2024届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块5.3《science and nature》(原卷版)

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2024届高考英语一轮模块复习学案:模块5.3《science and nature》(原卷版)

  2024届高考英语一轮复习精品资料(译林牛津版)——模块五Unit 3 (讲练篇)

  Unit 3 Science and nature


  考点-1. intention

  【教材原句】Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to create copies of humans. (P42)


  ②However, some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life.(P42)但是,有些人认为怀着摧毁人类胚胎的意图来克隆人类胚胎是对人类生命的不尊重。

  【例句研读】What is the intention to do so?


  I have no intention of interrupting you.

  我。He returned with the intention of spending New Year with his family.


  By God!I said that without intention!


  The book is intended for beginners.


  【自主归纳】intention n. 意图,目的;企图 adj.


  with the intention of by intention

  without intention

  intend vt.

  intend (sb.) to do sth.

  be intended for (to do)


  The book



  He went abroad

  further education.


  He will never

  hurt anyone.


  I have __________________ coming to this terrible place again!

  考点-2. anxiety

  【教材原句】Even though human cloning is causing a lot of anxiety, it is good news for Faye Wilson.P42)

  尽管人类的克隆正带来很多的忧虑,对Faye Wilson来说,这是个好消息。

  【例句研读】She is waiting for the message with anxiety.

  她正等待消息。She is anxious about the coming exam.


  He is anxious to visit the Great Wall.

  他去参观长城。【自主归纳】anxiety n. 忧虑,焦虑,不安→

  adj. 焦虑的,渴望的→

  adv. 焦虑地

  be anxious(for sb.)to do sth.

  be anxious to do sth.

  be anxious about sb./sth.

  be anxious for sth.

  【即时巩固】I am anxious _______ her, for I haven’t heard from her for a long time.

  A. towards

  B. about

  C. to

  D. over

  ②—What does he want to do?He was

  ____ to show he can work out the difficult math problem.

  A. worried

  B. anxious

  C. surprised

  D. strange

  ③If the government borrows trillions of dollars, this will increase public ________

  A. anxiety

  B. happiness

  C. wealth

  D. confidence

  考点-3. adopt

  【教材原句】‘I am anxious to have a child of my own,’ she says. ‘I don't want to adopt someone else's child — if I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby right now.’ (P42)——如果我有这个机会,我会立即要一个克隆婴儿。”

  【例句研读】As they had no children of their own,they adopted an orphan.他们没有亲生儿女,。

  We should adopt the consumers' suggestion.

  我们应该。They argued him into the adoption of the plan.


  The government adopted a new measure to fight against drunk driving.



  【自主归纳】adopt vt. 收养,领养;采纳,采用 adj.收养的 n. 收养;采取adopt one's idea

  adopt a new standard/measure

  one's adopted son

  adopt与adapt 是形似词容易混淆,adapt意为“适应”。

  The young couple had no children of their own and

  an orphan. After a few months, the orphan came to

  to his new life.



  If you think our suggestions work for you, then ___________ them.


  We argued her into the __________of the plan.


  They are his ______________ parents.

  考点-4. consequence

  【教材原句】If we toy with nature, we will have to deal with the consequences.P43)


  【例句研读】The lung cancer is a consequence of cigarette smoking.


  It terrified me to consider the consequence of your action.

  一到你,我就感到害怕。In consequence of the rain, the tennis match was delayed.


  He didn't work hard, and as a consequence, he failed his exam.


  As a consequence of smoking, my father coughs frequently.


  ⑥He may be a man of consequence in his own country, but he's nobody here.



  【自主归纳】consequence n. 结果,后果;重要性,重大意义 adj.必然的;因……结果而起的 adv.因此;结果;必然地

  as a consequencein consequence=as a result

  as a consequence of=in consequence of

  take /bear the consequences (of)

  of consequence

  of no consequence

  【即时巩固】the seaside was closed down as a(a) ________ of the terribly bad management and fund shortage.

  A. summary

  B. consequence

  C. conclusion

  D. effect


  【教材原句】I think we should be cautious and use good judgment when making decisions about cloning.()


  【例句研读】He lacks sound judgment.

  他缺乏。In my judgment, we should accept their apology.

  ,我们应该接受他们的道歉。He refused to make a judgment on/about the situation.  


  We shouldn't judge a person by his appearance.


  The court judged her guilty.


  Judging from what he said,he must be an honest man.


  【自主归纳】对……作出判断依某人看来,按某人的看法judge vt.&n.审判,判决;法官;裁判员;认为

  judge sb./sth.to be根据……来判断(作状语)根据……来判断【即时巩固】________ the best in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships ________ 21,000 dollars.

