2024年高考英语二轮复习专用课件:Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications(外研版必修1)

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2024年高考英语二轮复习专用课件:Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications(外研版必修1)

  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ②Now that you’ve got a chance,you might as well

  (make) full use of it. ③—What does Mr.Li do? —He works on newspapers as well as

  (teach) us English. (3)同义句改写 The workers want to reduce working hours as well as increase their pay.(用not only...but also...和倒装结构改写)

  make teaches Not only do the workers want to increase their pay,but they also want to reduce working hours.

  be/become known as...被称为……;作为……而出名;叫作…… 11. 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①Shaanxi food is also known

  its liberal use of vinegar and garlic. ②Lu Xun was known

  a great writer. ③It is known

  us all that the earth goes around the sun. for as to (2)同义句改写 He was known as a writer and was invited to attend the meeting.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)

  (3)翻译句子 大多数人都知道他是一名好演员。

  Known as a writer,he was invited to attend the meeting. He is known to most people as a good actor.

  go down(价格、数量等)下降;下去;(船等)下沉;(日、月等)落下;(风、海面等)平静下来 12. 多维训练 写出下列句子中go down的汉语意思 (1)The moon has gone down.

  (2)The ship went down by 12 feet.

  (3)The wind is going down.

  落下 下沉 平静下来 (4)Her weight went down from 65 kilos to 50 kilos because of her illness.

  (5)At the moment,about 80 percent of web traffic is in English,but this percentage is going down.

  减轻 下降

  Berners­-Lee made it possible for everyone to use the Internet,not just universities and the army.贝尔纳斯•李使每个人使用因特网成为了可能,而不仅仅是大学和军队。 13. 在此结构中宾语通常可用it作形式宾语,把真正的宾语置于宾补之后。可用作宾补的有名词、代词、形容词、不带to的动词不定式、过去分词、介词短语等。make变为被动语态时,不定式作主语的补足语要带to。 句型公式: make+宾语+宾语补足语 (1)His being late made it impossible for the meeting to be held on time. 他来晚了,使得会议不可能按时召开。 (2)It is difficult to make myself understood in English. 我很难用英语把自己的想法表达清楚。 (3)We were made to work for the boss 16 hours a day. 老板让我们一天为他工作16个小时。 (1)单句语法填空 ①We will make our country

  (strength). ②In junior high,he was made

  (run) marathon. ③The boss made his workers

  (work) from morning till night. ④Can I make myself

  (hear) in such a voice? (2)单句改错 The heavy rain makes that difficult for them to finish the work on time.

  多维训练 strong to run work heard that→it

  It would be much better if we spent the time working on a computer.如果我们用些时间在电脑上工作,那效果将会更好。 14. 句型公式:表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气 非真实条件句中的虚拟语气   虚拟条件句 主句 与现在事实相反的假设 动词的过去式(be动词一般用were) would/could/should/might+动词原形 与过去事实相反的假设 had+过去分词 would/could/should/might+have+过去分词 与将来事实相反的假设 (1)动词的过去式 (2)were to+动词原形 (3)should+动词原形 would/could/should/might+动词原形 (1)If I were you,I should go and see the dentist at once. 如果我是你的话,我会马上去看牙科医生。 (2)If the sun were to rise in the west,I would lend you the money. 假如太阳从西边出来,我就借钱给你。 单句语法填空 (1)—The weather has been very hot and dry. —Yes.If it had rained even a drop,things would be much better now!And my vegetables

  (die). (2)Had I known about this computer program,a huge amount of time and energy

  (save). (3)This printer is of good quality.If it (break) down within the first year,we would repair it at our expense. 多维训练 wouldn’t have died would have been saved should break/broke/were to break (4)We

  (be) back in the hotel now if you didn’t lose the map. (5)If Tom

  (spend) more time studying,he

  (be) able to do well in the test now. would be had spent would be 语境填词 1.The search result was 543 websites

  (包含) information about the changes of the game.(2024·广东) 2.Previous generations

  (集中) on getting children to school on time,fed,dressed and ready to learn.(2024·陕西) 3.We need a better way to

  (使用) information.(2024·安徽) containing concentrated access 在高考语境中提升解题技能 4.Children are also

  (源泉) of great joy and happiness.(2024·四川) 5.Sometimes he wore a duck hat,and I would tell myself,he was

  (明确地) a fan of Dr.Bernie.(2024·江苏) 6.Kahoot software can be used to create grammar tests which can be graded on a

  (网络).(2024·安徽) 7.In its early history,Chicago had floods

  (经常地),especially in the spring,making the streets so muddy that people,horses,and carts got stuck.(2024·湖南) sources definitely network frequently 8.When they do get shorter,it’s because the spine has

  (缩短) a little.(2024·浙江) 9.By mentioning the

  (故障) of the computer,the author probably wants to prove it’s unwise to simply rely on technology. (2024·湖北) shortened breakdown 单句语法填空 1.Can you imagine what kind of world we would have without such ideas and

