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  For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

  Napping for a while at daytime is a very smart and healthy move. The Mayo Clinic says naps


  relaxation, better mood and alertness, and a sharper working


  . A 2008 British study found that compared to getting more nighttime sleep, a mid-day nap was the best way to


  the mid-afternoon sleepiness.

  According to the Harvard Health Letter, several studies have shown that people


  new information better when they take a nap shortly after learning it. And, most


  , a 2007 study of nearly 24,000 Greek adults in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that people who napped


  had a 37 percent reduced risk of dying from heart disease compared to people who didn’t nap.

  Of course, napping isn’t


  for everyone. If you’re suffering from inability to sleep, naps that are too long or taken too late in the day can


  with your ability to fall or stay asleep at night.

  But for most, naps can make you feel sharper and happier. Naps provide different benefits


  on how long they are. A 20-minute nap will boost alertness and concentration; a 90-minute snooze(小睡)can



  According to prevention.com, you


  a natural dip in body temperature between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. A short nap at this time can boost alertness for several hours and, for most people, shouldn’t


  being able to fall asleep at night.

  Pick a dark, cozy place that’s not too warm or too chilly. Prevention.com


  napping on the couch instead of in bed, so you’re less


  to snooze for too long.

  Surprisingly, the best place to take a nap may be a hammock(吊床)if you have one. A Swiss study


  last year found that people fell asleep faster and had deeper sleep when they napped in a hammock than in a bed. That same rocking motion that puts babies to sleep works wonders for grown-ups, too.

  1. A. relieve

  B. promote

  C. operate

  D. support

  2. A. feeling

  B. frame

  C. sense

  D. mind

  3. A. cope with

  B. put aside

  C. talk about

  D. carry upon

  4. A. remark

  B. consider

  C. remember

  D. concern

  5. A. reportedly

  B. unbelievably

  C. constantly

  D. frankly

  6. A. regularly

  B. enormously

  C. heavily

  D. strongly

  7. A. exact

  B. correct

  C. right

  D. accurate

  8. A. connect

  B. deal

  C. compete

  D. interfere

  9. A. focusing

  B. depending

  C. relying

  D. basing

  10. A. enlarge

  B. engage

  C. enhance

  D. enroll

  11. A. explore

  B. experience

  C. exercise

  D. implement

  12. A. produce

  B. handle

  C. affect

  D. urge

  13. A. postpones

  B. discourages

  C. acknowledges

  D. recommends

  14. A. obliged

  B. tempted

  C. adopted

  D. attracted

  15. A. pronounced

  B. published

  C. discovered

  D. cultivated


  1. B

  2. D

  3. A

  4. C

  5. B

  6. A

  7. C

  8. D

  9. B

  10. C

  11. B

  12. C

  13. D

  14. B

  15. B


  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


  I arrived at my mother's home for our Monday family dinner. Mother was __41__

  quilt after quilt from the boxes, __42__

  showing me their beauties. She was preparing for a quilt show at the Elmhurst Church. When we began to __43__

  and put them back into the boxes, I noticed something at the __44__ of one box.

  “What is this?” I asked.

  “Oh?” Mom said, “That's Mama's quilt.”

  I __45__

  the quilt. It looked as if a group of school children had pieced it together; __46__designs, __47__ pictures, a winding line on the right.

  “Grandmother made this?” I said, __48__. My grandmother was a master at making quilts. This __49__

  didn't look like any of the quilts she had made.

  “Yes, right before she died. I __50__

  it home with me last year and made some

  __51__,” she said. “I'm still __52__

  on it. See, this is what I've done so far.”

  I looked at it more

  __53__. At the center of the quilt, she had sewn a piece of __54__ with these words:

  “My mother made many quilts. She didn't get all lines

  __55__. But I think this is beautiful. I want to see it __56__. Her last quilt.”

  “Oh, this is so nice, Mom,” I said. It __57__

  to me that by completing my grandmother's quilt, my mother was honoring her own __58__. I realized, too, that I held in my hands a family __59__. It started with the loving hands of one woman, and __60__

  with the loving hands of another.


  41.A.splitting up B.picking up

  C.pulling out

  D.showing off

  答案:C 本空考查动词短语基本含义的辨析。splitting up吐出;picking up捡起,用车接某人;pulling out拿出,抽出,拔出,离开,撤离;showing off炫耀。根据下文的quilt after quilt from the box应是拿出。故选C。

  42.A.proudly B.frankly

  C.politely D.generously

  答案:A 本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。proudly 骄傲地;frankly直率地;politely礼貌地; generously慷慨地。根据下文的showing me their beauties应该是母亲非常骄傲。故选A。

  43.A.push B.lift

  C.cover D.fold

  答案:D 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。push推;lift举起;cover覆盖;fold折叠。根据下文的put them back into the boxes判断应是“叠被子”。故选D。

  44.A.top B.bottom

  C.back D.front

  答案:B 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。top顶部;bottom底部;back背部;front前面。 根据前文的put them back into the boxes应是箱子底部有什么东西。故选B。

