2024届高考英语一轮复习夯实练习:必修5U4《Making the news》(新人教版含解析)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习夯实练习:必修5U4《Making the news》(新人教版含解析)



  Last year,my brother and I went to Miami for a vacation.Some of my friends who had been there before said


  was a wonderful holiday destination.Before we went,we had planned for months.When the day came,we were ready.

  After our plane landed,we went to the hotel.We had made our reservation six months


  (early),but the man at the front desk said there had been a mistake.We


  (tell)that our rooms hadn't been reserved for that week,


  for the week after.I didn't understand


  this would happen and my credit card had already been charged


  the reservation.What's worse,the hotel had been fully booked.When we were wondering what to do,the manager came out.She was


  (surprise)helpful.She apologized for the mistake and gave us a spare VIP room on


  top floor.We had never stayed in such an amazing room,and we weren't charged extra.

  The next day,my brother and I went to the beach


  we watched some people play volleyball.We got a little


  (sunburn),but the day had been so relaxing that we didn't mind.

  【语篇导读】 本文是一篇记叙文,记述了我和我兄弟去Miami(迈阿密)旅游,当到达目的地后,来到六个月前订的宾馆,却意外被告知订的房间是下个星期的,且该宾馆房间已订满。正当不知如何办时,经理出来了,将他们安排在留出来的VIP房间,且不另外收他们的钱,真是喜出望外的事。

  1.it [在said后的宾语从句中缺主语,应填代词;指代前句中的Miami这个地方,应用it。]

  2.earlier [在句中作状语,依然用副词;不变词性,因为是较早的做的事,所以用比较级。]

  3.were told [由句意可知,是“我们被告知”,由上下文的时态可知,用一般过去时的被动语态。]

  4.but [根据上下句意,意为“不是为那个星期订的,而是为后一个星期所订的”,为not...but...结构。]

  5.why [意为“我不知道为什么会发生这样的事”,故用why引导宾语从句。]

  6.for [charge...for...是习惯搭配。]

  7.surprisingly [因本句已有作表语的形容词helpful,所以应当用副词来修饰形容词helpful,指“令人惊讶地,意外地”,故填surprisingly。]

  8.the [特指“在顶楼”。]

  9.where [先行词是地点the beach,且在定语从句中作状语,故填where (=on which =and on the beach =and there)。]

  10.sunburnt/sunburned [在表示“变化”的got后作表语,要用形容词;sunburn是名词,其形容词形式是burnt或burned。]


  1.(2024·四川,写作)I'm eager

  ________ (improve) my English.

  2.(2024·陕西高考)When the delayed flight will take off depends much ________ the weather.

  3.(2024·四川,5)Brian is gifted in ________ (write) music;he is very likely to be a Beethoven.

  4.It was ________ (suppose) to have been sunny today,but it is raining.

  5.(2024·北京,5)I have an appointment ________ Dr.Smith,but I need to change it.

  6.The task will be finished ahead ________ schedule if nothing prevents him doing it.

  7.(2024·北京,31)If accepted for the job,you'll ________ (inform) soon.

  8.(2024·天津,写作)________ there is any demand,I would be very happy to help.

  9.(2024·江苏,27)“Never for a second,”the boy says,“________ I doubt that my father would come to my rescue.”

  10.(2024·北京,24)Opposite is St.Paul's Church,________ you can hear some lovely music.

  答案 1.to improve 2.on 3.writing 4.supposed5.with 6.of 7.be informed 8.If 9.did 10.where

  It was the old lady’s birthday.She got up early to be ready for the post.From the second floor flat she could see the postman when he came down the street,and a little boy,Johnnie,__1__her letters from the ground floor on the rare__2__when anything came.

  Today she was sure there would be something.Myra__3__forget her mother’s birthday,even if she__4__wrote at other times.Of course Myra was busy,but?__5__,Enid,the daughter the old lady loved most,died two years ago.Since then Myra had been to see her mother three times,but her husband,Harold,never.

  The old lady was eighty today.She had put on her best dress.Perhaps­perhaps Myra might come.After all,eighty was a__6__birthday,another decade lined or tolerated just as you chose to look at it.__7__Myra did not come,she would send a present.The old lady was__8__of that.Two spots of colour__9__her cheeks.She was__10__like a child.She would enjoy her day!

