【北师大版】高中英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 10 Money学案

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【北师大版】高中英语一轮复习讲练精品:Part I Unit 10 Money学案

  Unit 10 Money重点单词 1.________ vt. 使有动机;激发→ ________ n. 动力;诱因

  2.________ adv. 流利地→ ________ adj.流利的

  3.________ n. 成就→ ________ v. 实现

  4.________ vi. 存在;生存→ ________ n. 存在;生存

  5.________ n. 种类;品种→ ________ adj. 各种各样的→ ________ v. 改变;使不同6.________ vt. 确定;决定→________ n. 决心→ ________ adj.有决心的7.________ adj.使人快乐的→________ n. 欢乐;享有→________v. 欣赏;享受8.________ vt. 关于;关系到n. 关切;关心的事→________ adj. 有关的;有牵连的9.________ adj. 满意的;高兴的→ ________ adj. 令人愉快的→________ v. 使人高兴

  重点单词 10.________ adj. 意识到的;知道的→ ________ n. 知道;意识11.________ adj. 热情的;很感兴趣的→ ________ n. 热情;热心;积极性12.________ n. 乐趣;娱乐活动→ ________ v. 使快乐

  13.________ adv. 大约;大概

  14.________ vi. 吸引;引起兴趣;呼吁;恳求

  15.________ vt. 移开;挪走→ ________ n. 移动;迁移16.________ vt. 使困惑 n. 谜语→ ________ adj. 感到迷惑的→ ________ adj. 令人迷惑的17.________ vi. 举止;表现→ ________ n. 举止;表现18.________ vi. 取得进展;改进→ ________ adj. 先进的

  19.________ vt. 代替;取代

  重点短语 1.________ ________ ________ 失业 2.________ ________ 泄露;赠送给

  3.________ ________ 退学;放弃

  4.________ ________ ________ 并且;更重要的是

  5.________ ________ ________ ________ 在……中起作用

  6.________ ________ ________ 与……有关

  7.________ ________ ________ ________ 背弃;抛弃

  8.________ ________ ________ 准确地说

  9.________ ________ ________ 对……厌倦

  10.________ ________ 确定;保证11.________ ________ 组成;构成;编造;虚构;化妆

  12.________ ________ ________ 察觉;意识到

  13.________ ________推迟

  14.________ ________ 目前

  重点句式 1.It is no_bigger_than a credit card.

  2.In fact,

  it_is you who have the most important role to play in stopping Yellow River erosion. 3.There are certainly no signs_that Charles was a rich man.

  4.If so, it_is_time for you to think again.

  5.Well, if

  buying a bag of candies or cookies doesn't appeal to you , how_about buying a tree instead?

  核心语法 复习不定式及不定代词


  1.motivate; motivation 2.fluently; fluent 3.achievement; achieve 4.exist; existence 5.variety; various; vary 6.determine; determination; determined 7.enjoyable; enjoyment; enjoy 8.concern; concerned 9.pleased; pleasant / pleasing; please 10.aware; awareness 11.enthusiastic; enthusiasm 12.amusement; amuse 13.approximately 14.appeal 15.remove; removal 16.puzzle; puzzled; puzzling 17.behave; behavior 18.advance; advanced 19.replace


  1.out of work 2.give away 3.drop out 4.what is more 5.play a role in 6.be related to 7.turn one's back on 8.to be exact 9.be tired of 10.make sure 11.make up 12.be aware of  13.put off 14.at present1.determine vt.(使)下决心;(使)做出决定;确定;测定vi. 决定;决心(on / upon)

  determine to do sth 决心 / 决定做某事

  determine sb to do sth 使某人下决心做某事

  determine on / upon sth

  / doing sth 决定 / 决心做某事



  be determined to do sth

  决定 / 决心做某事

  be determined + that 从句 (从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气)

  1)They ________ ________where the new hospital will be built. 他们已经决定在何处建医院。2)My teacher‘s encouragement ________ me to go on with my English. 老师的鼓励使我下决心继续学习英语。3)We ________ on an early start. 我们决定早点出发。4)I left her, ________ never to set foot in that house. 我离开了她,决心不再走进那房子。5)We ________ ________ that this should never be allowed to happen again. 我们下定了决心不让这样的事情再发生。【答案】 1)have determined 2)determined 3)determined 4)determining 5)were determined


  1)It's often difficult ________ ________ the meaning of a word without a context.

