2024高考英语一轮复习(大纲版)精品课件 2-20

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2024高考英语一轮复习(大纲版)精品课件 2-20

  1.________________money, we're quite rich, but not in terms of happiness. 答案:In terms of 2.Bread ____________mold in damp weather. 答案:tends to 3.My brother ____________the head of a department. 答案:served as 4.I'm still a little girl__________________my grandma. 答案:in the eyes of 5.Some ancient pottery________________in the spot. 答案:was dug up 6.A stranger________________when my car broke down. 答案:lent a hand 7.The bomb was exploded by________control. 答案:remote 8.Lightning is usually______________by thunder. 答案:accompanied

  Ⅱ.单句改错 1.We happened to shopping when we saw the accident. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:shopping前加be 2.He may have a pound of flesh to cut off nearest to his heart. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:cut前加be 3.The story has a happy ending that he is saved and Shylock gets punish. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:punish→punished

  4.He tried to keep her accepting these terms, but she treated them as a joke and signed the agreement. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:accepting前加from 5.That he wanted was right to be done. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:That→What

  6.It is sure that he will come back. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:sure→certain

  7.This is the most beautiful place that I have visited it. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:去掉it

  8.He is possible that he will come to our school. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:He→It 9.The castle dates back to the 15th century lies in the east of the village. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:dates→dating

  10.It is believing that this man found in the grave was from a rich family. ________________________________________________________________________ 答案:believing→believed

  Ⅲ.语法专练(用it填空) 根据汉语提示,用it句型完成下列句子。 1.______________(真是令人难以置信)that Jane should have finished her paper so soon. 答案:It's incredible 2.____________(值得考虑)what makes western fast food so popular. 答案:It is worth considering 3.____________(直到午夜)that they reached the camping site. 答案:It was not until midnight 4.____________(方便吗)for you to pick me up at four o'clock and take me to the airport? 答案:Would it be convenient 5.____________(已经证明)that eating more vegetables in childhood helps you against serious diseases in later life. 答案:It has been proved 6.It's the first time that____________(我到这里来). 答案:I have come here 7.____________(这是第二次)that he had met the same beggar at the same place. 答案:It was the second time 8.It is high time that we____________(结束争论). 答案:ended the argument

  9.____________(抱怨没用). 答案:It is no good complaining 10.____________(看起来)that his idea is more practical. 答案:It seems

  Ⅳ.写作练笔(图表) (2011·北京东城示范)近日,某报对我市几所小学的学生展开了一项关于“什么样的人可以当班长”的调查。 请根据下面的图表写一篇英语短文,介绍调查结果并谈谈你认为什么样的人可以当班长。 注意:1.开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。  2.词数不少于60. The primary school students have different opinions on what kind of person can become a monitor.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 参考范文

  The_primary_school_students_have_different_opinions_on_what_kind_of_person_can_become_a_monitor. We can see from the pie chart that about 4.41% of the students believe that those who have good relationship with others are likely to become a monitor. More students around 6%, however, think that the most important character of a monitor is having responsibility. Interestingly, there are about 11.04% considering that a monitor should have a good look while 11.76% of them suppose that teachers usually appoint their favourite students as monitors. The majority of students,aborn 67% believe that only when they do well in their studies can they have the chance to become a monitor.

  On the one hand, I think, being a monitor required high grades in study so that you can set a good example to the fellow students. On the other hand, being responsible is of equal importance to studying well. You need to he a good assistant to your teacher to help deal with some daily affairs in class, and sometimes when the headteacher is away,you are to be in charge of the class. 4.(2011·陕西长安一中)Large quantities of information ________ since the organization was built. A.has offerd

  B.had been offered C.have been offered

  D.is offered 解析:large quantities of+名词作主语,谓语用复数形式。 答案:C

  5.(2010·河北衡水中学调研)The boy________his father to the hospital yesterday. A.companied

  B.company C.accompany

  D.accompanied 解析:句意:昨天那个男孩陪父亲去医院了。accompany是动词,意为“陪伴,陪同”,而company是名词,意为“公司,陪伴”。由句意可知选D。 答案:D

  2策略 重点短语 自主复习课前填一填 1.tend________朝着方向;趋向 2.________terms of就……而言 3.in the eyes________在……看来 4.________a hand帮助 5.serve________作为;当作 6.dig________挖出;掘起 7.be________pins and needles提心吊胆 8.a variety________各种各样的 9.remind sb.________sth.提醒某人某事 10.be________about对……感到好奇 11.date________to追溯到 12.________the hands of sb.由某人处理 答案:1.to 2.in 3.of 4.lend 5.as 6.up 7.on 8.of 9.of 10.curious 11.back 12.in