  (invent)?(2024·北京) 2.Research findings seem to indicate that the

  (create) by a great artist is as permanent an achievement as the discovery by a great scientist.(2024·重庆) 3.Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted

  (cook) in the kitchen.(2024·天津) inventions creation to cook 4.The argument is based on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual(智力的) growth by learning situations that are designed

  the average children.(2011·广东) 5.The soldiers were strengthening the

  (defend) work to defend themselves against the enemies. for defence 短语填空 consist of,come up with,concentrate on,have access to,the number of,with the help of 1.So how can you

  brilliant daydreams and avoid falling over tree roots or otherwise looking like a fool?(2024·北京) 2.

  smokers,as is reported,has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.(2024·江苏) 3.Six volunteers slid down the cliff

  a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90­minute search.(2024·陕西) come up with The number of with the help of consist of,come up with,concentrate on,have access to,the number of,with the help of 4.Real riches

  well­-developed and hearty capacities(能力) to enjoy life.(2024·福建) 5.When you

  one task,you find you have energy that you didn’t even know you had.(2024·浙江) 6.Citizens may

  the library free of charge. consist of concentrate on have access to 完成句子 1.

  many abstract objectives,practical ones can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward. (2024·重庆) 和许多抽象的目标相比,当我们取得进步的时候,实际的目标能带给我们更多的勇气和信心。 2.

  the heavy box. 对那个小男孩来说,搬起那个重箱子是困难的。 Compared with It’s difficult for the little boy to carry 3.

  we can raise more money for the stay­at­home children. 如果我们能为留守儿童筹集到更多的钱,那将会更好。 4.I

  in the morning and read English for half an hour. 我习惯每天早上早起,读半个小时英语。 It would be much better if make it a rule to get up early

  1.我们学校作为一所示范学校而出名。 2.我们学校由九十个班级组成。 3.平均来说,每个班有五十名学生。 4.课堂上,学生聚精会神地学习并提出很多问题。 5.课下,他们可以利用图书馆去获取他们需要的信息。 提示 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用which/that引导的定语从句。 写作素材 (关于学校) 微写作 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)

  Our school,which consists of ninety classes,becomes known as a model school.On average,there are 50 students in each class.In class,students concentrate on their study and come up with a lot of questions.After class,they have access to the library to obtain the information they need. * * * * * * * (1)have/get/obtain/gain access to拥有……的机会;可以接近;进入 give access to准许进入(接近) (2)accessible adj.可到达的;易懂的;随和的 be accessible to可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的 (1)Women had no access to education in old days. 在过去,妇女没有受教育的权利。 (2)The true function of a university should be to give access to knowledge for its own sake. 一所大学的真正功能应该是为了自身的发展去提供获得知识的通道。 (3)A manager should be accessible to his staff. 一个管理人员应该让职员感到平易近人。 [特别提醒] (1)access的本意是进入某一地点的“通道,入口”,侧重进入的手段与途径,其含义是抽象的,一般用作不可数名词。其引申义可指“接近或取得……的方法、手段、权力等”,常与介词to连用。此外,access在计算机术语中可作“访问,进网”讲。 (2)在access to中,介词to后可接名词或代词,一般不接doing。 多维训练 (1)一句多译 药品不应放在孩子们拿得到的地方。 ①

  (accessible) ②

  (range) ③

  (reach) (2)单句改错 The access to entering the village is riding a bike.

  Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. Medicine should be kept where it is out of children’s range. Medicine should be kept where it is out of children’s reach. 去掉entering

  design n.设计;布局;安排(arrangement);打算(plan);意图(intention);构思;v.设计;构思;计划;制订(make,plan or intend) 2. 应试指导 (1)过去分词作定语的考查;(2)活动类写作高频词汇 (1)by design=on purpose故意 (2)be designed for...为……设计 be designed to do.../as...为某目的或用途而制造或设计 (1)Do you think the building was burnt down by accident or by design? 你认为大楼被烧是意外事故,还是有意为之? (2)The method is specifically designed for use in small groups. 这方法是专为小组活动设计的。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①He became a photographer more by accident than

  design. ②This building is designed

  weddings and other celebrations and it’s beautiful. ③The new device is designed

  an alternative for the old one. by for as (2)同义句改写 ①用过去分词短语作定语改写上题句②

  ②将划线部分改为独立主格结构 Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in the winter time to brown in the summer

  . Most of these rabbits change their fur color from white in the winter time to brown in the summer,

  . This building designed for weddings and other celebrations is beautiful.

  and each is designed to give them better cover from predators

  each designed to give them better cover from predators

  permission n.许可,允许 3. 应试指导 permit独立主格的用法 (1)ask for permission请求许可 with/without one’s permission获取某人同意/未经某人许可 (2)permit v.允许;许可;准许;n.通行证;许可证;执照 permit doing sth.允许做某事 permit of 容许(常用于否定句) (1)With your permission,I will carry out the project as soon as possible. 如果你答应的话,我将尽快展开这项计划。 (2)The rules of the club do not permit smoking. 俱乐部规则规定不允许吸烟。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①I was permitted

