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  满分48分,实战模拟,15分钟拿下高考客观题满分!姓名:________ 班级:________ 


  Stone Soup is an international magazine.



  the magazine is based on the United States, and most of the writing is by


  children, we

  also publish the


  by children from across the world.

  Twenty­two years ago, my colleague Gerry and I started Stone Soup, along with a group of fellow university students.


  Our magazine is for the kind of writing that exists on the borderland between fiction and nonfiction. We look for novels based on experiences of life that are so real that one wonders whether the stories are true or not.


  We draw on child artists from all over the

  world to show their arts in the magazine. Over the years

  our interest in children's art has grown. In addition to

  publishing children's art, we have built one of the finest

  collections of children's art in the United States.


  We have also operated an after­school art school in which 150 children attend each week.


  It includes the magazine, our museum program and our art school. While the Children's Art Foundation is a nonprofit organization, we operate it like a

  business. We have never received grants or donations. In fact,we believe that grants are often more of a problem for organizations than a benefit. We always want to be free to do what we want and the only way to be really free is to earn one's own money rather than begging for grants. We support our projects from the income of the magazine and our art school.

  A. Different magazines are designed for different readers.

  B. Its articles are written by English­speaking children up

  to age 13.

  C. Stone Soup was very popular at the very beginning.

  D. Stone Soup is also a magazine of the arts.

  E. They are of great value.

  F. Our organization,the Children's Art Foundation, is an

  integrated project.

  G. Now it has over 1,000 works from 40 countries.


  1.B 2.A 3.D 4.G 5.F


  Albert Einstein said that imagination is the greatest creative force. Imagination is the force that takes you to places where you have never been.

  Henry Ford


  imagination and belief. Walt Disney said that had he not seen Disneyland in his


  ,the rest of the world would not have seen it on earth. Bill Gates


  his products first before they became actual software that we rely on. Many of the world's greatest people


  with nothing and finally built empires. They had a


  . And the universe let them experience their imagination. The universe


  lets you experience your imagination,


  it may be.



  your mental images in the real world. The force of life makes your thoughts known to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects that can be


  You experience your own thoughts at first hand.


  you may know which ones are suitable and which ones are not. That is how you


  yourself, that is how you experience yourself, and that is how you grow. It is designed to


  you to experience an idea and its effects and consequences.



  , visions and

  dreams, whatever they may be,are the prophecies(预言) of what you shall one day become and achieve. You can


  your outer life tomorrow by looking at your inner self today. You can change your tomorrow by


  your inner self today.

  Many things


  your imagination-past fears, desires,


  of awareness, short of goals. But anything that influences your imagination is under your


  .You can stop it simply by becoming


  of it and releasing it. And this is because awareness comes in as the key to


  your mind of the debris(残骸) that brings suffering to you and damages your success.

  1. A. looked for

  B. took out

  C. carried out

  D. relied on

  2. A. life

  B. mind

  C. work

  D. book

  3. A. produced

  B. sold

  C. imagined

  D. collected

  4. A. dealt

  B. agreed

  C. met

  D. started

  5. A. dream

  B. lesson

  C. luck

  D. research

  6. A. seldom

  B. still

  C. always

  D. immediately

  7. A. whoever

  B. whenever

  C. wherever

  D. whatever

  8. A. changes

  B. formes

  C. expresses

  D. accumulates

  9. A. experienced

  B. imagined

  C. tested

  D. collected

  10. A. as if

  B. so that

  C. even if

  D. in case

  11. A. know

  B. teach

  C. enjoy

  D. accustom

  12. A. choose

  B. promise

  C. permit

  D. enable

  13. A. ideas

  B. feelings

  C. inventions

  D. instructions

  14. A. live

  B. predict

  C. promise

  D. balance

  15. A. having

  B. seeing

  C. changing

  D. avoiding

  16. A. destroy

  B. improve

  C. prevent

  D. influence

  17. A. lack

  B. effect

  C. power

  D. process

  18. A. circumstance

  B. repair

  C. control

  D. pressure

  19. A. afraid

  B. aware

  C. tired

  D. worthy

  20. A. finding

  B. clearing

  C. proving

  D. hearing

  1.解析:前文讲到了想象力的作用,此处表示Henry Ford也是依靠想象力(才成功的)。look for寻找;take out切除,获得,带……出去;carry out执行,完成(任务);rely on信赖,依赖,依靠,信任。