  考点探究课堂讲一讲 1考点

  in terms of就……而言 In terms of technical development, people were going from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age. In terms of finance, Company A has great advantage. 从财力方面讲,A公司有巨大的优势。

  in terms of 就……而言  in the long term 从长期而言 in the short term 从眼前的观点看 come to terms with 甘心忍受 as for至于;就……方面来说 ①In_terms_of_money(从金钱的角度来讲),her loss was small. ②The flat would be perfect in_terms_of(就面积而言)the size, but it is very expensive. ③从质量上说,这是最好的。(写作小练笔:主系表;quality; best) In_terms_of_quality,_this_is_the_best.____________________ 2考点

  in the eyes of在……看来 The King of Stonehenge came with the skills to make metal, and that would have given him a high status in the eye of local people. Tom was a hero in the eyes of his family. 汤姆在他家人的眼中是英雄。 in the eyes of 在……看来  keep an eye on 照看 have an eye for 有判断力 look sb in the eyes 正视某人 keep one's eyes open for 时刻提防 ①In_the_eyes_of(从……的观点来看)the law, he was not yet guilty. ②In_the_eyes_of(在……看来)the little girl, everything is interesting. ③Please could you keep_an_eye_on(照看)the house while we are away? ④In_the_eyes_of_his_parents(在他母亲看来),everything he did was right. ⑤在公众的心目中他是一个英雄。(写作小练笔:主系表;hero; public) He_is_a_hero_in_the_eyes_of_the_public.__________________


  serve as作为……用;担任;起……作用 1)表达“担任,起……作用”的短语还有:act as,

  work as。 2)serve for作为……用;担任;起……作用 serve with向……提供;把……交给 serve on在……任职,serve up端出(饭菜等);给出,提供 serve sb right给某人应得的报应;某人活该 serve sb‘s interests符合……的利益 serve the needs of适应……的需要 serve a sentence服刑;坐牢 serve the purpose解决问题;起作用 ①The sofa will serve_as(当作)a bed for a night or two. ②Let those who can serve_as(担任)teachers. ③It may serve_as(作为)teaching material by negative examples. ④他在军队股役。(写作小练笔:主谓+介词+宾) He_served_in_the_army.______________________________ 两年模拟过关测一测 1.(2011·江西宜春中学)Many of the scientists and engineers are judged ________ how great their achievements are. A.in spite of

  B.in charge of C.in favour of

  D.in terms of 解析:in terms of就……而言;in spite of尽管;in charge of负责、管理;in favour of支持、赞成。 答案:D 2.(2011·成都玉林中学)He wants to become wealthy very much and always ________ money and his position. A.has eyes for

  B.brings in C.has a gift for

  D.gets in 解析:have eyes for sth 留心、唯利是图;bring in 赚钱;has a gift for有……天赋;get in收获。 答案:A 3.(2010·河北定州中学月考)Usually branches________chopsticks when people on a picnic forget to bring their own ones. A.are served

  B.are served as C.serve with

  D.serve as 解析:句意:通常人们在野餐忘记带筷子时会把树枝当筷子用。serve as充当,被用作,不需要使用被动语态;serve with“提供……”。 答案:D

  3策略 常考句式 自主复习课前填一填 1.Buried_with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior. 考点提取:此句为全部倒装句。 感悟应用:他们中间有一位从事那个项目多年的工程师。 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________who had been working on that subject for many years. 答案:Among them was an engineer 2.Iron came later, in what was called the Iron Age. 考点提取:what引导宾语从句,what在从句中作主语。 感悟应用:他们到达了被称为“美洲”的地方。 They arrived ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:at what was called America 3.In the spring of 1929, a farmer in today's Nanxing Town, was_working in the fields, when his son dug up a round piece of jade. 考点提取:was/were doing...when...“正……突然……;正在这时”。 感悟应用:他们正吃饭,突然一个陌生人闯进来。 They ________ ________ ________ ________ a stranger broke in. 答案:were having dinner when

  4.For trade and cultural links as_well_as life in Britain and the construction of Stonehenge, people in the Bronze Age must have had knowledge about... 考点提取:as well as “(除……之外)也,还,而且;与……一样好”。

  感悟应用:我们不仅指望她照顾孩子,而且还指望她做家务。 We expect her to do the housework________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. 答案:as well as look after the children



  I wonder what life was like in small towns in our province. 我想知道在我们省的那些小城镇生活会是什么样子。 1)I wonder+what/whether/where



  在此意为“想知道”。 2)do/work wonders创造奇迹

  It's a wonder that...


