2024届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:23 选修8 Unit 23(北师大版含解析)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:23 选修8 Unit 23(北师大版含解析)

  考点规范练23(选修8 Unit 23)


  Dealing with conflict in the workplace is rarely easy.Hurt feelings and anger can lead to lower employee morale as well as a loss of productivity and a poor work environment.As a manager,you should find some ways yourself to solve the conflict.The goal is to build a team-centered workforce.

  You can use role-reversal (角色转换) methods to help each employee understand how the other feels.This model works best when there are only two parties involved.You can hold a meeting with annoyed workers in your office.You might say,“Jane,explain to me how you would feel if Nancy went to lunch with your clients without telling you?” Or,“Nancy,how would you respond if Jane came to me with complaints about you,but hadn’t tried to talk to you about them first?”

  Workers often respond better to praise than criticism.By publicly drawing attention to employees who have healthy work relationships,you can increase the awareness for those who encourage any conflict.Avoid mentioning teams or departments that are being troubled by conflict.Instead,focus on the teams that work well together.You might say,“I want to express thanks to the design team for working together to meet the deadline this week,” or “Special thanks to the finance department for their teamwork in making sure that the quarterly reports were accurate.” 

  And help your employees see that differences can be good and don’t necessarily lead to anger or disagreement.This is one of the best ways to settle workplace conflicts.You can meet with employees and try to stress the value of different techniques.This lets all parties know that their own styles can be effective.You might say,“I know you disagree on how to market our services,but when you combine Jim’s email marketing with Joe’s personal one-on-one phone calls,you can increase sales.The two of you go well together,” Or “I know you have different styles for interacting with clients,but Sally’s take-them-out-for-coffee approach works well together with Ann’s formal business meeting style.Both are necessary for building relationships and getting work done.”

  1.To build a team-centered workforce,employees  . 

  A.should learn to be considerate

  B.should be divided into two parties

  C.shouldn’t go out with clients alone

  D.should learn to accept public criticism

  2.By saying the underlined sentence “I want to express thanks...this week”,the author tries to show  . 

  A.differences are not all bad

  B.role reversals are necessary

  C.the importance of working together

  D.the importance of focusing on the positive

  3.How does the last paragraph mainly develop?

  A.By providing examples.

  B.By making a comparison.

  C.By following the order of space.

  D.By presenting research findings.

  4.The author’s purpose of writing the text is most likely to  . 

  A.inform B.persuade

  C.instruct D.entertain


  It was about the third week in June last year.My 15-year-old son had already settled into his summer routine:Go to  1  at 2 a.m.and wake up at 1 p.m.only to get back on his computer to play computer games  2  dinner. 

  It was the middle of the  3  when the sound of his computer games woke me up again.I couldn’t  4  that any more and decided it was time for him to get a summer job.I got on the computer and found a lifeguard certification class that  5  the next day,and a company that  6  teenagers to guard their pools. 

  From that day I woke him up at 8 a.m.every day for him to  7  the class.At first,he continued to complain that I was  8  his summer.But by the end of the week,he was actually  9  going.He learned something about first aid,figured he really could  10  someone from drowning,and got some ideas on how to  11  work for a living. 

  Two weeks later,he had a  12  as a lifeguard.He took his responsibility very  13  and never went to work late.This summer,he will be working full-time at a pool.He says a lot of his  14  don’t have jobs.And I say that is because their mothers didn’t try  15  enough!Even if your kid is  16  with finals and after-school activities and doesn’t have time,you can  17  job information for him. 

  Whether it is an ice cream store,a movie  18 ,or a summer camp,you can ask if they are hiring  19  for the summer.After your kid gets a job,pay attention to the  20  to make sure he is never late. 


  C.bed D.work

  2.A.around B.until

  C.after D.during

  3.A.night B.noon

  C.morning D.afternoon

  4.A.watch B.appreciate

  C.notice D.stand

  5.A.lasted B.rested

  C.started D.developed

  6.A.hired B.forced

  C.persuaded D.force

  7.A.give B.attend

  C.observe D.help

  8.A.designed B.ruining

  C.enjoying D.joining

  9.A.looking into B.looking out of

  C.looking down upon D.looking forward to

  10.A.recognize B.conduct

  C.save D.buy

  11.A.roughly B.luckily

  C.actually D.suddenly

  12.A.job B.problem

  C.goal D.reward

  13.A.slowly B.seriously

  C.calmly D.quickly

  14.A.teachers B.colleagues

  C.students D.friends

  15.A.hard B.fast

  C.early D.directly

  16.A.clear B.excited

  C.busy D.disappointed

  17.A.write down B.think about

  C.wait for D.search for

  18.A.theatre B.square

  C.park D.factory

  19.A.experts B.foreigners

  C.teenagers D.villagers

  20.A.habit B.schedule

  C.tradition D.determination



  There are many types of reports.A report is simply an account of something that 1. (happen).The commonest 2. (be) news reports.We get them in newspapers,over radio and on television.Sometimes cinemas also show us newsreels. 

