2024届高考英语(新课标全国卷Ⅰ)二轮复习课件:专题1 名词、冠词和代词

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2024届高考英语(新课标全国卷Ⅰ)二轮复习课件:专题1 名词、冠词和代词

  3.用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”。 He missed the gold in the high jump,but will get a second chance in the long jump.他在跳高比赛中错失了金牌,但是在跳远比赛中他还有机会。 二、定冠词的基本用法 1.特指前面已提及的人或物,或双方都知道的人或物。 Take your time—it’s just a short distance from here to the restaurant. 不着急——从这里到那家餐馆只有很短的一段距离。 2.用于单数可数名词或形容词及分词前,表“一类人或物”。 The explosion saw people rush to help the injured. 爆炸发生后,人们赶到现场帮助受伤的人。 3.用于序数词和形容词或副词最高级以及形容词only,very,same等之前。 Yang Liwei is the first man who has been into space in China.在中国杨利伟是第一个登上太空的人。 4.用于被限制性修饰语加以限定的人或物前。 (2024·高考重庆卷,单项填空,改编)I just heard the bank where Dora works was robbed by a gunman wearing a mask.我刚听说多拉工作的银行被一个戴面具的持枪人抢劫了。 三、零冠词的基本用法 1.用于表示泛指的不可数或复数名词前。 Keeping a diary is a good habit,by which you’ll make great progress. 记日记是一个可以让你取得进步的好习惯。 2.用于与by连用的表示交通工具、通讯工具的名词前。 Are you going there by plane or by ship? 你是乘飞机还是乘船去那里? 3.用于系动词turn后的单数名词作表语时。 After years of hard work,Tom turned engineer while Mary good manager.多年的努力之后,汤姆成了工程师而玛丽成了一个好经理。 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.(2024·河南普通毕业班适应性练习)English is now_______ international language.It is used in many aspects. 2.(2024·北京石景山一模)The villagers have been searching for____________buried people without stop since the accident happened. 3.The experiment turned out to be ____________ complete failure, which wasn’t what they wanted. an the a Ⅱ.单句改错 1.(2024·太原二模)Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in a ordinary school. ________________ 2.(2024·河南六市第一次联考)Last Sunday I saw a worst storm in years.It came suddenly and went on for more than three hours. ________________ 3.(2024·济宁模拟)Hiking is great fun.You will get close to the nature and take exercise at the same time. ________________ 第二个a→an a→the 去掉第一个the 考点四 冠词用于固定搭配中

  1.(2024·山东烟台模拟)If you don’t have_______good

  knowledge of English,it’s out of question for you to use

  it flexibly and fluently. 2.(2024·河北保定联考)It is______waste of time,at times

  the food is not fresh and does not taste delicious. a a 3.(2024·日照模拟)—Would you mind giving me advice on

  how to improve my record? —If you make__________most of your potential,there will be a rise in your achievement. 4.(2024·南昌一模)In____________eyes of children,playing on the Internet can only bring them great fun. the the 一、常用固定结构 1.用于“by+the+表示计量单位的名词”结构中,表示 “按……计算”。 —It’s said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 a year. ——据说,约翰将获得一个年薪超过6万美元的工作。 —Right,he will also get paid by the week. ——是的,他的工资将按周支付。 2.用于“the+比较级...the+比较级...”(越……越……)结构中。 The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you will make.你越小心,就会越少犯错误。 二、冠词用在固定短语中 1.不定冠词用于固定搭配中 at a loss不知所措,困惑 all of a sudden