  2.解析:与imagination对应的是mind,故选B项。in his mind在他的脑海中。






  5.解析:dream与“imagination and belief”都属于思想意识,故选A项,下一句中的“imagination”也是暗示。


  6.解析:从前文所举的例子看,那些伟人都是起始于想象力然后走向成功的。而宇宙总(always)会让人体验他们的想象力。这句话是对“And the universe let them experience their imagination”的强调。


  7.解析:这句话的意思是“宇宙都会让你体验到你的想象力,无论你想象的事情是什么”。此处为让步状语从句,从句中缺少表语,由句意可知,空格处意为“无论什么”,it指代前文的“your imagination”,故用whatever。


  8.解析:从下一句中的“... by forming them into experiences and objects...”可知,生活将你的意识形态中的影像在现买生活中表达(express)出来。


  9.解析:由下文的“You experience your own thoughts”可知,你的想法所形成的经历或物品可以被体验到(experienced)。


  10.解析:这里考查上下文的逻辑关系。你亲自体验你的想法,结果(so that)就是你会知道哪个想法更适合你的需要。as if好像;so that因此,以便,表示目的或结果;even if即使,表示让步;in case万一,假使,表示目的或条件。


  11.解析:从后半句“... that is how you experience yourself,and that is how you grow.”可知,这是你了解(know)你自己的方式。


  12.解析:本段第二句中的“The force of life makes your thoughts known to yourself and everyone else by forming them into experiences and objects...”说明,拥有想象力你就可以体验到你的思想以及它带来的结果。enable sb.to do sth.使某人能够做某事。


  13.解析:由上一句中的“experience an idea”可得到提示。故选A项。


  14.解析:从前文的“...are the prophecies(预言)of...”及后面表示时间的词tomorrow及today可知,通过观察今天你的内心自我可以预测(predict)明天的你的外在生活。




  16.解析:从后一句中的“... anything that influences your imagination...”可知,后文所列举的“past fears,desires...”都是影响(influence)你的想象力的因素。


  17.解析:前文所列举的“past fears,desires”及后文的“short of goals”都是消极的因素,据此可知选A项。


  18.解析:由后文的“You can stop it...”可知,这些消极的因素能够得到你的控制(control)。circumstance条件,环境,状况;repair修理,补救;pressure压力。


  19.解析:由后文的“And this is because awareness comes in as the key to...”可知,如果你意识(aware)到这些消极因素可以影响想象力,那么你可以阻止这些消极因素对想象力的影响。





  In order to realize his dream, Bill Gates, richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University, that is the most famous in the world. He set up a company and researching the computer software. As the old saying go, “Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this idea. I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl. I got extreme interested in foreign cultures or customs. To meet me curiosity, I read in English stories every day. It seemed to be the best “meal” of a day. As a result, I always did very well in English exam. Interest is the key of success.


  In order to realize his dream, Bill Gates,

  richest man in the world, gave up studying in Harvard University, tha is the most famous in the world. He set up a company 或researchin the computer software. As the old saying g, “Interest is the best teacher.” I quite agree with this idea. I began to be crazy about English when I was a little girl. I got extrem interested in foreign cultures o customs. To meet m curiosity, I read

  English stories every day. It seemed to be the best “meal” of a day. As a result, I always did very well in English exa. Interest is the key o success.










  Dear Miss Clinton,





  Li Jin



  I'm very sorry that I will not be able to attend the lecture


  afternoon, which



  American culture.

  My mother is ill,and I will take her to hospital tomorrow since my father is on a business trip. I will take care of my mother until she is better,so I have to ask for several days' leave. I am very interested in the topic of American culture. It is really a pity that I miss it. I wonder if there will be any recording of the lecture. If so, I can listen to it when it is convenient. All in all,I will do anything I can to make up my missed lecture as soon as possible.

  Thank you very much.

