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  英文推荐信应该提供如下信息: Who you are,your connection with the person you are recommending,why he/she is qualified and the specific skills he/she has.此外,还应该包括联系方式,以便用人单位可以了解、确认情况。 项目 内容


  Listen and translate the words into Chinese:



  3.mainland__________ 4.distinction_________


  6.nowadays___________ 7.unique____________ 





  12.practical____________ 13.servant____________ 


  15.version____________ 16.pattern__________

  17.backwards___________ 18.simplify____________ 19.shortcoming_______


  21.custom____________ 22.drag________

  【答案】1.官方的,正式的 2.混合,混合体 3.大陆 4.区别,差别 5.口音 6.现在 7.独特的 8.要素 9.外观,外貌 10.字母表 11.词汇 12.切实可行的 13.仆人 14.完全的 15.版本 16.图案,花样 17.向后 18.使简化 19.缺点,短处 20.短语 21.风俗,习俗 22.拖,拽 项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1._____ _____

  2. _____ _____

  3. ______ ______

  4. _____ _____ 5. ______ _____

  6. _____ ____

  7. ______ ______

  8. _____ _____ 9. ______ _____ 10. _____ ____

  11. ____ ______

  12. ____ _____

  13. _____ _____

  14. ____ _____ 15. _____ ______

  16. _____ ____ 17. _____ _____ 18. _____ _____ 19. ______ ______ 20. ______ ______ 21. ______ ______

  【答案】1.occupy占领,占用 2.consist组成,构成 3.defeat击败,战胜 4.replace替换,代替 5.concern关心;忧虑 6.access进入;使用 7.embarrass使尴尬 8.interrupt插嘴,打断 9.differ相异,有区别 10.indicate显示;暗示

  11.press挤,压 12.ban禁止;取缔 13.combine组合 14.therefore因此,所以 15.distinguish区分,辨别 16.hunt打猎 17.represent代表 18.convenient方便的 19.mistaken错误的 20.raise举起;培养;提高;筹募

  21.battle 战斗,战役 项目 内容


  Translate the following into English:

  1.和……不同______ 2. 以……命名_____ 3. 除……以外________


  5. 应该__________ 

  6. 作为整体,总体上______ 7.由……组成(构成)______ 8. 导致_________9.为……制定标准_________

  10.取得对……的控制______11.禁止……,阻止……___12.由某人决定____ 13.最后,总之_______14.因为,在于____


  16.直截了当; 言归正传______ 17.使某人勉为其难干某事_______

  18.正视, 打量(某人)______19.上上下下_____



  【答案】 1.differ from / be different from 2.name after 3.aside from / apart from 4.come into widespread use 5.ought to 6.as a whole 7.be made up of / consist of / be composed of 8.lead to / result in 9.set a standard for 10.take control of 11.ban... from... 12.be up to sb. 13.in conclusion 14.in that 15.stand for 16.get to the point 17.embarrass sb. into doing 18.look sb. in the eye 19.up and down 20.concentrate on 项目 内容


  1.It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things. (P23, L56­58) [仿写]他们一定会成功。 1)It ______________________________. 2)They are __________________________. 3)They will __________________________. 2.This is because English has many words and phrases from different languages, but with similar meanings. (P22, L19­20) [仿写]当时他很生气,那是因为他写的那本书不受欢迎。 At that time _________.That _________________________. 3.Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good, while others worry that it may result in language pollution. (P29, B) [仿写]他擅长理科,而他妹妹却喜欢政治和历史。 __________,while _______________________________. 【答案】1.1)is certain that they will succeed

  2)certain to succeed 3)certainly succeed

  2.he got angry; was because the book he wrote was not well received 3.He is good at science; his sister enjoys politics and history

  项目 内容


  写作:A survey report

  is occupied with himself translating raised money on on base sth.

