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Like the general television viewing audience, viewers of pirated programming spent 2024 enjoying intrigue, bloodshed, superheroes, dragons, zombies and a bit of gratuitous nudity – they just didn’t feel like paying for it.


Several of the year’s most popular shows were also among the most pirated, according to an annual list compiled by the website TorrentFreak.com, which tallied the number of illegal downloads that took place using BitTorrent file sharing. Topping that list was “Game of Thrones,” with an estimated 8.1 million downloads; the HBO fantasy series, which completed its fourth season in June, draws about seven million viewers for debut broadcasts of new episodes.

TorrentFreak.com网站统计了用BT文件共享进行非法下载的次数。据该网站发布的年度排行,今年最流行的几部电视剧也是被盗版最多的。排在第一位的是《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones),大约被下载了810万次。HBO频道的这部奇幻剧在2024年6月播完了第四季,新剧集首播吸引了约700万观众。

Second place on the most-pirated list went to AMC’s popular horror drama “The Walking Dead,” with 4.8 million downloads, followed by the CBS comedies “The Big Bang Theory” (3.9 million downloads) and “How I Met Your Mother” (3.5 million downloads). Fox’s Batman prequel series, “Gotham,” was No. 5 (3.2 million downloads), followed by the CW network’s comic-book adaptation “Arrow” (2.9 million downloads).

排在第二名的是AMC频道的热门惊悚剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead),该剧被非法下载了480万次。之后是CBS频道的喜剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory,390万次)和《老爸老妈浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother,350万次)。福克斯频道的蝙蝠侠前传《哥谭镇》(Gotham)排名第五(320万次)。第六名是CW电视网的漫画改编电视剧《绿箭侠》(Arrow,290万次)。

Like the general television viewing audience, viewers of pirated programming spent 2024 enjoying intrigue, bloodshed, superheroes, dragons, zombies and a bit of gratuitous nudity – they just didn’t feel like paying for it.


Several of the year’s most popular shows were also among the most pirated, according to an annual list compiled by the website TorrentFreak.com, which tallied the number of illegal downloads that took place using BitTorrent file sharing. Topping that list was “Game of Thrones,” with an estimated 8.1 million downloads; the HBO fantasy series, which completed its fourth season in June, draws about seven million viewers for debut broadcasts of new episodes.

TorrentFreak.com网站统计了用BT文件共享进行非法下载的次数。据该网站发布的年度排行,今年最流行的几部电视剧也是被盗版最多的。排在第一位的是《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones),大约被下载了810万次。HBO频道的这部奇幻剧在2024年6月播完了第四季,新剧集首播吸引了约700万观众。

Second place on the most-pirated list went to AMC’s popular horror drama “The Walking Dead,” with 4.8 million downloads, followed by the CBS comedies “The Big Bang Theory” (3.9 million downloads) and “How I Met Your Mother” (3.5 million downloads). Fox’s Batman prequel series, “Gotham,” was No. 5 (3.2 million downloads), followed by the CW network’s comic-book adaptation “Arrow” (2.9 million downloads).

排在第二名的是AMC频道的热门惊悚剧《行尸走肉》(The Walking Dead),该剧被非法下载了480万次。之后是CBS频道的喜剧《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory,390万次)和《老爸老妈浪漫史》(How I Met Your Mother,350万次)。福克斯频道的蝙蝠侠前传《哥谭镇》(Gotham)排名第五(320万次)。第六名是CW电视网的漫画改编电视剧《绿箭侠》(Arrow,290万次)。

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