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  Unit 16 Stories

  需写准记牢的单词——记其形、明其义1.victim n. 受害者保护保存发生遗失5.gather vi.&vt.

  聚集悲伤难过同情t vi.



  甜蜜温柔温暖突破重大发现不确定的需举一反三的单词——知其性、通其变放弃遗弃放任放纵→abandoned_放荡的堕落的particularly_ adv.特别地;特定地→particular 特别的重要性;意义→significant_ 重要的;有意义的反常的不正常的→normal 正常的ourage_ vt.使泄气使灰心→discouraged 灰心的泄气的→discouraging 令人泄气的→discouragement .劝阻泄令人钦佩的→admire 钦佩.不能忍受的→bearable 可忍受的→bear 容忍忍受引起麻烦的→trouble vt.惹麻烦麻烦毛病渴望的热衷的→eagerly_ 渴望地热衷地

  v.扩大扩充→expansion .扩张需会读明义的单词——识其形、知其义 传记想象(幻想)物公主王妃(评判的)标准(长篇)小说家胶囊;太空舱颤抖发抖令人敬倒回建筑原作的;真正的典型的纪念碑纪念堂详细的;特定的小提琴家起源开端;出身痛苦困难嘲笑取笑出色的卓越的严重的严厉的限制倔强的固执的直接的;坦率的准确的精确的模仿宝贵的珍贵的复杂的明显的显而易见的讨厌的令人厌倦的笨拙的令人不舒服的pill vi.&vt.






  1.[教材原句]Pliny described a cloud coming down the mountain, blocking_out the sun and burying everything in its path, 普利尼描述道一团云自山巅而降遮天蔽日将所经之处的一切包括一座座村庄和城镇统统吞没。[句式解读]现在分词作伴随状语。[教材原句]Another man, lying_on_his_side,_as_if he is trying to get up.

  躺在他旁边的另一个人看上去好[句式解读]lying on his side为现在分词短语作非限制性定语引导表语从句。[教材原句]Now_that Helen understood the key to language, as_much_as_she_could.既然海伦理解了语言之谜她非常渴望学习更多的词语并且尽可能多地使用它们。[句式解读]now that引导原因状语从句意为“某人尽可能地……”。[教材原句]Her words puzzled me very much because I did not then understand anything unless I touched it.她的话使我感到非常困惑因为那时我若不用手触摸就什么都不理解。[句式解读]unless引导条件状语从句。[教材原句]A son or daughter might inherit a nickname as a surname even_if they themselves did not share the particular characteristic.儿子或女儿可能因袭一个绰号作为自己的姓氏而他们本人却并不带有这种特点。[句式解读]even if 引导让步状语从句。


  1. abandon 遗弃;抛弃;丢弃;放弃;中止;(与oneself连用)使放纵;使听任放任;放纵[高考佳句](2024·北京高考阅读A)In each episode (一期节目) of abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out.

  在每一期《人与自然》的节目中都会被丢弃在荒野中找到出路。(1)abandon one's hope/plan/idea

   放弃希望/计划/主意沉湎abandon doing sth.

  放弃做某事(2)with abandon

  放纵地;放任地(3)abandoned adj.

  无约束的;无度的;放荡的沉湎于……Those who abandon themselves to despair can't succeed.

  那些自暴自弃的人无法成功。The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with abandon.

  那些女孩子跳上跳下尽情地挥舞着手臂。He is abandoned to reading all kinds of books in his spare time.




  out the plan for lack of money.

  ②The young man does nothing but abandon himself to the Internet games.


  ④Soon they reached an abandoning building, where there once lived an old monk. abandoning→abandoned

  2. witness 目击;见证[C]目击者;证人[高考佳句] (2024·广东高考写作)Over the year, witnessed gradual changes in the class.

  一年来她目睹了班里逐渐发生的变化。(1)witness for/against   作有利于/不利于……的证明(doing) sth.

  证明(做)某事(2)be a witness to

  是……的目击者;是……的证据为……作证证明为某人作证He witnessed to having seen the accused near the scene of the crime.

  他作证在犯罪现场附近看见过被告人。Imagine you are a journalist and your partner is a witness to an accident.

  假设你是一名记者你的同伴是一起事故的见证人。[语境串记]witness who witnessed the incident gave witness to the police and promised to be a witness.


  Ⅰ.介词填空单句语法填空witnessed (witness) so many traffic jams on the expressway.

  ④Many people witnessed to having_bought (buy) unsafe foods in that supermarket.

