【复习方略】2024版高考英语一轮外研版课时提升作业:必修2 Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》(含解析)

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【复习方略】2024版高考英语一轮外研版课时提升作业:必修2 Module 1《Our Body and Healthy Habits》(含解析)


  Ⅰ. 单项填空

  1. (2024·包头模拟)Just as the manager says,  to take their adventure course will certainly learn many useful skills.

  A. kids brave enough B. enough brave kids

  C. brave enough kids

  D. kids enough brave

  2. (2024·玉溪模拟)By making friends with the native speakers, one can a lot of their language.

  A. take up B. set up

  C. pick up

  D. put up

  3. (2024·黄冈模拟)When I came round in hospital, I didn’t know where I was and my mind went .

  A. innocentB. blank

  C. fresh

  D. crazy

  4. (2024·哈尔滨模拟)Her shoes her dress; they look very well together.

  A. suit B. fit

  C. compare

  D. match

  5. (2024·阜阳模拟)My cousin has a large amount of money so that he can buy a house in the city center.

  A. put away B. put off

  C. put out

  D. put down

  6. I’m anxious the results of my exam while my brother is anxious the prize of the exam.

  A. for; for B. about; for

  C. on; for

  D. to; of

  7. (2024·杭州模拟)Letting out of a cry of pain is a(n) reaction when you get hurt.

  A. common B. usual

  C. ordinary

  D. normal

  8. When she fell off the ladder, her arm was badly .

  A. wounded B. harmed

  C. injured

  D. damaged

  9. (2024·唐山模拟) and I’ll have the book completed.

  A. Have one more month

  B. One more month

  C. Given one more month

  D. If I have one more month

  10. While TV, we heard the doorbell .

  A. watching; ring B. watching; rings

  C. watching; rang

  D. watched; ringing

  11. Not once has she given in to any difficulty in her life and that’s she is a strong-willed woman.

  A. why

  B. when

  C. because

  D. where

  12. Who was the last the classroom last night?

  A. leave B. left

  C. to leave

  D. to have left

  13. There is no evidence to show that he is the murder.

  A. combined with B. supplied with

  C. connected with

  D. left with

  14. (2024·银川模拟)—How much do you know about the 3D film technology?

  —A little. Not until the hot movie Avatar some about it.

  A. did I see; did I begin to learn

  B. I saw; I began to learn

  C. I saw; did I begin to learn

  D. did I see; I began to learn

  15. —How do you find your trip to the Great Wall?

  —We had an awful time!  , George got sick the day we arrived, and then it rained the next day.

  A. On the other handB. To begin with

  C. As a consequence

  D. On the contrary

  Ⅱ. 阅读理解


  Eating a diet high in processed food increases the risk of depression, research suggests. What’s more, people who ate plenty of vegetables, fruit and fish actually had a lower risk of depression, the University College London team found.

  Data on diet among 3, 500 middle-aged civil servants were compared with their emotional state five years later, a British journal reported. They split the participants into two types of diet—those who ate a diet largely based on whole food, which includes lots of fruit, vegetables and fish, and those who ate a mainly processed food diet, such as sweetened desserts, fried food, processed meat, refined grains and high fat dairy products. After accounting for factors such as gender, age, education, physical activity, smoking habits and chronic(慢性的)diseases, they found a significant difference in the future depression risk with the different diets.

  Those who ate the most whole food had a 26% lower risk of future depression than those who ate the least whole food. By contrast, people with a diet high in processed food had a 58% higher risk of depression than those who ate a diet low in processed foods.

  Study author Dr. Archana Singh Manoux pointed out there was a chance that the finding could be explained by lifestyle factor they had not accounted for. He also pointed in a paper that a Mediterranean diet was associated with a lower risk of depression, but the problem with that is if you live in Britain, the likelihood of you eating a Mediterranean diet is not very high.

  Dr. Andrew McCulloeh, chief executive of the Mental Health Foundation, said, this study adds to an existing body of solid research that shows the strong links between what we eat and our mental health.

