2024届高考英语一轮复习话题复习课件:模块必修5 话题24 资讯报道(新人教版必修模块)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习话题复习课件:模块必修5 话题24 资讯报道(新人教版必修模块)


  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴你已经是成年人了, 不能老是依赖父母。 You are already an adult, you can’t always ________________________.

  ⑵ 一切取决于你是否尽力做。 It all depends on________________ ___________.

  depend on your parents best or not whether you try your 例句

  We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。 4. look forward to 期待;期盼(to是介词) 原句

  I’m looking forward to my first assignment now. 我期盼着即将到来的首次任务。(B5P26) 运用

  用所给词的正确形式填空。 ⑴The daughter is looking forward to______ (see) her parents after many years’ departure.

  ⑵Many senior students are looking forward to__________ (graduate) due to the heavy burden.

  graduation seeing 原句

  Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick. 你有没有这样的情况: 别人控告你的记者, 说他的报道失实?(B5P26) 5. accuse sb. of sth.因…指责或控告某人 例句

  I accused her of cheating. 我指责她作弊。 运用

  填入一个适当的词或完成句子。 ⑴ He was accused __ murder.

  ⑵ 很多员工指责老板不守信用。 Many workers _________________ having broken his words. 联想

  the accused被告 accuse the boss of of 例句

  Please inform them of the time of the meeting. 请告知他们会议的时间。 6. inform …of… 通知; 告知某人某事 原句

  They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story. 记者必须通过调查研究, 来使自己了解到被遗漏的那部分情况。(B5P26) ⑴_______ sb. of sth.提醒某人某事 ⑵______ sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物 ⑶______ sb. of sth.治愈某人某病 ⑷______ sb. of sth.警告某人某事 ⑸________ sb. of sth.控告某人犯某罪 联想

  结构类似的词组还有: accuse


  rob cure warn 运用 ⑴ 你应该告知警方这起事故。 You should ______ the police ___

  the accident.

  ⑵ 有什么变动,请你务必通知我。 Do keep me _________ (inform) of any change. informed inform of 写作句型仿写 原句

  His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter.他同新上司胡鑫的讨论将对他的记者生涯产生强烈的影响。(B5P26) 1. be to do sth.计划/安排/注定会/后来做某事 例句

  The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow. 明天学生们将在学校大门口集会。 仿写

  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴ 他们的女儿这个星期天结婚。 Their daughter ______________ this Sunday.

  (2) 女王将于一周后访问日本。 The queen __________ Japan in a week’s time. is to visit is to get married 原句

  A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.一位足球运动员被指控受贿, 故意不进球, 好让对方球队赢球。(B5P26) 2. …so as to do 为了… 例句

  She wears dark glasses so as to hide her real identity. 她戴深色眼镜来隐藏她的真实身份。


  so as to do不能放在句首, 但与之同义的in order to do却可以放在句首。 运用

  改写下面的句子, 使之与前句意思相近。 ⑴ In order to catch the first bus, we got up early. = We got up early ______ catch the first bus. so as to ⑵We make good preparations for the exam so that we won’t fail in it. = We make good preparations for the exam ___________ fail in it.

  so as not to 3. Not only..., but also...不仅……而且…… 原句

  Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅仅是感兴趣, 在大学我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。(B5 P26) 例句

  By reciting many articles, not only can we improve our writing skill, but also train our memory. 通过背诵一些文章,我们不仅能够提高写作能力,还可以训练我们的记忆。


  连接两个句子时, 第一个要用部分倒装。 仿写

  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴她不仅工作出色,还乐于助人。 Not only does she do well in her job, but also she is always ready to help others.

  ⑵网上购物不仅能节约你的时间, 还可以给你带来很多乐趣。 Not only can shopping on the Internet save your time, but it can also bring you great fun.

  4. only if…can/will you do只有……才能……


  Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 你只有提出了许多不同问题之后,才有可能获得你需要知道的信息。


  主句谓语要用部分倒装。 仿写 ⑴ 我只有找到了工作,才有足够的钱买车。 ____________________ I have enough money to buy a car.