  Ⅲ.一句多译警方希望任何目击这起事故的人能给他们打电话。-1 The police would like to hear from anyone who_witnessed_the_accident.(witness .)-2 The police would like to hear from anyone who_was_the_witness_to_the_accident. (witness .)-3

  The police would like to hear from anyone witnessing_the_accident. (现在分词短语作定语)单句写作(2024·天津高考书面表达)我们的城市有witness)四个不同的季节阳光充足、雨量充沛但在冬天你可能会觉得有点冷。feel_a_little_cold.

  3.occur 发生;出现[高考佳句](2024·福建高考阅读B)Though, zy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request.

  作为孩子我们认为这件事情有点偏执但是我们从sth. occurs to sb.         某人突然想起某事某人突然想起……某人突然想起做某事(2024·辽宁高考书面表达)Along with your wonderful innovation, occurs to you and what materials you use.

  你需要和你奇妙的创新一起提交一份报告解释你是怎么想到这个点子的你用的是什么材料。It occurred to her that she should adopt the homeless child.

  她突然想到她应该收养这个无家可归的孩子。Didn't it occur to you to give him a call?


  Ⅰ.用occur的相关用法完成句子Ⅱ.一句多译我忽然想起来还没有交作业。 that I had not handed in my paper.

  4.burst  爆裂;爆发;突然打开闯入突然破裂;爆发[高考佳句](2024·全国卷Ⅰ完形)When I handed him the gift card,

  need, he burst into tears.


  Last night the room was burst into but nothing was taken away.

  昨晚有人闯入房间但没有带走任何东西。(2024·湖北高考短文写作)Hearing this, burst into laughter and my deskmate's face turned red.

  =Hearing this, burst out laughing and my deskmate's face turned red.

  听到这全班同学大笑起来我同桌的脸变红了。[名师指津] 短语burst in中的in是副词后面不接宾语;而burst into后接宾语。[形象识记]

  Ⅰ.单句语法填空er in the next room.

  Ⅱ.用burst的相关词语完成小片段(突然开了).My neighbour burst_into (突然闯入) my room. He was out of breath, t his newly-bought bike was lost. A burst (迸发爆发) of anger appeared on his face while he was talking (突然大哭起来).What should I do? I had to go to the police station with him.5.discourage .阻拦阻止劝阻;使灰心使泄气[高考佳句](2024·湖南高考单选) Do not let any failures discourage


  you can never tell how close you may be to victory.

  不要让任何的失败阻碍你因为你永远不知道成功离你有多近。(1)discourage sb. from doing sth.

  阻止某人做某事(2)discouragement n.

  [U]阻止;泄气[C]挫折使人泄气的事物(3)discouraged adj.

  泄气的变得灰心泄气令人泄气的(4)encourage vt.

  鼓励鼓励某人做某事(5)courage n.

  [U]勇气Parents should discourage their children from smoking.

  父母应该阻止孩子吸烟。 Don't be/get discouraged,

  the road to your dreams may not be an easy one.


  Ⅰ.用discourage的适当形式填空(2024·福建高考书面表达)Spare no effort to acquire knowledge and never get discouraged easily no matter how difficult the situation may be.he would never give up wanting to be a director.

  ③It is very discouraging that so many students have failed.

  ④They finished the task despite many discouragements.

  Ⅱ.翻译句子永远不要被所谓的困难阻挡了前进的步伐。-called_difficulty.在失败面前我们不应该气馁。6.figure .数字;图形;人物;身材;人影 .计算;认为[高考佳句](2024·福建高考单选)I wonder how Mary has kept her figure after all these years.我想知道玛丽这些年是如何保持她的身材的。

  认为……想出理解;弄明白看透指望;期望依赖I figured that he was drunk and shouldn't be allowed to drive.

  我认为他喝醉了不应该让他开车。I can't figure out what it is that makes him so depressed recently.

  我琢磨不透最近什么事让他情绪这么低落。We figured on your coming early to help us.


  Ⅰ.写出下列句中figure的词性和含义figures. n.人物figure. n.身材figures.n.数字figured I would go a little further.vt.估计;认为figure in the dark. n.人影根据提示完成小片段我弄不明白她是怎么保持体形的尽管她40几岁了。她告诉我她指望每天的锻炼。她认为锻炼是减肥的最好方式。rcise was the best way to lose weight.

