2024届高考英语二轮复习精品资料(高考押题):专题01 名词与冠词(解析版)

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2024届高考英语二轮复习精品资料(高考押题):专题01 名词与冠词(解析版)


  1.We’ve called several time about Cleo’s early morning barking.

  答案: time→times

  2.I am Li Hua.This is my last year of high school,and I’ll graduate this summer.I’m eighteen year old.

  答案: 第二个year→years

  3.If you go to the party,it is polite to arrive on time.It is good manners to shake hand with your host.

  答案: hand→hands

  4.Finally we climbed Mount Hua.It is very high and steep.We had to be careful in case we might fall off the cliff.It took us six hour to get to the sun mit.

  答案: hour→hours

  5.When tea got popular in Britain,there was a crying need for good cup with handles to suit British habits.

  答案: cup→cups

  6.But after the test,both of us were called to the teacher’s office.The teacher was angry because we had same answers in the test.

  答案: same前加the

  7.Time flies!This is a third year that I have been in this school.

  答案: a→the

  8.When English is an only language in class,students will have more opportunities to practise listening and speaking.

  答案: an→the

  9.They asked me to take a tour around the city next morning.

  www.gkxx.com答案: next前加the

  10.I’ve learned from the newspaper that your company is looking for receptionist.

  答案: for后加a


  1.The father,who was angry and bothered,began tearing the magazine cover into small________(piece).

  答案: pieces

  2.She did it with a lot of help from a lot of friends and________(volunteer).

  答案: volunteers

  3.It is reported that the floods have left about two thousand________(people) homeless.

  答案: people

  4.As far as I know,two________(thief) have been caught in our community.

  答案: thieves

  5.Whenever I made mistakes,the teacher pointed

  them out with________(patient).

  答案: patience

  6. While waiting for my flights,I watch people passing by and start my ________(imagine).

  答案: imagination

  7.People’s________(choose) of colors is also influenced by their bodies’ reactions toward them.

  答案: choice

  8.I haven’t seen Sara since she was a little girl,and she has changed beyond________(recognize).

  答案: recognition

  9.Ordinary woman though she is,she tries every means to raise people’s________(aware) of the environment protection.

  答案: awareness

  10.If you are in trouble,Mike is always willing to lend a________.

  答案: hand

  11.Teachers’ ________(devote) to education should receive great respect from everyone because it benefits the development of society.

  答案: devotation

  www.gkxx.com12.When asked to try on new coats of different colours and styles many times,few men

  have________(patient) with this treatment.

  答案: patience

  13.All the________(collect) will be on show from June 16 to 18 in the gym.

  答案: collections

  14.In addition to reading for knowledge,we read for fun and________(inspire).

  答案: inspiration

  15.The________(conclude),I think,he drew from his simple experiment is not scientific.

  答案: conclusion

  16.Mr Li has some trouble sleeping,so drinking a glass of milk before going to bed every night is his common________(practical).

  答案: practice

  17.He sank into________(depress) when both his parents left him and went to the south in search of a betterpaid job.

  答案: depression

  18.The________(express) on his face told me that he failed in the exam.

  答案: expression

  19.—How can I take the medicine,sir?

  —Just follow the________(direct) on the bottle.

  答案: directions

  20.—Are you prepared for the coming interview?

  —Of course.After all,some questions can be beyond________(expect) and difficult to answer.

  答案: expection


  1.—Making a lecture in public is the last thing I want to do.

  —Just have ________try.I am sure you can make it.

  答案: a

  2.The boss usually gives an employee________ salary of 480 dollars a month at________beginning.

  答案: a;the

  3. ________rescue workers on the scene told________Greens that they were going to pull their child out first.

  答案: The;the

  4.—Well,that is one of________most expensive hotels in town,I’m afraid.

  —Do you mean we’d better choose

  ________cheaper one?

  答案: the;a

  5.Here is________very person we are looking for,one with________good knowledge of German.

  答案: the;a

  6.The pop star didn’t turn up at________ Peace Hotel,which was________great disappointment to his fans who had been waiting for 16 hours outside the hotel.