  The main purpose of a newspaper is to provide news.3. you examine a newspaper closely,you will find that there are all types of news:accidents,floods,wars,fashions,sports,books,etc.The news covers everything 4. happens to people and their surroundings.Sometimes there are news items which are very 5. (amuse).

  A news report is usually very short,6.  when it is about something very important and it contains a lot of information.It is also written in short paragraphs.The first paragraph is in fact a summary of the news item.It gives all the necessary information,what,when,where,how and why.The 7.  paragraphs give full details of the subjects.There may also be interviews 8.  people.The words actually 9.  (speak) by them are within inverted commas. 

  Often there are photographs to go with the news 10. (make) it more interesting.



  My mom and I am fighting.We used to get on so well,and these days,she has been arguing with me about my not coming to home.She thinks I should spend more time help her with the housework instead going out a lot.In her eyes,I’m just a lazy boy whom only loves playing.The fact is that some of my friends and I are going to different school soon,so I want to spend as many time as I can with them.I knew I should try to understand the situation from her point of view.But I hope she can understand what important these friends are to me.



  .1.A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“You can use role-reversal (角色转换) methods to help each employee understand how the other feels.”以及后面的例子可知,员工之间要学会角色转换,多站在别人的角度去想一想,所以应该是相互体贴一些,故选A项。

  2.D 细节理解题。作者通过这句话意在说明“Workers often respond better to praise than criticism”,即:多向员工展示积极的一面,故选D项。

  3.A 写作方法题。由最后一段中的You might say...Or...可知,作者通过举例的方法对本段的主题句“And help your employees see that differences can be good and don’t necessarily lead to anger or disagreement.”加以说明,故选A项。

  4.C 写作目的题。由第一段中的最后一句“The goal is to build a team-centered workforce.”以及后面各段的主题句(每段的首句)可知,作者提出了解决冲突的三种方法以供参考,故选C项。

  .1.C 根据下文“wake up at 1 p.m.”可知,此处指凌晨两点睡觉(go to bed),下午一点起床。故C项正确。

  2.B 根据语境可知,他每天只玩游戏,一直玩到(until)吃晚饭的时候。故B项正确。

  3.A 根据上文“Go to  1  at 2 a.m.”可知,此处指“我”在半夜(the middle of the night)被他电脑的游戏声音弄醒了。故A项正确。

  4.D “我”再也不能忍受(stand)了,觉得该给他找份暑期工作。stand“忍受”,符合语境。故D项正确。

  5.C 由第三段第一句“From that day I woke him up at...”可知,此处指救生员认证课程的班第二天开课。last“持续”;rest“休息”;start“开始”;develop“发展”。故C项正确。

  6.A 一家公司雇用(hire)年轻人来照看游泳池。hire“雇用”;force“强迫”;persuade“说服”。故A项正确。

  7.B 由第三段第四句中“He learned something about first aid...”可知,每天早上八点我叫醒儿子去参加(attend)这个班的学习。give“给”;attend“参加”;observe“观察”;help“帮助”。故B项正确。

  8.B 起初他老抱怨“我”破坏(ruin)了他的暑假。根据上文可知,ruin符合语境。design“设计”;ruin“破坏”;enjoy“享受”;join“参加”。故B项正确。

  9.D “At first,he...complain...But...”可知,刚开始他总是抱怨,后来他真的盼望着(look forward to)去上课了。look into“深入调查”;look out of“朝外看”;look down upon“轻视”;look forward to“期盼”。根据语意和上文“But”可知,D项正确。

  10.C 他真的能挽救(save)溺水者。recognize“认出”;conduct“引导,管理”;save“挽救”;buy“买”。故C项正确。

  11.C 根据上文“actually”可知,他也学到了一些关于如何真正地(actually)为了生存而工作的知识。roughly“粗糙地”;luckily“幸运地”;actually“事实上”;suddenly“突然”。故C项正确。

  12.A 他得到了一份作为救生员的工作(job)。job“工作”;problem“问题”;goal“目标”;reward“报酬”。此处与下文“never went to work late”相照应。故A项正确。