  He added people’s diets were becoming increasingly unhealthy. The UK population is consuming less nutritious, fresh produce and more saturated fats and sugars. (315W)

  1. The text is mainly about .

  A. the increasingly unhealthy diet of the UK population

  B. the link between processed food and depression

  C. the relationship between physical and mental health

  D. the emotional state of the British people

  2. What do we know about the participants?

  A. They are of different ages from young to old.

  B. They are from different walks of life.

  C. They chose the diet they preferred.

  D. Their state is also affected by other factors.

  3. What can we learn from what Dr. Archana Singh Manoux said?

  A. It is difficult for most British people to have a Mediterranean diet.

  B. The Mediterranean diet is the healthiest in the world.

  C. Many studies have been done on the Mediterranean diet before.

  D. The Mediterranean diet is not good for depression.

  4. Dr. Andrew McCulloeh agrees that .

  A. our diets are closely related to our mental health

  B. the present study needs more facts and other information

  C. the UK population will become ill in the near future

  D. more saturated fats and sugars should be taken in


  Will health-conscious(重视健康的)office workers soon be skipping trips to the gym for an extended shift at the desk? It could be a healthy alternative, as some companies have begun experimenting with treadmill desks(跑步机办公桌).

  NPR’s(美国国家公共电台的)Patti Neighmond made a transition to the treadmill by first changing her sitting desk into a standing desk. After getting used to standing, she installed a simple treadmill, minus handrails, below the standing desk.

  “I’m into my second week now and walking at a pretty slow, casual pace, about 1. 4 miles an hour, ” Neighmond writes. “When I first started, I thought I’d simply jump on the treadmill and be off walking all day while working. But it turns out it’s really hard to walk, talk, think and concentrate. ”

  Last year, The New York Times reported on Salo, a Minnesota-based financial consulting company that tried a similar experiment with some of its employees. And so far, the results have been positive both for employee’s health and for the company’s financial bottom line: During the six months that Salo took part in a Mayo Clinic treadmill desk study, the firm experienced record earnings.

  “Remarkable, ” Salo, director of operations Craig Dexheimer told NPR. “We didn’t even go to a gym. We just went to work!” Dexheimer says he has lost 25 pounds since switching to the treadmill desk.

  You can buy a treadmill desk, which typically costs several hundred dollars. Or, if you’re in do-it-yourself mode, this website shows how to build your own treadmill desk for just $39, not including the cost of the treadmill.

  Still, the doctor who led the Mayo Clinic study says you shouldn’t jump right into running a minimarathon each day at work.

  “There’s a tendency to want to jump on the treadmill and walk for hours and hours a day, ”Dr. James Levine told NPR. “Don’t do that. Certainly, at the absolute maximum, do half-hour on, half an hour off, for two to three hours a day. ”(349W)

  5. What can be the best title for the text?

  A. How to keep healthy?

  B. How to make treadmill desks?

  C. Treadmill desks might be the next office health trend

  D. Treadmill desks and health-conscious workers

  6. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

  A. Patti had thought it was easy to work with treadmill desks.

  B. Salo earned profits from treadmill desks.

  C. Craig Dexheimer led the Mayo Clinic study.

  D. It’s not expensive to build a treadmill desk in a DIY way.

  7. What was Craig Dexheimer’ s attitude towards treadmill desks?

  A. Positive.

  B. Negative.

  C. Cold.

  D. Casual.

  8. In what column of the newspaper can you find the passage?

  A. Education.

  B. Society.

  C. Tourism.

  D. Health.


  请概括阅读理解A的段落大意段落 段 落 大 意

  Para. 1 Conclusion:

  Paras. 2、3 Process:

  Para. 4 ______________________________________

  Paras. 5、6


  Ⅰ.1.【解析】选A。句意: 正如经理所说, 勇于选修冒险课程的孩子肯定能学到许多有用的技能。根据句意分析句子结构可知kids为主语, enough修饰形容词、副词时要后置, brave enough to take their adventure course作定语修饰主语, 意为“勇于选修冒险课程”。

  2.【解析】选C。句意: 通过和本地人交朋友, 一个人可以学会他们的语言中的很多内容。take up从事, 占据; set up建立; pick up学会, 获得; put up举起, 张贴, 留宿。根据句意可知选C项。


  Everyone in the village hoped that he wouldafter a few days’ treatment.

  A. pick up B. come up

  C. keep up

  D. make up

  【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 村里每个人都希望经过几天的治疗他会好起来。pick up好转, 符合句意。come up发生; keep up保持; make up构成, 化妆。

  3.【解析】选B。句意: 当我在医院里苏醒过来时, 我不知道自己在哪里, 脑子一片空白。innocent无辜的; blank空白的; fresh新鲜的; crazy着迷的, 疯狂的。

  4.【解析】选D。句意: 她的鞋子和衣服相配。它们在一起看起来非常适合。指两样东西很相配要用match; fit一般指尺寸大小适合; suit指各种条件很适合。故选D项。


  —How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?