  突然 in a hurry

  匆忙的 as a rule

  通常 be on a visit

  参观;拜访 as a matter of fact

  事实上 as a result

  因此 be on a diet

  节食 have a gift for

  在某方面有天赋 have/catch a cold

  感冒 make a living

  谋生 have/take a rest

  休息 in a way

  从某种意义上说 give sb.a lift

  让某人搭便车 2.定冠词用于固定短语中 at the moment

  此刻;目前 at the same time

  同时 not in the least

  一点也不 on the contrary

  相反 on the whole

  总的来说 to tell the truth

  说实话 in the distance

  在远处 on the other hand

  另一方面 to the point

  中肯;切题 make the most/best of

  充分利用 by the way

  顺便说一下 go to the cinema/theater

  去看电影/戏剧 in the middle of

  在……中间 3.零冠词用于固定短语中 on purpose

  故意地 by chance

  碰巧 catch/on fire

  着火 at dawn/dusk

  在黎明/黄昏 make room for

  让位 out of date

  过时的 by sea

  乘船 单句语法填空 1.(2024·临沂模拟)With the development of society,our country is badly in need of those with____________better command of computer skills. 2.(2024·河南罗山高中二模)I said,“You tell your sweet nephew that there are still nice people left who wanted to give them____________hand in this world.” a a 3.(2024·山东济南二模)And the headmaster had_______ hard time with all the homework! 4.(2024·石家庄二中一模)The tour will provide_____unique opportunity to stay with a British family for a week in _______hope that you will better understand the life there. a a the (1)判断设空后的名词是可数名词还是不可数名词,是单数还是复数。 (2)根据语境或语法结构确定是泛指还是特指。复数名词或不可数名词表泛指不加任何冠词,单数可数 名词表泛指时其前需要加不定冠词;表特指须用定冠词the。

  (2024·高考陕西卷,语法和词汇知识,改编) ________village where I was born has grown into________ town. 【解析】句意为:我出生的那个小村庄已经发展成了一个小 镇。分析句子结构可知,village后有定语从句where I was

  born修饰,故第一空为特指,用定冠词the;由句意可知,小 村庄已经发展成了一个小镇,故第二空为泛指,用不定冠词 a,表示“一个”。 The a 考点五 代 词

  1.(2024·高考全国卷Ⅰ,语法填空,节选)A few hours before, I’d been at home in Hong Kong,with____________(it) choking smog. 2.(2024·河南顶级名校5月模拟)Soldiers helped to take people out of the flooded area and the welfare department brought__________(they) food,clothes and shelter. its them 3.(2024·高考全国卷Ⅱ,语法填空,节选)Then the driver

  stood up and asked,“Did anyone lose a suitcase at the last

  stop?”A woman on the bus shouted,“Oh,dear!It’s______________(I)”. 4.(2024·江西上饶三模)Third,ants think about summer all

  winter.During the winter,they remind____________(they), “This won’t last long and we’ll soon be out of here.”On

  the first warm day,the ants are out. 5.(2024·河南三门峡考前适应性练习)Jane was walking

  round the department store.She remembered how

  difficult_______was to choose a suitable Christmas present

  for her father. me/mine themselves it 一、人称代词、物主代词、反身代词及疑问代词的用法 人称 分类 单数 复数 一 二 三 一 二 三 人称代词主格 (主语) 人称代词宾格 (宾语) 形容词性物主代词 (定语) I you he, she,it we you they me you him,her,it us you them my your his,her,its our your their 人称 分类 单数 复数 一 二 三 一 二 三 名词性物主代词(主语或宾语,表语) 反身代词(宾语或同位语) 疑问 代词 mine yours his, hers, its ours yours theirs myself yourself himself, herself, itself ourselves yourselves themselves who,whom,whose,which,what My thanks should go to those inspiring me to go ahead and giving me support as well. 我感谢那些鼓励我前进并给予我支持的人。 What I want to say is this:you should grasp every minute to finish your work.我想说的是,你应该抓住每一分钟的时间完成你的工作。 Such is the power of the TV that it can make a person suddenly famous. 这就是电视的力量,它可以使人一夜成名。 二、不定代词的用法 不定 代词 用法 例句 each/ both/ all either /neit­ her 不定 代词 用法 例句 none/ noth­ ing anot­ her 不定代词 用法 例句 other/ others the

  other/ the


  other泛指“其余的,另外的”,只作定语。other+复数名词=others。 In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in others/other countries,knives and

