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How to boost a flagging sex drive has been the subject of endless discussions and countless column inches, with the prevailing wisdom being that everyone wants to give their libido a lift.


But now there's been a backlash from women who insist that there's nothing wrong with not wanting to have sex - and that it's possible to enjoy a perfectly happy relationship without it.


The debate was ignited on Mumsnet after one poster revealed how she disagrees with the assumption that everyone wants sex, and she was by no means the only one.


Even those who have previously enjoyed an active and even satisfying sex life agreed that they were perfectly happy never to be intimate with a partner again.


Others admitted that now they've had children they feel relieved that there's no need to have sex ever again.


One woman said that she's very attracted to her partner and they have an 'intimate' relationship that doesn't involve sex.


She and others pointed out that believing everyone should want sex is akin to thinking everyone must like cake or cats, and there's something wrong with anyone who doesn't.


However, some posters insisted that those who have lost interest in sex are with the wrong partners or have never experienced it at its best.


How to boost a flagging sex drive has been the subject of endless discussions and countless column inches, with the prevailing wisdom being that everyone wants to give their libido a lift.


But now there's been a backlash from women who insist that there's nothing wrong with not wanting to have sex - and that it's possible to enjoy a perfectly happy relationship without it.


The debate was ignited on Mumsnet after one poster revealed how she disagrees with the assumption that everyone wants sex, and she was by no means the only one.


Even those who have previously enjoyed an active and even satisfying sex life agreed that they were perfectly happy never to be intimate with a partner again.


Others admitted that now they've had children they feel relieved that there's no need to have sex ever again.


One woman said that she's very attracted to her partner and they have an 'intimate' relationship that doesn't involve sex.


She and others pointed out that believing everyone should want sex is akin to thinking everyone must like cake or cats, and there's something wrong with anyone who doesn't.


However, some posters insisted that those who have lost interest in sex are with the wrong partners or have never experienced it at its best.