  ⑵ 只有努力学习才能获得好成绩。 Only if you study hard can you get good grades. Only if I get a job will 难句结构分析 原句

  You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested. 发现你的同事们会热情地帮助你,因此,如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去钻研。(P26 B5) 分析

  句中eager to assist you是形容词短语作宾语补足语;so引出表示结果的并列分句,意为“因此”,在这个分句中又含if引导的条件状语从句。 Thank You ! 话题24 资讯报道 基础知识自测 一、单词识记

  1.____________ adv. 其间;同时 2. ___________ n. 同事 3. ___________ n. 最后期限 4. ___________ n.困境;窘境 5. ___________ n. 业余爱好者 amateur

  meanwhile colleague deadline dilemma 6. __________ n. 罪行;犯罪 7. __________ vt. 擦亮;磨光;润色 8. __________ vt. 赞成;认可;批准 9. __________ vt. 出版;发表;公布 10. _________ vt. 更新;使现代化 update

  crime polish approve publish 11. ___________ adj. 不同寻常的 12. ___________ adj. 渴望的;热切的 13. ___________ adj. 怀疑的 14. ___________ adj. 精确的 15. ___________ adj. 彻底的;详尽的 thorough unusual eager sceptical accurate 二、单词拓展

  (A)单词派生 1. ___________ n. 照片 vt. 给……照相

  ______________ n. 摄影

  ______________ n. 摄影师 photographer photograph photography 2. __________ vt. 帮助; 协助; 援助


  n. 帮助; 协助; 援助


  n. 助手; 助理 assistant assist assistance 3. ___________ n. 职业;专业


  adj. 专业的 n. 专业人员

  4. ___________ vt. 获得;取得;学到

  ___________ n. 获得;取得;学到 acquisition profession professional

  acquire 5. ____________ vt. 告知;通知

  _____________ n. 信息

  6. ___________ n. 技术

  ___________ adj. 技术(上)的; 技巧方面的 technical inform information technique (B)灵活运用

  1. This book demanded all your ______________ (concentrate). 1. 名词作宾语。

  2. My parents didn’t approve of my leaving school this year and I had to accept their _________ (approve).

  2. 名词作宾语。

  concentration approval 3. We need enough ____________ (profession) engineers to undertake the job. 3. 形容词作定语。

  4. His guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution and he felt ______ (guilt) about not telling the truth to the judge.

  4. 形容词作表语。 professional guilty 5. The factories that employ thousands of workers criticized the method _________ (employ) by the country’s government. 5. 非谓语表被动意义。 employed 三、短语翻译

  1. ____________ 依靠; 依赖 2. ____________ 指责或控告…… 3. _______________ 为了(做)…… 4. _______________ 集中; 全神贯注于 concentrate on

  depend on accuse ...of so as to (do sth.) 5. _________在……前面 6. ____________________对……敏感 7. _________________通知某人某事 8. ______________独自;独立 on one’s own

  ahead of have a nose for sth. inform sb. of sth. 9. _______________ 应当; 认为必须

  10. _______________ 盼望

  11. ____________ 有罪; 因……负疚 be guilty of be supposed to look forward to 四、课文回顾


  Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment 1__ a reporter in China Daily. At the office his talk with his new boss influenced his life strongly. His boss told him not to go out to cover an event 2________ a professional photographer.



  During the interviews,he had to listen to a lot of facts in detail 3______ getting well prepared for the next question based on 4____ the person said. If the person 5____________ (interview) agreed,he should use a recorder to record what the interviewee said. The boss also gave him 6___ example of the importance of a recorder.





  Once a footballer was accused of taking money for 7__________ (deliberate) not scoring goals. He admitted that someone 8________ (try) to bribe him,but denied taking the money. With the recording,9__ was proved that he was guilty. He was 10_____ (anger) and tried to stop it,but failed. deliberately

  had tried




  His first task was write his story, but

  he had to do it careful. Although he

  realized the man had been lying, but

  Zhou Yang knew he must not accusing

  him directly. He would have to accurate.

  to carefully accuse be Concise too! He knew what to do that.

  Month of training had taught him to

  write with not wasted words or phrases.

