2024届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第3期 A1(外研版)

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2024届高考英语广东版英语测试报高三上学期综合版训练:第3期 A1(外研版)

  Into the Text

  I. 根据汉语或首字母提示,用Book 1 Module 5单词的正确形式填空。

  1. The smell is, as usual, almost unbearable, being a ______ (混合物) of sweat and seal oil fat.

  2. The judge ______ (反应) so angrily to the suggestion that it hadn’t been a fair jail.

  3. It is a fact that iron expands when it becomes hot but _______ (收缩) when it is very cold.

  4. After careful study, the scientists drew a(n) ______ (结论) that this kind of plant had developed a terrible disease.

  5. Some things like wood and plastic can ______ (漂浮) on the surface of the sea while others may sink.

  6. He was completely a______ by what I said at the meeting and couldn’t say a word.

  7. If you put some salt into the water, you can see it d______ very quickly in water.

  8. Suddenly the forest caught fire and very soon we saw red f______ rising into the sky.

  9. Before you do the experiment in the lab, you’d better get all the f______ ready.

  10. Generally speaking, a matter has three states: solid, l_______ and gas and they can change from one to another under certain conditions.

  II. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  The typical hair dryer offers adjustable heat and speed, and is light enough to be used by a child. It wasn’t always this easy.


  So a thick head of hair can stay wet for hours. Not a big deal in hot July, but imagine having to endure that in January. The most advanced hair drying option at the time was a towel and fire.

  Eventually, the discovery of electricity brought about a bit of a solution ?in the early 20th century, women attached pipes to the 揵lower?side of the vacuum ( ca真空) cleaner and use it to blow-dry their hair.


  The earliest hair drying tool was invented in 1890.


  A soft hat was placed on the woman’s head and attached to a chimney pipe. The pipe was attached to a stove fitted with a fan that would direct the air down the pipe to dry the hair.

  The 1920s saw the first hair dryer as we recognize it today. It was electric and almost like our modern version. It was more convenient and quicker than the vacuum and the chimney pipe.


  It was only about 100 watts (瓦特), compared to the 2000-watt dryer of today.

  In the 1960s, the cover could be made from lightweight plastic, and the motors had become efficient enough to produce 500 watts.


  Over the years, motor efficiency improved, materials became lighter and new heating elements were developed, bringing us the hair drying experience today.

  A. It helped, but only a bit, and the air was cold and difficult to direct.

  B. For most of human history, people simply allowed their hair to air dry.

  C. This made the drying process easier and faster than before.

  D. Not long ago, the hair dryer was a very dangerous tool.

  E. It was like the barber’s dryer at that time.

  F. It was more than twice as heavy as today’s model.

  G. It wasn’t super-quick though.

  III. 根据汉语意思,完成句子。

  1. 妈妈让我在吃早饭前往汤里边再加点盐。

  Mother told me to _____ some more salt ______ the soup before I had breakfast.

  2. 我希望你把那些吵闹的孩子弄走,他们让我头痛死了。

  I wish you could ______ those kids ______ ______ my way. They are giving me a headache.

  3. 做完实验后,一切都有序地排列在器皿柜中。

  After the experiment, everything ______ ______ ______ ______ in the cupboard.

  4. 起初,美国人与英国人说同样的语言。

  In the beginning, the Americans spoke ______ ______ ______ ______ the British.

  5. 古代马车的轮子将近是现代汽车轮子的两倍大。

  The wheels of the old wagon are nearly ______ ______ ______ ______ those of the modern car.