  forks. the other特指“(两者之中的)另一个”。the other+可数名词复数=the others。 (2024·高考陕西卷,语法和词汇知识,改编)To warm himself,the sailor sat in front of the fire rubbing one bare foot against the other. 三、指示代词this,that,these,those,such,so的用法 指示代词 用法 this/these that/those such so 指在时间或空间上较近的人或事物;this可指下文将要谈到的人或物。 指在时间或空间上较远的人或事物;that可指上文提到过的人或物。 指代前面所叙述的人或事物。作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于后面的名词或代词的数。 代替一个句子或短语所表达的事情,意思是“如此,这样”。在believe,think,expect,suppose,imagine,guess等词后用so代替前文提出的观点。 (2024·高考天津卷,单项填空,改编)The quality of education in this small school is better than that in some larger schools.这所小学校的教育质量比一些更大的学校的(教育质量)好。 (2024·山东潍坊模拟)People living in colder regions are generally larger than those living in hotter ones. 生活在寒冷地区的人通常比生活在炎热地区的人身材高大些。 四、it的用法 1.用作人称代词,用来指代事物或上文提到过的内容。 The Smiths bought a new house but it will need a lot of work before they can move in.史密斯一家买了一套房子,但 是在入住之前有大量的工作要做。 2.it用作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放 在后面,真正的主语或宾语往往由从句、动名词、不定式 充当。 No matter where he is,he makes it a rule to go for a walk before breakfast. 不管在哪里,他养成了早餐前散步的习惯。 3.常用于固定搭配中。 make it成功;hate/like/enjoy it that...讨厌/喜欢……;I can’t help it我没有办法;if I can help it如果我有办法;when it comes to...当涉及……时;rely on/depend on/count on it that...相信……;as sb.puts it...正如某人所说……;I would appreciate it if...如果……,我将不胜感激。 I would appreciate it if you take my suggestion into consideration.如果你考虑我的建议我将不胜感激。 1.(2024·南昌模拟)There are also two different trips,both

  quite reasonably priced.____________is a climbing trip to the

  top of Mount Puimonen.The other is a 5km cross country skiing trip. 2.(2024·河南三门峡考前适应性练习)She did not hesitate for

  long:although her father smoked a pipe only once in a

  while,she knew that this was a present which was bound to

  please____________. One him 3.(2024·青岛高三统一质量检测)Both teams were in hard training;____________was willing to lose the game. 4.(2024·河北五个一名校联盟监测二)I don’t think ____________is necessary for you to buy the fastest

  one.It would be a waste of money. neither it 技法1 通过句子成分确定填什么代词 分析句子成分,如果句中缺主语,则可能填人称代词主格、指示代词、不定代词或it;如果缺宾语,则可能填人称代词宾格;如果宾语与主语是指同一人,则应用反身代词。

  (2024·日照模拟)On my desk is a photo that my

  father took of____________(I) when I was a baby. 【解析】设空处作介词of的宾语,应用人称代词宾格;再结 合句意“我的桌子上有张我小时候父亲为我拍的照片”可知 填me。 me 技法2 通过句式结构判断是否填it 根据句式结构,判断句子是否为it的特殊句式,it作形式主 语、形式宾语或在强调句式中。

  (2024·山西四校联考)I’d appreciate____________ if you could let me know in advance whether or not you will

  come. 【解析】句意:如果你能提前告知我你是否会来的话,我将 感激不尽。I’d appreciate it if...为固定句型,意为“如 果……,我将感激不尽”。it在该句型中作形式宾语,指代 下文if从句的内容。 it 栏目导引 专题1

  名词、冠词和代词 专题强 化训练 2024高考导航——适用于全国卷Ⅰ 专题1

  名词、冠词和代词 考查点 2024 2024 2024 命题趋势 名词 1.全国卷Ⅰ65题[名词单复数]

  2.全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第七处[名词单复数] 1.全国卷Ⅰ69题[名词单复数]

  2.全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第三处[名词单复数] 全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第四处[名词单复数] 名词主要考查名词单复数变化以及名词的词性转换。 专题1

  名词、冠词和代词 考查点 2024 2024 2024 命题趋势 冠词的基本用法 全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第二处[the] 全国卷Ⅰ63题[the用于最高级前] 未考 1.语法填空和短文改错主要考查冠词的特指、泛指以及冠词在习惯用语或固定搭配中的用法。 2.短文改错中常考查冠词的错用和漏用。 冠词的习惯用语或固定搭配 未考 全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第五处[as a result] 全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第八处[in fact] 专题1

  名词、冠词和代词 考查点 2024 2024 2024 命题趋势 人称代 词、物 主代词 及反身 代词的 用法 1.全国卷Ⅰ63题[形容词性物主代词its] 2.全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第十处[形容词性物主代词our] 未考 未考 2024年之后高考对代词的考查有所变化,主要考查it和人称代词的用法。这一专题在语篇型语法填空题中重点考查在语境中运用正确的代词;在短文改错中主要考查正确区分人称代词的主格和宾格以及指代一致。 it的用法 未考 未考 未考 不定代 词的用法 未考 全国卷Ⅰ短文改错第八处[不定代词many] 未考 考点一 名词的单复数

