2024届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:2 滚动测试(重庆大学版)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习考点规范练:2 滚动测试(重庆大学版)




  第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)



  M:May I borrow your phone?My battery is dead.


  M:I need to make a call to my wife to let her know my boss had me work late.

  W:OK,but please hurry.My taxi will be coming soon.

  1.Who will the man call?

  A.His wife. B.His boss. C.A taxi driver.


  W:Hey,Jack,I’ve been on the phone with Domino’s Pizza for the past fifteen minutes.Do you think I should just drive over there to order our pizza?

  M:No way.Don’t you know you can order online now?

  2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

  A.Wait on the phone.

  B.Order the pizza online.

  C.Drive to the pizza place.


  W:Can you show me how to use this coffee maker?I need to make some for the meeting.

  M:Actually,I don’t know how to use it.But you can find a YouTube video that will show you.

  3.What does the woman want to do?

  A.Make some coffee.

  B.Buy a coffee maker.

  C.Learn to make a video.


  W:Jack,would you mind carrying out my Friday job if I do your Thursday job?I have a class to go to.

  M:That’s fine,as long as it doesn’t conflict with my doctor’s appointment at 3 o’clock on Friday.

  W:Great!The job ends at 2 o’clock.

  4.What will the man do at 3 o’clock on Friday?

  A.Go to class.

  B.Meet the doctor.

  C.Do the woman’s job.


  W:Yesterday’s lecture was excellent,right?

  M:The topic was interesting,but I couldn’t follow it completely.

  5.What does the man think of the lecture?

  A.Excellent. B.Difficult. C.Boring.





  M:Hello,Lucy.This is Sam.Look,I’m on my way to the airport.Could you do something for me?I forgot a file in the office.It’s on my desk.Can you see it?

  W:Yes.It’s here.

  M:Good.Could you send it to me by overnight delivery to the Hilton Hotel in Sydney?

  W:OK,but I’m busy at the moment.The boss has just asked me to prepare for a meeting this afternoon.I’ll get Carol to do it.

  M:That would be great!Thanks!

  W:That’s all right.Have a good trip.

  6.Who will send the file?

  A.Sam. B.Carol. C.Lucy.


  7.Where is the woman?

  A.At the airport. B.In the office. C.In the hotel.



  M:Where to?

  W:The Pacific Hotel on Granville Street.

  M:Have you just arrived in London?

  W:No,I have been here since last spring.

  M:I guess you are a student.

  W:In fact,I’m a student from the University of Edinburgh,and I’m on an educational program.

  M:I see.By the way,when will you go back home?

  W:At the end of August.Have you been driving a taxi for a long time?

  M:Only a couple of hours!

  W:Do you mean you’re just learning how to do it?

  M:Just a joke!This is my second job.I do this on weekends to earn some more money.We call it moonlighting.

  W:That’s interesting.

  M:Here you are.The Pacific Hotel.The meter says 18.60 pounds.

  W:Here you are.Keep the change,please.

  8.When did the woman get to London?

  A.Last spring. B.This August. C.A few hours ago.


  9.Why does the woman come to London?

  A.To visit relatives.

  B.To take a holiday.

  C.To attend a program.


  10.What’s the meaning of moonlighting?

  A.A second job. B.A kind of toy. C.A game.



  M:Mary,when we get out of the lift,could you let my wife know that I left my car with the repairers this morning?I’m going into a meeting right away,so I don’t have time to call her.

  W:Sure,Mr.Walters.By the way,if your car’s being repaired,how are you going to get to work tomorrow?Is your wife going to take you?

  M:No,she works in an entirely different city.I guess I’ll have to consider taking the bus.

  W:That might be a good idea.You could get off right in front of our building,and you wouldn’t have to worry about parking.

  11.Where are the speakers?

  A.In a car. B.In a lift. C.In a meeting room.


  12.What does the man ask the woman to do?

  A.Park his car. B.Call his wife. C.Find a repairman.


  13.How will the man probably go to work tomorrow?

  A.By bus. B.By car. C.By taxi.



  W:Darling,I’m going to stop by Bergner’s first.It’s got some quality things.Who knows,some of their dresses might be on sale.


  W:It’s a fairly well-known store like Penny’s.I need to get something for Lisa’s birthday.She’s into name brands.Any suggestions?

  M:A Gucci handbag or Calvin Klein T-shirt might be nice.Oh,I have a 15% discount card for Penny’s.Let’s go ahead and use it.Here it is.

  W:It’s wonderful.We can save some money for our home.Oh,no!I was supposed to give Helen a call an hour ago.It’s already a quarter to five.I left my phone with her.She must be still waiting for my call.

  M:Use my phone,darling.

  W:OK.Is my telephone number 61199621?

  M:Oh,my god.You still don’t remember it.It’s 61299621.Only the last number is different from mine.Mine is 2.

  W:Don’t blame me.I have changed it for only three days.

  M:OK.You should write it down on your notebook.

  14.What does the man suggest for Lisa?

  A.A T-shirt. B.A purse. C.A dress.


  15.When should the woman have called Helen?

  A.At 3:45. B.At 4:15. C.At 4:45.


  16.What’s the man’s telephone number?

  A.61199621. B.61299621. C.61299622.


  17.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

  A.Husband and wife.

  B.Boss and employee.




  W:This is my fifth day at the summer camp.Life isn’t exactly what I expected.We have to get up early to make our beds before our teacher comes to inspect.After breakfast,we have some free time.Yesterday I went down to the nearby stream to fish,but the only thing I caught was a tree branch.In the afternoon,there are different activities like singing,horseback riding,and hiking.None are new to me.In the evening,everyone is supposed to perform different tasks to get dinner ready.Yesterday,I was in charge of preparing the hot dogs,but I accidentally dropped them in the fire.The other kids are always laughing at me about it.At night,we sit around a campfire and tell stories.That’s the most interesting moment to me.But one night while trying to find more sticks for the fire,I almost got lost in the forest.

