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  1.He made a(n)   with his wife “You take care of the children and I’ll cook.” 

  A.bargain B.apology

  C.promise D.experiment


  解析:make a bargain “(经过协商)达成协议”。由后面的“你照看孩子,我做饭”可以看出这是一种协议,选A项最合适。

  2.She thinks women have to do more than men do when they   for jobs or honours. 

  A.select B.compete

  C.store D.charge


  解析:句意:她认为在为竞争工作或荣誉时女人比男人需要做得更多。select “挑选”;compete “竞争”;store “储存”;charge “收费”。

  3.—Hi,Nancy,I didn’t know you had come back.So have you graduated from college?

  —Yes.I   French for 5 years in Nanjing. 

  A.have studied B.studied

  C.had studied D.am studying


  解析:从上文可知南希毕业了, 因此她在南京学习法语是过去的事情, 故用一般过去时态。

  4.It looks as if they are going to   me 10 dollars for the cup of coffee. 

  A.want B.cost

  C.demand D.charge


  解析:charge ...for ...意为 “因……而收……费用”。

  5.I like this jacket better than that one,but it costs almost three times . 

  A.as much B.as many

  C.so much D.so many


  解析:句意:比起那件夹克来我更喜欢这件, 但它几乎比那件贵两倍。倍数表达方式之一就是 “倍数 + as ...as” 结构。此句中第二个as和后面的内容都省略了。补充完整应该是 ...as much as that one。many修饰不可数名词;so ...as ...一般用于否定句中。

  6.  like the native speakers,you have to listen to what they say and read what they write. 

  A.Talking B.To talk

  C.Having talked D.Talk


  解析:由句意可知用动词不定式作目的状语。句意:为了像母语使用者那样说话, 你得听他们所说的话, 读他们所写的东西。

  7.—It’s better for you to lose weight by taking exercise every morning.

  —I think your suggestion deserves  . 

  A.consider B.considered

  C.to be considered D.to consider


  解析:句意:——你最好每天早上通过体育锻炼来减肥。——我认为你的建议值得考虑。 deserve “值得, 应得, 应受”, 其用法为:deserve doing (主动形式表被动意义)/deserve to be done, 故C项正确。

  8.As modern equipment is being used widely,the factory will   some of its workers with robots. 

  A.represent B.replace

  C.exchange D.reduce


  解析:根据句意, 应使用replace sb.with...表示 “用……替换某人”。

  9.The girls   into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work. 

  A.accepted B.accepting

  C.admitted D.admitting


  解析:be admitted into 表示 “被接受进入”, 句中缺少后置定语, admit与主语之间是动宾关系, 因而使用过去分词。

  10.—What field will your son go into after graduation from Nanjing University?

  —I’m not sure,but he   to be a good teacher of English. 

  A.promises B.becomes

  C.makes D.proves


  解析:promise在此处的意思为 “预示, 有希望成为”。其他三个选项与本题语境不符。

  11.Effective measures   by our government to reduce pollution,but it may be some time before the situation improves. 

  A.will take B.have taken

  C.will be taken D.have been taken


  解析:句意:政府已经采取了有效措施来减轻污染, 但可能要过一段时间情况才能得到改善。从句子的后半部分可知, 已经采取了措施, 而且measures 和take之间为被动关系, 故用现在完成时的被动语态。

  12.The No.1 subway,  at the end of 2024,will greatly improve the traffic conditions in Qingdao. 

  A.opened B.was opened

  C.opens D.to be opened


  解析:句意:2024年年底将要开通的一号地铁将大大改善青岛的交通状况。从时间状语“at the end of 2024”可知,此处指的是将来要发生的动作,故用to be done形式。

  13.The whole city was in high spirits because pieces of exciting news came  . 

  A.step by step B.little by little

  C.side by side D.one after another


  解析:one after another意为 “一个接一个地”;step by step “一步一步地”;little by little “逐渐地”;side by side “肩并肩地”。根据题意选D项。

  14.Tomorrow will be the Youth Day.Will you   us in the picnic in the boat on the West Lake? 

  A.take part in B.join

  C.attend D.join in


  解析:join sb.in sth.意为 “加入某些人的行列中去参加某项活动”。

  15.  to the company,candidates need to prove their strengths. 

  A.Admitting B.To admit

  C.Being admitted D.To be admitted



  16.—Can I take  result of the testing out? 

  —The lab is in  charge of Philip,and you’d better ask him for permission. 

  A./;the B.the;/

  C.a;/ D.the;the


  解析:考查冠词用法。result of the testing为双方知道的检测结果,因此用定冠词表示特指;in the charge of sb.“由某人负责”。

  17.—You seemed to be deeply struck by his skills.

  —Not exactly.It was his courage his skills that really struck me most. 

  A.rather B.as well as

  C.but also D.not as


  解析:as well as既可以用作介词,也可以用作连词。此处相当于and。后句句意:正是他的勇气和技艺最打动我。

  18.It is generally believed that teaching is  it is a science. 

  A.an art much as B.much an art as

  C.as an art much as D.as much an art as



  19.In this zoo,visitors will see many large animals  the cat family,such as tigers and lions. 

  A.belonging to B.belonged to

  C.belonged D.belonging


  解析:考查belong to的用法。belong to“属于”,没有被动语态。这些动物属于猫科动物,只能用主动语态,故用动词-ing形式。

  20.—I think taking exercise is very important.Because it helps us keep healthy and energetic. ? 

  —I agree with you.

  A.How do you exercise B.Why do you never exercise

  C.How can you know that D.What do you think


  解析:情景交际题。根据答语中的I agree with you可推断出,是询问对方的意见。

  1.He made a(n)   with his wife “You take care of the children and I’ll cook.” 

