2024届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修6 Module 2《Fantasy Literature》(外研版)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习课件:选修6 Module 2《Fantasy Literature》(外研版)

  [归纳拓展] (1)sth.appeal(s) to sb.某事对某人有吸引力 appeal to sb. to do sth.

  呼吁某人做某事 appeal for sth.

  呼吁某事物 (2)make an appeal

  发出呼吁 (3)appealing adj.


  ①The new fashion soon lost its appeal. 那种新款时装不久就失去了吸引力。 ②The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。 ③She does look rather appealing in that dress. 她穿着那件衣服看起来确实很迷人。 [一言辨异] Marin Luther King appealed to the blacks to appeal to the highest court against discrimination,which greatly appealed to the whole world. 马丁路德·金呼吁黑人上诉最高法院反对歧视,这吸引了全世界的目光。 [高考寻踪]

  (2024·重庆阅读B)Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers' senses. 另外,商家想方法吸引顾客的感官。 4.possess v.拥有;持有(东西、资产);控制 [归纳拓展] (1)be possessed of sth. 具有(某种品质、能力等) (2)possession n. 拥有,占有;(pl.)财产,所有物 in possession of 拥有……(主语是人) in the possession of (某物)为(某人)所有 take/have possession of 拥有……;占有…… ①It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess. 不要期望得到我们没有的东西,而要知足常乐。 ②She is possessed of various qualities. 她具备多方面的素质。

  [高考寻踪] (2024·安徽完形)Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment. 修理我们的物品并且改变我们的消费习惯可能是减少垃圾数量和保护环境最好的办法。 5.hold out 伸出;维持,持续;抱有希望

  [归纳拓展] hold back 踌躇;阻止;抑制 hold down 压制;抑制 hold on 继续;抓牢;坚持 hold up举起来 6.turn away走开,离开;把……打发走;拒绝给予同情(援助,支持)

  [归纳拓展] turn down 调小/低,拒绝 turn in 上交 turn out 结果是,生产,出来,在场,出席 turn over 打翻,翻转,翻阅 turn up调大,出现,到达 7.On seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her. 一看见她,国王就爱上了她。 [归纳拓展] 句中on seeing her为“on+n./v.-ing”形式,在句中作状语,意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。 “一……就……”的常见表达形式还有: (1)immediately, directly, instantly... (2)the moment, the minute, the instant, the second... (3)no sooner...than... hardly/scarcely...when... on one's arrival 某人一到达…… (4)at the sight of...一看见……

  注意:no sooner...than...;hardly/scarcely...when...的时态搭配;no sooner与hardly/scarcely后的句子谓语动词应用过去完成时,而than与when引导的句子谓语动词应用一般过去时。此外,当把no sooner和hardly/scarcely提到句首时,应用倒装语序。 8.Just behind him was that patch in the air. 就是在他身后空中有一块斑点。 ④________________ the arrow into the air. “嗖”地一下,箭射上了天空。 ⑤________ ________ ________ his photograph taken in Mecca. 在他身后挂着一张他在麦加拍的照片。 答案:①Then came ②There goes ③Here are ④Up went

  ⑤Behind him hung [归纳拓展] 这是一个倒装句,这种倒装为全部倒装。采用全部倒装语序的句型有: (1)当then位于句首,谓语动词为come(follow)时,且主语为名词时。此时的一般时表进行。 Then followed eight years of the Anti-Japanese War. 接着是八年抗战。 (2)当there或now位于句首,谓语为come(go)时。 Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。 (3)当there位于句首,谓语动词为be, live, fly, lie, stand, remain等动词表示“存在”时。 There were many things to be done. 有很多事情要做。 (4)当here位于句首,动词为be时。 注意:当主语为代词时,不用倒装。 Here/There he comes. 他来了。

  (5)当方位副词out, in, up, down, away, off等位于句首,谓语动词是come, go, rush等表示位置转移的动词,且主语较长时。 (6)当句首状语为表示地点的介词短语时,也常常引起全部倒装。 基础知识巩固 6.Some animals have the ________ (能力) to see in the dark. 7.She has ________ (拥有) a beautiful car. 8.The children ________ (爬) up the hill. 9.He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her ________ (胡须). 10.The headmaster ________ (拍) the pupil on the shoulder. 答案:1.appeal 2.curriculum 3.attain 4.burden 5.sorrow