   Well,today is another day and I will go home the day after tomorrow.

  18.When does the speaker help with cooking?

  A.In the morning.

  B.In the afternoon.

  C.In the evening.


  19.What does the speaker like best?

  A.Fishing. B.Hiking. C.Telling stories.


  20.How does the speaker find the summer camp?

  A.Disappointing. B.Interesting. C.Surprising.


  第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





  PARIS—The recognition given by Guinness World Records to Yangzhou in East China’s Jiangsu province last week for the world’s largest serving of fried rice has been revoked(撤销).

  In an announcement on Monday on its micro blog,Guinness World Records Ltd said the revocation was due to food wastage after the organizer failed to properly deal with the fried rice as promised.

  Sharon Yang,marketing director for Guinness in China,said,“We held back on publicizing the results because we had been reviewing the information submitted by the organizer.”

  According to Guinness website,the largest serving of fried rice on record weighed 3,150 kilograms and was achieved by the Turkey Culinary Federation in Bola.Turkey,on 22 Sept 2024.As of press time,that record had not been replaced by Yangzhou’s fried rice feat.

  “Guinness received a statement from the organizer to show that the food of more than 4 tons had been distributed to five recipients.However,the organizer disposed of 150 kilograms of fried rice improperly and violated the rule that food must be consumed by people and cannot be wasted in any food-related record events.Therefore,the company has notified the organizer of the revocation,” Guinness World Records said on its micro blog.

  Cheng Dong,a Guinness certification officer,presented a certificate to the organizer on the site on behalf of Guinness headquarters after he checked the fried rice with a final total weight of 4,192 kilograms.

  The food originally was intended to be given to factory employees and students of four schools.However,some rice was not considered edible after four hours in the cooker.Then the organizer gave 150kg of the rice to a pig breeding farm nearby,which violated the rules of Guinness World Records.The organizer admitted the carelessness and called for continued support for Chinese cuisine.


  21.Why was the record revoked?

  A.The fried rice was not the largest in deed.

  B.Some of the fried rice was wasted.

  C.People in Turkey has made a new record.

  D.Some rice was not edible.


  解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“...the revocation was due to food wastage”可知,撤销是由于食物浪费。故选B项。

  22.What does the underlined word “violated” in Paragraph 5 mean?


  A.Went against B.Followed

  C.Agreed with D.Argued with


  解析:词义猜测题。根据第五段第二句中的“...the organizer disposed of 150 kilograms of fried rice improperly”可知,主办方并没有恰当地处理这150公斤炒饭,因而,这样做违背了有关规定。故选A项。

  23.Where does this text probably come from?

  A.A news report. B.A news comment.

  C.A travel journal. D.A science report.


  解析:文章出处题。A news report“一篇资讯报道”;A news comment“一篇资讯评论”;A travel journal“一篇旅行日记”;A science report“一篇科学报道”;由文章整体内容可知,本文只是进行了资讯报道,并没有作相关的评论,因此,很可能来自一篇资讯报道,故A项正确。


  “The Man with the Golden Arm” may sound like the name of some superhero in a comic book.But this name belongs to 78-year-old James Harrison—an Australian man who has donated blood almost every week,saving more than 2 million babies in the process.

  Harrison told CNN,an American channel,about why he chooses to donate,even though it’s not the most pleasurable experience:“Never once have I watched the needle go in my arm.I can’t stand the sight of blood,and I can’t stand pain.”

  An amazingly unique antibody(抗体) in Harrison’s blood makes it a true lifesaver for babies who could be affected by rhesus disease.

  The condition occurs during some pregnancies,when a woman who has rhesus-negative blood produces antibodies that destroy her babies’ cells.This can happen when the baby has the same rhesus-positive blood as the father.Rhesus disease can cause health issues in babies.It can even result in death.

  Harrison’s blood helped physicians develop an injection called Anti-D in the 1960s,which prevents women who have rhesus-negative blood from developing the harmful antibodies while pregnant.After Harrison completes one of his routine donations,his blood can be used to create more vaccines(疫苗).

  “I started donating in 1955,two days after I turned 18,”Harrison said when he completed his 1,075th donation.

  As CNN reported,every Anti-D vaccine created in Australia has something to do with a donation from Harrison,who holds the record for most blood donations in Australia.

  “A number of mothers have come up to me and said,‘Thank you very much for what you’ve done,because I now have one,two,three healthy children,’”Harrison said.

  Harrison’s own daughter,Tracey Mellowship,had been one of the 17 percent of women who need Anti-D during their pregnancy.The injection helped guarantee her second son would be born healthy.

  “Dad had always donated—we knew that,”Mellowship said.“But it didn’t hit home until I was pregnant and knew the consequences.”


  24.From the first two paragraphs we can infer that Harrison is  . 

  A.humorous and smart B.brave and unselfish

  C.friendly but nervous D.optimistic but weak


  解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“who has donated blood almost every week,saving more than 2 million babies in the process”可知,Harrison坚持每周献血,拯救了两百多万婴儿的性命,由此可以看出,他很无私;根据第二段中的“Never once have I watched the needle go in my arm.I can’t stand the sight of blood,and I can’t stand pain”可知,Harrison既晕血又怕疼,但他还敢献血,说明他很勇敢。

  25.Babies affected by rhesus disease  . 

  A.have the same blood type as their mothers

  B.develop the disease after being born