  A.bargain B.apology

  C.promise D.experiment


  解析:make a bargain “(经过协商)达成协议”。由后面的“你照看孩子,我做饭”可以看出这是一种协议,选A项最合适。

  2.She thinks women have to do more than men do when they   for jobs or honours. 

  A.select B.compete

  C.store D.charge


  解析:句意:她认为在为竞争工作或荣誉时女人比男人需要做得更多。select “挑选”;compete “竞争”;store “储存”;charge “收费”。

  3.—Hi,Nancy,I didn’t know you had come back.So have you graduated from college?

  —Yes.I   French for 5 years in Nanjing. 

  A.have studied B.studied

  C.had studied D.am studying


  解析:从上文可知南希毕业了, 因此她在南京学习法语是过去的事情, 故用一般过去时态。

  4.It looks as if they are going to   me 10 dollars for the cup of coffee. 

  A.want B.cost

  C.demand D.charge


  解析:charge ...for ...意为 “因……而收……费用”。

  5.I like this jacket better than that one,but it costs almost three times . 

  A.as much B.as many

  C.so much D.so many


  解析:句意:比起那件夹克来我更喜欢这件, 但它几乎比那件贵两倍。倍数表达方式之一就是 “倍数 + as ...as” 结构。此句中第二个as和后面的内容都省略了。补充完整应该是 ...as much as that one。many修饰不可数名词;so ...as ...一般用于否定句中。

  6.  like the native speakers,you have to listen to what they say and read what they write. 

  A.Talking B.To talk

  C.Having talked D.Talk


  解析:由句意可知用动词不定式作目的状语。句意:为了像母语使用者那样说话, 你得听他们所说的话, 读他们所写的东西。

  7.—It’s better for you to lose weight by taking exercise every morning.

  —I think your suggestion deserves  . 

  A.consider B.considered

  C.to be considered D.to consider


  解析:句意:——你最好每天早上通过体育锻炼来减肥。——我认为你的建议值得考虑。 deserve “值得, 应得, 应受”, 其用法为:deserve doing (主动形式表被动意义)/deserve to be done, 故C项正确。

  8.As modern equipment is being used widely,the factory will   some of its workers with robots. 

  A.represent B.replace

  C.exchange D.reduce


  解析:根据句意, 应使用replace sb.with...表示 “用……替换某人”。

  9.The girls   into the company recently have to receive strict training before they start to work. 

  A.accepted B.accepting

  C.admitted D.admitting


  解析:be admitted into 表示 “被接受进入”, 句中缺少后置定语, admit与主语之间是动宾关系, 因而使用过去分词。

  10.—What field will your son go into after graduation from Nanjing University?

  —I’m not sure,but he   to be a good teacher of English. 

  A.promises B.becomes

  C.makes D.proves


  解析:promise在此处的意思为 “预示, 有希望成为”。其他三个选项与本题语境不符。

  11.Effective measures   by our government to reduce pollution,but it may be some time before the situation improves. 

  A.will take B.have taken

  C.will be taken D.have been taken


  解析:句意:政府已经采取了有效措施来减轻污染, 但可能要过一段时间情况才能得到改善。从句子的后半部分可知, 已经采取了措施, 而且measures 和take之间为被动关系, 故用现在完成时的被动语态。

  12.The No.1 subway,  at the end of 2024,will greatly improve the traffic conditions in Qingdao. 

  A.opened B.was opened

  C.opens D.to be opened


  解析:句意:2024年年底将要开通的一号地铁将大大改善青岛的交通状况。从时间状语“at the end of 2024”可知,此处指的是将来要发生的动作,故用to be done形式。

  13.The whole city was in high spirits because pieces of exciting news came  . 

  A.step by step B.little by little

  C.side by side D.one after another


  解析:one after another意为 “一个接一个地”;step by step “一步一步地”;little by little “逐渐地”;side by side “肩并肩地”。根据题意选D项。

  14.Tomorrow will be the Youth Day.Will you   us in the picnic in the boat on the West Lake? 

  A.take part in B.join

  C.attend D.join in


  解析:join sb.in sth.意为 “加入某些人的行列中去参加某项活动”。

  15.  to the company,candidates need to prove their strengths. 

  A.Admitting B.To admit

  C.Being admitted D.To be admitted



  16.—Can I take  result of the testing out? 

  —The lab is in  charge of Philip,and you’d better ask him for permission. 

  A./;the B.the;/

  C.a;/ D.the;the


  解析:考查冠词用法。result of the testing为双方知道的检测结果,因此用定冠词表示特指;in the charge of sb.“由某人负责”。

  17.—You seemed to be deeply struck by his skills.

  —Not exactly.It was his courage his skills that really struck me most. 

  A.rather B.as well as

  C.but also D.not as


  解析:as well as既可以用作介词,也可以用作连词。此处相当于and。后句句意:正是他的勇气和技艺最打动我。

  18.It is generally believed that teaching is  it is a science. 

  A.an art much as B.much an art as

  C.as an art much as D.as much an art as



  19.In this zoo,visitors will see many large animals  the cat family,such as tigers and lions. 

  A.belonging to B.belonged to

  C.belonged D.belonging


  解析:考查belong to的用法。belong to“属于”,没有被动语态。这些动物属于猫科动物,只能用主动语态,故用动词-ing形式。

  20.—I think taking exercise is very important.Because it helps us keep healthy and energetic. ? 

  —I agree with you.

  A.How do you exercise B.Why do you never exercise

  C.How can you know that D.What do you think


  解析:情景交际题。根据答语中的I agree with you可推断出,是询问对方的意见。