  He sat down by his computer and begins

  to work.

  began how Months no at 1. 在write前加to


  2. careful→ carefully

  副词修饰动词do。 3. 去掉but

  因前面已有although,故去掉but。 4. accusing→ accuse

  情态动词后要加动词原形。 5. 在accurate前加上be

  因accurate 是形容词,have to 后须加动词原形,故加be。 6. what→ how

  因do已有宾语that了,意为“如何”做这件事。 7. Month→ Months

  指训练几个月,用复数。 8. not→ no

  修饰名词要用形容词no, 而not是副词,用来否定动词。 9. by→ at

  表示“在电脑旁”用at one’s computer。 10. begins→ began

  上文都用一般过去时,and引出两个并列谓语,时态要一致。 重点词汇讲练 原句

  It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. 这事有些为难, 因为如果我们错了, 那个足球运动员就可以向我们索要赔偿。(B5P26) 1. demand vt. 要求 例句

  They demanded the right to vote. 他们要求选举权。 搭配 demand that sb. (should) do sth.要求某人做某事 in (great) demand (非常)需要的 meet one’s demands满足某人的要求 运用 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴她请求见校长。 She _______________ the headmaster.

  demanded to see

  ⑶ 他们供应更多的蔬菜来满足人们的需要。 They supply more vegetables _______ __________________.

  ⑵老板要求玛丽在一周内完成它。 The boss demanded that Mary ______________it within a week. (should) finish to meet people’s demand 原句

  You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested. 你将发现你的同事们很热情地帮助你。如果你对摄影感兴趣, 以后你可以集中精力去钻研。(B5P26) 2. concentrate on 集中精力于… 例句

  I must concentrate on my work now. 我现在必须集中精力工作。


  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴你真应该更专注于你的工作。 You really should ________________ __________ a bit more. concentrate on your work

  ⑵我因数学考试不及格而决心专攻英语。 Having failed my math exams, I decided to _________ my efforts ___ English. on concentrate 原句

  Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says. 同时, 你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。(B5P26) 3. depend on 依靠;依赖;取决于 例句

  It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. 不用说, 我们的计划取决于天气。


  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴你已经是成年人了, 不能老是依赖父母。 You are already an adult, you can’t always ________________________.

  ⑵ 一切取决于你是否尽力做。 It all depends on________________ ___________.

  depend on your parents best or not whether you try your 例句

  We look forward to the return of spring. 我们期待着春天的到来。 4. look forward to 期待;期盼(to是介词) 原句

  I’m looking forward to my first assignment now. 我期盼着即将到来的首次任务。(B5P26) 运用

  用所给词的正确形式填空。 ⑴The daughter is looking forward to______ (see) her parents after many years’ departure.

  ⑵Many senior students are looking forward to__________ (graduate) due to the heavy burden.

  graduation seeing 原句

  Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick. 你有没有这样的情况: 别人控告你的记者, 说他的报道失实?(B5P26) 5. accuse sb. of sth.因…指责或控告某人 例句

  I accused her of cheating. 我指责她作弊。 运用

  填入一个适当的词或完成句子。 ⑴ He was accused __ murder.

  ⑵ 很多员工指责老板不守信用。 Many workers _________________ having broken his words. 联想

  the accused被告 accuse the boss of of 例句

  Please inform them of the time of the meeting. 请告知他们会议的时间。 6. inform …of… 通知; 告知某人某事 原句

  They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story. 记者必须通过调查研究, 来使自己了解到被遗漏的那部分情况。(B5P26) ⑴_______ sb. of sth.提醒某人某事 ⑵______ sb. of sth.抢劫某人某物 ⑶______ sb. of sth.治愈某人某病 ⑷______ sb. of sth.警告某人某事 ⑸________ sb. of sth.控告某人犯某罪 联想

  结构类似的词组还有: accuse


  rob cure warn 运用 ⑴ 你应该告知警方这起事故。 You should ______ the police ___

  the accident.

  ⑵ 有什么变动,请你务必通知我。 Do keep me _________ (inform) of any change. informed inform of 写作句型仿写 原句

  His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin, was to strongly influence his life as a reporter.他同新上司胡鑫的讨论将对他的记者生涯产生强烈的影响。(B5P26) 1. be to do sth.计划/安排/注定会/后来做某事 例句

  The students are to meet at the school gate tomorrow. 明天学生们将在学校大门口集会。 仿写

  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴ 他们的女儿这个星期天结婚。 Their daughter ______________ this Sunday.