  6.power 7.possessed 8.scrambled 9.whiskers 10.patted

  5.请把音乐关了。我感觉很沮丧,我的计划又一次被拒绝了。 Please turn the music off. I am upset, because my plan ______________________. 答案:1.put down every word 2.fixed on the screen 3.is usually associated with 4.held out his hand for food 5.was turned down again 2.用if引导的省略结构完成句子 (1)Miss Liu likes keeping quiet and reading books. ________________ (如果这样的话), we'd better not invite her to our party. (2)We are ready to fight for our rights ____________ (如果必要的话). (3)______________ (如果可能的话), I want to go to Canada to spend my holiday. 答案:1.(1)finished (2)were expecting 2.(1)If so (2)if necessary (3)If possible

  4.在奇幻文学中,年轻人想象自己是英雄,毫不犹豫地去拯救别人,甚至是整个世界。这样可以获得一种成就感。(hesitate;attain) 5.但是,奇幻文学毕竟和现实生活联系不密切。所以年轻人还是应该努力学习。(be associated with) 答案: There is no doubt that fantasy literature plays an important part in young people's life. Firstly, the plots of fantasy literature




  people. Secondly, it puts down something young people can't do in real life. In fantasy literature, young people imagine themselves becoming heroes, saving others even the world without hesitation. Thus they will attain a sense of achievement. But fantasy literature isn't associated with real life. So young people still need to study hard.

  路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 2

  Fantasy Literature

  选修六 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.________(n.)吸引力,魅力 2.________(adj.)有天才的,有天赋的 3.________(v.)表现,举动→________(n.)行为;举止 4.________(v.)犹豫,迟疑→________(n.)犹豫 5.________(n.)怀疑→________(adj.)怀疑的 6.________(n.)方向→________(v.)指导,给……指方向 appeal gifted behave behavior hesitate hesitation doubt doubtful direction direct

  7.________(v.)结婚,娶,嫁→________(adj.)结婚的→________(n.)婚姻 8.________(n.)惩罚→__________(n.)惩罚,处罚 9.________(v.)拥有→__________(n.)财产 marry married marriage punish punishment possess possession 高频必知 10.________(n.)视野,景象,景色 11.________(v.)达到,得到 12.________(v.)(书报的)发行 13.__________(v.)积累,积聚 14.________(v.)消失→________(v.)(同义词)消失 15.________(adv.)确定地,一定地→________(adj.)明确的;一定的 16.________(adj.)看不见的→________(adj.)看得见的 17.________(n.)疲惫,精疲力竭→________(adj.)筋疲力尽的→__________(adj.)使人筋疲力尽的 prospect attain distribute accumulate vanish disappear definitely definite invisible visible exhaustion exhausted exhausting [情景活用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①If you can't read the ________ on the bottle, ask the doctor for some ________.(direct) ②From the ________ on her face, I could see she was still ________ about which mobile phone to choose.(hesitate) ③He is in ________ of solid knowledge, so he was ________ of great confidence for the exam.(possess) ④Although her parents objected to their ________, they got ________ and are now living a happy life.(marry) ⑤Colourful candies looked so ________ and the little girl ________ to her mother to buy some.(appeal) 答案:①directions;direction ②hesitation;hesitating ③possession;possessed ④marriage;married ⑤appealing;appealed Ⅱ.短语互译 1.在……中起重要作用,对……有重要影响 ____________________ 2.伸出

  ____________________ 3.朝……走过来

  ____________________ 4.走开

  ____________________ 5.注视,盯着看

  ____________________ 6.注视,凝视

  ____________________ 7.对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣

  ____________________ play an important part in hold out come up to turn away keep one's eyes on fix on

  appeal to sb. 8.限于

  ____________________ 9.出发,动身

  ____________________ 10.put down

  ____________________ 11.sweep over

  ____________________ 12.look around for

  ____________________ 13.put a spell on

  ____________________ 14.(be) associated with

  ____________________ 15.ahead of

  ____________________ 16.look back over one's shoulder

  ____________________ 17.catch a glimpse of

  ____________________ 18.cast about

  ____________________ (be) restricted to set out 放下;记下;镇压 向……扩展 四处寻找 用咒符镇住 与……有联系,与……联系在一起 在……前面 回头看 瞥见 寻找,搜索,想办法 [情景活用] 选用上面的短语的适当形式填空 ①The student sat there, with his attention ________ the book. ②Everyone ____________________ protecting the environment. ③Veronica always ______________ me with her usual smile and greets me every time she sees me. ④ The man __________his hand as if to shake hands with me. 答案:①fixed on ②plays an important part in ③comes up to

  ④held out Ⅲ.典句析练 1.Then she leapt backwards, _______________________. 然后她向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。 [解析] 句中“back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly”是名词的独立主格结构。 [仿写] 他上课专心听讲,眼睛紧盯着黑板。 He was listening attentively in class, his eyes ________the black board.