  Now,she stood by the window,__11__.The postman turned round the corner on his bicycle.Her heart beat__12__.Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate.Then clatter (咔嗒声),clatter up the stairs.Johnnie knocked at her door.He had got her post­four envelopes.Three were unclosed cards from old friends.The fourth was closed,in Myra’s writing.The old lady felt a sharp pain of__13__.There was no parcel for her!Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter post.That was it.It would come later by parcel post.She said to herself.She must be__14__.

  Almost__15__she tore the envelope open.__16__in the card was a piece of paper.Written on the card was a message under the printed Happy Birthday­Buy yourself something nice with the__17__,Myra and Harold.The cheque moved quickly to and for in the air to the floor like a bird with a broken wing.Slowly the old lady__18__to pick it up.Her present!Her__19__present!With__20__fingers she tore it into little bits.

  语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一个80岁老人在生日来临之际对自己唯一的亲人的殷殷期盼,但她最终盼来的确是一种无言的伤痛和失望。

  1.A.took away B.brought up

  C.moved off D.set down

  解析 根据语境可知,此句是说老人把信件从“the ground floor”拿到“the second floor”。bring up意为“拿上来”,符合语境;take away意为“拿走,带走”,move off“意为“离开,出发”,set down意为“记下,放下”,均不符合语境。

  答案 B

  2.A.occasion B.opportunity

  C.ceremony D.anniversary

  解析 根据语境可知,此处是指在特别的“场合”,与下文的other times作对比。occasion意为“场合”,符合语境;opportunity意为“机会”,ceremony意为“典礼,仪式”,anniversary意为“周年纪念日”,均不符合语境。

  答案 A

  3.A.mustn’t B.mightn’t

  C.wouldn’t D.needn’t

  解析 根据语境可知,此处是指老人坚信女儿一定不会忘记自己的生日。表示“一定不会”时,应用wouldn’t。

  答案 C

  4.A.occasionally B.always

  C.almost D.seldom

  解析 根据下文可知,Myra由于工作繁忙,平常很少给妈妈写信。seldom意为“很少,不常”,符合语境;occasionally意为“偶尔,间或”,always意为“总是,一直”,almost意为“差不多,几乎”,均不符合语境。

  答案 D

  5.A.Unhappily B.Unfortunately

  C.Unforgettably D.Unkindly

  解析 根据常识可知,最爱的女儿Enid的离去自然是一件“不幸”的事情。unfortunately意为“不幸地”,符合语境;unhappily意为“不开心地”,unforgettably意为“令人难忘地”,unkindly意为“刻薄地,不客气地”,均不符合语境。

  答案 B

  6.A.casual B.remote

  C.special D.conventional

  解析 根据常识可知,“人生70古来稀”,80岁生日自然尤为“特别”。special意为“特别的”,符合语境;casual意为“随便的,临时的”,remote意为“遥远的,疏远的”,conventional意为“传统的,常见的”,均不符合语境。

  答案 C

  7.A.Even if B.So that

  C.In case D.Now that

  解析 句意为:即使Myra不来,她也会送一份礼物。由句意可知,前后分句之间为一种让步关系,所以应用表示让步关系的连词even if,意为“即使”。

  答案 A

  8.A.proud B.capable

  C.sure D.afraid

  解析 根据下文的描述可知,老人坚信她的女儿即便不来也会送她礼物。be sure of为固定短语,意为“坚信,确信”,符合语境。

  答案 C

  9.A.sharpened B.weakened

  C.widened D.brightened

  解析 根据下文中的“She would enjoy her day!”可知,此处应指老人红光满面,面露喜色。brighten意为“使闪亮,使快乐,使露喜色”,符合语境。

  答案 D

  10.A.excited B.alarmed

  C.inspired D.satisfied

  解析 根据语境可知,老人此时兴奋得像个孩子。excited意为“兴奋的,激动的”,符合语境。

  答案 A

  11.A.thinking B.imagining

  C.welcoming D.watching

  解析 根据上下文语境可知,此句是指老人久久地站在门口,期盼着礼物的到来。因此选watching最符合语境,意为“守望,眺望”。

  答案 D

  12.A.steadily B.wildly

  C.nervously D.randomly

  解析 根据语境可知,此处应选wildly,该词是一种夸张的表达,旨在体现老人无法掩饰的、因迫切而慌乱激动的心情。

  答案 B

  13.A.discontent B.loneliness

  C.disappointment D.annoyance

  解析 根据上下文语境可知,此句是指老人的心情由先前“狂乱的兴奋”跌之“沉重的失望”,是一种修辞上的对比。disappointment意为“失望,沮丧”,符合语境。