  7.come across 偶然遇见发现;被理解[高考佳句](2024·重庆高考阅读D)You are very likely to come across large wild animals, 你也很可能遇到大型的野生动物。(植物)发芽;(太阳)升起;发生;被提及被讨论提出提供;赶上(表示劝说、鼓励、不耐烦等)来快得啦发生别胡闹别装蒜了come out

  出现;出版;结果是(doing) sth.

  当涉及……She came up with a new idea for increasing sale.

  她想出了一个增加销售量的新主意。When it comes to cooking, she is always talking without stop.

  每当谈到烹饪她就有说不完的话题。[联想发散  表示“偶遇”的短语还有:run_across,_等。

  Ⅰ.用come的相关短语填空-dinner drink with our guest.is obvious that the magazine comes_out once a month.

  ④The engineers have come_up_with new ways of saving energy.


  I_came_across_this_old_photograph when looking for a book yesterday.-2

  I_ran_across_this_old_photograph when looking for a book yesterday.-3

  I_happened_to_find_this_old_photograph when looking for a book yesterday. -4

  I_found_this_old_photograph_by_chance when looking for a book yesterday.8.hold up 举起;抬起;阻碍;使停顿;延误;支撑;抢劫[高考佳句](2024·安徽高考阅读B)To show this, held up one chopstick, representing one person.

  为了说明这一点她举起一根筷子代表一个人。缩回;阻止;隐瞒;抑制稍等;别挂断(电话)坚持;维持;伸出坚持(原则、方向等);遵循You must be holding something back from me.

  你一定对我隐瞒着什么。When he left the telephone to find a pencil, he asked me to hold on.

  放下电话找铅笔时他让我别挂掉。We must adjust to changing times and still hold to unchanging principles.


  Ⅰ.写出下列句中hold up的含义His brother tried to hold up the jewelry store and was sent to prison.抢劫hold up the roof.支撑-works on the motorway are holding up the traffic.使停顿;阻碍held up her arm and wiped her tears off.抬起介、副词填空back at once.

  ⑦It is always futile to try to hold back the progress of history.

  ⑧I will stay in Mexico as long as my money holds out.

  9.count on/upon 依赖依靠[经典例句]The government thought it could count on the support of the trades unions.政府认为可以指望获得工会的支持。  指望/依靠某物/某人指望/依靠某人做某事指望/依赖……有count


  把……包括在内不包括认为某人/某物是……If you are going out tonight,

  you'll have to count me out.

  假如你们今晚要出去就别把我算在内。I count him

  as my closest friend.

  我把他看作最亲密的朋友。[联想发散] 表示“依赖依靠”的短语还有:rely_on/upon,_等。


  We can only count_on_him_to_rescue_us.-2

  We can only count_on_it_that_he_will_rescue_us.-3

  We can only count_on_him_rescuing_us.10.end up  结果为……以……结束[高考佳句](2024·全国卷Ⅱ阅读A)At last I ended up hitting the set with my fist,


  最后我用拳头打这个装置它才停止了工作。(1)end (up) in 以……告终结果为……(up) with

  以……结束(指以某种方式结束)作为……而结束结果……(2)come to an end


  竖立;笔直地;连续地(both) ends meet

  使收支相抵;量入为出If we neglect our future, we'll end up in failure as what happens to the man in the picture.

  如果我们忽视我们的未来就像图画中的这个人一样我们就会以失败告终。He failed so many times that in the end he gave up the hope.

  他失败了那么多次以至于他最后放弃了希望。It rained heavily for three days on end and they were separated from the outside world.


  Ⅰ.介词填空(2024·广东高考信息匹配)You help organize sports activities and other outdoor pursuits and you could end up with a qualification as an instructor.单句语法填空ending up gaining (gain) weight soon again.

  ⑥(2024·全国卷Ⅰ阅读C)How often do you have something you want to achieve (e.g. lose weight, ) — only to end up confused (confuse) by all of the options in front of you and never make progress?

  [常考·保分型词汇——自主练会]1.preserve 保存;保留;保护 .保护区[练习]单句语法填空I think it our duty to_preserve (preserve) traditional Chinese culture.

  ②The organization was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.

  ③The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation (preserve).preserve sb./sth. from sth. “保护……免受……”;preservation .维护;保护”。  2.gather v.聚集采集收集[练习]用gather的相关短语完成句子(聚集在一起) to talk about the problems needed to be settled.(收获) the harvest.(加速越来越快) as it moved down the hill.gather together“聚集集合”;gather in“收获”;gather speed“加速”。  3.eager 热切的渴望的渴求的[练习]单句语法填空to_meet (meet) people I had told him and see places I'd talked about.