  13.B 根据下文“never went to work late”可知,他工作认真,从不迟到。slowly“缓慢地”;seriously“认真地”;calmly“平静地”;quickly“迅速地”。take sth.seriously为固定搭配,意为“认真对待某事”。故B项正确。

  14.D 根据下文“because their mothers didn’t try...”可知,儿子的许多朋友都没有工作。A项“老师”;B项“同事”;C项“学生”。均不符合语境。故D项正确。

  15.A 那是因为他们的妈妈们没有努力地(hard)尝试。hard“努力地”;fast“快地”;early“早地”;directly“直接地”。故A项正确。

  16.C 根据下文中“doesn’t have time”可知,此处指“忙于……(busy with...)”,故C项正确。

  17.D 即使孩子很忙,家长也能为他搜索(search for)一些工作信息。write down“写下”;think about“考虑”;wait for“等待”;search for“寻找”。故D项正确。

  18.A 根据语境可知,此处指冰激凌店、电影院(movie theatre)或夏令营。故A项正确。

  19.C 此处指可以问问他们是不是雇用青少年(teenagers)。此处与下文“your kid”相照应。故C项正确。

  20.B 此处指留意时间表确保他不迟到。habit “习惯”;schedule“时间表”;tradition“传统”;determination“决心”。根据“to make sure he is never late”可知,B项正确。

  .1.has happened 一种报道是描述已经发生的事件,故用现在完成时态。

  2.are 该句主语为news reports,故用复数形式。

  3.If 这是一个条件状语从句,用if引导。

  4.that 此处用that引导定语从句,因先行词是everything,故不可用which。

  5.amusing 表示事物性质特点,用-ing形式的形容词做表语。

  6.except 后面说明例外的情况,因后面跟从句,故填except。

  7.other 前面说明第一段情况,此处填other表示其他段落的情况。

  8.with 此处interviews with表示“对……的采访”。

  9.spoken 此处用过去分词做定语,修饰the words,它们之间为被动关系。

  10.to make 用动词不定式表示目的。

  .My mom and I am fighting.We used to get on so well,and these days,she has been arguing with me about my not coming


  home.She thinks I should spend more time help her with the housework instead

  going out a lot.In her eyes,I’m just a lazy boy whom only loves playing.The fact is that some of my friends and I are going to different school soon,so I want to spend as many time as I can with them.I knew I should try to understand the situation from her point of view.But I hope she can understand what important these friends are to me.

  考点规范练23(选修8 Unit 23)


  Dealing with conflict in the workplace is rarely easy.Hurt feelings and anger can lead to lower employee morale as well as a loss of productivity and a poor work environment.As a manager,you should find some ways yourself to solve the conflict.The goal is to build a team-centered workforce.

  You can use role-reversal (角色转换) methods to help each employee understand how the other feels.This model works best when there are only two parties involved.You can hold a meeting with annoyed workers in your office.You might say,“Jane,explain to me how you would feel if Nancy went to lunch with your clients without telling you?” Or,“Nancy,how would you respond if Jane came to me with complaints about you,but hadn’t tried to talk to you about them first?”

  Workers often respond better to praise than criticism.By publicly drawing attention to employees who have healthy work relationships,you can increase the awareness for those who encourage any conflict.Avoid mentioning teams or departments that are being troubled by conflict.Instead,focus on the teams that work well together.You might say,“I want to express thanks to the design team for working together to meet the deadline this week,” or “Special thanks to the finance department for their teamwork in making sure that the quarterly reports were accurate.” 

  And help your employees see that differences can be good and don’t necessarily lead to anger or disagreement.This is one of the best ways to settle workplace conflicts.You can meet with employees and try to stress the value of different techniques.This lets all parties know that their own styles can be effective.You might say,“I know you disagree on how to market our services,but when you combine Jim’s email marketing with Joe’s personal one-on-one phone calls,you can increase sales.The two of you go well together,” Or “I know you have different styles for interacting with clients,but Sally’s take-them-out-for-coffee approach works well together with Ann’s formal business meeting style.Both are necessary for building relationships and getting work done.”

  1.To build a team-centered workforce,employees  . 

  A.should learn to be considerate

  B.should be divided into two parties

  C.shouldn’t go out with clients alone

  D.should learn to accept public criticism

  2.By saying the underlined sentence “I want to express thanks...this week”,the author tries to show  . 

  A.differences are not all bad

  B.role reversals are necessary

  C.the importance of working together

  D.the importance of focusing on the positive

  3.How does the last paragraph mainly develop?

  A.By providing examples.

  B.By making a comparison.

  C.By following the order of space.

  D.By presenting research findings.

