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  To most people, noise pollution is a jet flying over their head. For one Spanish woman, it is a neighbor playing the piano, The woman has taken her neighbor to court. Now she wants to send her neighbor to prison for over seven years on the charges of psychological damage and noise pollution.

  In a country known for its noisiness, the case has raised eyebrows. Neighbors often complain about street noise in Spain, but people seeking prison time for someone practicing the piano is unheard of. At the trial,Sonia Bosom says she has been suffering noise pollution up to now due to the practice sessions of Laia Martin, who lives below her. Martin, 27, didn't admit that she played at home that often, saying she took regular classes in other towns and mostly practiced at home on the weekends.

  On the first day of the trial, the newspaper reported that Bosom told the court she now hated pianos so much that she couldn't even stand seeing them in a film.

  Bosom says years of hearing constant playing has caused her “psychological injury”. Medical reports show she has suffered from a variety of problems, including insomnia (失眠), anxiety, and panic attacks.

  She says tests by local authorities have found that the sound levels made by the piano are up to 10 decibels (分贝) higher than the limit. City authorities have asked the family several times to either stop the piano playing or soundproof(隔音) the room. The family told the court they carried out soundproofing work twice but the complaints continued.

  The court hasn't made a final decision. A spokeswoman says the trial will end before May.

  1. Bosom wants to send Martin to prison because __________.

  A. Martin's playing the piano damaged her health

  B. Bosom suffered from heart attack

  C. Martin refused to take regular classes in other


  D. Martin flew a jet over her head

  2. How did Laia Martin respond to the complaints?

  A. She stopped playing the piano.

  B. She soundproofed the room.

  C. She didn't admit she played at home.

  D. She took her neighbor to court.

  3. Which of the following may probably be the best title

  for the passage?

  A. A 7­year Sentence Caused by the Piano

  B. Pianist Charged with Noise Pollution

  C. Health Problems of a Spanish Woman

  D. Actions Against Noise by Local Authority

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇资讯报道。一位西班牙女士因不能容忍邻居练习钢琴的噪声而把对方告上法庭。

  1.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“For one Spanish woman, it is a neighbor playing the piano... Now she wants to send her neighbor to prison for over seven years on the charges of psychological damage and noise pollution.”可知,Bosom要把邻居Martin送进大牢是因为Martin练习钢琴的噪声对她的身心造成了极大的伤害。故答案选A。


  2.解析:细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二段最后一句“The family told the court they carried out soundproofing work twice but the complaints continued.”可知,遭到投诉后,Laia Martin给自己家的房间做了隔音处理。故答案选B。





  As the November cold begins to take control in the UK, Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night) is a chance to wrap up in winter clothes and warm up by the fire.

  Celebrated on November 5, Guy Fawkes Night has been part of British history since 1605, when Fawkes was found trying to blow up parliament(议会) with barrels of gunpowder. Now, it is traditional for Britons to make a fake(假的)“Guy” every year from old clothes and burn it on the fire.

  If you visit a small town in the southwest of the country, you might see men from the village run through the crowded streets with huge wooden barrels on their backs, then fill them with tar(焦油) and set them on fire. And in Lewes, a town in the southern English county of Sussex, different groups of bonfire societies parade (游行) the streets, each wearing their own unique outfits and carrying a giant mascot(吉祥物), which they burn at their own bonfire party at the end of the evening.

  Bonfire Night is also a time for “chili con carne”, a dish made from slow­cooked beef mince, tomatoes, kidney beans,onions, and spices. It is often served on top of a hot jacket potato with butter and cheese. It's not the most elegant dish in the world but it's sure to warm people up while they brave the cold for the festivities.

  But for many Britons, the night is not complete without “bonfire treacle toffee(太妃糖)”,which is also known as “plot toffee”, named after Guy Fawkes' plot to blow up parliament. The toffee is rock hard and is often broken with a hammer and handed out to guests.

  Whether it's the sound of fireworks making Britain sound like a war zone, the hearty winter food, or the excuse to light a huge fire, Bonfire Night has something for everyone. Just watch out for those rockets!

  4. What is Guy Fawkes Night?

  A. A person to explode the parliament.

  B. A guy to be controlled in the UK.

  C. A symbol for Britons to enter winter.

  D. A dish famous to British people.

  5. Why do people have “chili con carne”?

  A. It's the most elegant.

  B. It's full of energy.

  C. It's on jacket potatoes.

  D. It's slowly cooked.

  6. The underlined word “rockets” refers to “__________”.

  A. celebrations

  B. fireworks

  C. performances

  D. bonfires

  7. What is the text mainly about?

  A. The origin of Guy Fawkes Night.

  B. The introduction of a traditional food.

  C. A complete toffee on Bonfire Night.

  D. Activities on the night of November 5.

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。主要向读者介绍了英国的一个节日,包括这个节日的历史背景和人们在这个节日里举办的活动等。

  4.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Night) is a chance to wrap up in winter clothes and warm up by the fire”可知,在Bonfire Night那天,人们开始穿上冬天的棉衣,坐在火堆旁取暖。由此可推知,这个节日标志着英国要进入冬季了。故答案选C。