  答案: the;a

  7.The viewers will have ________second chance to watch Voice of China on

  Channel 4 tonight.

  答案: a


  me,is there________Mr Taylor living in the neighborhood?There is a parcel for him.

  www.gkxx.com—Sorry,but there is no such person here.

  答案: a

  9. A little boy’s father was sitting on the couch,drinking a beer while watching________basketball match.

  答案: a

  10.We’re glad to have Mr Henry stay with us________famous writer in this country.

  www.gkxx.com答案: a

  11.I’m buying some Christmas gifts for those who work with me,but it’s really ________headache.

  答案: a

  12.The students returned to school with________sense of achievement,a feeling that they helped people in need.

  答案: a

  13.I usually surf________net,read news and anything I am interested in,check emails or chat with other people.

  答案: the

  www.gkxx.com14.The education of________young is always ________hot and serious topic in modern society.

  答案: the;a

  15.Once you click________button,________email will be sent to you via your email address.

  答案: the;an

  Ⅳ. 语法填空

  Doctors have been warning for years that secondhand smoke leads to many types of illness.__1__,many children around the world live in areas where adults __2__(regular)smoke.

  A journal __3__(call)Annals of Family Medicine recently published an article,__4__ called for doctors to start treating children's contact to secondhand smoke as abuse.In that case,contact to secondhand smoke would be viewed much like physical abuse or neglect.The author of the article,Dr.Adam Goldstein,is __5__ professor at University of North Carolina School of Medicine.He says secondhand smoke

  __6__(cause)many diseases in children.

  The U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention agree that secondhand smoke can cause serious health problems in children.They say that compared to children who grow up in homes __7__ smokers,children with parents who smoke have smaller lungs and __8__(many)illnesses.

  However,several organizations for smokers' rights in the U.S.say people have __9__ right to smoke in their own homes.Dr.Adam Goldstein has warned tobacco companies are trying to avoid and even weaken antitobacco laws,and the fight is going to be difficult.But he added,“We should not give up __10__

  we make sure tobacco industry goes out of business.”

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______



  1.However 考查连词。前后句之间是转折关系, 空后有逗号,所以填however。

  2.regularly 考查形容词与副词。此处修饰动词smoke,故用副词。

  3.called 考查非谓语动词。journal与call之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词。

  4.which 考查定语从句。从句中缺少主语,所以填关系代词;先行词是article,所以填which或that;再由逗号可知,此处是非限制性定语从句,所以填which而非that。

  5.a 考查冠词。Dr.Adam Goldstein是University of North Carolina School of Medicine的一位教授,此处表泛指,所以填不定冠词。

  6.causes 考查时态。此处是该教授说的研究结果,所以具有真理性,故用一般现在时;主语是secondhand smoke,所以用单数第三人称。

  7.without 考查介词。此处是两组人员比较,一组是父母吸烟的,一组是父母不吸烟的。所以填without,与后一句中的with反义对应。

  8.more 考查比较级。此处与前面的smaller照应,所以使用比较级。

  9.the 考查冠词。have the right to do sth.有做某事的权利。

  10.until/before 考查连词。句意:直到烟草公司关闭我们才会停止战斗。



  My grandparents live in the countryside.They keep a dog calling Ah Bao.One day my grandparents go to work in the fields,taking along my little brother

  and Ah Bao.My brother and Ah Bao came to a river nearby and enjoyed himself. My brother was trying to catch a butterfly while he fell into a river.Ah Bao barked and immediate jumped into a water.Hearing about him barking,my grandparents hurried there and saw Ah Bao swimming towards the bank carrying my brother. Ah Bao did all he could save my little brother,that moved all the people present.Everyone praised Ah Bao for his brave and kindness.


  My grandparents live in the countryside.They keep a dog callingcalled Ah Bao.One day my grandparents gowent to work in the fields,taking along my little brother

  and Ah Bao.My brother and Ah Bao came to a river nearby and enjoyed himselfthemselves. My brother was trying to catch a butterfly whilewhen he fell into a river.Ah Bao barked and immediateimmediately jumped into athe water.Hearing about him barking,my grandparents hurried there and saw Ah Bao swimming towards the bank carrying my brother. Ah Bao did all he could ∧to save my little brother,thatwhich moved all the people present.Everyone praised Ah Bao for his bravebravery and kindness.

