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  Gavin: Nice to meet you again. How was your winter vacation?

  Frank: Wonderful.

  Gavin: You have made the most of your time, haven’t you?

  Frank: Yes, I don’t want to stay at home,  1 (do) nothing.Gavin: Would you like to share with me your experience during the winter vacation?

  Frank: Of course. I volunteered to work as a guide in the National Museum of China. It was an  2 (extreme) unforgettable experience.Gavin: Sounds great. How did you get  3 job?Frank: I applied  4 it online. And I was lucky enough  5 (give) it.Gavin: I think it is a difficult job and you haven’t done it before, right?

  Frank: Yes. But I attended a 5-day training course where I  6 (teach) how to be an informative and  7 (entertain) tour guide. After training, I showed  8 (visit) around the Silk Road exhibition,  9 gave them an interesting introduction of China’s past. I think it is  10 (worth) to do this kind of job.Gavin: I wish I would have that experience.

  Frank: I’m sure you will.


  Susan: Haven’t seen you for a long time. How is everything going?

  Mary:  1 (smooth). What about you?Susan: I have been here for 3 years since I  2 (admit) into this school. I like it very much. It is my dream school.Mary: Would you like to share with me something about your school?

  Susan: Of course.  3 (locate) in the center of the city, my dream school is popular  4 many students. It is very convenient for us  5 (go) to school.Mary: And what do you think of your teachers?

  Susan: They are very kind and  6 (help) and they are our friends as well as our teachers.Mary: Anything more?

  Susan: My dream school  7 (look) like a big garden, where there are all kinds of flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest,  8 sit by the lake  9 (listen)to music.Mary: I think it is comfortable to study in. I do envy you your good luck. I wish I could study in your school.

  Susan: Actually, your school is also very good. Now that you are there, you should like it.

  Mary: You said it! I should make  0 most of every minute in my school.The story tells of a woman who went to live with her husband in camp on the Mojave Desert during the war. She  1  (simple) hated the place. The heat was almost  2  (bearable), 125 degrees in the shade. The wind  3  (blow) continually, and there was sand everywhere. At the beginning, she just tolerated it and expected to leave as early as possible.

  Finally, in desperation she wrote to her parents in Ohio that she couldn’t stand  4  (live) there for another minute and was coming home.

  Quickly came the reply by airmail from her father — just the two familiar lines: "Two men looked out from prison bars...one man saw the mud, while  5  other man saw stars."

  The daughter did some real thinking, not only with the intelligence but also with her heart. She decided  6  (stick) to her post.

  Making  7  (friend) with the natives, she learned to love the country, and eventually wrote a book 8  was based on her experiences in the country.

  The desert didn’t change,  9  her attitude changed. Because she listened with her heart  10  the words her father sent, a whole new world opened up to her.


  The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as  1  investigative tool. Journalists use it  2  (find) information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the  3  (late) medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking, bill-paying, and communicating with family and friends  4  (live) far away or in different parts of a city. People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from  5  (differ) countries and cultures.  6  , although there are many positive developments  7  (associate) with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns. One concern relates to a lack of control over  8  appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are restrictions on what kinds of programs can  9  (broadcast)and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents can not check a published guide to determine what is suitable  10  their children to see.



