成。同时,还要展示自己写复杂句子的能力,这是高分作文的需要。以下是我根据自己的理解所写的例文:

  Currently a growing number of governments are investing some money in museums. Some people believe this will benefit the whole society while others maintain that the government should tighten its budget and spend the money on more important things. To my mind, the former view does make sense.

  We can hardly lose sight of the fact that every country prides itself on the glory of its own history. Undoubtedly, the museum, which usually boasts a collection of objects of artistic and historical value, plays a vital role in recording a countrys history. By visiting museums, we can not only learn about our history and civilization, but gradually cultivate a sense of social responsibility, which normally stems from a clear understanding of mankinds history. For instance, if young people come to know what their ancestors have contributed to the development of their country, they will be inspired to dedicate themselves to the economic well-being of society. Moreover, in the museum, they will also learn something that can not be acquired from books. In addition, revelling in nostalgic memories is likely to be a sort of great enjoyment and relaxation. Therefore, it will be beneficial to the whole society if the government takes the lead in funding museums.

  However, we have to admit that some countries, especially poor ones, may have difficulty spending a large sum of money in this respect, but they are able to organize fundraising activities so that wealthy members of society can donate money to public facilities such as museums. As far as I know, this is common practice in many countries.

  In the final analysis, it is quite clear that museums are treasure troves of mankind. The government, as well as the individuals, should endeavour to provide enough funds for them to be on the right track.

  在上面的例文中,我使用的从句占了主体,同时使用了一些书面惯用语,如 We can hardly lose sight of the fact that, boast a collection of objects of artistic and historical value, reveling in nostalgic memories, is likely to be等等。考生应学会在考试时,加入一些语言 亮点, 也许在考官审评时会 闪光, 给全文增色。大家在平时的学习中一定要注意积累, 多背诵一些好的文章, 对提高写作水平大有裨益。


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