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  1.The bad economic situation set people   why so many banks and companies are left   down one by one. 

  A.thinking;closing B.thinking;to be closed

  C.to think;closing D.to think;closed


  解析:set sb.doing sth.“使某人做某事”;leave在本句中用于被动句,close down “(工厂、公司等)关闭,倒闭”,在本句中为不及物动词短语,用现在分词作主语补足语。

  2.James   in China for ten years.Now he has got a job in Australia. 

  A.worked B.is workingC.had worked D.was working



  3.The earthquake was so terrible that in only fifteen seconds a large city lay  . 

  A.in tears B.in ruins

  C.in progress D.in difficulty


  解析:lie in ruins “成为废墟”。在此短语中in ruins为固定的表达形式,意为“遭到严重破坏,成为废墟”。in tears “流着泪,含着泪”;in progress “在进行中,在发展中”;in difficulty “处境困难,处境艰难”。

  4.—We   hope you will get a nice result on the National Games. 

  —Thank you very much.

  A.rapidly B.properly

  C.gradually D.sincerely


  解析:第一句句意:我们真诚地希望你在全运会上取得好的成绩。sincerely “真诚地”,符合句意。rapidly “很快地”;properly “适当地”;gradually “逐渐地”。

  5.Jack doesn’t smoke now,but he   for almost twenty years. 

  A.was smoking B.smoked

  C.has smoked D.had smoked


  解析:根据“Jack doesn’t smoke now”可知,杰克抽烟只是发生在过去的一个动作,故用一般过去时。

  6. the years go by,China is earning more and more understanding and respect of the world. 

  A.Though B.As

  C.Once D.Unless


  解析:as 引导时间状语从句, 意为 “随着”。句意:随着时间一年一年过去, 中国正赢得世界越来越多的理解和尊重。

  7.  seems as if there will be an examination this week. 

  A.What B.That

  C.This D.It


  解析:句意:好像这周有次考试。It seems as if ... “好像是……, 似乎是……”。

  8.—I was walking on the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in and knocked me down.

  —You can never be   careful in the street. 

  A.very B.too

  C.so D.much


  解析:can’t/can never...too...“再怎么……也不过分,越……越好”,这里的意思是无论怎么小心都不过分。

  9.You are,how shall I  ,not lazy but not devoted to the job. 

  A.put it B.make it

  C.mean it D.get it


  解析:句意:怎么说呢,你不是懒而是对工作不专心。put “表达,说”,how shall I put it表示“怎么说呢”。

  10. ,the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was  . 

  A.At an end;in an end B.In the end;at an end

  C.In an end;at the end D.At an end;in the end


  解析:in the end “最后,终于”,at an end “结束,终结”,常用作表语。句意:最后,校长站起来暗示谈话结束。

  11.He won the FIFA World Player of the Year award,though   of the fans seemed to agree. 

  A.each B.no one

  C.every D.not all


  解析:考查不定代词及部分否定的用法。no one表示完全否定, not all表示部分否定, 根据题意可知应选D项。

  12.On New Year’s Eve,New York City holds an outdoor   which attracts a crowd of a million or more people. 

  A.incident B.event

  C.case D.affair


  解析:句意: 除夕,纽约举办一项户外活动,吸引了一百万甚至更多的人。incident指发生的较小的事件,事变;event指发生的较大的或重要的事件或运动项目;case “事例,实例,事实,真相”;affair “私人事务,个人事情”。由句意可知应选B项。

  13.I   myself in my studies.In return,I gained great success. 

  A.placed B.had

  C.laid D.buried


  解析:bury oneself in sth.相当于be devoted to sth.意思是 “全心致力于……”。

  14.If you have some books on how to learn English well,I’d like to borrow  . 

  A.any B.it

  C.one D.that


  解析:要借的是很多书中的一本, 故用one。句意:如果你有一些有关如何学好英语的书, 我想借一本。

  15.—Alas!I have left my key to the office in my car.

  —Don’t worry.I   it for you.Wait a minute. 

  A.get B.am going to get

  C.will get D.am getting



  16.The typhoon caused  damage that the farmers nearly had nothing to harvest. 

  A.so serious much B.so much serious

  C.such much serious D.such serious



  17.My schedule is quite   —I could arrange to meet with you any day next week. 

  A.regular B.heavy

  C.reliable D.flexible


  解析:根据后半句可知,我的计划表非常灵活(flexible)。heavy “重的”;regular“有规律的”;reliable“可靠的”。

  18.As a devoted teacher,he cares a lot  his students’ study and health. 

  A.of B.for

  C.about D.with


  解析:考查介词。care for“喜欢,想要;照顾”;care about“在乎,介意;关心”。句意:作为一名敬业的老师,他非常关心学生的学习和健康。

  19.Hearing the news,she burst into   and burst  the room. 

  A.crying;out B.tears;in

  C.crying;into D.tears;out of


  解析:本题考查动词burst的用法。burst into tears=burst out crying“突然大哭”。同时结合语境“听到那个消息,她大哭并冲出了房间”,D项正确。

  20.The number of students in our school  about 30,000 and  them study hard. 

  A.is;a large amount of B.are;a number of

  C.are;large amount of D.is;a large number of


  解析:the number of“……的数量”,修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。a large number of意为“许多,大量”,修饰可数名词复数形式。

  1.The bad economic situation set people   why so many banks and companies are left   down one by one. 