  Four months ago, I lost my sister to breast cancer. It was a hard loss. So when my mother  1 (call) to tell me she had been diagnosed with lung cancer just weeks later, my five-year-old daughter, Daelynn, and I were heartbroken. We made a special trip to Wisconsin a week ago  2 (stay) with my mother for some time. A few days ago, Daelynn saw  3 advertisement on television about donating hair to those  4 have cancer. First, she asked if she could give  5 (she) to Grandma. I told her that Grandma  6 (probable) would like to see her donate it to another little girl who might need it more. Then she asked if her hair was long enough to share with someone who needed it.  7 I said yes to her, she decided to get it cut and was very  8 (excite) about sharing her hair. We measured and cut off a few  9 (inch). She said that two people were glad. I told her that more than two people were glad and that I was so proud of her for  10 (choose) to do such a beautiful thing for someone else.My daughter Evie and I were heading home from shopping on Saturday. Driving up Broadway near the middle of the town, I  1 (catch) sight of a little dog wandering on the sidewalk,  2 (hang) his head low. I slowed to a stop and we got out. The little dog was wearing a collar  3 a dog tag, no owner in sight. Evie wanted to help the dog get home. She talked to him  4 (warm) and he was convinced that she was friendly, so she carried him in her arms as if she had known him for a long time. I read the dog tag, but the words on it were too small for me  5 (read). Evie came to help. Finally I called his owner, who was  6 (anxiety) to look for her dog. Within minutes his owner came. She lived not far away and thought her little dog got out  7 someone opened the front door. Evie handed  8 dog over with a kiss on his head. The owner expressed her  9 (thank) to us again and again. On the way to the car, I put my arm around my daughter praising her for what she  0 (do).The college experience is precious to everyone. Every second in our college life should be made full use of, and even every weekend should be meaningful. But it makes us  1 (disappoint) to see that many college students waste their weekend. Increasing amount of weekend time  2 (occupy) by playing computer games. These students then become addicted to playing games at the expense of not only their weekend but also their schoolwork.  3 (spend) half of their weekend in bed, they have no idea of what to do. My suggestion is that those  4 prefer peaceful and quiet pastimes could go to the chess club, libraries, cinemas or museums.  5 they are good at sports, they could join all kinds of sports clubs. It is also a good idea for college students  6 (go) outside of the campus during the weekend and find some part-time jobs. Physical activities make our bodies  7 (strong) and intellectual pastimes help us become more energetic. Both part-time  8 (job) and voluntary services are invaluable opportunities for students to practice their knowledge and to gain  9 (society) experience. All in all,  10 idle youth will have a needy age, so let’s schedule a meaningful weekend right here and right now.James Cameron was born in 1954. A science fiction fan as a child, he grew up to become one of  1 most outstanding film-makers in Hollywood. At first he studied physics at California State University,  2 he left to follow his cinematic dream. When he was working  3 a truck driver, Cameron would stop the truck by the side of the road to work on screenplays, which  4 (contribute) to his success. In 1978, Cameron made his first film, a science fiction short(电影短片) called Xenogenesis. The film helped him get a job with New World Pictures, a company run by  5 (know) B-movie director Roger Corman. Years later, Cameron began his masterpiece Titanic, a movie about unlucky lovers  6 (trap) aboard the Titanic ocean liner. Titanic eventually became the first film  7 (earn) nominations(提名). For his work on the film, he took home three Oscars.

  Even though he  8 (win) countless awards, he still tries hard to be a director truly committed to his work. Perhaps that is the reason why he is so famous  9 (globe). He can create new kinds of films and take our  0 (imagine) to places where we have never gone before.Whenever I use public transport and if I get a place to sit, I offer that seat to someone who  1  (need) it more than I, especially to the elderly, to women or someone  2  (desperate) looking for a seat. I have made a habit of saying "Thank you" to those  3  are sacrificing their places for the fellow passengers on public transport.

  So many times I  4  (experience) that showing kindness in public places spreads like wildfire. I have seen that people around us get  5  (inspire) after seeing our kindness behavior and they themselves also start behaving similarly,  6  example, showing kindness in offering their places and adjusting  7  (they) to others. Observing and experiencing such things give huge joy and  8  (please).

  I keep thinking that goodness will spread around the world through these ways. Every human being has  9  pure soul having all goodness, but the only need is  10  (come) out open to behave in a way that is already so natural within us.


  This season millions of Americans will celebrate with turkey on the table. But it can’t  1  (consider) to have changed American culture more than its cousin, the chicken.

  When English settlers arrived at Jamestown, they  2  (bring) some chickens. However, the popularity of chickens soon disappeared because of plenty of much  3  (taste) native animals. But slaves who were not allowed  4  (raise) horses, cattle or pigs benefited from the fact, especially those from West Africa,  5  raising chickens had a long history. Many slaves could make money  6  raising chickens. At that time black cooks were in a position to influence their masters’  7  (choose) of dishes, and they  8  (natural) favored the meat raised by their friends and relatives. One of the West African dishes  9  (prefer) by white people was chicken pieces fried in oil — the meal that now, around the world, is considered American.

  Today chicken is cheap, and it has become America’s favorite meat. In the land of the hamburger, we eat more of it than beef.

  So as we celebrate  10  give thanks this season, take a moment to consider the chicken. The bird that gets little respect is the creature that has given us more than we know.


  A new phone app uses vibrations from smartphones to alert people about earthquakes.  1  phone app recognizes sudden shaking of the earth’s surface through sensors in smartphones.

  The new app is called MyShake. It is the work of four  2  (research) at the University of California, Berkeley. They said they created a worldwide warning system  3  would inform people and give them time to prepare. Other earthquake apps include QuakeFeed, Quakes and Earthquake. They show  4  earthquakes have happened, at what strength, and the aftershocks. Those use data from the U.S. Geological Survey.

