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A bigger glass lobby stretching into Lincoln Center’splaza. Operas on Sunday. And perhaps, following the lead of its neighboring theaters recentlyrenamed for David Geffen and David H. Koch, slapping another wealthy donor’s name on thestoried Metropolitan Opera House.

修建一个延伸至林肯中心(Lincoln Center)广场的更大的玻璃大堂。周日也安排歌剧演出。也许会效仿周围的剧院——它们最近分别以戴维·格芬(David Geffen)和戴维·H·科克(David H. Koch)命名——把另一位富有捐款人的名字刻在历史悠久的大都会歌剧院(Metropolitan Opera House)的墙上。

These ideas, disclosed by Peter Gelb, the Met’s general manager, in an interview as heprepared to begin his 10th season at the helm of the company, suggest a renewed focus ondrawing new audiences and raising desperately needed money for the opera, where attendancehas struggled. If Mr. Gelb’s first decade was notable for technological innovations thatbroadened the Met’s reach outward — his popular “Live in HD simulcasts of operas at cinemasreached 2.6 million people last season — much of what he would like to do in the comingseasons looks inward.

大都会歌剧院的总经理彼得·盖尔布(Peter Gelb)在采访中透露了上述想法。他即将开始第十季对该剧院的掌管。他说,他将把重点转向吸引新观众,为歌剧院筹集急需的资金。剧院此前的上座率不够理想。如果说盖尔布在大都会歌剧院第一个十年最重要的贡献是技术革新,扩大歌剧院外部的影响范围——上一季,他组织了Live in HD活动,同时在多家影院播放歌剧,很受欢迎,有260万观众观看了演出——那么,未来几季他主要想做的事有关于内部。

“The last thing that we can do is sit idly by, Mr. Gelb said during the interview in his office. “We have to keep poking the tires and looking at new ways of approaching the art itself in theform of new productions and commissions, and also looking at the physical plant of the Met,and how we perform. We’re looking at everything.


After several years of serious fiscal challenges, the Met’s recent cost-cutting — including fromits artists and its workers, who agreed to their first pay cuts in decades last year after a seriesof bitter labor negotiations — is beginning to bear fruit. The company ended last season with asurplus of $1 million, according to preliminary financial results released on Wednesday; thatwas a marked improvement from the prior season, when it ran a $22 million deficit, its mostserious in decades. And Mr. Gelb said that the Met had raised the first $100 million of a five-year, $600 million fund-raising drive aimed at doubling its endowment, supporting operationsand paying for new capital projects, including the hoped-for renovation and expansion of itslobby.


But there was worrisome news on the attendance front: The Met said it had earned only 69percent of its potential box-office revenue last season, down from 73.2 percent the previousseason. That is one reason Mr. Gelb said he would like to add at least some performances onSundays, initially on a trial basis. Met officials believe it would be the first time they havepresented fully staged operas on Sundays. Other major opera houses and Broadway theatershold Sunday performances, and Mr. Gelb said that the Met had seen its Friday and Saturdayproductions outsell weeknights in recent years as audience habits have changed.


“If you’re going to experience a three-hour, three-and-a-half-hour opera and want to havedinner, you need time, Mr. Gelb said. “A Sunday performance would be something that wouldmake a lot of sense.


Significant hurdles remain for many of Mr. Gelb’s plans. Adding Sunday performances wouldrequire the agreement of the Met’s work force and its powerful unions, whose relationships withMr. Gelb were badly strained during last year’s labor talks, and whose members already workpunishing schedules during the opera season. Expanding the Met’s lobby into the LincolnCenter plaza would require successful fund-raising as well as the approval of the center’sadministration and, possibly, the city. And traditionalists may shudder at the idea of a newname for the opera house, known for more than a century as the Metropolitan Opera — aninternationally recognized classic along the lines of the Teatro alla Scala, the Royal Opera Houseor, closer to home, Yankee Stadium.

