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  Where could the man find Stella?

  A.In her office.

  B.In the library.

  C.In the conference room.

  What does the woman suggest about Todd?

  A.He is the highest boy in the class.

  B.He works very hard at his lessons.

  C.He often wanders in the library.

  What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

  A. Boss and secretary.

  B. Teacher and student.

  C.Doctor and patient.

  What’s the woman planning to do?

  A.She is going to take a test.

  B.She will learn to use computers.

  C.She is planning to find a new job.

  How long did it take the man to write his paper?

  A.About 1 hour.

  B. About 1.5 hours.

  C.About 3 hours.




  Where are the speakers probably talking?

  A.In an office.

  B. In a shop.

  C.At Jim’s home.

  What volunteer job will the man do?

  A. Write stories for children.

  B. Take care of children.

  C.Give lessons to children.


  Why doesn’t the woman buy tickets for the seats in the middle?

  A. They are not next to each other.

  B. They are too expensive.

  C.They are sold out.

  How much is each ticket?

  A. $13.




  What day are the tickets for 7


  B. Saturday.



  What is the man planning to do with his friends?

  A.Watch a football game.

  B. Go for a drive and have a picnic.

  C. See a movie and have dinner.

  Why can’t the woman go with them?

  A. She has to study for an exam.

  B. She has to attend a party.

  C. She doesn ’t have enough money.

  How is the woman getting to the activity?

  A. She’s driving her car.

  B.The man will pick her up.

  C.She’s taking the bus.

  When does the woman want to be back?

  A. At 10:30 p.m

  B.At 11:30 p.m

  C.At midnight.


  What does the woman ask the man?

  A. If he is going home for the holidays.

  B.If he knows of a simple way to the airport.

  C.If he knows who can see her off.

  What does the man look for?

  A.A wallet.

  B. A telephone.

  C.A business card.

  Why is it necessary to call in advance?

  A.To guarantee a seat.


  To make sure of the price.

  C.To ask about the time.


  What’s the speaker’s brother?

  A. He is a doctor.

  B. He is a worker.

  C.He is an engineer.

  How will Jim go to Perth?

  A. By air.

  B.By car.

  C.By bus.

  What do we learn about Jim?

  A.He has visited a great number of countries.

  B.It’s the first time for him to be abroad.

  C.He finds his job very exciting.




  I had looked forward to this day for a long time.Finally I,Kirsty Stuart,would stand on the top of Mount Blanc,the highest mountain in the Alps.Although I often climbed in my native Scotland,this was my first trip to the Alps.My companions—Jean-Pierre Barton,Maurice Gautier,and Mary Sargent—and I left our camp early and planned to reach the top by late morning.

  As we neared the top,large clouds gathered and it began to snow.We found a shelter and decided to wait for the snow to stop.After three hours,however,we decided to go back and try again the next day.We started down the mountain in the thick snow.Jean—Pierre forgot his sunglasses and went back to look for them.As he was returning to us,he started to fall.

  His fall started an avalanche(雪崩) and it was falling towards us! I was swept away by the heavy snow.Jean-Pierre hurried down to me.“Are you OK?”he asked.

  “I think I broke my leg.”I answered.

  “I’d better radio for help!”he said.“Where are the others?”We couldn’t see Maurice or Mary anywhere.

  Jean-Pierre called the emergency radio number,and the police said they would send help right away.It seemed like hours,but only minutes later we heard the welcome sound of a helicopter.The helicopter couldn’t land on the mountainside,so they lowered two men,two dogs and a stretcher(担架).One man ran to me,but I told him to search for the others.The dogs were trained for avalanche rescue and soon began to dig crazily in the snow.

  Bernardo,the lead dog,found Mary’s scarf and led the rescuers to her.Maurice was nearby.The men gave us hot drinks and warm blankets and then prepared to 1ift us into the helicopter.Two men inside the helicopter pulled us up with the ropes.I went first on the stretcher.

  Once we were safely inside,the helicopter flew to the hospital in Chamonix. Our poor rescuers and their dogs had to climb all the way back down the mountain.Later we would find these brave men and thank them for saving our lives.

  What prevented the climbers from reaching the top?

  A.The terrible weather.

  B.The loss of the sunglasses.

  C.The jury of the team members.

  D.The unexpected height of the mountain.

  How did the writer break his leg?

  A.The road was covered with snow.

  B.His companion knocked into him.

  C.The heavy clouds blocked his view.

  D.The avalanche caused a fall for him.

  How did the writer feel while waiting for help?






  Australia has very strict laws relating to the importation and possession of certain goods. Food, plant material and animal products from overseas—including many common souvenirs—could introduce some of the world’s most serious pests and diseases into Australia. Failing to declare quarantine items (需要检疫的物品)on arrival could destroy our agriculture, tourism industries and special environment.

  Every piece of luggage will be screened or xrayed on arrival in Australia. So you must declare for inspection of all food, plant material and animal products to check that they are free of pests and diseases.

  You must tick YES on the Incoming Passenger Card (IPC) to declare if you are carrying any food, plant material or animal products. In signing the IPC, passengers are making a legal declaration and failure to answer all questions truthfully can have serious consequences.