  1.(2024·高考全国卷Ⅰ,语法填空,节选)While there are

  amazing stories of instant transformation,for most of us

  the____________(change) are gradual and require a lot of

  effort and work,like cleaning up a polluted river. changes 2.(2024·南昌十所重点中学二模)In keeping a diary in

  English,we certainly run up against many____________ (difficult). 3.(2024·高考全国卷Ⅰ,短文改错,节选)Since then-for all

  these year-we have been allowing tomatoes to self­seed

  where they please._______________ difficulties year→years 名词的单复数 1.可数名词的数 (1)可数名词单数变复数的规则变化 可数名词的复数形式通常是在单数形式词尾后加­s或­es,规 则的复数构成形式如下: 变化规则 例词 一般情况下


  在词尾直接加­s table→tables park→parks 在词尾加­es bus→buses box→boxes wish→wishes watch→watches 变化规则 例词 以辅音字母加­y结尾的名词 以元音字母加­y结尾的名词 将­y变为­i再加­es family→families butterfly→butterflies dictionary→dictionaries 在词尾直接加­s day→days holiday→holidays monkey→monkeys 变化规则 例词 以­o结尾的名词 以­f或­fe结尾的名词 一般在词尾加­s photo→photos radio→radios zoo→zoos 有些在词尾加­es potato→potatoes tomato→tomatoes hero→heroes 一般变­f或­fe为 ­v,再加­es knife→knives wife→wives life→lives

  leaf→leaves 少数直接加­s roof→roofs belief→beliefs (2)有些名词复数形式不是以加­s或­es构成,它们的不规则构 成形式如下: 变化规则 例词 变内部元音 词尾加­en或­ren 单复数同形 man→men woman→women foot→ feet mouse→mice goose→geese tooth→teeth ox→oxen child→children fish,sheep,deer,means(方式;方法), series,Chinese,Swiss 2.不可数名词的数 一般地说,物质名词和抽象名词是不可数的,因此没有复数 形式,一般也不能用a或an修饰。通常只用作不可数名词的名 词有:milk,homework,housework,weather,news, information,bread,advice,progress,equipment,meat, fun,luggage,furniture,wealth,word(消息),room (空间),man(人类)等。 特别注意 1.word意为“消息”,room意为“空间”,man意为“人 类”时,通常不带任何修饰词。 Word came that the meeting will be held on Friday. 有消息称会议将于周五召开。 2.名词前有man或woman修饰,变复数时,作定语的 man/woman和中心词都要变成复数形式。 man doctor→men doctors男医生 woman waiter→women waiters女服务生 名师指津 1.不定冠词a、an后用名词单数形式。 2.有some、many、all、both等词修饰时名词用复数形式。 3.名词前有one of时,名词用复数形式。 4.谓语动词是复数,名词作主语时确定名词为复数。 Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.(2024·太原模拟)The little boy ate so many___________ (potato) and so much meat that he threw up at dawn. 2.(2024·山东临沂二模)The ALS makes people’s muscles

  become hard.It is hard for the patients to move.Stephen

  Hocking is one of the____________(suffer). 3.(2024·江西重点中学盟校第一次联考)So I hope there will be more and more charity shops in ther__________(place). potatoes suffers places Ⅱ.单句改错 1.(2024·石家庄二模)Plant had to be on land before animals

  arrived.__________________ 2.(2024·江西赣州高三摸底考试)When my uncle arrived with

  a smile,I threw my arm around him to give him a warm hug. __________________ 3.(2024·济宁模拟)—I feel terrible,I didn’t do well in the

  math test. —Don’t take it too hard.you’re already making progresses

  and will surely learn it well.______________________ Plant→Plants arm→arms progresses→progress 考点二 词性的转换

  1. (2024·高考全国卷Ⅱ,语法填空,节选)In addition to their simple beauty,what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their____________(able) to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment. ability 2.(2024·河南洛阳高三第二次统一考试)How do learning

  habits influence learning results?It’s useful and necessary

  to discuss learning habits.There is a famous___________ (say) “Good habits lead to good endings”,which shows the

  importance of habits. 3.(2024·山东日照二模)Be sure to be with a strong ____________(aware) that you are what you eat! saying awareness 一、形容词变名词的后缀 后缀 例词 -age -cy -dom short→shortage不足;短缺 efficient→efficiency效率;功效 fluent→fluency