2024届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:7-4 《Sharing》

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2024届高考英语一轮配套学以致用训练:7-4 《Sharing》

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.We have already made ________ for our vacation.(arrange)

  2.He ________ very quickly to the heat of the country.(adjustment)

  3.What you said has no ________ to the subject.(relevant)

  4.Would the ________ in the next event come forward?(participate)

  5.Pines have a very wide ________.(distribute)

  6.We saw a large group of people walk through the ________ country road.(mud)

  7.In China,some workers work overtime ________ for more money.(volunteer)

  8.We should reinforce the traffic ________ education to raise people's awareness towards safety.(secure)

  答案 1.arrangements 2.adjusted 3.relevance4.participants 5.distribution 6.muddy 7.voluntarily8.security


  1.If most bread­winners ____________________,then it will be hopeful.(donate)


  2.All people,whether they are old or young, rich or poor,______________ ______ since the disaster.(in need)


  3.It's ______________________ extra work these days.(not...but...)


  4.I was too busy at that time,________________.(otherwise)


  5.Everyone in the class ______________________________.(participate)


  答案 1.donate a day's pay to the Hope Project

  2.have been trying their best to help those in need

  3.not that I am unwilling to help you, but that I'm tied up with

  4.otherwise,I would have given you a hand

  5.is expected to participate in these discussions


  Karen:You're late again.

  Selina:Sorry,but there was a traffic jam.

  Karen:It's always the same excuse.Try to think of something __1__(good) next time.

  Selina:But I'm telling __2__ truth!There was an accident in the cross­harbor tunnel.I don't think anyone was hurt but __3__ took the police over an hour to clear it.__4__,how are you?You look a bit tired.

  Karen:Well,actually,I've been __5__(quarrel) with my grandmother again.I feel sad because if things go wrong,she blames me,even though it's not my fault.

  Selina:What did your grandma say?

  Karen:Her favorite expression is“ Young people are not as well __6__(behave) as they used to be.” She always complains that I don't show her enough __7__.

  Selina:Well,try and understand her.She __8__ do all the things she did __9__ she was young. It must be very frustrating.Just think,one day we'll be old...

  Karen:You're right.I should be more understanding.I think I __10__(buy) her a present and apologize.

  Selina:Right.Now you are feeling a bit better,it's your turn to help me.Could you give me a hand with my maths homework?

  Karen:Maths again!Okay,but can we find somewhere to eat first?I'm starving!

  答案 1.better 2.the 3.it 4.Anyway 5.quarrelling

  6.behaved 7.respect/regard 8.can't 9.when/while 10.will buy

  [学 以 致 用]


  1.We have already made ________ for our vacation.(arrange)

  2.He ________ very quickly to the heat of the country.(adjustment)

  3.What you said has no ________ to the subject.(relevant)

  4.Would the ________ in the next event come forward?(participate)

  5.Pines have a very wide ________.(distribute)

  6.We saw a large group of people walk through the ________ country road.(mud)

  7.In China,some workers work overtime ________ for more money.(volunteer)

  8.We should reinforce the traffic ________ education to raise people's awareness towards safety.(secure)

  答案 1.arrangements 2.adjusted 3.relevance4.participants 5.distribution 6.muddy 7.voluntarily8.security


  1.If most bread­winners ____________________,then it will be hopeful.(donate)


  2.All people,whether they are old or young, rich or poor,______________ ______ since the disaster.(in need)


  3.It's ______________________ extra work these days.(not...but...)


  4.I was too busy at that time,________________.(otherwise)


  5.Everyone in the class ______________________________.(participate)


  答案 1.donate a day's pay to the Hope Project

  2.have been trying their best to help those in need

  3.not that I am unwilling to help you, but that I'm tied up with

  4.otherwise,I would have given you a hand

  5.is expected to participate in these discussions


  Karen:You're late again.

  Selina:Sorry,but there was a traffic jam.

  Karen:It's always the same excuse.Try to think of something __1__(good) next time.

  Selina:But I'm telling __2__ truth!There was an accident in the cross­harbor tunnel.I don't think anyone was hurt but __3__ took the police over an hour to clear it.__4__,how are you?You look a bit tired.

  Karen:Well,actually,I've been __5__(quarrel) with my grandmother again.I feel sad because if things go wrong,she blames me,even though it's not my fault.

  Selina:What did your grandma say?

  Karen:Her favorite expression is“ Young people are not as well __6__(behave) as they used to be.” She always complains that I don't show her enough __7__.

  Selina:Well,try and understand her.She __8__ do all the things she did __9__ she was young. It must be very frustrating.Just think,one day we'll be old...

  Karen:You're right.I should be more understanding.I think I __10__(buy) her a present and apologize.

  Selina:Right.Now you are feeling a bit better,it's your turn to help me.Could you give me a hand with my maths homework?

  Karen:Maths again!Okay,but can we find somewhere to eat first?I'm starving!

  答案 1.better 2.the 3.it 4.Anyway 5.quarrelling

  6.behaved 7.respect/regard 8.can't 9.when/while 10.will buy