  5.解析:推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句中的“it's sure to warm people up while they brave the cold for the festivities”可知,这道菜能让人们暖和起来,帮助他们抵御寒冷。由此可推知,人们吃这道菜是因为它充满了能量。故答案选B。


  6.解析:词义猜测题。画线词所在的句子句意为:只需小心那些“火箭”!根据最后一段第一句中的“Whether it's the sound of fireworks making Britain sound like a war zone”可知,在Guy Fawkes Night这天,英国人会放烟花,故下文提到的画线词“火箭”应指这些烟花。故答案选B。





  Please Dress Me in Red

  I have worked with numerous children infected with the virus that causes AIDS. The relationships that I have had with these special kids have been

  __1__ in my life and I have especially learned that great

  __2__ can be found in the smallest of packages.

  Tyler was born infected with HIV and so was his mother. From the


  beginning of his life, he depended on medicine to enable him to


  . When he was five, he had a tube surgically inserted in his chest. This tube was


  to a pump, which he carried in a small backpack on his back. Medicine was given to this pump and was


  supplied through this tube to his bloodstream.

  Tyler wasn't willing to give


  one single moment of his childhood to this deadly disease. It was not


  to find him playing and racing around his backyard,


  his medicine­laden backpack and his tank of oxygen. We were all surprised at his pure joy in being alive and the


  it gave him. Tyler's mom often joked him


  telling him that he moved so fast that she needed to dress him in red so as to check on him


  in the yard,and then she could quickly



  But this terrifying disease


  wore down Tyler. He grew quite ill and, unfortunately, so did his HIV­infected mother.


  it became obvious that he wasn't going to survive, Tyler's mom talked to him about death. She


  him by telling Tyler that she was dying too, and that she would be with him soon in heaven.

  A few days before his death,Tyler


  to me at his hospital bed, “I


  die soon. I'm not scared. When I die, please dress me in red. Mom

  __19__ she's coming to heaven,too. I'll be playing when she gets there,


  I want to make sure she can find me without any effort. ”

  1. A. things  

   B. lessons

  C. gifts

  D. skills

  2. A. courage

  B. ability

  C. wisdom

  D. knowledge

  3. A. primary

  B. very

  C. first

  D. right

  4. A. struggle

  B. wrestle

  C. fight

  D. survive

  5. A. connected

  B. given

  C. united

  D. tied

  6. A. occasionally

  B. continuously

  C. rarely

  D. frequently

  7. A. in

  B. out

  C. up

  D. off

  8. A. unlucky

  B. unfamiliar

  C. unexpected

  D. unusual

  9. A. wearing

  B. dressing

  C. pulling

  D. bringing

  10. A. strength

  B. energy

  C. effort

  D. force

  11. A. with

  B. for

  C. by

  D. in

  12. A. walking

  B. wandering

  C. running

  D. playing

  13. A. recognize

  B. phone

  C. contact

  D. touch

  14. A. extremely

  B. completely

  C. eventually

  D. wholly

  15. A. After

  B. Before

  C. While

  D. When

  16. A. encouraged

  B. comforted

  C. responded

  D. answered

  17. A. whispered

  B. explained

  C. spoke

  D. talked

  18. A. must

  B. would

  C. might

  D. should

  19. A. agreed

  B. promised

  C. condemned

  D. rejected

  20. A. but

  B. or

  C. so

  D. and

  【语篇解读】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。一个名叫Tyler的孩子天生患有艾滋病,他的胸部有一根管子跟背包里的泵相连,以不断给他供药,可病魔还是夺走了他的生命。临死前他让“我”给他穿上红色的衣服,以便他的妈妈在天堂里很快就能找到他。

  1.解析:考查名词辨析。根据该句中“in my life”表达的语境,结合正文对Tyler的描写可知,与这些患有艾滋病的特殊孩子的相处是我生命中的礼物。C项意为“礼物”,符合语境。A项意为“事情”;B项意为“功课,教训”;D项意为“技能”,D项意为“全部地”,都与语境不符。








  5.解析:考查动词辨析。根据上句可知,他在五岁时通过手术在胸部插入了一根管子,结合该句中的“which he carried in a small backpack on his back”可推知,这根管子和他装在背包中的泵相连。connect... to意为“与……连接”,符合语境。故A项正确。B项意为“给”;C项意为“联合”;D项意为“系,绑”,都与语境不符。




  7.解析:考查动词短语辨析。根据该句中“one single moment”及下文“find him playing and racing”表达的语境可知,Tyler决不因这种致命的疾病而放弃自己童年的每一刻。give up为固定搭配,意为“放弃”。故C项正确。give in意为“屈服,让步”;give out意为“分发,筋疲力尽”;give off意为“发出,放出(光、热等)”,都与语境不符。


  8.解析:考查形容词辨析。根据下文“We were all surprised at his pure joy in being alive”可知,尽管Tyler身患艾滋病,但我们经常看到他在院子里玩耍。D项意为“不寻常的,罕见的”,与否定词连用表示“经常”,符合语境。故D项正确。A项意为“不幸的”;B项意为“不熟悉的”;C项意为“未料到的”,都与语境不符。