  (talk) to the prisoner. ②The guards permitted me

  (bring) my camera and tape recorder. ③The facts permit

  no other explanation. ④He asked for

  (permit) to leave the room. (2)同义句改写 If time permits,I will visit the Great Wall.(用独立主格结构改写)

  Time permitting,I will visit the Great Wall. to talk to bring of permission

  concentrate vi.集中(注意力、思想等) 4. 多词一义 concentrate on,fix on,focus on,be absorbed in, be devoted to (1)concentrate (one’s mind/attention/thoughts/efforts) on集中注意力/精力于;专注于 (2)下列短语均表示“专心,集中于”:,focus/fix one’s attention on;put one’s mind to;put one’s heart into;be absorbed in;be lost in;apply oneself/one’s mind to (1)I can’t concentrate on my studies with that noise going on. 有噪音我不能集中精力学习。 (2)We must concentrate our attention on improving education. 我们必须致力于改进教育工作。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①It was up to him to concentrate

  his studies and make something of himself. ②If you apply yourself

  the job in hand,you’ll soon finish it. ③Nothing is difficult if you put your heart

  it. ④She is absorbed

  music. on to into in (2)同义句改写 He concentrated his mind on his work and didn’t notice my appearance. ①

  (用with复合结构改写) ②


  With his mind concentrated on his work,he didn’t notice my appearance. His mind concentrated on his work,he didn’t notice my appearance.

  consist of由……组成 5. (1)consist vi.组成;在于;一致 consist in(=lie in)在于……;存在于…… consist with (=agree with) 和……一致 (2)be consistent with与……一致的;符合的 多词一义 consist of,be composed of,be made up of (1)His breakfast consists of dry bread and a cup of tea. 他的早餐由不涂黄油的面包和一杯茶组成。 (2)Good service consists in punctuality and dependability. 良好的服务在于守时与可靠。 [特别提醒] consist of不用于被动语态和进行时。 特别提醒 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①His words don’t consist

  facts. ②The result is

  (consist) with previous findings. ③There are four parts

  (consist) of the text. (2)同义词替换 This club consists of eight members.

  with consistent consisting is made up of/is composed of

  come up with提出,想出(主意、计划、回答等) 6. come up走近;上来;发生;出现;被提及/讨论;长出地面,发芽;(太阳、月亮)升起;被提出 come about发生 come across偶然碰到;被理解 come along跟着;前来;参加 应试指导  “come+副词”类语境词义辨析 (1)He came up with the idea of the World Wide Web in 1989 while he was working in Switzerland. 1989年他在瑞士工作时,提出了万维网的构想。 (2)A question came up at the meeting. 在会上提出了一个问题。 多维训练 短语填空 come up with,come up,come about,come across,come along (1)The sky was dark blue when the moon

  . (2)I

  an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning. (3)Several of the members have

  suggestions of their own. (4)There’s a barbecue tonight and you’re very welcome

  . (5)That

  when we went to New York last year. came up came across come up with to come along came about

  compared with与……相比 7. (1)compare...with/to...把……和……比较 compare...to...把……比作…… without/beyond compare无与伦比;举世无双 (2)in comparison with和……相比较 by comparison (with sth.)(与……)相比之下 应试指导  (1)compare...with/to...作状语时的非谓语形式;(2)比较类写作高频词汇 (1)This is fearfully expensive compared with the last one I bought. 这和我上次买的相比贵得吓人。 (2)We carefully compared the first report with the second. 我们仔细比较了第一份报告和第二份报告。 (3)He performed well by comparison with the others. 跟别人相比,他表现得好。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①Compared

  many people,she was indeed very fortunate. ②The height of the empire building is

  compare. ③Living in the country is cheap in

  (compare) with the big cities. ④Poets often compare red roses

  love. with/to without/beyond comparison to (2)同义句改写 If you compare Columbia with Charleston,you will find the former is a young city. ①

  (用过去分词短语作状语改写) ②


  Columbia is a young city compared with Charleston./Compared with Charleston,Columbia is a young city.

  Comparing Columbia with Charleston,you will find the former is a young city.

  contain v.包含,含有;容纳hold;控制,抑制

  control 8. 多维训练 (1)用contain,include的正确形式填空 ①Our six­city tour

  a visit to London. ②This book

  all the information you need. 解析  ①contain“包括”,侧重“整体内有”,指在某一范围或容器内能容纳某物,不用于进行时。 ②include“包括”,侧重被包含者只是整体中的一部分。 includes contains (2)单句语法填空 ①He was so excited that he could hardly contain

  (he). ②The cats were fed a normal diet,

  (contain) 20% protein. himself containing

  average adj.平均的;普通的(normal);典型的(typical);n.平均数;平均水平;v.平均为;计算出……的平均数(be equal to...as an average) 9. 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①The average of these numbers