  2)She is a very ________woman.

  3)The boy ________ ________ ________ to be a soldier for a long time.

  【答案】 1)to determine 2)determined 3)has been determined


  (2010南昌高三月考)He was determined that his child ________ to the best school available.

  A.should go  


  C.ought to go 

  D.would go

  【答案与解析】 A 在require, order和be determined从句中,应该使用虚拟语气。题意:他决心让他的孩子上最好的学校。

  2.concern n. 关心;关切;关注 vt. 涉及;关系到;使担心

  be concerned about / for / over sb / sth 关心某人 / 某事

  be concerned with sb / sth 与某人(事)有关;牵涉到某人(事)

  concern oneself with sth


  so / as far as...be concerned


  as concerns... 关于;涉及


  prep. 关于

  1)________ ________ him, I have nothing to say. 关于他,我无话可说。2)The case ________ ________ ________ with me any longer. 这件事不再与我有关。3)________ ________ ________ the quality ________ ________, the coat is worth buying. 就质量而言,这大衣买得值。4)A good teacher should always ________himself ________his students. 一个好老师应该时刻关心自己的学

  生。【答案】 1)As concerns 2)is not concerned 3)As / So far as;is concerned 4)concern;with


  1)Please don't let my illness ________ you.2)In short, the writing style ________ not what a writer says but how he says it.

  3)We shall have to consult with the other countries ________.

  4)Our main ________ is that the boy is in poor health.

  【答案】 1)concern 2)concerns 3)concerned 4)concern


  1)(2010安徽师大附中二模)I'll publish my results only when I have ________ my research.





  【答案与解析】 D 题意:只有在我结束研究之后,我才会公开我的结论。concern “关心;有关系”;connect“联系”;conduct“处理;指导”;conclude“完成;结束”。2)(2010银川一中高三月考)The speech which he made ________the project bothered me greatly.

  A.being concerned

  B.be concerned


  D.concerning【答案与解析】 D 题意:他做的有关那个课题的演说使我非常厌烦。concerning 介词,表示“关于”之意。

  3.annoy vt. 打扰;干扰;使恼怒

  annoyed adj.感到烦恼的;恼怒的

  annoying adj.令人烦恼的;令人生气的

  be annoyed with sb 对某人生气

  be annoyed at / about sth 为某事生气

  annoyance n.生气;烦恼


  one's annoyance


  1)The way he constantly orders us to do this or that really ________us all. 他不断命令我们干这干那的方式的确使我们都很恼火。2)It‘s ________to be asked about some personal affairs.

  被查问私事是令人恼火的。3)What are you getting ________about?

  你为什么事生气?4)She was much ________to see that all the guests had left.

  看到所有客人都走了,她非常生气。【答案】 1)annoys 2)annoying 3)annoyed 4)annoyed


  1)She is annoyed ________the man often calls in the middle of the night.2)________greatly annoyed the boy to be kept standing outside the classroom so long.

  3)It really ________me when you don't listen to what I'm saying.

  4)________the teacher's annoyance, the boy was late again.

  【答案】 1)that 2)It 3)annoys 4)To


  (2010长沙模拟)Recently Peter ________to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time playing computer games, which extremely annoys his father.

  A.had been refusing

  B.has been refusing

  C.was refusing

  D.refused【答案与解析】 B 题意:最近彼得一直拒绝做作业,相反坚持把时间浪费在打电脑游戏上,这让他爸爸非常懊恼。此句是用现在时,且强调的是现在这一情况未改变。

  4. aware adj.知道的;意识到的;明白的;察觉到的

  be aware of sth 从句


  be aware that 注意到……;发觉……

  1)I was not ________of her presence until she spoke to me. 直到她跟我说话我才发现她到场了。

  2)Are you ________of the dangers of your position? 你有没有意识到你的处境很危险?

  3)She is far too ________to believe these lies. 她很明智不会相信这些谎言了。

  4)He is ________of a sense of guilt. 他感觉到内心有愧。

  【答案】 1)aware / sensible 2)aware / sensible 3)sensible 4)conscious

  aware, conscious和sensible

  conscious 有知觉的;清醒的;蓄意的

  sensible 明智的;合情理的;切合实际的

  注意:aware, conscious和sensible均有“意识到”的意思,但aware指感官可及的外界事物, conscious指内心意识到的感觉,sensible与aware接近。


  1) ________you ________that your son have trouble at school?

