2024届高考英语一轮跟踪训练:必修4 unit2《working the land》

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2024届高考英语一轮跟踪训练:必修4 unit2《working the land》


  against terrorism.答案:struggle____________ (饥饿) because of the natural disasters.答案:hunger____________(扩大) her business and reach a global market.答案:expand____________ (因此) honesty is essential.答案:therefore____________(聚焦) on the most urgent problems.答案:focused)在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。____________ (satisfy),he succeeded in finishing the work ahead of schedule.

  答案:satisfaction man does walking every day to build ____________ his muscle.

  答案:up-What do you think of her speech last night?-Just so­so.She gave us too much information____________ (confuse).答案:confused____________(follow) your parents’ advice will help you become more confident.

  答案:Following____________ (make) me understood.

  答案:making选词填空 用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。;rid...of;care about;would rather;build up;lead to;focus on;keep...free from;search for;in addition____________ his resignation.

  答案:lead to2.Further measures will be taken to ____________ our streets ________ crime.

  答案:rid;of____________exam results.

  答案:focus onsually____________the table ____________dust by putting a cover over it.

  答案:keeps; free from__________ millennia but they haven’t found the meaning of life.

  答案:searched forI____________ fail than cheat in the examination.

  答案:would rather____________this treatment,her condition has improved.

  答案:Thanks to____________being wealthy.

  答案:care about____________ to all her other qualifications,Bessie was an expert cook.

  答案:In addition____________ in the atmosphere,causing the global temperature to go up.

  答案:build up完成句子 运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。____________________(导致失败).答案:leads to failureures should be taken to ________ the children and old ____________________ (使……免受)the polluted vegetables above all.答案:keep;free from____________________(幸亏……的支持)from the local government rebuild their houses soon after the earthquake.

  答案:Thanks to the support(to) ____________________(去除你的焦虑)and nervousness.答案:rid you of the anxietyTo be mentally healthy,you need to __________________(建立良好的关系)with each other.答案:build up good relationships词语串练 根据汉语提示完成下列短文。e ____1____against natural disasters,like drought.____2____,they lack enough ____3____;as a result____4____,they

  ____5____learning advanced technology from ____6____countries,and

  ____7____the food supply.All these ____8____have led to much progress in their life.

  我想说说非洲的现状。大部分人还在同干旱等自然灾害作斗争。让我们感到遗憾的是他们缺少足够的设备。结果农作物的产量锐减。值得庆幸的是当地人正集中精力学习发达国家的先进经验逐步增强食物供给;这些措施已经使他们的生活有了很大进步。答案:1.struggle 2.To our regret 3.equipment 4.Luckily 5.focus on 6.developed 7.build up 8.measures课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。______1______ pioneer of agriculture in China.He ______2______(graduate)from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.______3______ then he devoted his life to ______4______(find)ways to grow more rice.The rice farmers are now producing harvest twice as large as before by growing his kind of rice.______5______ he was not satisfied with his work.______6______ now he leads a rich life,he still goes on with his work to develop his rice.I think his work is ______7______(real)important to the world.______8______ of his hard work,the production of food has been improved.And the problem of ______9______(hungry)can be solved.Thanks to Yuan Longping’s great work,millions of people can benefit ______10______ his extraordinary work.

  答案:1.a 2.graduated 3.Since 4.finding 5.But 6.Although 7.really 8.Because 9.hunger 10.from










  One possible version:Hunger used to be disturbing in this area.In the past decade,farmers succeeded in the struggle against the expanding desert.Equipped with new farming methods,their output of grain and other crops has increased.


  against terrorism.答案:struggle____________ (饥饿) because of the natural disasters.答案:hunger____________(扩大) her business and reach a global market.答案:expand____________ (因此) honesty is essential.答案:therefore____________(聚焦) on the most urgent problems.答案:focused)在句中空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。____________ (satisfy),he succeeded in finishing the work ahead of schedule.

  答案:satisfaction man does walking every day to build ____________ his muscle.

  答案:up-What do you think of her speech last night?-Just so­so.She gave us too much information____________ (confuse).答案:confused____________(follow) your parents’ advice will help you become more confident.

  答案:Following____________ (make) me understood.

  答案:making选词填空 用方框中短语的适当形式完成下列句子。;rid...of;care about;would rather;build up;lead to;focus on;keep...free from;search for;in addition____________ his resignation.

  答案:lead to2.Further measures will be taken to ____________ our streets ________ crime.

  答案:rid;of____________exam results.

  答案:focus onsually____________the table ____________dust by putting a cover over it.

  答案:keeps; free from__________ millennia but they haven’t found the meaning of life.

  答案:searched forI____________ fail than cheat in the examination.

  答案:would rather____________this treatment,her condition has improved.

  答案:Thanks to____________being wealthy.

  答案:care about____________ to all her other qualifications,Bessie was an expert cook.

  答案:In addition____________ in the atmosphere,causing the global temperature to go up.

  答案:build up完成句子 运用所学词汇或句型完成下列句子。____________________(导致失败).答案:leads to failureures should be taken to ________ the children and old ____________________ (使……免受)the polluted vegetables above all.答案:keep;free from____________________(幸亏……的支持)from the local government rebuild their houses soon after the earthquake.

  答案:Thanks to the support(to) ____________________(去除你的焦虑)and nervousness.答案:rid you of the anxietyTo be mentally healthy,you need to __________________(建立良好的关系)with each other.答案:build up good relationships词语串练 根据汉语提示完成下列短文。e ____1____against natural disasters,like drought.____2____,they lack enough ____3____;as a result____4____,they

  ____5____learning advanced technology from ____6____countries,and

  ____7____the food supply.All these ____8____have led to much progress in their life.

  我想说说非洲的现状。大部分人还在同干旱等自然灾害作斗争。让我们感到遗憾的是他们缺少足够的设备。结果农作物的产量锐减。值得庆幸的是当地人正集中精力学习发达国家的先进经验逐步增强食物供给;这些措施已经使他们的生活有了很大进步。答案:1.struggle 2.To our regret 3.equipment 4.Luckily 5.focus on 6.developed 7.build up 8.measures课文语法填空阅读下面课文缩写材料在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)。______1______ pioneer of agriculture in China.He ______2______(graduate)from Southwest Agricultural College in 1953.______3______ then he devoted his life to ______4______(find)ways to grow more rice.The rice farmers are now producing harvest twice as large as before by growing his kind of rice.______5______ he was not satisfied with his work.______6______ now he leads a rich life,he still goes on with his work to develop his rice.I think his work is ______7______(real)important to the world.______8______ of his hard work,the production of food has been improved.And the problem of ______9______(hungry)can be solved.Thanks to Yuan Longping’s great work,millions of people can benefit ______10______ his extraordinary work.

  答案:1.a 2.graduated 3.Since 4.finding 5.But 6.Although 7.really 8.Because 9.hunger 10.from










  One possible version:Hunger used to be disturbing in this area.In the past decade,farmers succeeded in the struggle against the expanding desert.Equipped with new farming methods,their output of grain and other crops has increased.