  答案 C

  14.A.patient B.anxious

  C.urgent D.mild

  解析 根据语境可知,此句是指老人自我解嘲、自我安慰的一种无奈的表达,同时也暗含着一丝苦涩的期盼,所以老人告诫自己还要“耐心一点儿”。patient意为“耐心的”,符合语境。

  答案 A

  15.A.immediately B.cheerfully

  C.angrily D.unwillingly

  解析 根据语境可知,此句是指老人对自己期盼的“礼物”非常失望,因此不愿意打开它。unwillingly意为“不情愿地,勉强地”,符合语境;immediately意为“立刻,马上”,cheerfully意为“高高兴兴地”,angrily意为“愤怒地”,均不符合语境。

  答案 D

  16.A.Pinned B.Folded

  C.Lined D.Roped

  解析 根据下文的“a piece of paper”可知,此处应选fold,意为“折叠,合拢”,表示“在卡片里折了一张纸”。

  答案 B

  17.A.card B.bonus

  C.cheque D.cash

  解析 根据下文中的“The cheque moved quickly”可知,此处应选cheque,意为“支票”,符合语境。

  答案 C

  18.A.bent B.leaned

  C.struggled D.stretched

  解析 综合考虑老人此时的心情和神态可知,她拾起支票的姿势应该是“弯腰”。bend意为“弯腰,弯曲”,符合语境。lean意为“倾斜,倚靠”;struggle意为“努力,挣扎”,是一个中性词汇,不能体现身体的姿势;stretch意为“伸展,延伸”,均不符合语境。

  答案 A 19.A.painful B.sad

  C.expensive D.lovely

  解析 根据语境可知,此处应选lovely,表现的是一种强烈的讽刺效果,增强了语言的表现力。而painful,sad两词会使语言的色调索然无味,暗淡无光。

  答案 D 20.A.moving B.trembling

  C.reacting D.freezing

  解析 根据语境可知,当老人看到女儿给自己的礼物竟然是一张支票时,她感到既失望又痛心,所以应选trembling,意为“颤抖的,战栗的”,生动地表现了老人当时的心情和神态;moving意为“动人的”,reacting意为“反应的”,freezing意为“冰冻的,严寒的”,均不符合语境。

  答案 B



  Most people watching Jeremy Lin these past two months saw Jeremy Lin,New York Knicks star;but I,watching him,saw someone else.That was my elder brother,Bob,who is athletic and energetic.He could never sit still when he was in second grade;he had to get up every now and then and run around the room.And sure enough,he grew up to be a starting player for an NCAA championship lacrosse (长曲棍球) team.He


  a Nike­endorsed marathoner,too,and reached the top of Mt.Everest,unguided,in his 50s.

  And yet my family never watched his lacrosse games.We did watch some of his marathons,but that wasn’t until he was in his







  days,our Shanghainese­born parents were bent on getting him into medical school.There was a loving aspect to it:I can remember my father working through math books with him,lesson by lesson,at the big blackboard in the attic.Bob never did become a doctor,though;and neither did I.It wasn’t until my younger sister came along that someone in the family finally wore a white coat.

  Bob today could be the fittest 58­year­old on the planet.His doctor estimates his biological age at 35;he’s still big mountains in the Himalayas.And,like Jeremy Lin,he’s charming.No one sees Bob without leaving with a laugh.He sometimes jokes he could be mayor of his building,and it’s true.To know him is to cheer for him.

  And yet my parents did not cheer for him.What if my mother had sat on the sidelines with her statistics,like Jeremy Lin’s mother?What if my father had played videos of athletes for my brother to watch and imitate?It’s hard not to wonder.

  And how did Jeremy Lin’s parents manage to do these remarkable things?Amy Chua,the tiger mother,recalls her immigrant






  they mispronounced a Chinese word.How is it that Jeremy Lin’s immigrant father in particular,Gie­Ming Lin,encouraged his son to follow such an untraditional path?

  【语篇解读】 林书豪的成功,使人们开始反思什么是最合适的教育方式。家长是应该把自己的意愿强加给孩子还是发挥孩子的特长呢?

  5. Bob’s glory days were those________.

  A.when he was doing well in math

  B.when he was in second grade

  C.when he was made mayor of his building

  D.when he showed his talents in sports

  解析 推理判断题。根据文章一、二两段内容可知,鲍勃20多岁时在体育方面的表现很优秀,由此可推知,鲍勃最辉煌的时期应是他在体育运动中展现他的特长时。

  答案 D

  6.From the passage we can tell that Bob is________.