  A. Judged;totalingB. To be judged;totaled

  C. Having judged;to total

  D. Judging;would total

  -6. majority

  【教材原句】I am sure that if you conducted a survey among UK citizens, it would show that the majority of people would not support this type of scientific research.【例句研读】A/The majority of people seem to prefer TV to radio.


  The majority strongly support/supports the plan to build a playground for children.

  都积极地支持为孩子们建造运动场的计划。Young people were in the majority at the meeting.


  He won by a majority of 500.


  He won the seat with a majority of 71 votes.



  【自主归纳】majority n. 多数,大多数;大半The/A majority of +复数名词+复数谓语动词

  +不可数名词+单数谓语动词a/the majority可单独使用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式或复数形式都可以

  The majority

  against the plan.大多数人反对这个计划。

  The majority of the damage

  easy to repair.这次的损失大部分容易补救。



  ②minority n.

  少数in the/a minority



  ________________________ believe smoking is harmful to health.


  The majority ____________________.


  In the nursing profession,women ____________________.


  She was elected ____________________.

  -7. confirm

  【教材原句】【例句研读】What he observed confirmed his judgment.


  The announcement confirmed that the election would take place on June 20th.


  The latest scientific development confirmed the public in the belief.


  This new evidence confirms me in my opinion that they are lying.



  ⑤It has been confirmed that all had passed the math exam.


  【自主归纳】It has been confirmed that(从句) ...

  【即时巩固】预订后请来函确认。Please write to _______ your reservation .

  ②已经确定会议将于下个星期召开。 the meeting will take place next week.

  考点-8. frighten

  【教材原句】While many people are excited about these new technologies, these same technologies frighten others. (P59)尽管许多人对这些新技术感到兴奋,而其他人则对这些同样的技术感到害怕。

  【例句研读】The high prices have frightened off many customers.



  ②Keep still, or you'll frighten the rabbit away.


  They frightened the old lady into signing the paper.

  他们,使她签了这份文件。He was shaking with fright.


  She was frightened by the anger in his eyes.


  I was frightened of being left alone in the house.


  Mother's calm behavior made the frightened child quiet.



  【自主归纳】frighten v.使惊吓,使惊恐→ adj. 令人害怕的→ adj. (人)感到害怕的→

  n. 恐怖;惊吓

  frighten away/off

  frighten sb.into doing

  frighten sb.to death

  =(frighten sb. out of life)

  be frightened to death

  =(be frightened out of life)

  be frightened with

  be frightened of/by sth.

  be frightened to do sth.

  be frightened that(从句)...


  They were evidently trying to obedience.


  Don't put your prices too high or you'll.

  ③——你的表情为什么如此惊恐?——因为你戴着吓人的面具,差点把我吓死。—Why do you have a ___________look?

  —Because you almost ____________me out of life by your ____________mask.

  考点-9. profit

  【教材原句】Research has been limited to increasing production profitsrather than making sure that GM foods are safe.(P59)目前的研究仅局限于增加生产利润,而不是确保转基因食品的安全。

  【例句研读】There's no profit in running a cinema in this town.


  He's getting married again, after two divorces, so he obviously hasn't profited by his experiences.

  他两次离婚之后又结婚,显然没有。They make a profit of ten pence on every copy they sell.


  He profited greatly from his year abroad.


  【自主归纳】profit n. 利益;收益 vi.& vt.获益;对……有用

  make a profitdo sth.for profit

  gain much profit from

  profit by sth.(无被动)profit from sth.

  【即时巩固】There is very little ________ in selling newspapers at present.

  A. advantage

  B. mistake

  C. drawback

  D. profit

  考点-10. permission

  【教材原句】Since no one really knows whether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give permission for the production of GM foods….(P59)


  【例句研读】部分The teacher gave me permission to go home early.

  ②Smoking is not permitted in this room.

  ③They don’t permit talking in the library.

  ④The policeman permitted him to park there.

  ⑤I’ll go to meet you if time permits.

  ⑥We’ll start tomorrow, weather permitting.

  【自主归纳】permission n. 许可

  permit vt.

  permit doing sth.

  permit sb. to do sth.

  permit sb. sth.

  without permission

  ask (for) permission

  with your permission

  【即时巩固】Before building a house, you will have to _______ the government’s permission.

  A. get from

  B. follow

  C. receive

  D. ask for

  ②His father gave him an _______ of 1,000 pounds a year to help him finish his college education.

  A. permission

  B. permit

  C. allowance

  D. admission

  ③I am ______ to meet you, time _________.

  A. likely; permits

  B. probable; permitting

  C. likely; permitting