  If you fail to declare or dispose of any quarantine items, or make a false declaration:

  you will get caught;

  you could be fined over A $200 onthespot; or

  you could be prosecuted and fined more than A $60,000 and risk up to 10 years imprisonment;

  If you are not sure about the items you are carrying, ask a quarantine officer who will determine whether they are allowed into Australia.

  The reason why you are asked to declare quarantine items on arrival is that.

  Atoo many overseas products could destroy Australia’s tourism industry.

  Banimal products are often the cause of various diseases.

  Cas is known to us all, bad food can spread diseases easily.

  Dthese items may carry dangerous pests or diseases into Australia.

  You need to declare the following things EXCEPT if you have them in your luggage.

  Asome metal hairclips

  Bdried flowers

  Csome mooncakes

  Da bottle of honey

  For what purpose is the passage written?

  ATo inform the passengers of the law on the exportation of goods.

  BTo warn the passengers not to take unsafe goods.

  CTo tell the passengers to Australia to have their quarantine items declared.

  DTo urge the passengers to protect the agriculture, tourism and environment.

  If you don’t declare quarantine items, .

  Ayou can probably get away with it

  Byou are sure to be discovered and punished

  Cyou can turn to the customs officers for help

  Dyou can give them away to a quarantine officer


  We all remember seeing hitchhikers,standing by the side of the road,thumb sticking out,waiting for a lift.But it is getting rare nowadays.What killed hitchhiking? Safety is often mentioned as a reason.Movies about murderous hitchhikers and real-life crime have put many drivers off picking up hitchhikers.That no single women picked me up on my journey to Manchester no doubt reflects the safety fear:a large,strangely dressed man is seen as dangerous.

  But the reason may be more complex:hitchhiking happens where people don’t have cars and transport services are poor. Plenty of people still hitchhike in Poland and Romania.

  Perhaps the rising level of car ownership in the UK means the few people left hitchhiking are usually considered strange.Why can’t they afford cars? Why can’t they take the coach or the train?

  Three-quarters of

  the UK









  the remainder will be quite o1d.

  The potential hitchhiking population is therefore small. Yet my trip proves it’s still possible to hitchhike.The people who picked me up were very interesting—1awyer,

  retired surgeon,tank commander,carpenter, man who lived in an isolated farmhouse and a couple living up in the mountains.My conclusion is that only really interesting people are mad enough to pick up fat blokes in red,spotted scarves. Most just wanted to do someone a good turn;a few said they were so surprised to see a hitchhiker that they couldn’t help stopping.

  The future of hitchhiking most 1ikely 1ies with car-sharing organised over the Internet,via sites such as hitchikers.org. But for now, you can still stick your thumb out

  (actually, I didn’t do much of that,

  preferring just to hold up my destination sign)


  people—wonderful,caring,sharing,unafraid people—will stop.

  In the UK,with its cheap coaches and reasonable rail service,I don’t think I’ll make a habit of it.

  But having enjoyed it so much,I’m ready now to do a big trip across Europe and beyond.In the 1970s a female friend of my wife’s hitchhiked to India How wonderful it would be to have another go,though Afghanistan might be a challenge.I wish I’d got that tank commander’s mobile number.

  The author tried to hitchhike but was rejected by single women drivers because_______.

  A.they were not heading towards Manchester

  B.they thought most hitchhikers were dangerous

  C.hitchhiking had been banned and they didn’t want to break the law

  D.he was a strong man in strange clothes who seemed dangerous

  Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?

  A.Movies have discouraged people from hitchhiking.

  B.Car ownership levels are 1ower in Romania than in the UK.

  C.25% of UK people don’t have access to cars.

  D.Increased car Ownership has reduced the need for hitchhiking.

  The “fat b1okes

  in red,

  spotted scarves” in Paragraph 3


  likely means


  A.murderous hitchhikers

  B.friendlv and talkative hitchhikers

  C.typical hitchhikers

  D.strange hitchhikers like the author

  According to the author,future hitchhikers are more likely to______.

  A.visit websites and find people to share cars with

  B.stand by roads with their thumbs sticking out

  C.stick out signs with their destinations written on

  D.wait for some kind people to pick them up


  We know the effect calories have on your body.For each pound of weight that your body carries, it takes about 12 calories per pound per day to keep it alive.If you weigh 150 pounds, you therefore need about(150×12)1,800 calories per day to keep yourself alive and maintain that same weight.

  If you were to eat more than 1,800 calories per day, the extra turns into fat.

  It takes about 3,600 calories to make a pound of fat.

  The graph below shows your eating pattern before, during and after the diet.

  Note that the graph assumes that you, like most people, eat any number of calories per day.Some days you are “good” and eat less, and some days you are “bad” and eat more, but the assumption is that it averages out to 2,000 calories per day over the long run.

  The diet really takes the weight off.But the weight comes right back when you return to your “normal” eating pattern.The weight appears to come back so quickly because when you are at your lightest, you tend to gain more weight each day.The lighter you are, the fewer calories you need.If you only need 1,500 calories per day and you’re eating 2,000, you’re going to gain weight faster than if you need 1,800 and you’re eating 2,000.

  There are only two ways to keep the weight off:

  · Change your overall eating pattern so that you take in, on average, fewer calories than before you went on the diet.