  45.A.pressed B.spread

  C.packed D.raised

  答案:B 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。pressed按,压;spread传播,展开;packed打包;raised繁殖,举起。根据下文的It looked as if...应是作者展开了那床被子。故选B。



  C.mature D.irregular

  答案:D 本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。perfect完美的;delicate微妙的,精美的;mature成熟的;irregular不规则的。根据下文的a winding line on the right和前文的piece判断应是“不规则的”。故选D。

  47.A.childish B.elegant

  C.classic D.horrible

  答案:A 本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。childish孩子气的;elegant优雅的;classic古典的;horrible可怕的。根据前文的children判断应是“孩子气的”。故选A。

  48.A.excited B.depressed

  C.surprised D.delighted

  答案:C 本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。excited激动的,兴奋的;depressed压抑的;surprised吃惊的;delighted高兴的。根据前文的“Grandmother made this?”判断作者很吃惊。故选C。





  答案:B 本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。almost几乎;certainly当然;partly部分地;probably很可能。根据前文的My grandmother was a master at making quilts可知“这当然不像她做的被子”。故选B。



  C.dropped D.brought

  答案:D 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。robbed掠夺;bought买;dropped下落;brought带来。根据下文的home应是“带回家”。故选D。

  51.A.decisions B.money

  C.changes D.mistakes

  答案:C 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。decisions决定;money金钱;changes变化;mistakes错误。make some changes做了一些改变。故选C。

  52.A.working B.depending

  C.living D.sitting

  答案:A 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。working工作;depending依靠;living住,生活;sitting坐。根据空前的still可知还在做。故选A。



  C.nervously D.gratefully

  答案:B 本空考查副词基本含义的辨析。disappointedly失望地;closely接近地;nervously紧张地;gratefully感激地。根据下文应是作者更加近地看着这床被子。故选B。

  54.A.paper B.bread



  答案:D 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。paper纸,论文;bread面包;wood木头; cloth布料。根据前文的quilt应该是用一块布补被子,故选D。



  C.straight D.bent

  答案:C 本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析。strong强壮的;hidden隐藏的;straight直接的;bent弯腰的。根据前文对该被子的描述,应该是穿针引线做被子,线路不直。故选C。

  56.A.finished B.removed

  C.produced D.prepared

  答案:A 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。finished完成;removed移除;produced生产;prepared准备。“但是我认为它是漂亮的,我想看到这个被子被做完。”故选A。

  57.A.happened B.appeared

  C.occurred D.struck

  答案:C 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。happened发生,碰巧;appeared出现;occurred想起,发生;struck打。根据句型It occurred to sb that...某人想起。故选C。





  答案:B 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。skill技能;mother母亲;show表演,展示;quilt棉被。根据前文母亲在想念自己的母亲。故选B。



  C.desire D.treasure

  答案:D 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析。shame羞愧;responsibility责任;desire渴望;treasure珠宝,贵重东西。这是家中世代相传的“宝贝”。故选D。

  60.A.continued B.stopped



  答案:A 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析。continued继续;stopped停止;declined降低;disappeared消失。根据前文的started和and判断应是“继续”。故选A。


  Growing trees in the concrete jungle of Los Angels brings neighbors benefits beyond beauty.

  As the


  of TreePeople, a nonprofit organization he founded in 1973, Andy, now 54, has inspired hundreds of thousands of volunteers to


  plant more than two million trees throughout Southern California.

  TreePeople 38 tools, blueprints, planting demonstrations, and tree-care supervisors free to all the participants,


  me. “You will need their support,” Andy said, referring to my neighbors. “ 40

  the community behind you, the trees you plant will die in five years.” So I started knocking on doors, hoping to share


  I’d learnt in TreePeople’s seminar(培训班) about the critical role of trees in removing smog from the


  , cooling our homes and preventing water runoff.



  it may seem, some people are afraid of trees. “The roots destroy sidewalks,” one neighbor said, “


  will ruin my pipes. And I don’t want leaves.”


  told me.

  When I called Andy about the


  I was getting from my neighbors, he encouraged me to keep trying. So my son and my wife delivered cookies while I went door to door. It


  us half a year to sign permission forms from 16 neighbors for 21 trees.

  When the big day arrived, I was excited and


  . What if I threw a planting tree and


  else came? But as I set out shovels(铁铲), my son and wife made cakes and doughnuts,


  started to gather. Friends brought friends. Neighbors came with cousins and grandchildren. A local middle school even


  with half the seventh grade. More than 300 people joined us.

  Then Andy led us in a


  : welcoming each tree into the world and


  it name. After the ceremony, as I shook hands with volunteers and my neighbors, I

  54 help but feel we’d accomplished


  great. After all, trees need people, and people need trees.

  36. A. friend

  B. interviewer

  C. president

  D. volunteer

  37. A. bravely

  B. actively

  C. anxiously

  D. generously

  38. A. supports

  B. affords

  C. shows

  D. provides

  39. A. including

  B. considering

  C. containing