  4.The author’s purpose of writing the text is most likely to  . 

  A.inform B.persuade

  C.instruct D.entertain


  It was about the third week in June last year.My 15-year-old son had already settled into his summer routine:Go to  1  at 2 a.m.and wake up at 1 p.m.only to get back on his computer to play computer games  2  dinner. 

  It was the middle of the  3  when the sound of his computer games woke me up again.I couldn’t  4  that any more and decided it was time for him to get a summer job.I got on the computer and found a lifeguard certification class that  5  the next day,and a company that  6  teenagers to guard their pools. 

  From that day I woke him up at 8 a.m.every day for him to  7  the class.At first,he continued to complain that I was  8  his summer.But by the end of the week,he was actually  9  going.He learned something about first aid,figured he really could  10  someone from drowning,and got some ideas on how to  11  work for a living. 

  Two weeks later,he had a  12  as a lifeguard.He took his responsibility very  13  and never went to work late.This summer,he will be working full-time at a pool.He says a lot of his  14  don’t have jobs.And I say that is because their mothers didn’t try  15  enough!Even if your kid is  16  with finals and after-school activities and doesn’t have time,you can  17  job information for him. 

  Whether it is an ice cream store,a movie  18 ,or a summer camp,you can ask if they are hiring  19  for the summer.After your kid gets a job,pay attention to the  20  to make sure he is never late. 


  C.bed D.work

  2.A.around B.until

  C.after D.during

  3.A.night B.noon

  C.morning D.afternoon

  4.A.watch B.appreciate

  C.notice D.stand

  5.A.lasted B.rested

  C.started D.developed

  6.A.hired B.forced

  C.persuaded D.force

  7.A.give B.attend

  C.observe D.help

  8.A.designed B.ruining

  C.enjoying D.joining

  9.A.looking into B.looking out of

  C.looking down upon D.looking forward to

  10.A.recognize B.conduct

  C.save D.buy

  11.A.roughly B.luckily

  C.actually D.suddenly

  12.A.job B.problem

  C.goal D.reward

  13.A.slowly B.seriously

  C.calmly D.quickly

  14.A.teachers B.colleagues

  C.students D.friends

  15.A.hard B.fast

  C.early D.directly

  16.A.clear B.excited

  C.busy D.disappointed

  17.A.write down B.think about

  C.wait for D.search for

  18.A.theatre B.square

  C.park D.factory

  19.A.experts B.foreigners

  C.teenagers D.villagers

  20.A.habit B.schedule

  C.tradition D.determination



  There are many types of reports.A report is simply an account of something that 1. (happen).The commonest 2. (be) news reports.We get them in newspapers,over radio and on television.Sometimes cinemas also show us newsreels. 

  The main purpose of a newspaper is to provide news.3. you examine a newspaper closely,you will find that there are all types of news:accidents,floods,wars,fashions,sports,books,etc.The news covers everything 4. happens to people and their surroundings.Sometimes there are news items which are very 5. (amuse).

  A news report is usually very short,6.  when it is about something very important and it contains a lot of information.It is also written in short paragraphs.The first paragraph is in fact a summary of the news item.It gives all the necessary information,what,when,where,how and why.The 7.  paragraphs give full details of the subjects.There may also be interviews 8.  people.The words actually 9.  (speak) by them are within inverted commas. 

  Often there are photographs to go with the news 10. (make) it more interesting.



  My mom and I am fighting.We used to get on so well,and these days,she has been arguing with me about my not coming to home.She thinks I should spend more time help her with the housework instead going out a lot.In her eyes,I’m just a lazy boy whom only loves playing.The fact is that some of my friends and I are going to different school soon,so I want to spend as many time as I can with them.I knew I should try to understand the situation from her point of view.But I hope she can understand what important these friends are to me.



  .1.A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“You can use role-reversal (角色转换) methods to help each employee understand how the other feels.”以及后面的例子可知,员工之间要学会角色转换,多站在别人的角度去想一想,所以应该是相互体贴一些,故选A项。

  2.D 细节理解题。作者通过这句话意在说明“Workers often respond better to praise than criticism”,即:多向员工展示积极的一面,故选D项。

  3.A 写作方法题。由最后一段中的You might say...Or...可知,作者通过举例的方法对本段的主题句“And help your employees see that differences can be good and don’t necessarily lead to anger or disagreement.”加以说明,故选A项。

  4.C 写作目的题。由第一段中的最后一句“The goal is to build a team-centered workforce.”以及后面各段的主题句(每段的首句)可知,作者提出了解决冲突的三种方法以供参考,故选C项。