盖尔布的很多计划都面临着巨大的障碍。周日增加演出必须获得歌剧院工作人员和强大的工会的同意。在去年的劳资谈判中,他们和盖尔布的关系变得非常紧张。此外,工作人员的在演出季的日程已经非常艰苦。把大都会歌剧院的大堂延伸至林肯中心广场需要成功筹款,并获得林肯中心管理层甚至纽约市政府的同意。保守主义者可能不敢给歌剧院重新命名。大都会歌剧院这个名字已经存在一个多世纪了,是国际知名的经典剧院,与斯卡拉歌剧院(Teatro alla Scala)、英国皇家歌剧院(Royal Opera House)或纽约本地的洋基体育场(YankeeStadium)齐名。

Mr. Gelb said that the Met needs to do these things, and more, to ensure that it can continueto thrive. One of his ideas — inspired in part by last season’s new production of “Pagliacci,which featured a troupe of traveling vaudevillians — is to create an opera truck to bring small-scale, staged performances with a small orchestra to communities around New York. He hasbeen working on the project, tentatively called “MET2GO, with the Dutch director Lotte deBeer, who has an organization, Operafront, which does similar work in the Netherlands. Mr.Gelb, who is working to raise money for the project, hopes to have a traveling version of Verdi’s“La Traviata ready by June 2023 or 2023.

盖尔布说,大都会歌剧院需要做这些事以及更多的事情,来确保它能继续繁荣。他的另一个想法是创立歌剧卡车,在纽约的各个社区巡回演出仅需小管弦乐队的小规模剧目。这个想法部分来自上一季的新剧《丑角》(Pagliacci),它讲述的是一个巡演杂耍剧团的故事。另外,他在与荷兰导演洛特·德·比尔(Lotte de Beer)策划一个暂时称为MET2GO的项目。比尔在荷兰有个名叫Operafront的组织,从事类似的活动。盖尔布正在给这个项目筹款,他希望在2023年6月或2023年之前推出威尔第(Verdi)《茶花女》(La Traviata)的巡演版。

“The Met can never be accessible enough, he said.


Toward that end, he said, he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding andrenovating its cramped lobby — which the building’s architect, Wallace K. Harrison, was forcedto scale back to save money half a century ago. “What was left was this very tight fit betweenthe front doors of the Met and the entranceway, so in a period of 30 to 45 minutes before aperformance you have this mob scene of people trying to get into the opera house, Mr. Gelbsaid. “Which is good — at least people are trying to get in.

最后,他说,他想通过扩展和整修狭小的大堂来让歌剧院更受欢迎。半个世纪前,为了节省成本,这幢建筑的设计师华莱士·K·哈里森(Wallace K. Harrison)不得不按比例缩小了大堂。“结果,大都会歌剧院的前门和入口之间变得非常狭小,在演出开始前的30至45分钟时间里,你会看到这里挤满了想进入歌剧院的人,盖尔布说,“这也是好事——至少人们想进去。

The Met has engaged Levien & Company, a project management firm that has worked onother successful theater renovations in the city, to study how it might be able to build a lowglass enclosure running the width of the Met and extending 30 or 40 feet into the LincolnCenter plaza. That addition would add several thousand square feet of space that would allowthe Met to redesign its box-office area, gift shop and art gallery and to possibly add a cafe.

Levien & Company项目管理公司曾成功完成纽约市的一些剧院整修项目。大都会歌剧院正在跟这家公司商量如何修建一个与歌剧院等宽、长三四十英尺的矮玻璃幕墙,延伸至林肯中心广场。这样就能增加几千平方英尺的空间,可以重新设计售票处、礼品店和画廊,甚至还可能加个咖啡厅。

Jed Bernstein, the president of Lincoln Center, said that it would be premature to discuss theproject. But, he said, “In general, I believe that things that are good for the Met are good forLincoln Center.

林肯中心的总裁杰德·伯恩斯坦(Jed Bernstein)说,现在讨论这个项目有点早。不过他说,“总的来说,我认为,对大都会歌剧院有益的事肯定也有益于林肯中心。

“Conceptually, is it a good idea for the Met to try to come up with creative and interesting newways to engage with their audience? he asked. “Absolutely. Would we want to support themin that? Absolutely.


“Does it make sense to do a specific thing, like do a glass extension to the Met? I don’t know,because we haven’t seen any idea of really what that would mean, or what that would look like,or any of those things.