  2)She is well ________how risky this business is.

  3)It is ________of the girl to bring an umbrella.

  【答案】 1)Are; aware 2)aware 3)sensible (2)名校押题

  (2010盐池高三检测)Though the man was badly hurt in the accident, he was still ________and could think clearly.




  D.conscious【答案与解析】 D 题意:这男子在事故中严重受伤,但他仍然神志清醒,思维清晰。awake “醒的”与asleep相反;aware “知道的;注意到的”;confused“感到迷惑不解的”;conscious“有知觉的;头脑清醒的”。

  5.comment v.评论;发表意见n.评论;评语

  comment on / upon


  comment + that 从句


  make comments on / upon... 评论某事

  no comment 无可奉告

  without comment


  1)—Would you like to ________ on any troublesome students in your class?你愿意谈谈对你们班调皮学生的看法吗?

  —Sorry, ________ ________!对不起,无可奉告。2)“This house must be very old,” he ________. “这幢房子一定很古老了,”他说道。3)Everyone ________loudly on his absence. 每一个人都就他未出席一事大声议论。4)Tom once ________for a magazine. 汤姆曾经给一本杂志写评论。【答案】 1)comment; no comment 2)remarked 3)remarked 4)reviewed


  review作及物动词,意思是“复习;写(书、戏剧等)评论;检阅(部队)”。其也可作名词,如a general review “总复习”;reviews of new books “新书书评”。

  remark作动词,意思是“评论;说到;议论”。其也可作名词,如make no remark“不加评论”;make a few remarks“讲几句话”;remark on / upon / about...“就……发表评论”。


  (1)用comment, remark或review的适当形式填空

  1)It's impolite to ________about a girl's appearance.

  2)Before falling asleep, Helen ________the day's happenings.

  3)Napoleon would always ask the same three questions in the same order when he ________his army.

  4)I hope your new book gets favorable ________.

  【答案】 1)comment / remark 2)reviewed 3)reviewed



  (2010安庆段考)It's natural that their ________ to the joke is just to laugh.





  【答案与解析】 D 题意:他们对这个笑话的反应只是笑笑是非常自然的。comment“评价”;opinion“意见”;impression“印象”,均不合题意。1.give away 泄露(秘密);颁发;捐赠;告发(某人)

  give back 归还;使……恢复

  give in 屈服;投降;让步;上交;递交

  give out 分发;散发;公布;宣布;用完

  give off 发出(气味、气体、烟等)

  give up 放弃;认输;自首;对……不抱希望

  give sb a hand 帮某人一把

  1)Don't mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ________ ________ the shocking ending.


  2)If a person hasn't had enough sleep, his actions will ________him ________in the day time. 如果一个人晚上没有睡好觉,白天他的行为会显露出来。

  3)We have invited a famous former student to ________ ________ the prizes. 我们已经邀请了一位知名的校友来颁发奖品。

  4)The English teacher ________ ________ the examination papers at 7:40.英语老师于7:40把试卷发下去了。

  5)They ________ ________ a large sum of money to the people of the flooded area.


  【答案】 1)give away 2)give; away 3)give away

  4)gave out 5)gave away


  1)Liu Hulan would rather die than give ________ her comrades.2)Do you think the murderer will give himself ________ to the police?

  3)The argument went on hours as neither side would give ________.

  4)I can't answer the puzzle; I give ________.

  5)The girl gave ________her job to look after her mother in hospital.

  6)The news of the event was given ________over the radio.

  【答案】  1)away 2)up 3)in 4)up 5)up 6)out(2)名校押题

  (2010山东潍坊模拟)—I can't get on well with some of my classmates. They just leave me in the cold.

  —________. But what's the reason?A.Sorry to hear that

  B.Forget it

  C.Don't mention it

  D.Never give up【答案与解析】 A 考查交际用语。听到别人与同学相处得不好,属于不幸的事情,应表示同情。forget it与下文不相符;don't mention it“不用谢”;never give up“坚持下去”,不合题意。

  2.drop out


  drop out of sth


  drop asleep = fall asleep


  drop behind = fall behind 落后(于某人)

  drop by(美) 顺便拜访(某地方)

  drop in 顺便拜访

  drop in on sb 顺便拜访某人

  drop in at some place 顺便拜访某地

  1)The boy was so careless that the glass ________ ________ ________ his hand and broke into pieces. 这男孩非常粗心,结果杯子从手上落下来摔成了碎片。