  第九处:that→which 考查定语从句。此处是非限制性定语从句,不能用that引导。

  第十处:brave→bravery 考查名词。分析句子, his后应加名词形式,与and后的kindness并列。


  All the customers who went to the new supermarket had one strong wish to be the lucky customer who did not have to pay __1__ her shopping, for the notice inside the entrance __2__(say), “Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!”

  For several weeks, Mrs. Edwards hoped to be one of the lucky __3__(housewife) like many of her friends. She never gave up hope. Cupboards in her kitchen __4__(fill) with things that she didn't need at all. She dreamed of the day __5__ the manager of the supermarket would say to her with a smile, “ Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free.”

  One Friday afternoon, after she had finished shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she __6__(forget) to buy some sugar. She rushed __7__ to the supermarket, got the sugar and went towards the cash desk. As she did so, she saw the manager of the supermarket come up to her and said, “__8__(congratulate)! You are the __9__(lucky) among all the customers this week and everything in your basket __10__ free!”


  文章大意:Mrs. Edwards一直梦想成为超市里被免单的幸运顾客。但是这一天到来时,她却无语了。

  1.for 考查介词。pay for...为……付钱。

  2.said 考查动词。因为句中for是连词,所以该空填谓语动词;再由全文可知,用一般过去时。

  3.housewives 考查名词。one of 后接名词的复数。

  4.were filled 考查主谓一致和语态。该句缺少谓语,所以填谓语动词;再根据be filled with结构可知,填be filled;再由全文可知,用一般过去时;主语是cupboards,所以be动词为were。

  5.when 考查连词。该空后为定语从句,从句中不缺少主干成分,所以填关系副词;先行词为day,所以填when。

  6.had forgotten/forgot 考查时态。由句意可知,时态可用过去完成时或者一般过去时。

  7.back 考查副词。由文意可知,应该是返回超市。

  8.Congratulations 考查名词。congratulations“恭喜”。

  9.luckiest 考查形容词。由句意可知,此处填最高级。

  10.is 考查主谓一致。主语是everything,故用单数。


  As we all know,everyone have a dream.I have dreamed of being a doctor since I entered into the primary school.Nowadays with modern life go rapidly,many people suffer from different kind of diseases,both mentally and physically.As a result,doctors are in great need at home and abroad.My dream is to become successful doctor,helping to save people's lives.Although to be a good doctor was very difficult,I will do whatever I can to keep everyone health.To make my dream come true,I have told me over and over again that I'll concentrate more to studies.After all,only by working hardly can one succeed.


  As we all know,everyone havehas a dream.I have dreamed of being a doctor since I entered into the primary school.Nowadays with modern life gogoing rapidly,many people suffer from different kindkinds of diseases,both mentally and physically.As a result,doctors are in great need at home and abroad.My dream is to become ∧a successful doctor,helping to save people's lives.Although to be a good doctor wasis very difficult, I will do whatever I can to keep everyone healthhealthy.To make my dream come true,I have told memyself over and over again that I'll concentrate more toon studies.After all,only by working hardlyhard can one succeed.


  第一处:have→has 考查主谓一致。everyone作主语时,谓语动词需用单数。

  第二处:去掉into 考查介词。enter本身有进入的意思,不需要用介词into。

  第三处: go→going 考查非谓语动词以及with复合结构。modern life与 go之间构成逻辑上的主动关系,需用现在分词going。

  第四处:kind→ kinds 考查名词单复数。different kinds of...不同种类的……。

  第五处:become后加a 考查冠词。一名成功的医生,用不定冠词a。

  第六处:was →is 考查动词的时态。整篇文章用的是跟现在有关的时态,故将was改为is。

  第七处:health→healthy 考查形容词。keep sb. +形容词,使某人……,health的形容词是healthy。