  2._________, the king immediately falls in love with her. 一看见她,国王就爱上了她。 [解析] on prep.“一……就……”,后接v.-ing或表示动作的名词,在句中作时间状语。 [仿写] 一听到这个消息,她就大声地哭了起来。 ________________, she burst into tears.

  3.______________ someone had cut a patch out of the air... 那儿看上去就像有人将空间切开了一块…… [解析] It looked as if...“看起来好像……”,后可接虚拟语气。 [仿写] 她和女儿看起来好像姐妹。 It looks as if ____________________________________. 4.________, what did you like best? 如果这样的话,你最喜欢什么? [解析] if so为条件状语从句的省略,意为“如果这样的话”。 [仿写] 汤姆的车在路上抛锚了。如果这样的话,经理还会责备他吗? Tom's car broke down on the way. ____________, will the manager blame him? 答案:1.back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly; fixed on

  2.On seeing her; On hearing the news 3.It looked as if;she and her daughter were sisters 4.If so;If so Ⅳ.单元语法 v-ing作状语 语法填空 1.—Hi,Mary.Would you like to go to the concert this evening? —Sorry,Tom.Not________(prepare) tomorrow's lessons,I have no time to go out with you. 答案:having prepared 考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,空格处的内容用作原因状语,且强调动作的完成性;又因为主语与动词prepare之间为主谓关系,所以用现在分词。 2.________(stand)

  in a long queue,we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad. 答案:Standing 句意:我们站在长长的队伍中等商店开门了买一部新的iPad。逻辑主语we与动词stand之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作伴随状语。 3.More highways have been built in China, ________(make) it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. 答案:making 句意:中国建了更多的公路,这使得人们从一个地方到另外一个地方旅行更加容易了。making是现在分词,在句中作结果状语。 4.________(gather) around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people. 答案:Gathering 句意:旅游者和当地的居民围着篝火一起跳舞。主语the tourists和动词gather是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作伴随状语。 5.The lawyer listened with full attention, ________(try)not to miss any point. 答案:trying 句意:律师专注地听着,努力不错过任何要点。句中现在分词作伴随状语。trying not...表示“努力不……”。 考点探究演练 1.hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑

  [归纳拓展] (1)hesitate about/at/over doing sth. 对……犹豫不决 hesitate to do sth. 迟疑做某事 (2)hesitation n. 犹豫,踌躇,不情愿 have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫做某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 2.doubt n.& v.怀疑;疑惑;疑问

  ③I don't doubt ________ he'll come tomorrow. 我确信明天他会来。 ④There is some doubt ________ he can win the first prize. 他是否能赢得一等奖还有些疑问。 答案:①that ②if/whether ③that ④whether [归纳拓展] (1)I doubt if/whether... 我怀疑……。 I don't doubt that...

  我确信……。 (2)There is no doubt that...

  毫无疑问……。 I have no doubt that...

  我确信……。 I have some doubt whether...

  我怀疑……。 in doubt

  怀疑,不肯定,犹豫 no doubt

  肯定地,想必 without doubt

  毫无疑问;一定地 ①I doubted if that was what he wanted. 我不知道那是不是他想要的。 ②I have no doubt that you will succeed. 我肯定你能成功。 提示:doubt可作动词和名词。在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后跟that引导的宾语从句或同位语从句;在肯定句中,后跟whether或if引导的宾语从句或whether引导的同位语从句。 But I doubt that it could have been better than his own story. 但是我怀疑这可能比他自己的故事更好一些。

  [高考寻踪] (2024·安徽阅读C)There is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing. 毫无疑问,我们使用记忆的方式正在发现变化。 3.appeal n.吸引力,魅力;恳求;上诉 v.呼吁,对……有吸引力,上诉 ②The police ________ ________ the crowd ______________ panic. 警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。 ③The food, especially _______ _______ health-conscious eaters. 这种食物尤其吸引有健康意识的食客。 答案:①appealed to;for made an appeal to; for ②appealed to; not to ③appeals to

  [归纳拓展] (1)sth.appeal(s) to sb.某事对某人有吸引力 appeal to sb. to do sth.

  呼吁某人做某事 appeal for sth.