  Smartphones  5  (equip) with accelerometers(加速计). These instruments measure movement, like that of a car or airplane.  6  (probable), they can also measure the shaking of a machine, a building or other structures. Accelerometers are used in activity trackers and apps that count steps or other exercise. They also are used in global positioning system apps, also  7 (call) GPS.

  MyShake uses phone accelerometers to measure seismic(地震的) activity. It has been designed  8  (know) the difference between normal activity and earthquake movement. The software developers say their app is right 93 percent of the time.

  A smartphone sends seismic  9 (inform) to the app developers. If the developers receive several warnings from one area, it recognizes that an earthquake may be taking place  10  will take place soon.


  New research suggests there is a simple and easy way that helps people to stop over-eating. They say that using smaller plates, knives, forks and glasses can reduce the amount of food we eat. Many of us tend  1  (use) the size of the plate as a measure of how much we can eat. If we use a large plate, we fill the plate with food,  2  often means we eat too much. Research from Cambridge University in the U.K. suggests that  3  (small) plates can lower the amount of food we eat. British people could reduce their calorie intake by up to 16 percent,  4  Americans could see a reduction of up to 29 percent in calorie.

  The research team looked at the data from 6,711 people who took part in the eating trials. Dr Gareth Hollands, one of the  5  (lead) of the research, said that many people think it is obvious that the larger the portion size,  6  more people eat,  7  he said that until now, there was little research on this. He  8  (add) that it was wrong to think people ate too much because of a lack of self-control.  He said, "  9  (help) people to avoid over-serving themselves or others with larger portions of food or drink by reducing  10  (they) size, availability and appeal in shops, restaurants and in the home, is likely to be a good way of helping lots of people to reduce their risk of over-eating."




  考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知此处应用非谓语动词,又因为do与句子的主语构成主谓关系,因此要用动词-ing形式作伴随状语。2. extremely



  考查介词。 apply for sth.意为"申请",apply to do sth.意为"申请做某事"。由空格后的it可知,此处应用介词for。5. to be given

  考查动词不定式。表示情感类的形容词glad,lucky等后面常用不定式作原因状语,give与主语I构成动宾关系,因此要用to be given。6.was taught 考查动词的时态和语态。分析句子结构可知,从句中缺少谓语,动词teach与主语I构成动宾关系,且此处讲的是过去的事情,因此用was taught。7. entertaining 考查形容词。分析句子结构可知,空格处与informative并列,修饰tour guide,故应用形容词。由语境可知此处表示令人愉快的,故此处应用entertaining。8. visitors


  考查。分析句子结构可知,空格处所在句为非限制性定语从句,关系词指代前面整个句子,故应用which来引导。10. worthwhile 考查形容词。It is worthwhile to do sth."值得做某事",为固定句式。【】这是一则对话。好久不见的Susan和Mary讨论了各自的近况。Susan目前在自己理想的学校读书,她们讨论了这个学校的相关情况。1. Smoothly

  考查考副词。结合上下文语境可知,此处应该是"一切顺利",Smoothly相当于"Everything goes smoothly"。2. was admitted

  考查动词的时态和语态。根据句意"自我被这所学校录取以来我已经在这里3年了"可知,I与admit之间是动宾关系,且被录取这一动作发生在过去,因此用was admitted。3. Located考查动词-ed形式。分析句子结构可知此处应该用非谓语动词,又因为locate与句子主语my dream school构成动宾关系,因此用located。注意:该词位于句首,首字母要大写。4.with

  考查介词。be popular with sb.意为"受某人欢迎",为固定搭配。5.to go 本题考查动词不定式的能力。It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 为固定句式,其中It作形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式,因此用to go。6.helpful


  考查谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空格处应该是谓语动词,主语是My dream school,表示单数意义,此处陈述的是客观事实,故应填looks。8.or



  考查冠词。make the most of 意为"充分利用",为固定搭配。


  1. simply


  2. unbearable

  根据上文句子中的"hated the place"和后面的"125 degrees"可知,语境表示这里的温度令人难以忍受。

  3. blew


  4. living

  can’t/couldn’ t stand doing sth."不能忍受做某事"。

  5. the

  由于上文提到了"two men",所以此处指"两者中的另一个",应用the other表示,故用the。

  6. to stick

  decide to do sth."决定做某事"。

  7. friends

  make friends"交朋友"。

  8. that/which

  此处用关系代词that/which指代先行词a book,并在定语从句中作主语。

  9. but


  10. to

  listen to"听从"。



  1. an


  2. to find


  3. latest。考查形容词。医生用它来了解更多关于鲜为人知的疾病的知识和最新的医药发展。latest最新的,最近的。

  4. living

  考查非谓语动词。family and friends与live之间为主动关系,故用现在分词作后置定语。