  A.thinking;closing B.thinking;to be closed

  C.to think;closing D.to think;closed


  解析:set sb.doing sth.“使某人做某事”;leave在本句中用于被动句,close down “(工厂、公司等)关闭,倒闭”,在本句中为不及物动词短语,用现在分词作主语补足语。

  2.James   in China for ten years.Now he has got a job in Australia. 

  A.worked B.is workingC.had worked D.was working



  3.The earthquake was so terrible that in only fifteen seconds a large city lay  . 

  A.in tears B.in ruins

  C.in progress D.in difficulty


  解析:lie in ruins “成为废墟”。在此短语中in ruins为固定的表达形式,意为“遭到严重破坏,成为废墟”。in tears “流着泪,含着泪”;in progress “在进行中,在发展中”;in difficulty “处境困难,处境艰难”。

  4.—We   hope you will get a nice result on the National Games. 

  —Thank you very much.

  A.rapidly B.properly

  C.gradually D.sincerely


  解析:第一句句意:我们真诚地希望你在全运会上取得好的成绩。sincerely “真诚地”,符合句意。rapidly “很快地”;properly “适当地”;gradually “逐渐地”。

  5.Jack doesn’t smoke now,but he   for almost twenty years. 

  A.was smoking B.smoked

  C.has smoked D.had smoked


  解析:根据“Jack doesn’t smoke now”可知,杰克抽烟只是发生在过去的一个动作,故用一般过去时。

  6. the years go by,China is earning more and more understanding and respect of the world. 

  A.Though B.As

  C.Once D.Unless


  解析:as 引导时间状语从句, 意为 “随着”。句意:随着时间一年一年过去, 中国正赢得世界越来越多的理解和尊重。

  7.  seems as if there will be an examination this week. 

  A.What B.That

  C.This D.It


  解析:句意:好像这周有次考试。It seems as if ... “好像是……, 似乎是……”。

  8.—I was walking on the street and all of a sudden,a car cut in and knocked me down.

  —You can never be   careful in the street. 

  A.very B.too

  C.so D.much


  解析:can’t/can never...too...“再怎么……也不过分,越……越好”,这里的意思是无论怎么小心都不过分。

  9.You are,how shall I  ,not lazy but not devoted to the job. 

  A.put it B.make it

  C.mean it D.get it


  解析:句意:怎么说呢,你不是懒而是对工作不专心。put “表达,说”,how shall I put it表示“怎么说呢”。

  10. ,the headmaster rose to indicate that the conversation was  . 

  A.At an end;in an end B.In the end;at an end

  C.In an end;at the end D.At an end;in the end


  解析:in the end “最后,终于”,at an end “结束,终结”,常用作表语。句意:最后,校长站起来暗示谈话结束。

  11.He won the FIFA World Player of the Year award,though   of the fans seemed to agree. 

  A.each B.no one

  C.every D.not all


  解析:考查不定代词及部分否定的用法。no one表示完全否定, not all表示部分否定, 根据题意可知应选D项。

  12.On New Year’s Eve,New York City holds an outdoor   which attracts a crowd of a million or more people. 

  A.incident B.event

  C.case D.affair


  解析:句意: 除夕,纽约举办一项户外活动,吸引了一百万甚至更多的人。incident指发生的较小的事件,事变;event指发生的较大的或重要的事件或运动项目;case “事例,实例,事实,真相”;affair “私人事务,个人事情”。由句意可知应选B项。

  13.I   myself in my studies.In return,I gained great success. 

  A.placed B.had

  C.laid D.buried


  解析:bury oneself in sth.相当于be devoted to sth.意思是 “全心致力于……”。

  14.If you have some books on how to learn English well,I’d like to borrow  . 

  A.any B.it

  C.one D.that


  解析:要借的是很多书中的一本, 故用one。句意:如果你有一些有关如何学好英语的书, 我想借一本。

  15.—Alas!I have left my key to the office in my car.

  —Don’t worry.I   it for you.Wait a minute. 

  A.get B.am going to get

  C.will get D.am getting



  16.The typhoon caused  damage that the farmers nearly had nothing to harvest. 

  A.so serious much B.so much serious

  C.such much serious D.such serious



  17.My schedule is quite   —I could arrange to meet with you any day next week. 

  A.regular B.heavy

  C.reliable D.flexible


  解析:根据后半句可知,我的计划表非常灵活(flexible)。heavy “重的”;regular“有规律的”;reliable“可靠的”。

  18.As a devoted teacher,he cares a lot  his students’ study and health. 

  A.of B.for

  C.about D.with


  解析:考查介词。care for“喜欢,想要;照顾”;care about“在乎,介意;关心”。句意:作为一名敬业的老师,他非常关心学生的学习和健康。

  19.Hearing the news,she burst into   and burst  the room. 

  A.crying;out B.tears;in

  C.crying;into D.tears;out of


  解析:本题考查动词burst的用法。burst into tears=burst out crying“突然大哭”。同时结合语境“听到那个消息,她大哭并冲出了房间”,D项正确。

  20.The number of students in our school  about 30,000 and  them study hard. 

  A.is;a large amount of B.are;a number of

  C.are;large amount of D.is;a large number of


  解析:the number of“……的数量”,修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。a large number of意为“许多,大量”,修饰可数名词复数形式。