Capital projects are often more attractive to potential donors than equally needed campaignsto, say, increase endowments. The Met’s endowment fell dangerously low in recent years asthe company withdrew money to help pay for its high annual operating costs. Those costs arenow falling.


All told, the Met spent $310 million last season, down from $316 million the season before and$327 million two seasons ago. This year its budget calls for it to spend less than $300 millionfor the first time since 2010. Its endowment was valued at $266 million at the end of July,according to Mr. Gelb, but that figure does not include $19 million in pledged donations. TheMet, which was drawing more than 8 percent of its endowment annually a few years back, hasbeen steadily reducing that amount, from 6.5 percent in 2023 to 6 percent last season and thisseason; it plans to phase down to 5 percent by 2023.


Mr. Gelb said that as the fund-raising campaign proceeded, the Met would consider offeringnaming rights to the theater as a whole if a large enough donation were made. “We’re lookingfor a significant gift — a major gift that could somehow be associated with this front-of-houserenovation and perhaps even the naming of the building, he said.


Asked how large a gift would be required, he demurred. But he noted that the Met is larger andbetter known than its next-door neighbors — which were renamed for Mr. Koch and Mr. Geffenafter they each donated $100 million.



A bigger glass lobby stretching into Lincoln Center’splaza. Operas on Sunday. And perhaps, following the lead of its neighboring theaters recentlyrenamed for David Geffen and David H. Koch, slapping another wealthy donor’s name on thestoried Metropolitan Opera House.

修建一个延伸至林肯中心(Lincoln Center)广场的更大的玻璃大堂。周日也安排歌剧演出。也许会效仿周围的剧院——它们最近分别以戴维·格芬(David Geffen)和戴维·H·科克(David H. Koch)命名——把另一位富有捐款人的名字刻在历史悠久的大都会歌剧院(Metropolitan Opera House)的墙上。

These ideas, disclosed by Peter Gelb, the Met’s general manager, in an interview as heprepared to begin his 10th season at the helm of the company, suggest a renewed focus ondrawing new audiences and raising desperately needed money for the opera, where attendancehas struggled. If Mr. Gelb’s first decade was notable for technological innovations thatbroadened the Met’s reach outward — his popular “Live in HD simulcasts of operas at cinemasreached 2.6 million people last season — much of what he would like to do in the comingseasons looks inward.

大都会歌剧院的总经理彼得·盖尔布(Peter Gelb)在采访中透露了上述想法。他即将开始第十季对该剧院的掌管。他说,他将把重点转向吸引新观众,为歌剧院筹集急需的资金。剧院此前的上座率不够理想。如果说盖尔布在大都会歌剧院第一个十年最重要的贡献是技术革新,扩大歌剧院外部的影响范围——上一季,他组织了Live in HD活动,同时在多家影院播放歌剧,很受欢迎,有260万观众观看了演出——那么,未来几季他主要想做的事有关于内部。

“The last thing that we can do is sit idly by, Mr. Gelb said during the interview in his office. “We have to keep poking the tires and looking at new ways of approaching the art itself in theform of new productions and commissions, and also looking at the physical plant of the Met,and how we perform. We’re looking at everything.


After several years of serious fiscal challenges, the Met’s recent cost-cutting — including fromits artists and its workers, who agreed to their first pay cuts in decades last year after a seriesof bitter labor negotiations — is beginning to bear fruit. The company ended last season with asurplus of $1 million, according to preliminary financial results released on Wednesday; thatwas a marked improvement from the prior season, when it ran a $22 million deficit, its mostserious in decades. And Mr. Gelb said that the Met had raised the first $100 million of a five-year, $600 million fund-raising drive aimed at doubling its endowment, supporting operationsand paying for new capital projects, including the hoped-for renovation and expansion of itslobby.


But there was worrisome news on the attendance front: The Met said it had earned only 69percent of its potential box-office revenue last season, down from 73.2 percent the previousseason. That is one reason Mr. Gelb said he would like to add at least some performances onSundays, initially on a trial basis. Met officials believe it would be the first time they havepresented fully staged operas on Sundays. Other major opera houses and Broadway theatershold Sunday performances, and Mr. Gelb said that the Met had seen its Friday and Saturdayproductions outsell weeknights in recent years as audience habits have changed.


