2024届高考英语一轮豫皖京闽粤地区通用复习课件:book6 Unit 18《beauty》(北师大版)

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2024届高考英语一轮豫皖京闽粤地区通用复习课件:book6 Unit 18《beauty》(北师大版)

  to be honest说实在的,说实话,老实说 14. 多维训练 同义句改写 To be honest,I don’t think I was helping very much. (1)

  ,I don’t think I was helping very much. (2)

  ,I don’t think I was helping very much. Honestly speaking Honestly 答案

  So do I...我也是…… 15. 句型公式:so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语 (1)“so+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语”,是另一种倒装句型,意为“……也是如此”,表示上句所谈到的情况也适用于另一主语,so用来代替上句的内容。 (2)如果下文表示的是对上文的赞成或肯定,则仅把so放于句首,其后用正常语序。 (3)如果表示前面两件事或两件以上的事也适合于另一人或物时,则需要用So it is/was with...或It is/was the same with...。 (4)句型“nor/neither+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语”用于否定陈述句之后,表示“……也不”,相当于either用于否定句。 (1)—You forgot your purse when you went out. —Good heavens,so I did. ——你出去时忘了带钱包。 ——天哪,我确实忘了。 (2)Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States.So it was with Jane./It was the same with Jane. 玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。 多维训练 (1)—He works very hard. —


  (我也一样). (2)She doesn’t like them and

  (Jeff也不喜欢他们). (3)—He is a student and he studies hard. —

  (我也是). So he does so do I nor does Jeff It is the same with me/So it is with me 答案

  In the end,she discovers the Beast is not as disgusting and cruel as he seems.最后,她发现野兽不像看上去那样令人讨厌和凶残。 16. 句型公式:as...as... as...as...像……一样;正如 (1)结构特点:第一个as为副词,修饰形容词或副词的原级。第二个as为连词,引导状语从句;也可是介词,其后加名词或代词。 (2)否定式:not as/so...as...不如……。 (3)表达倍数关系句型时则表达为:倍数+as...as...。 (4)当as...as中间有名词时,应采用如下格式: as+adj.+a/an+n.+as或as+adj.+n.(复数或不可数)+as。 (5)as...as one can/could=as...as possible尽可能……。 (1)Obviously,the boy doesn’t work as hard as many of his classmates. 显然,这个男孩不像他的许多同学那么刻苦。 (2)The geography teacher tells us that China has almost the same size as the USA but its population is six times as large as that of the USA. 地理老师告诉我们,中国在面积上与美国几乎一样大,但是人口却是美国的六倍。 特别提醒 在as+adj.+a/an+n.+as结构中形容词放在不定冠词a/an之前,同样的结构还有:so/too/how+adj.+a/an+n.+...。 特别提醒 多维训练 (1)—I like this dress better than that one. —

  ,but it costs almost twice

  . ——和那件连衣裙相比,我更喜欢这件。 ——我也是,但它贵一倍。 (2)同义句改写 You must help him as much as possible.(改为复合句)

  as much as that one You must help him as much as you can. So do I 答案 (3)翻译句子 她的声音像她妈妈的一样甜美。(as...as)

  She has as sweet a voice as her mother. 答案

  Head bent,in homesickness I am drowned. 低头思故乡。 17. 句型公式:独立主格结构 Head bent为独立主格结构,在句中作状语。独立主格结构由“逻辑主语+逻辑谓语”构成,逻辑主语由名词或主格代词构成,逻辑谓语可以是名词、代词、形容词、副词、数词、介词短语、不定式、分词等。 (1)Leaves falling here and there,I suddenly notice autumn is drawing upon. 树叶到处飘着,我一下子意识到秋天来临了。 (2)His dinner eaten alone,Philip walked straight into the library. 独自一个人吃完饭后,菲利普径直走进图书馆。 多维训练 把下列句子改为独立主格结构 (1)Because he is ill,we’ll have to do his work.

  (2)After the ceremony was over,we went home directly.

  (3)When George yawned,the conversation dropped.

  He being ill,we’ll have to do his work. The ceremony over,we went home directly. George yawning,the conversation dropped. 答案 (4)His first shot was a failure and Dyke fired again.

  (5)After the lecture was given,a lively question-­and-­answer session followed.

  His first shot a failure,Dyke fired again. The lecture having been given,a lively question-­and-­answer session followed. 答案 按照要求完成下列各题 1.用used to或would填空 (1)She doesn’t get up so early as she

  . (2)People

  think that the earth was flat. (3)The old man

  go every day to the park to feed the birds. (4)She

  be very nervous in the examinations. (5)That

  be his father. 单元语法 used to used to would used to would 答案 2.用限定词填空 (1)

  Miss Zhang is waiting for you at the gate. (2)He is looking for

  assistant. (3)

  sun rises in the east and sets in the west. (4)All

  four applicants are below the average. (5)

  child will find his/her own personal road to success. (6)We had a picnic last term and it was a lot of fun,so let’s have

  one this month. A an The the Each another

  答案 返回 在高考语境中提升解题技能 语境填词 1.Most of them are extremely

  (易碎的) and can be damaged by a simple touch.(2024·北京) 2.They’d get back in the car