  —That me fine.

  A. suits B. meets

  C. satisfies

  D. fits

  【解析】选A。句意: ——8点电影院外面怎么样? ——那适合我。表示各种条件适合于某人, 常用suit。

  5.【解析】选A。句意: 我表哥存了好多钱, 目的是在市中心买一所房子。put away收起来放好, 储蓄; put off推迟; put out扑灭; put down记下, 写下, 镇压。根据句意可知选A项。

  6.【解析】选B。句意: 我在担心考试的结果, 而弟弟在渴望得到考试的奖金。be anxious about担心; be anxious for渴望得到。

  7.【解析】选D。句意: 当你受伤的时候, 发出痛苦的叫声是一种正常的反应。common常见的, 普遍的; usual通常的, 惯常的; ordinary普通的, 平常的; normal正常的。根据句意可知选D项。

  8.【解析】选C。句意: 当她从梯子上摔下来时, 她的胳膊严重受伤了。wound强调在打斗中受到的刀伤、枪伤; harm通常指有害处; damage通常指物的损害; injure一般指意外事故中受到的伤害。根据句意可知选C项。

  9.【解析】选B。句意: 再给我一个月的时间, 我就能完成这本书。根据题干中的and可排除C、D两项; 分析句子结构可知本题考查“祈使句+ and/ or+陈述句”。根据句意可知应该是别人给 “我”时间, 而不是“我”拥有时间, 故排除A项, 选B。


  (2024·潍坊模拟)—How can I wake up so early?

  —Set the alarm for 5 o’clock,  you’ll make it.

  A. but B. or

  C. and

  D. so

  【解析】选C。考查“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”。在“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”中, and表示顺承关系, or表示转折。此处表示“把闹钟定在5点钟, 你就能醒来”。根据句意可知, 前后之间是顺承关系, 所以选C。

  10.【解析】选A。句意: 看电视时, 我们听到了门铃的响声。根据句意可知主语we和while从句中的动词watch为逻辑上的主动关系, 故用动词-ing形式; “hear+宾语+宾语补足语”结构中, 宾语the doorbell与宾语补足语之间为主动关系, 且强调动作已发生, 故选A项。


  From the window we could see the children in the yard.

  A. to play B. to be playing

  C. playing

  D. was playing

  【解析】选C。句意: 从窗户我们就能看到孩子们在院内玩耍。see sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事。see sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事。根据句意应选C。

  11.【解析】选C。考查引导名词性从句的连词。句意: 在她的一生中她从没有向困难屈服过, 那是因为她是一位意志坚强的女性。that’s because. . . 表示“那是因为……”。干扰项是A, that’s why. . . 表示“那是为什么……”。

  12.【解析】选C。考查非谓语动词。根据“the first/second. . . last(+n. )+动词不定式”可知从C、D中选, D项表示动词不定式的动作发生在谓语动作之前, 不符合语境。故选C。

  13.【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 没有证据表明他和这起谋杀案有关。combine. . . with. . . 把……和……结合; supply. . . with. . . 给……供应……; connect. . . with. . . 把……与……联系起来; leave. . . with. . . 把……留给……。

  14.【解析】选C。句意: ——你对3D电影科技了解多少? ——很少。直到我看了热播电影《阿凡达》后才了解一些。not. . . until. . . 句式中, not until. . . 位于句首时, 主句要部分倒装, 但until引导的时间状语从句不倒装, 符合这一原则的只有C项。



  1. 否定词如not, never, hardly, seldom, rarely等位于句首时, 句子要用部分倒装。

  2. not only. . . but also. . . 连接句子时, not only若位于句首, not only部分用部分倒装。hardly. . . when. . . 和no sooner. . . than. . . 句型中, hardly和no sooner位于句首时, 主句也用部分倒装。

  3. 在so. . . that. . . 和such. . . that. . . 句型中, 如果so+adj. (+n. )/adv. 或such+a/an +adj. +n. 或such +adj. +n. 位于句首时, 主句用部分倒装。

  15.【解析】选B。考查短语辨析。句意: ——你们的长城之行怎么样? ——糟透了!首先, 我们到的当天乔治就生病了, 而且第二天又下起了雨。to begin with首先, 第一, 用来引出下文要说的第一个或最重要的事情, 符合句意。on the other hand另一方面; as a consequence结果; on the contrary恰恰相反。