  呼吁某事物 (2)make an appeal

  发出呼吁 (3)appealing adj.


  ①The new fashion soon lost its appeal. 那种新款时装不久就失去了吸引力。 ②The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。 ③She does look rather appealing in that dress. 她穿着那件衣服看起来确实很迷人。 [一言辨异] Marin Luther King appealed to the blacks to appeal to the highest court against discrimination,which greatly appealed to the whole world. 马丁路德·金呼吁黑人上诉最高法院反对歧视,这吸引了全世界的目光。 [高考寻踪]

  (2024·重庆阅读B)Besides, businesses seek to appeal to customers' senses. 另外,商家想方法吸引顾客的感官。 4.possess v.拥有;持有(东西、资产);控制 [归纳拓展] (1)be possessed of sth. 具有(某种品质、能力等) (2)possession n. 拥有,占有;(pl.)财产,所有物 in possession of 拥有……(主语是人) in the possession of (某物)为(某人)所有 take/have possession of 拥有……;占有…… ①It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess. 不要期望得到我们没有的东西,而要知足常乐。 ②She is possessed of various qualities. 她具备多方面的素质。

  [高考寻踪] (2024·安徽完形)Repairing our possessions and changing our spending habits may be the best way to reduce the amount of rubbish and take care of our environment. 修理我们的物品并且改变我们的消费习惯可能是减少垃圾数量和保护环境最好的办法。 5.hold out 伸出;维持,持续;抱有希望

  [归纳拓展] hold back 踌躇;阻止;抑制 hold down 压制;抑制 hold on 继续;抓牢;坚持 hold up举起来 6.turn away走开,离开;把……打发走;拒绝给予同情(援助,支持)

  [归纳拓展] turn down 调小/低,拒绝 turn in 上交 turn out 结果是,生产,出来,在场,出席 turn over 打翻,翻转,翻阅 turn up调大,出现,到达 7.On seeing her, the king immediately falls in love with her. 一看见她,国王就爱上了她。 [归纳拓展] 句中on seeing her为“on+n./v.-ing”形式,在句中作状语,意为“一……就……”,相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句。 “一……就……”的常见表达形式还有: (1)immediately, directly, instantly... (2)the moment, the minute, the instant, the second... (3)no sooner...than... hardly/scarcely...when... on one's arrival 某人一到达…… (4)at the sight of...一看见……

  注意:no sooner...than...;hardly/scarcely...when...的时态搭配;no sooner与hardly/scarcely后的句子谓语动词应用过去完成时,而than与when引导的句子谓语动词应用一般过去时。此外,当把no sooner和hardly/scarcely提到句首时,应用倒装语序。 8.Just behind him was that patch in the air. 就是在他身后空中有一块斑点。 ④________________ the arrow into the air. “嗖”地一下,箭射上了天空。 ⑤________ ________ ________ his photograph taken in Mecca. 在他身后挂着一张他在麦加拍的照片。 答案:①Then came ②There goes ③Here are ④Up went

  ⑤Behind him hung [归纳拓展] 这是一个倒装句,这种倒装为全部倒装。采用全部倒装语序的句型有: (1)当then位于句首,谓语动词为come(follow)时,且主语为名词时。此时的一般时表进行。 Then followed eight years of the Anti-Japanese War. 接着是八年抗战。 (2)当there或now位于句首,谓语为come(go)时。 Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。 (3)当there位于句首,谓语动词为be, live, fly, lie, stand, remain等动词表示“存在”时。 There were many things to be done. 有很多事情要做。 (4)当here位于句首,动词为be时。 注意:当主语为代词时,不用倒装。 Here/There he comes. 他来了。

  (5)当方位副词out, in, up, down, away, off等位于句首,谓语动词是come, go, rush等表示位置转移的动词,且主语较长时。 (6)当句首状语为表示地点的介词短语时,也常常引起全部倒装。 基础知识巩固 6.Some animals have the ________ (能力) to see in the dark. 7.She has ________ (拥有) a beautiful car. 8.The children ________ (爬) up the hill. 9.He watched the cat cleaning the milk off her ________ (胡须). 10.The headmaster ________ (拍) the pupil on the shoulder. 答案:1.appeal 2.curriculum 3.attain 4.burden 5.sorrow