  (呼吸急促的) and energized,smelling fresh from the cold air.(2024·天津) 3.I felt

  (优越的) about this matter until the other day I took my car to mail a small parcel.(2024·天津) delicate breathless superior 答案 4.After Jasmina’s death,Maja swore she would honor the little girl by swimming with a dolphin,an animal

  that both


  (非常喜欢).(2011·湖北) 5.Understanding your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your

  (爱慕) and emotions.(2024·湖南) adored affection 答案 单句语法填空 1.They took a more reasonable approach,

  (convey) to their children how success at school could improve their lives.(2024·陕西) 2.In colonies(群体) that range in size

  a few hundred to tens of millions,they organize their lives with a clear division of labor.(2024·安徽) 3.Children,when

  (accompany) by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium.(2024·湖南) 4.

  (deliver) the invitations in person to everyone who lives on your street and chat with each for five minutes before moving on to the next house.(2024·浙江) conveying from accompanied Deliver 答案 5.

  struck me that playing against the other team was a great learning moment for all the girls on the team.(2024·全国Ⅱ) 6.Young people should always treat the elders

  respect.(2024·陕西) 7.She didn’t have

  good command of English.(2024·浙江) 8.Perhaps the best reason for exploring space is this genetic tendency

  (expand) wherever possible.(2011·江西) It with to expand 答案 a 9.Thanks to volunteers like Low,the CNIB library has got more than 80,000

  (access) materials for people unable to read traditional print.(2024·天津) 10.Experts recommend that people

  (practice) the 20/20/20 rule:every 20 minutes,take a 20­-second break and look at something 20 feet away.(2024·辽宁) accessible (should) practice 答案 短语填空 die out,hang on,be dying for,keen on,to be honest,in preparation for,fall in love with 1.With the help of the birds,the girl,beautifully dressed,danced with the prince on all three nights and the prince

  her.(2024·福建) 2.Half of the 6,000—7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely

  by the next century,according to the UNESCO.(2024·新课标全国Ⅰ) 3.You settle into your beach chair

  a long rest.(2024·湖北) 4.If you like astronomy,you may be

  collecting stamps describing the stars,planets,spacecraft,spacemen,etc.(2024·江西) fell in love with die out in preparation for keen on 答案 5.

  ,in spite of my good preparation,I felt a little nervous when I was entering the exam room.(2024·四川) 6.As a teenager,I

  a visit to Disneyland. 7.

  a second!The head teacher has something to say. To be honest am dying for Hang on 答案 完成句子 1.Much time

  ,office workers are generally troubled by health problems.(独立主格结构) 大部分时间坐办公桌,办公室职员通常被健康问题所困扰。(2024·江苏) 2.This is not my story,

  .My story plays out differently. 这并不是(关于)我的故事,它也不是故事的全部。我的故事的结局不同。(2024·四川) 3.We are facing today a strange new world and we are all wondering

  .(what引导的宾语从句) 我们今天面对着一个奇怪的新世界,并且我们都想知道如何去应对它。(2024·江苏) spent sitting at a desk nor is it the whole story what we are going to do with it 答案 4.Interest is

  vital to learning

  the ability to understand,even more so. 兴趣对于学习来说,如同理解能力一样重要,甚至更重要。(2024·安徽) 5.This phenomenon

  ;it is a fact of college life,today and in the past. 这种现象既不好也不坏,无论今天还是过去,它是大学生活的现实。(2024·北京) as as is neither good nor bad 答案 写作素材 (关于音乐艺术) 1.我父亲年轻时非常喜欢音乐,他梦想成为一名钢琴家。 2.但那时家里穷,他所有的努力都是徒劳的。 3.幸运的是,他对音乐的钟爱并没消失。 4.退休后,他专心致志地练习弹钢琴。 5.他经常坐在钢琴旁为我伴奏,使得我认为他能通过弹钢琴来表达他的感情。 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用现在分词短语,which引导的定语从句等结构。 微写作 连句成篇 (将以上句子连成一篇60词左右的英语短文)

  My father adored music when he was young,dreaming of becoming a pianist.All his efforts were in vain because we were very poor then.Luckily his affection to music won’t die out.He has been devoted to practicing playing the piano since he retired.He often accompanies me at the piano,which makes me think he can convey his feelings by playing the piano. 答案 返回 (3)单句改错 I shall accompany him to visit Beijing.