  / be based feed focus depend have an effect and here there now then back forth to from come go right left in out this that black white conclusion other words brief / short general detail a a word use being / existence fashion power / office effect /force consideration sight

  英文推荐信应该提供如下信息: Who you are,your connection with the person you are recommending,why he/she is qualified and the specific skills he/she has.此外,还应该包括联系方式,以便用人单位可以了解、确认情况。 项目 内容


  Listen and translate the words into Chinese:



  3.mainland__________ 4.distinction_________


  6.nowadays___________ 7.unique____________ 





  12.practical____________ 13.servant____________ 


  15.version____________ 16.pattern__________

  17.backwards___________ 18.simplify____________ 19.shortcoming_______


  21.custom____________ 22.drag________

  【答案】1.官方的,正式的 2.混合,混合体 3.大陆 4.区别,差别 5.口音 6.现在 7.独特的 8.要素 9.外观,外貌 10.字母表 11.词汇 12.切实可行的 13.仆人 14.完全的 15.版本 16.图案,花样 17.向后 18.使简化 19.缺点,短处 20.短语 21.风俗,习俗 22.拖,拽 项目 内容


  Write down the words you hear and put them into Chinese: 1._____ _____

  2. _____ _____

  3. ______ ______

  4. _____ _____ 5. ______ _____

  6. _____ ____

  7. ______ ______

  8. _____ _____ 9. ______ _____ 10. _____ ____

  11. ____ ______

  12. ____ _____

  13. _____ _____

  14. ____ _____ 15. _____ ______

  16. _____ ____ 17. _____ _____ 18. _____ _____ 19. ______ ______ 20. ______ ______ 21. ______ ______

  【答案】1.occupy占领,占用 2.consist组成,构成 3.defeat击败,战胜 4.replace替换,代替 5.concern关心;忧虑 6.access进入;使用 7.embarrass使尴尬 8.interrupt插嘴,打断 9.differ相异,有区别 10.indicate显示;暗示

  11.press挤,压 12.ban禁止;取缔 13.combine组合 14.therefore因此,所以 15.distinguish区分,辨别 16.hunt打猎 17.represent代表 18.convenient方便的 19.mistaken错误的 20.raise举起;培养;提高;筹募

  21.battle 战斗,战役 项目 内容


  Translate the following into English:

  1.和……不同______ 2. 以……命名_____ 3. 除……以外________


  5. 应该__________ 

  6. 作为整体,总体上______ 7.由……组成(构成)______ 8. 导致_________9.为……制定标准_________

  10.取得对……的控制______11.禁止……,阻止……___12.由某人决定____ 13.最后,总之_______14.因为,在于____


  16.直截了当; 言归正传______ 17.使某人勉为其难干某事_______

  18.正视, 打量(某人)______19.上上下下_____



  【答案】 1.differ from / be different from 2.name after 3.aside from / apart from 4.come into widespread use 5.ought to 6.as a whole 7.be made up of / consist of / be composed of 8.lead to / result in 9.set a standard for 10.take control of 11.ban... from... 12.be up to sb. 13.in conclusion 14.in that 15.stand for 16.get to the point 17.embarrass sb. into doing 18.look sb. in the eye 19.up and down 20.concentrate on 项目 内容


  1.It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things. (P23, L56­58) [仿写]他们一定会成功。 1)It ______________________________. 2)They are __________________________. 3)They will __________________________. 2.This is because English has many words and phrases from different languages, but with similar meanings. (P22, L19­20) [仿写]当时他很生气,那是因为他写的那本书不受欢迎。 At that time _________.That _________________________. 3.Some people are optimistic and believe that this process is good, while others worry that it may result in language pollution. (P29, B) [仿写]他擅长理科,而他妹妹却喜欢政治和历史。 __________,while _______________________________. 【答案】1.1)is certain that they will succeed

  2)certain to succeed 3)certainly succeed

  2.he got angry; was because the book he wrote was not well received 3.He is good at science; his sister enjoys politics and history

  项目 内容


  写作:A survey report

  is occupied with himself translating raised money on on base sth.

  / be based feed focus depend have an effect and here there now then back forth to from come go right left in out this that black white conclusion other words brief / short general detail a a word use being / existence fashion power / office effect /force consideration sight