  6.power 7.possessed 8.scrambled 9.whiskers 10.patted

  5.请把音乐关了。我感觉很沮丧,我的计划又一次被拒绝了。 Please turn the music off. I am upset, because my plan ______________________. 答案:1.put down every word 2.fixed on the screen 3.is usually associated with 4.held out his hand for food 5.was turned down again 2.用if引导的省略结构完成句子 (1)Miss Liu likes keeping quiet and reading books. ________________ (如果这样的话), we'd better not invite her to our party. (2)We are ready to fight for our rights ____________ (如果必要的话). (3)______________ (如果可能的话), I want to go to Canada to spend my holiday. 答案:1.(1)finished (2)were expecting 2.(1)If so (2)if necessary (3)If possible

  4.在奇幻文学中,年轻人想象自己是英雄,毫不犹豫地去拯救别人,甚至是整个世界。这样可以获得一种成就感。(hesitate;attain) 5.但是,奇幻文学毕竟和现实生活联系不密切。所以年轻人还是应该努力学习。(be associated with) 答案: There is no doubt that fantasy literature plays an important part in young people's life. Firstly, the plots of fantasy literature




  people. Secondly, it puts down something young people can't do in real life. In fantasy literature, young people imagine themselves becoming heroes, saving others even the world without hesitation. Thus they will attain a sense of achievement. But fantasy literature isn't associated with real life. So young people still need to study hard.

  路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 2

  Fantasy Literature

  选修六 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.________(n.)吸引力,魅力 2.________(adj.)有天才的,有天赋的 3.________(v.)表现,举动→________(n.)行为;举止 4.________(v.)犹豫,迟疑→________(n.)犹豫 5.________(n.)怀疑→________(adj.)怀疑的 6.________(n.)方向→________(v.)指导,给……指方向 appeal gifted behave behavior hesitate hesitation doubt doubtful direction direct

  7.________(v.)结婚,娶,嫁→________(adj.)结婚的→________(n.)婚姻 8.________(n.)惩罚→__________(n.)惩罚,处罚 9.________(v.)拥有→__________(n.)财产 marry married marriage punish punishment possess possession 高频必知 10.________(n.)视野,景象,景色 11.________(v.)达到,得到 12.________(v.)(书报的)发行 13.__________(v.)积累,积聚 14.________(v.)消失→________(v.)(同义词)消失 15.________(adv.)确定地,一定地→________(adj.)明确的;一定的 16.________(adj.)看不见的→________(adj.)看得见的 17.________(n.)疲惫,精疲力竭→________(adj.)筋疲力尽的→__________(adj.)使人筋疲力尽的 prospect attain distribute accumulate vanish disappear definitely definite invisible visible exhaustion exhausted exhausting [情景活用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①If you can't read the ________ on the bottle, ask the doctor for some ________.(direct) ②From the ________ on her face, I could see she was still ________ about which mobile phone to choose.(hesitate) ③He is in ________ of solid knowledge, so he was ________ of great confidence for the exam.(possess) ④Although her parents objected to their ________, they got ________ and are now living a happy life.(marry) ⑤Colourful candies looked so ________ and the little girl ________ to her mother to buy some.(appeal) 答案:①directions;direction ②hesitation;hesitating ③possession;possessed ④marriage;married ⑤appealing;appealed Ⅱ.短语互译 1.在……中起重要作用,对……有重要影响 ____________________ 2.伸出

  ____________________ 3.朝……走过来

  ____________________ 4.走开

  ____________________ 5.注视,盯着看

  ____________________ 6.注视,凝视

  ____________________ 7.对某人有吸引力,引起某人的兴趣

  ____________________ play an important part in hold out come up to turn away keep one's eyes on fix on

  appeal to sb. 8.限于

  ____________________ 9.出发,动身

  ____________________ 10.put down

  ____________________ 11.sweep over

  ____________________ 12.look around for

  ____________________ 13.put a spell on

  ____________________ 14.(be) associated with

  ____________________ 15.ahead of

  ____________________ 16.look back over one's shoulder

  ____________________ 17.catch a glimpse of

  ____________________ 18.cast about

  ____________________ (be) restricted to set out 放下;记下;镇压 向……扩展 四处寻找 用咒符镇住 与……有联系,与……联系在一起 在……前面 回头看 瞥见 寻找,搜索,想办法 [情景活用] 选用上面的短语的适当形式填空 ①The student sat there, with his attention ________ the book. ②Everyone ____________________ protecting the environment. ③Veronica always ______________ me with her usual smile and greets me every time she sees me. ④ The man __________his hand as if to shake hands with me. 答案:①fixed on ②plays an important part in ③comes up to

  ④held out Ⅲ.典句析练 1.Then she leapt backwards, _______________________. 然后她向后一跃,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。 [解析] 句中“back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly”是名词的独立主格结构。 [仿写] 他上课专心听讲,眼睛紧盯着黑板。 He was listening attentively in class, his eyes ________the black board.