  去掉visit 答案

  range n.批;组;(数、量、年龄等的)变化范围;山脉;v.排列;涉及 3. 应试指导 非谓语动词句法功能的考查 (1)beyond/out of one’s range/the range of sb.超出某人的范围 within/in the range of在……范围之内 a wide range of各种各样的 (2)range from...to...从……到……之间变化 range between...and...在……到……之间变动 (1)The price of the house is well beyond our range. 这所房子的价格远远超出我们能承受的范围。 (2)A wide range of colors and patterns are available. 各种颜色和样式都有。 (3)She has had a number of different jobs,ranging from chef to swimming instructor. 她做过许多不同的工作,从厨师到游泳教练(都做过)。 图解助记 图解助记 (1)单句语法填空 ①Costs range


  several hundred pounds. ②If the target was farther than fifty metres,then it was out

  range. ③

  (range) from 2 to 98 yuan,the prices are reasonable. ④Estimates of the damage range between $1 million

  $5 million. (2)完成句子 ①It came

  my vision. 该物体进入了我的视野。 ②I have

  . 我爱好广泛。 多维训练 from to of Ranging and in/within the range of a wide range of hobbies 答案

  command v.命令(order);博得;拥有;指挥(be in charge of);n.命令,指挥;掌握(control);运用能力 4. 应试指导 虚拟语气的考查 (1)command sb.to do...命令某人做…… command that...(should)

  do...命令…… (2)at one’s command听某人支配 take command of指挥;控制 have a good command of 掌握……;精通…… in command of掌管;掌握 (1)He commanded that all the gates (should) be shut. 他命令关闭所有的大门。 (2)The police arrived and took command of the situation. 警察到达后就控制了局势。 (3)Much as he confirms he has a good command of English,he sometimes feels it hard to find an appropriate version for some Chinese idioms. 虽然他承认自己掌握了英语,但有时他感到为一些汉语习语找到合适的英语翻译很难。 (1)单句语法填空 ①I am here

  the president’s command. ②They are

  command of the present situation.

  (2)一句多译 他命令我们马上出发。 ①

  (command that...) ②

  (command+复合宾语) 多维训练 at He commanded that we (should) set off at once. in He commanded us to set off at once. 答案

  deliver vt.递送,传送;发表(演说等);接生;生(小孩儿) 5. (1)deliver...to sb.把……传递给某人 deliver a speech发表演说 be delivered of (=give birth to)生…… (2)delivery n.传递,递送 应试指导 deliver a speech作为高级词汇替换make a speech (1)Would you deliver my message to your mother? 你可以帮我传口信给你母亲吗? (2)The president will deliver a speech about schools. 总统将就学校问题发表讲话。 (3)She was delivered of a healthy boy. 她生了一个健康的男孩儿。 图解助记 特别提醒 图解助记 特别提醒 “接生”可表示为: deliver the baby使婴儿出生 deliver the woman帮助孕妇分娩 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①Mail

  (deliver) to our office twice a day. ②Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication in that the advertiser pays for the message

  (deliver). ③Home milk

  (deliver) has almost disappeared in China now,and gone with it are milkmen. (2)单句改错 He ordered a book and had it delivering to his office.

  is delivered to be delivered delivery delivering→delivered 答案 6.

  treat n.招待;款待;v.以……态度对待;以……方式对待(behave towards);把……看作(consider);治疗;招待;款待;请客 应试指导 在交际用语中的考查 (1)treat sb.as...把某人看作…… treat sb.to sth.招待某人吃…… treat sb.with respect/kindness尊敬某人/善待某人 (2)My treat.我请客。 (1)The boy was treated for a minor head wound. 那个男孩因头部轻伤接受了治疗。 (2)Artie treated most women with impatience. 阿蒂对大多数女人都没有耐心。 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 ①Police say they’re treating it

  a case of attempted murder. ②She always treats him

  ice cream. ③We’ve got to treat people

  respect and dignity. (2)同义句改写 If he was treated in a proper way,he was likely to be saved. ①

  (改为省略句) ②

  (用过去分词短语作状语改写) as to with If treated in a proper way,he was likely to be saved. Treated in a proper way,he was likely to be saved. 答案

  strike vt.&vi.(struck,struck)打;罢工;敲;撞击(hit);侵袭(attack);给(某人以……)印象(impress);打动;擦(rub);突然想起;n.罢工;打击 7. (1)be struck with/by为……所袭击(感动) It strikes me that...我觉得……;我的印象是…… sth.strike sb.(=sb.strike on sth.)某人想到…… (2)be on strike在罢工 go on strike举行罢工 应试指导 熟词新义的考查 (1)He struck the ball straight into the hospitality tent. 他将球直接打进了迎宾帐篷里。 (2)It strikes me that you are not serious about it. 我觉得你并未把这事当真。 (3)Staff at the hospital went on strike in protest at the incidents. 医院员工举行罢工,抗议这几起事件。 多维训练 (1)写出下列句子中strike的汉语意思 ①The clock has just struck 10.

  ②He hit me,so I struck him back.

  ③The girl struck a match and lit a candle.

  ④She was struck by his kindness.

  ⑤They have been on strike for several days.

  ⑥A big earthquake struck the area last week.

  (钟)敲 打 划(火柴) 打动 罢工 袭击 答案 (2)同义句改写 They were struck by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,so they decided to visit the small old town again.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)

  Struck by the beauty of its buildings on their previous visit,they decided to visit the small old town again. 答案