  IV. 根据所给提示翻译句子。

  1. 他过去经常起得晚,但现在已经习惯于早起了。(used to)


  2. 现在你应该已经把文件交上来了。(be supposed to)


  3. 我们觉得很难想象一个没有植物的星球是什么样子。(it作形式宾语)


  4. 由于他没有及时准备好,我们就去看电影了,没有等他。(as)


  5. 我们班有几个学生对定语从句的用法仍然不太确定。(there be 结构中的定语从句)


  Into the Text

  I. 根据汉语或首字母提示,用Book 1 Module 5单词的正确形式填空。

  1. The smell is, as usual, almost unbearable, being a ______ (混合物) of sweat and seal oil fat.

  2. The judge ______ (反应) so angrily to the suggestion that it hadn’t been a fair jail.

  3. It is a fact that iron expands when it becomes hot but _______ (收缩) when it is very cold.

  4. After careful study, the scientists drew a(n) ______ (结论) that this kind of plant had developed a terrible disease.

  5. Some things like wood and plastic can ______ (漂浮) on the surface of the sea while others may sink.

  6. He was completely a______ by what I said at the meeting and couldn’t say a word.

  7. If you put some salt into the water, you can see it d______ very quickly in water.

  8. Suddenly the forest caught fire and very soon we saw red f______ rising into the sky.

  9. Before you do the experiment in the lab, you’d better get all the f______ ready.

  10. Generally speaking, a matter has three states: solid, l_______ and gas and they can change from one to another under certain conditions.

  II. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

  The typical hair dryer offers adjustable heat and speed, and is light enough to be used by a child. It wasn’t always this easy.


  So a thick head of hair can stay wet for hours. Not a big deal in hot July, but imagine having to endure that in January. The most advanced hair drying option at the time was a towel and fire.

  Eventually, the discovery of electricity brought about a bit of a solution ?in the early 20th century, women attached pipes to the 揵lower?side of the vacuum ( ca真空) cleaner and use it to blow-dry their hair.


  The earliest hair drying tool was invented in 1890.


  A soft hat was placed on the woman’s head and attached to a chimney pipe. The pipe was attached to a stove fitted with a fan that would direct the air down the pipe to dry the hair.

  The 1920s saw the first hair dryer as we recognize it today. It was electric and almost like our modern version. It was more convenient and quicker than the vacuum and the chimney pipe.


  It was only about 100 watts (瓦特), compared to the 2000-watt dryer of today.

  In the 1960s, the cover could be made from lightweight plastic, and the motors had become efficient enough to produce 500 watts.


  Over the years, motor efficiency improved, materials became lighter and new heating elements were developed, bringing us the hair drying experience today.

  A. It helped, but only a bit, and the air was cold and difficult to direct.

  B. For most of human history, people simply allowed their hair to air dry.

  C. This made the drying process easier and faster than before.

  D. Not long ago, the hair dryer was a very dangerous tool.

  E. It was like the barber’s dryer at that time.

  F. It was more than twice as heavy as today’s model.

  G. It wasn’t super-quick though.

  III. 根据汉语意思,完成句子。

  1. 妈妈让我在吃早饭前往汤里边再加点盐。

  Mother told me to _____ some more salt ______ the soup before I had breakfast.

  2. 我希望你把那些吵闹的孩子弄走,他们让我头痛死了。

  I wish you could ______ those kids ______ ______ my way. They are giving me a headache.

  3. 做完实验后,一切都有序地排列在器皿柜中。

  After the experiment, everything ______ ______ ______ ______ in the cupboard.

  4. 起初,美国人与英国人说同样的语言。

  In the beginning, the Americans spoke ______ ______ ______ ______ the British.

  5. 古代马车的轮子将近是现代汽车轮子的两倍大。

  The wheels of the old wagon are nearly ______ ______ ______ ______ those of the modern car.

  IV. 根据所给提示翻译句子。

  1. 他过去经常起得晚,但现在已经习惯于早起了。(used to)


  2. 现在你应该已经把文件交上来了。(be supposed to)


  3. 我们觉得很难想象一个没有植物的星球是什么样子。(it作形式宾语)


  4. 由于他没有及时准备好,我们就去看电影了,没有等他。(as)


  5. 我们班有几个学生对定语从句的用法仍然不太确定。(there be 结构中的定语从句)