  2._________, the king immediately falls in love with her. 一看见她,国王就爱上了她。 [解析] on prep.“一……就……”,后接v.-ing或表示动作的名词,在句中作时间状语。 [仿写] 一听到这个消息,她就大声地哭了起来。 ________________, she burst into tears.

  3.______________ someone had cut a patch out of the air... 那儿看上去就像有人将空间切开了一块…… [解析] It looked as if...“看起来好像……”,后可接虚拟语气。 [仿写] 她和女儿看起来好像姐妹。 It looks as if ____________________________________. 4.________, what did you like best? 如果这样的话,你最喜欢什么? [解析] if so为条件状语从句的省略,意为“如果这样的话”。 [仿写] 汤姆的车在路上抛锚了。如果这样的话,经理还会责备他吗? Tom's car broke down on the way. ____________, will the manager blame him? 答案:1.back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly; fixed on

  2.On seeing her; On hearing the news 3.It looked as if;she and her daughter were sisters 4.If so;If so Ⅳ.单元语法 v-ing作状语 语法填空 1.—Hi,Mary.Would you like to go to the concert this evening? —Sorry,Tom.Not________(prepare) tomorrow's lessons,I have no time to go out with you. 答案:having prepared 考查非谓语动词。根据语境可知,空格处的内容用作原因状语,且强调动作的完成性;又因为主语与动词prepare之间为主谓关系,所以用现在分词。 2.________(stand)

  in a long queue,we waited for the store to open to buy a New iPad. 答案:Standing 句意:我们站在长长的队伍中等商店开门了买一部新的iPad。逻辑主语we与动词stand之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作伴随状语。 3.More highways have been built in China, ________(make) it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. 答案:making 句意:中国建了更多的公路,这使得人们从一个地方到另外一个地方旅行更加容易了。making是现在分词,在句中作结果状语。 4.________(gather) around the fire, the tourists danced with the local people. 答案:Gathering 句意:旅游者和当地的居民围着篝火一起跳舞。主语the tourists和动词gather是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词短语作伴随状语。 5.The lawyer listened with full attention, ________(try)not to miss any point. 答案:trying 句意:律师专注地听着,努力不错过任何要点。句中现在分词作伴随状语。trying not...表示“努力不……”。 考点探究演练 1.hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑

  [归纳拓展] (1)hesitate about/at/over doing sth. 对……犹豫不决 hesitate to do sth. 迟疑做某事 (2)hesitation n. 犹豫,踌躇,不情愿 have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫做某事 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地 2.doubt n.& v.怀疑;疑惑;疑问

  ③I don't doubt ________ he'll come tomorrow. 我确信明天他会来。 ④There is some doubt ________ he can win the first prize. 他是否能赢得一等奖还有些疑问。 答案:①that ②if/whether ③that ④whether [归纳拓展] (1)I doubt if/whether... 我怀疑……。 I don't doubt that...

  我确信……。 (2)There is no doubt that...

  毫无疑问……。 I have no doubt that...

  我确信……。 I have some doubt whether...

  我怀疑……。 in doubt

  怀疑,不肯定,犹豫 no doubt

  肯定地,想必 without doubt

  毫无疑问;一定地 ①I doubted if that was what he wanted. 我不知道那是不是他想要的。 ②I have no doubt that you will succeed. 我肯定你能成功。 提示:doubt可作动词和名词。在否定句和疑问句中,doubt后跟that引导的宾语从句或同位语从句;在肯定句中,后跟whether或if引导的宾语从句或whether引导的同位语从句。 But I doubt that it could have been better than his own story. 但是我怀疑这可能比他自己的故事更好一些。

  [高考寻踪] (2024·安徽阅读C)There is no doubt that the way we use memory is changing. 毫无疑问,我们使用记忆的方式正在发现变化。 3.appeal n.吸引力,魅力;恳求;上诉 v.呼吁,对……有吸引力,上诉 ②The police ________ ________ the crowd ______________ panic. 警方向群众呼吁不要惊慌。 ③The food, especially _______ _______ health-conscious eaters. 这种食物尤其吸引有健康意识的食客。 答案:①appealed to;for made an appeal to; for ②appealed to; not to ③appeals to