新概念英语教材详解:第一册 Lesson21-22

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新概念英语教材详解:第一册 Lesson21-22

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Give me a book please, Jane.请拿本书给我,简。

这是一个祈使句。祈使句表示请求或命令。(请参见Lessons 13~14语法部分的说明。)表示客气的请求时,通常加please。

2.Which book? 哪一本?

是Which book do you want?的省略形式。下文中的This one? 是Do you want this one?的省略形式。No, not that one是No, I do not want that one的省略形式。口语中常用这样的省略句。

3.This one?是这本吗?

相当于:Do you want this one? one是不定代词,代替 a book,以避免重复。one的复数形式是ones。one和ones前面都可用定冠词,也可有自己的定语。如:


1,010----a thousand and ten

1,011----a thousand and eleven

1,016----a thousand and sixteen

语法 Grammar in use



Give me/him/her/us/them a book.



(请参见Lessons 5~6中语法部分的说明。)

用which +名词可询问物体(单数或复数)或物质。which总是说明一种限定的、特指的选择。如:

Which book/books do you prefer?


Which car do you like best?


词汇学习 Word study




China is a large country.


Look at that large woman in white.


(2)big所表示的大,主要指不仅体积大而且很重。所以a large box未必big。big在修饰人时,主要指大人物,但个子未必高大。如:

It is a big house.


She's very big in the filmdom.




It is a small factory.


I want the small one with the yellow handle.



There is a little garden behind our house.


She has the sweetest little smiles.


练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 22


1 Is this Nicola's coat? No, it's not. Her coat is grey.

2 Are these your pens? No, they're not. My pens are blue.

3 Is this Mr. Jackson's hat? No, it's not. His hat is black.

4 Are these the children's books? No, they're not. Their books are red.

5 Is this Helen's dog? No, it's not. Her dog is brown and white.

6 Is this your father's tie? No, it's not. His tie is orange.


1 Give me a cup please.

Which one? This dirty one?

No, not this dirty one. That clean one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

2 Give me a glass please.

Which one? This empty one?

No, not this empty one. That full one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

3 Give me a bottle please.

Which one? This large one?

No, not this large one. That small one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

4 Give me a box please.

Which one? This big one?

No, not this big one. That little one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

5 Give me a tin please.

Which one? This new one?

No, not this new one. That old one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

6 Give me a knife please.

Which one? This sharp one?

No, not this sharp one. That blunt one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

7 Give me a spoon please.

Which one? This new one?

No, not this new one. That old one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

8 Give me a fork please.

Which one? This large one?

No, not this large one. That small one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Give me a book please, Jane.请拿本书给我,简。

这是一个祈使句。祈使句表示请求或命令。(请参见Lessons 13~14语法部分的说明。)表示客气的请求时,通常加please。

2.Which book? 哪一本?

是Which book do you want?的省略形式。下文中的This one? 是Do you want this one?的省略形式。No, not that one是No, I do not want that one的省略形式。口语中常用这样的省略句。

3.This one?是这本吗?

相当于:Do you want this one? one是不定代词,代替 a book,以避免重复。one的复数形式是ones。one和ones前面都可用定冠词,也可有自己的定语。如:


1,010----a thousand and ten

1,011----a thousand and eleven

1,016----a thousand and sixteen

语法 Grammar in use



Give me/him/her/us/them a book.



(请参见Lessons 5~6中语法部分的说明。)

用which +名词可询问物体(单数或复数)或物质。which总是说明一种限定的、特指的选择。如:

Which book/books do you prefer?


Which car do you like best?


词汇学习 Word study




China is a large country.


Look at that large woman in white.


(2)big所表示的大,主要指不仅体积大而且很重。所以a large box未必big。big在修饰人时,主要指大人物,但个子未必高大。如:

It is a big house.


She's very big in the filmdom.




It is a small factory.


I want the small one with the yellow handle.



There is a little garden behind our house.


She has the sweetest little smiles.


练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 22


1 Is this Nicola's coat? No, it's not. Her coat is grey.

2 Are these your pens? No, they're not. My pens are blue.

3 Is this Mr. Jackson's hat? No, it's not. His hat is black.

4 Are these the children's books? No, they're not. Their books are red.

5 Is this Helen's dog? No, it's not. Her dog is brown and white.

6 Is this your father's tie? No, it's not. His tie is orange.


1 Give me a cup please.

Which one? This dirty one?

No, not this dirty one. That clean one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

2 Give me a glass please.

Which one? This empty one?

No, not this empty one. That full one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

3 Give me a bottle please.

Which one? This large one?

No, not this large one. That small one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

4 Give me a box please.

Which one? This big one?

No, not this big one. That little one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

5 Give me a tin please.

Which one? This new one?

No, not this new one. That old one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

6 Give me a knife please.

Which one? This sharp one?

No, not this sharp one. That blunt one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

7 Give me a spoon please.

Which one? This new one?

No, not this new one. That old one.

Here you are.

Thank you.

8 Give me a fork please.

Which one? This large one?

No, not this large one. That small one.

Here you are.

Thank you.