  (2) 女王将于一周后访问日本。 The queen __________ Japan in a week’s time. is to visit is to get married 原句

  A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the other team win.一位足球运动员被指控受贿, 故意不进球, 好让对方球队赢球。(B5P26) 2. …so as to do 为了… 例句

  She wears dark glasses so as to hide her real identity. 她戴深色眼镜来隐藏她的真实身份。


  so as to do不能放在句首, 但与之同义的in order to do却可以放在句首。 运用

  改写下面的句子, 使之与前句意思相近。 ⑴ In order to catch the first bus, we got up early. = We got up early ______ catch the first bus. so as to ⑵We make good preparations for the exam so that we won’t fail in it. = We make good preparations for the exam ___________ fail in it.

  so as not to 3. Not only..., but also...不仅……而且…… 原句

  Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills.对摄影我不仅仅是感兴趣, 在大学我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。(B5 P26) 例句

  By reciting many articles, not only can we improve our writing skill, but also train our memory. 通过背诵一些文章,我们不仅能够提高写作能力,还可以训练我们的记忆。


  连接两个句子时, 第一个要用部分倒装。 仿写

  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴她不仅工作出色,还乐于助人。 Not only does she do well in her job, but also she is always ready to help others.

  ⑵网上购物不仅能节约你的时间, 还可以给你带来很多乐趣。 Not only can shopping on the Internet save your time, but it can also bring you great fun.

  4. only if…can/will you do只有……才能……


  Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. 你只有提出了许多不同问题之后,才有可能获得你需要知道的信息。


  主句谓语要用部分倒装。 仿写 ⑴ 我只有找到了工作,才有足够的钱买车。 ____________________ I have enough money to buy a car.

  ⑵ 只有努力学习才能获得好成绩。 Only if you study hard can you get good grades. Only if I get a job will 难句结构分析 原句

  You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested. 发现你的同事们会热情地帮助你,因此,如果你对摄影感兴趣,以后你可以集中精力去钻研。(P26 B5) 分析

  句中eager to assist you是形容词短语作宾语补足语;so引出表示结果的并列分句,意为“因此”,在这个分句中又含if引导的条件状语从句。 Thank You ! 话题24 资讯报道 基础知识自测 一、单词识记

  1.____________ adv. 其间;同时 2. ___________ n. 同事 3. ___________ n. 最后期限 4. ___________ n.困境;窘境 5. ___________ n. 业余爱好者 amateur

  meanwhile colleague deadline dilemma 6. __________ n. 罪行;犯罪 7. __________ vt. 擦亮;磨光;润色 8. __________ vt. 赞成;认可;批准 9. __________ vt. 出版;发表;公布 10. _________ vt. 更新;使现代化 update

  crime polish approve publish 11. ___________ adj. 不同寻常的 12. ___________ adj. 渴望的;热切的 13. ___________ adj. 怀疑的 14. ___________ adj. 精确的 15. ___________ adj. 彻底的;详尽的 thorough unusual eager sceptical accurate 二、单词拓展

  (A)单词派生 1. ___________ n. 照片 vt. 给……照相

  ______________ n. 摄影

  ______________ n. 摄影师 photographer photograph photography 2. __________ vt. 帮助; 协助; 援助


  n. 帮助; 协助; 援助


  n. 助手; 助理 assistant assist assistance 3. ___________ n. 职业;专业


  adj. 专业的 n. 专业人员

  4. ___________ vt. 获得;取得;学到

  ___________ n. 获得;取得;学到 acquisition profession professional

  acquire 5. ____________ vt. 告知;通知

  _____________ n. 信息

  6. ___________ n. 技术

  ___________ adj. 技术(上)的; 技巧方面的 technical inform information technique (B)灵活运用

  1. This book demanded all your ______________ (concentrate). 1. 名词作宾语。

  2. My parents didn’t approve of my leaving school this year and I had to accept their _________ (approve).

  2. 名词作宾语。

  concentration approval 3. We need enough ____________ (profession) engineers to undertake the job. 3. 形容词作定语。

  4. His guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution and he felt ______ (guilt) about not telling the truth to the judge.