  .1.C 根据下文“wake up at 1 p.m.”可知,此处指凌晨两点睡觉(go to bed),下午一点起床。故C项正确。

  2.B 根据语境可知,他每天只玩游戏,一直玩到(until)吃晚饭的时候。故B项正确。

  3.A 根据上文“Go to  1  at 2 a.m.”可知,此处指“我”在半夜(the middle of the night)被他电脑的游戏声音弄醒了。故A项正确。

  4.D “我”再也不能忍受(stand)了,觉得该给他找份暑期工作。stand“忍受”,符合语境。故D项正确。

  5.C 由第三段第一句“From that day I woke him up at...”可知,此处指救生员认证课程的班第二天开课。last“持续”;rest“休息”;start“开始”;develop“发展”。故C项正确。

  6.A 一家公司雇用(hire)年轻人来照看游泳池。hire“雇用”;force“强迫”;persuade“说服”。故A项正确。

  7.B 由第三段第四句中“He learned something about first aid...”可知,每天早上八点我叫醒儿子去参加(attend)这个班的学习。give“给”;attend“参加”;observe“观察”;help“帮助”。故B项正确。

  8.B 起初他老抱怨“我”破坏(ruin)了他的暑假。根据上文可知,ruin符合语境。design“设计”;ruin“破坏”;enjoy“享受”;join“参加”。故B项正确。

  9.D “At first,he...complain...But...”可知,刚开始他总是抱怨,后来他真的盼望着(look forward to)去上课了。look into“深入调查”;look out of“朝外看”;look down upon“轻视”;look forward to“期盼”。根据语意和上文“But”可知,D项正确。

  10.C 他真的能挽救(save)溺水者。recognize“认出”;conduct“引导,管理”;save“挽救”;buy“买”。故C项正确。

  11.C 根据上文“actually”可知,他也学到了一些关于如何真正地(actually)为了生存而工作的知识。roughly“粗糙地”;luckily“幸运地”;actually“事实上”;suddenly“突然”。故C项正确。

  12.A 他得到了一份作为救生员的工作(job)。job“工作”;problem“问题”;goal“目标”;reward“报酬”。此处与下文“never went to work late”相照应。故A项正确。

  13.B 根据下文“never went to work late”可知,他工作认真,从不迟到。slowly“缓慢地”;seriously“认真地”;calmly“平静地”;quickly“迅速地”。take sth.seriously为固定搭配,意为“认真对待某事”。故B项正确。

  14.D 根据下文“because their mothers didn’t try...”可知,儿子的许多朋友都没有工作。A项“老师”;B项“同事”;C项“学生”。均不符合语境。故D项正确。

  15.A 那是因为他们的妈妈们没有努力地(hard)尝试。hard“努力地”;fast“快地”;early“早地”;directly“直接地”。故A项正确。

  16.C 根据下文中“doesn’t have time”可知,此处指“忙于……(busy with...)”,故C项正确。

  17.D 即使孩子很忙,家长也能为他搜索(search for)一些工作信息。write down“写下”;think about“考虑”;wait for“等待”;search for“寻找”。故D项正确。

  18.A 根据语境可知,此处指冰激凌店、电影院(movie theatre)或夏令营。故A项正确。

  19.C 此处指可以问问他们是不是雇用青少年(teenagers)。此处与下文“your kid”相照应。故C项正确。

  20.B 此处指留意时间表确保他不迟到。habit “习惯”;schedule“时间表”;tradition“传统”;determination“决心”。根据“to make sure he is never late”可知,B项正确。

  .1.has happened 一种报道是描述已经发生的事件,故用现在完成时态。

  2.are 该句主语为news reports,故用复数形式。

  3.If 这是一个条件状语从句,用if引导。

  4.that 此处用that引导定语从句,因先行词是everything,故不可用which。

  5.amusing 表示事物性质特点,用-ing形式的形容词做表语。

  6.except 后面说明例外的情况,因后面跟从句,故填except。

  7.other 前面说明第一段情况,此处填other表示其他段落的情况。

  8.with 此处interviews with表示“对……的采访”。

  9.spoken 此处用过去分词做定语,修饰the words,它们之间为被动关系。

  10.to make 用动词不定式表示目的。

  .My mom and I am fighting.We used to get on so well,and these days,she has been arguing with me about my not coming


  home.She thinks I should spend more time help her with the housework instead

  going out a lot.In her eyes,I’m just a lazy boy whom only loves playing.The fact is that some of my friends and I are going to different school soon,so I want to spend as many time as I can with them.I knew I should try to understand the situation from her point of view.But I hope she can understand what important these friends are to me.