“If you’re going to experience a three-hour, three-and-a-half-hour opera and want to havedinner, you need time, Mr. Gelb said. “A Sunday performance would be something that wouldmake a lot of sense.


Significant hurdles remain for many of Mr. Gelb’s plans. Adding Sunday performances wouldrequire the agreement of the Met’s work force and its powerful unions, whose relationships withMr. Gelb were badly strained during last year’s labor talks, and whose members already workpunishing schedules during the opera season. Expanding the Met’s lobby into the LincolnCenter plaza would require successful fund-raising as well as the approval of the center’sadministration and, possibly, the city. And traditionalists may shudder at the idea of a newname for the opera house, known for more than a century as the Metropolitan Opera — aninternationally recognized classic along the lines of the Teatro alla Scala, the Royal Opera Houseor, closer to home, Yankee Stadium.

盖尔布的很多计划都面临着巨大的障碍。周日增加演出必须获得歌剧院工作人员和强大的工会的同意。在去年的劳资谈判中,他们和盖尔布的关系变得非常紧张。此外,工作人员的在演出季的日程已经非常艰苦。把大都会歌剧院的大堂延伸至林肯中心广场需要成功筹款,并获得林肯中心管理层甚至纽约市政府的同意。保守主义者可能不敢给歌剧院重新命名。大都会歌剧院这个名字已经存在一个多世纪了,是国际知名的经典剧院,与斯卡拉歌剧院(Teatro alla Scala)、英国皇家歌剧院(Royal Opera House)或纽约本地的洋基体育场(YankeeStadium)齐名。

Mr. Gelb said that the Met needs to do these things, and more, to ensure that it can continueto thrive. One of his ideas — inspired in part by last season’s new production of “Pagliacci,which featured a troupe of traveling vaudevillians — is to create an opera truck to bring small-scale, staged performances with a small orchestra to communities around New York. He hasbeen working on the project, tentatively called “MET2GO, with the Dutch director Lotte deBeer, who has an organization, Operafront, which does similar work in the Netherlands. Mr.Gelb, who is working to raise money for the project, hopes to have a traveling version of Verdi’s“La Traviata ready by June 2023 or 2023.

盖尔布说,大都会歌剧院需要做这些事以及更多的事情,来确保它能继续繁荣。他的另一个想法是创立歌剧卡车,在纽约的各个社区巡回演出仅需小管弦乐队的小规模剧目。这个想法部分来自上一季的新剧《丑角》(Pagliacci),它讲述的是一个巡演杂耍剧团的故事。另外,他在与荷兰导演洛特·德·比尔(Lotte de Beer)策划一个暂时称为MET2GO的项目。比尔在荷兰有个名叫Operafront的组织,从事类似的活动。盖尔布正在给这个项目筹款,他希望在2023年6月或2023年之前推出威尔第(Verdi)《茶花女》(La Traviata)的巡演版。

“The Met can never be accessible enough, he said.


Toward that end, he said, he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding andrenovating its cramped lobby — which the building’s architect, Wallace K. Harrison, was forcedto scale back to save money half a century ago. “What was left was this very tight fit betweenthe front doors of the Met and the entranceway, so in a period of 30 to 45 minutes before aperformance you have this mob scene of people trying to get into the opera house, Mr. Gelbsaid. “Which is good — at least people are trying to get in.

最后,他说,他想通过扩展和整修狭小的大堂来让歌剧院更受欢迎。半个世纪前,为了节省成本,这幢建筑的设计师华莱士·K·哈里森(Wallace K. Harrison)不得不按比例缩小了大堂。“结果,大都会歌剧院的前门和入口之间变得非常狭小,在演出开始前的30至45分钟时间里,你会看到这里挤满了想进入歌剧院的人,盖尔布说,“这也是好事——至少人们想进去。

The Met has engaged Levien & Company, a project management firm that has worked onother successful theater renovations in the city, to study how it might be able to build a lowglass enclosure running the width of the Met and extending 30 or 40 feet into the LincolnCenter plaza. That addition would add several thousand square feet of space that would allowthe Met to redesign its box-office area, gift shop and art gallery and to possibly add a cafe.