  4. 形容词作表语。 professional guilty 5. The factories that employ thousands of workers criticized the method _________ (employ) by the country’s government. 5. 非谓语表被动意义。 employed 三、短语翻译

  1. ____________ 依靠; 依赖 2. ____________ 指责或控告…… 3. _______________ 为了(做)…… 4. _______________ 集中; 全神贯注于 concentrate on

  depend on accuse ...of so as to (do sth.) 5. _________在……前面 6. ____________________对……敏感 7. _________________通知某人某事 8. ______________独自;独立 on one’s own

  ahead of have a nose for sth. inform sb. of sth. 9. _______________ 应当; 认为必须

  10. _______________ 盼望

  11. ____________ 有罪; 因……负疚 be guilty of be supposed to look forward to 四、课文回顾


  Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment 1__ a reporter in China Daily. At the office his talk with his new boss influenced his life strongly. His boss told him not to go out to cover an event 2________ a professional photographer.



  During the interviews,he had to listen to a lot of facts in detail 3______ getting well prepared for the next question based on 4____ the person said. If the person 5____________ (interview) agreed,he should use a recorder to record what the interviewee said. The boss also gave him 6___ example of the importance of a recorder.





  Once a footballer was accused of taking money for 7__________ (deliberate) not scoring goals. He admitted that someone 8________ (try) to bribe him,but denied taking the money. With the recording,9__ was proved that he was guilty. He was 10_____ (anger) and tried to stop it,but failed. deliberately

  had tried




  His first task was write his story, but

  he had to do it careful. Although he

  realized the man had been lying, but

  Zhou Yang knew he must not accusing

  him directly. He would have to accurate.

  to carefully accuse be Concise too! He knew what to do that.

  Month of training had taught him to

  write with not wasted words or phrases.

  He sat down by his computer and begins

  to work.

  began how Months no at 1. 在write前加to


  2. careful→ carefully

  副词修饰动词do。 3. 去掉but

  因前面已有although,故去掉but。 4. accusing→ accuse

  情态动词后要加动词原形。 5. 在accurate前加上be

  因accurate 是形容词,have to 后须加动词原形,故加be。 6. what→ how

  因do已有宾语that了,意为“如何”做这件事。 7. Month→ Months

  指训练几个月,用复数。 8. not→ no

  修饰名词要用形容词no, 而not是副词,用来否定动词。 9. by→ at

  表示“在电脑旁”用at one’s computer。 10. begins→ began

  上文都用一般过去时,and引出两个并列谓语,时态要一致。 重点词汇讲练 原句

  It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. 这事有些为难, 因为如果我们错了, 那个足球运动员就可以向我们索要赔偿。(B5P26) 1. demand vt. 要求 例句

  They demanded the right to vote. 他们要求选举权。 搭配 demand that sb. (should) do sth.要求某人做某事 in (great) demand (非常)需要的 meet one’s demands满足某人的要求 运用 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴她请求见校长。 She _______________ the headmaster.

  demanded to see

  ⑶ 他们供应更多的蔬菜来满足人们的需要。 They supply more vegetables _______ __________________.

  ⑵老板要求玛丽在一周内完成它。 The boss demanded that Mary ______________it within a week. (should) finish to meet people’s demand 原句

  You’ll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you may be able to concentrate on photography later if you’re interested. 你将发现你的同事们很热情地帮助你。如果你对摄影感兴趣, 以后你可以集中精力去钻研。(B5P26) 2. concentrate on 集中精力于… 例句

  I must concentrate on my work now. 我现在必须集中精力工作。


  根据汉语意思完成英语句子。 ⑴你真应该更专注于你的工作。 You really should ________________ __________ a bit more. concentrate on your work

  ⑵我因数学考试不及格而决心专攻英语。 Having failed my math exams, I decided to _________ my efforts ___ English. on concentrate 原句

  Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says. 同时, 你还要根据被采访人所说的话准备提出下一个问题。(B5P26) 3. depend on 依靠;依赖;取决于 例句

  It goes without saying that our plans depend on the weather. 不用说, 我们的计划取决于天气。