  (It's) No wonder...难怪……

  wonder at对……感到惊奇

  ①I wonder(想知道) if you'd give me some advice. ②I was_wondering(正在犹豫)whether to go upstairs or follow Mark to the library. ③No_wonder(难怪) you've got headache, you drank too much last night. ④I wonder_at(感到惊奇)his rudeness. ⑤我想知道究竟发生什么事了。(写作小练笔:主谓+宾从;really) I_wonder_what_really_happened.________________________

  两年模拟过关测一测  —What can I do for you, sir? —I ________if you could tell me how to fill in this form. A.had wondered

  B.was wondering C.would wonder

  D.had any idea 解析:句意:——先生,需要帮忙吗?——我想知道你能否告诉我怎么填表。wonder想知道,不知道。在回话之前一直在“想”,所以使用过去进行时,这样显得委婉、有礼貌。 答案:B

  tend to, in terms of, in the eyes of, lend a hand, serve as, dig up,

  accompany, remote

  Ⅰ.请选用方框内所给短语的适当形式完成下列句子。 Unit20 Archaeology 五年真题·图析 探究复习·策略 基础题组·调研 SB Ⅱ 1.(2010·天津高考)As a new graduate, he doesn't know ________it takes to start a business here. A.how

  B.what C.when

  D.which 2.(2010·江西高考)Last year the number of students who graduated with a driving licence reached 200 000, a(n) ________of 40 000 per year. A.averageB.number C.amount

  D.quantity 解析:考查名词辨析。句意:去年毕业前考出驾照的学生数达到了20万,平均每年4万。an average of平均是。number (可数名词的)数,amount(不可数名词的)量,quantity量。 答案:A 3.(2009·福建)—Why does the lake smell terrible? —Because large quantities of water________. A.have polluted

  B.is being polluted C.has been polluted

  D.have been polluted

  解析:句意:——这湖水怎么这么难闻?——因为大量的水已经被污染了。本题考查时态、语态及主谓一致问题。water与pollute为被动关系,故排除A项;B表“正被污染”,故排除;large quantities of后加名词,谓语动词应与quantities保持一致,故排除C项,答案为D项。 答案:D

  1策略 必考单词

  自主复习课前填一填 1.________n.好奇(心);古玩→adj.好奇的;奇妙的________→adv.好奇地________ 2.________n.装饰;装潢→vt.装饰;装潢________ 3.________vi.倾向;趋向→n.倾向________ 4.________adv.近乎;接近→adj.大致的;大概的________ 5.________adj.备用的;额外的→adj.节省的________ 6.________adj.平均的;普通的→(联想adj.标准的)________ 7.________adj.遥远的;偏远的→(同义词)________→(反义词)________ 8.________n.量;数量→(同义词)________ 9.________vt.陪伴;陪同→n.陪伴;交往________ 10.________v.称;有……重→n.重;重量________→adj.失重的;没有重量的________

  答案:1.curiosity; curious; curiously 2.decoration; decorate 3.tend;tendency 4.approximately;approximate 5.spare;sparing 6.average;standard 7.remote;distant/far;near 8.quantity;amount/number 9.accompany;company 10.weigh;weight;weightless 考点探究课堂讲一讲


  spare adj.备用的,额外的,空闲的v.挤出,匀出;抽出;吝惜 1)in one‘s spare time 在某人的业余时间 2)spare one‘s time/money 


  spare no expense 不惜工本

  spare no pains doing/to do sth. 


  spare no effort to do sth./in (doing)sth. 


  ①Can you spare(挤出)me five minutes? ②You can finish it in your spare_time(空余时间). ③He didn't spare_any_effort(不遗余力)in his studies. ④We do hope that readers will not spare(吝惜)their ideas. 1)tend to do sth. 易于,往往会做某事 

  tend to/towards 倾向于;趋于

  tend (to) sb. 照料/护理某人 2)tendency n. 倾向,趋势

  have tendency to do sth. 倾向于做某事 2考点 tend vi.倾向;趋向;照顾,照管 ①Janet tends_to_get_angry(会生气)if you ask her such stupid questions. ②I'm tending_towards(倾向于)your plan rather than his. ③The nurse skillfully tended_(to)(照料)their wounds. ④最近,物价有上涨的趋势。(写作小练笔:主谓+to do;go up) Recently,_the_price_tends_to_go_up.____________________ the average of... ……的平均数(量)  the average age (temperature) 平均年龄(温度) above (below) average 在一般水平以上(以下) on (the) average 按平均数计算 3考点

  average n.& adj.平均(的);普通(的);平常(的)

  ①On_average(平均来看)men smoke more cigarettes than women. ②My school work is well above_average(高于平均水平). ③There was nothing special about the film-it was just_average(一般). ④He was_of_average_height(中等身材). 4考点