Levien & Company项目管理公司曾成功完成纽约市的一些剧院整修项目。大都会歌剧院正在跟这家公司商量如何修建一个与歌剧院等宽、长三四十英尺的矮玻璃幕墙,延伸至林肯中心广场。这样就能增加几千平方英尺的空间,可以重新设计售票处、礼品店和画廊,甚至还可能加个咖啡厅。

Jed Bernstein, the president of Lincoln Center, said that it would be premature to discuss theproject. But, he said, “In general, I believe that things that are good for the Met are good forLincoln Center.

林肯中心的总裁杰德·伯恩斯坦(Jed Bernstein)说,现在讨论这个项目有点早。不过他说,“总的来说,我认为,对大都会歌剧院有益的事肯定也有益于林肯中心。

“Conceptually, is it a good idea for the Met to try to come up with creative and interesting newways to engage with their audience? he asked. “Absolutely. Would we want to support themin that? Absolutely.


“Does it make sense to do a specific thing, like do a glass extension to the Met? I don’t know,because we haven’t seen any idea of really what that would mean, or what that would look like,or any of those things.


Capital projects are often more attractive to potential donors than equally needed campaignsto, say, increase endowments. The Met’s endowment fell dangerously low in recent years asthe company withdrew money to help pay for its high annual operating costs. Those costs arenow falling.


All told, the Met spent $310 million last season, down from $316 million the season before and$327 million two seasons ago. This year its budget calls for it to spend less than $300 millionfor the first time since 2010. Its endowment was valued at $266 million at the end of July,according to Mr. Gelb, but that figure does not include $19 million in pledged donations. TheMet, which was drawing more than 8 percent of its endowment annually a few years back, hasbeen steadily reducing that amount, from 6.5 percent in 2023 to 6 percent last season and thisseason; it plans to phase down to 5 percent by 2023.


Mr. Gelb said that as the fund-raising campaign proceeded, the Met would consider offeringnaming rights to the theater as a whole if a large enough donation were made. “We’re lookingfor a significant gift — a major gift that could somehow be associated with this front-of-houserenovation and perhaps even the naming of the building, he said.


Asked how large a gift would be required, he demurred. But he noted that the Met is larger andbetter known than its next-door neighbors — which were renamed for Mr. Koch and Mr. Geffenafter they each donated $100 million.


信息流广告 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 网络营销 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 查字典 社区团购 精雕图 戏曲下载 抖音代运营 易学网 互联网资讯 成语 成语故事 诗词 工商注册 注册公司 抖音带货 云南旅游网 网络游戏 代理记账 短视频运营 在线题库 国学网 知识产权 抖音运营 雕龙客 雕塑 奇石 散文 自学教程 常用文书 河北生活网 好书推荐 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄人才网 考研真题 汉语知识 心理咨询 手游安卓版下载 兴趣爱好 网络知识 十大品牌排行榜 商标交易 单机游戏下载 短视频代运营 宝宝起名 范文网 电商设计 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 经典范文 优质范文 工作总结 二手车估价 实用范文 古诗词 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 钢琴入门指法教程 词典 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 河北代理记账公司 文玩 语料库 游戏推荐 男士发型 高考作文 PS修图 儿童文学 买车咨询 工作计划 礼品厂 舟舟培训 IT教程 手机游戏推荐排行榜 暖通,电地暖, 女性健康 苗木供应 ps素材库 短视频培训 优秀个人博客 包装网 创业赚钱 养生 民间借贷律师 绿色软件 安卓手机游戏 手机软件下载 手机游戏下载 单机游戏大全 免费软件下载 石家庄论坛 网赚 手游下载 游戏盒子 职业培训 资格考试 成语大全 英语培训 艺术培训 少儿培训 苗木网 雕塑网 好玩的手机游戏推荐 汉语词典 中国机械网 美文欣赏 红楼梦 道德经 标准件 电地暖 网站转让 鲜花 书包网 英语培训机构 电商运营