2024届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module6 Unit17《Laughter》(2)

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2024届广东北师大版高考总复习(第1轮)英语:Module6 Unit17《Laughter》(2)

  4. invite sb to do sth


  invite sb to somewhere

  邀请某人到某地 5. The problem is the price of the ticket.


  the price of sth

  某物的价钱 6. Guess what! 你猜怎么着!


  可以用guess what! 7. Have you looked at today’s newspaper?你看过今天的报纸了吗? 在书面语中,常用read the newspaper,

  而在口头语中,look at the newspaper 也是可以用的。 8. The first prize is the holiday of your

  dreams in England.


  9. What do you reckon? 你觉得怎么样? reckon = think 认为,觉得 10. It sounds brilliant! 听起来还不错的! Pronunciation and speaking

  Work in pairs.

  Student A: Ask Student B these questions. 1. Have you ever wanted to travel around

  the world? 2. Have you ever enter a competition? 3. Have you ever visited New York?

  Student B: Answer Student A’s questions.

  Use these answers. a. No, I haven’t. I haven’t entered any

  competition. b. No, I haven’t. I have never visited

  New York.

  c. Yes, I have. I’ve wanted to travel

  around the world. Now listen and repeat.

  8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer

  questions. A: Have you ever wanted to travel

  around the world? B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. A: Have you ever …? …written a book …gone to a rock concert …eaten foreign food …swum in the sea … cooked a western meal Exercise --- Have you got some water to drink? --- Here you are. There _______ still some in the bottle. A. are

  B. has

  C. is

  D. have


  2. — Have you seen Bill?

  — Yes, he   to the library.

  A. has gone B. had gone

  C. has been

  (2005年湖北武汉中考) C A 3. —Have you brought??????? with you? We won’t have time to come back. ? —Don’t worry. All the things we need are here, in this big bag.

  A. something??? B. anything???

  C. nothing???

  D. everything

  (2010中考真题) D Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. 外研初中二年级上册 Module 2


  Unit 1 Have you ever entered a competition? New words experience



  airport cabin steward captain country take off

  经验;经历 曾经 竞争,竞赛 机场;航空港 (飞机的)客舱 乘务员 机长;船长 国家 起飞 before problem

  wonderful prize reckon sound brilliant dream someone kind 以前;在……之前 问题,难题 绝妙的;了不起的 奖品,奖金 考虑;认为 听起来 好极了 n.梦想/梦;v. 做梦/梦想 某人;有人 种类 airport take off land 飞机场 (飞机) 起飞 (飞机)着陆 乘客 空中乘务员 (飞机等)机长 passenger cabin steward captain Make a short passage with the

  words and expressions. Last summer holiday, my parents and I visited Dalian. We took the plane to go there. The plane took off at 11:00 am and landed at Dalian airport one hour later. There were many passengers from different countries on the plane and the cabin steward gave each person a bottle of water. I also saw the captain. It was a nice and comfortable trip.

  Listen and number the words and expressions as

  you hear them. 1. passenger 2. captain

  3. take off 4. cabin 6. land 5. steward

  What’s the prize of the competition?

  2. Where has Lingling wanted to go? Listen and read. Pre-listening questions: It’s the holiday in England. She has wanted to go to the USA and Europe. Lingling

  Sally visit China watch a DVD about China

  enjoy message about life in Beijing √ √ Check the things Lingling and

  Sally have done. want to travel around the world want to go to the USA and Europe

  invite someone to stay

  look at today’s newspaper enter a competition √ √ √ (

  ) 1. Has Sally Maxwell visited

  China before?

  A. Yes, she has.

  B. No, she hasn’t. (

  ) 2. Has she enjoyed the message

  about my life?

  A. No, she hasn’t

  B. Yes, she has B Listen again and choose the correct answers.

  B (

  ) 3. Have Lingling ever wanted

  to travel around the world?

  A. Yes, she has.

  B. No, she hasn’t. (

  ) 4. What is the problem of the


  A. The price.

  B. The tickets have been sold

  out. A A Ask and say what Lingling and Sally have or haven’t done. No, she hasn’t. Has Lingling entered a competition? Now listen again and check.

  Match the words with their







  _______: A group of thoughts, ideas or feelings happened in your mind when you go to sleep.

  ______: the money you spend in buying something, i.e. a plane ticket to the USA. dream price 3. __________: A test of ability or skill, we usually see it on television, in newspaper or at our school. 4.

  __________: Something that happens

  to you and has an effect on the mind

  and the feelings. 5.

  ______: Something that given to you

  when you are successful in a game or

  a competition. competition experience prize






  Answer the questions about the

  words in the box. What was your most exciting experience? 2. When you go to sleep, what do you dream about? Where do you want to go for the holiday of your dreams? 3. What

  competitions are there on

  television, in newspapers or at your

  school? 4. What kind of prizes are there for

  these competitions? 5. What’s the price of a plane ticket

  to the USA?

  What about you?

  Guess what?

  …the holiday of your dreams

  What do you reckon?

  It sounds brilliant! 你呢? 你猜怎么着? ……你梦想中的假期 你觉得怎么样? 听起来很棒! Everyday English

  Important sentences 1. Has she visited China before?

  2. Have you ever wanted to travel around

  the world?

  3. Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.

  4. The first prize is the holiday of your dreams in England. 她以前参观过中国吗? 你曾经想过环游世界吗? 在北京首都机场起飞,在伦敦着陆。 一等奖是你梦想的英国假期。 Language points

  1. Has she visited China before?

  她以前参观过中国吗? 2. She’s watched it. = She has watched it.

  她已经看过了。 3. Have you ever wanted to travel

  around the world?

  你曾经想过要环球旅行吗? 现在完成时:

  Have/Has + sb + (ever) done (过去分词)

  sth?某人(曾经) 做过某事吗?

  4. invite sb to do sth


  invite sb to somewhere

  邀请某人到某地 5. The problem is the price of the ticket.


  the price of sth

  某物的价钱 6. Guess what! 你猜怎么着!


  可以用guess what! 7. Have you looked at today’s newspaper?你看过今天的报纸了吗? 在书面语中,常用read the newspaper,

  而在口头语中,look at the newspaper 也是可以用的。 8. The first prize is the holiday of your

  dreams in England.


  9. What do you reckon? 你觉得怎么样? reckon = think 认为,觉得 10. It sounds brilliant! 听起来还不错的! Pronunciation and speaking

  Work in pairs.

  Student A: Ask Student B these questions. 1. Have you ever wanted to travel around

  the world? 2. Have you ever enter a competition? 3. Have you ever visited New York?

  Student B: Answer Student A’s questions.

  Use these answers. a. No, I haven’t. I haven’t entered any

  competition. b. No, I haven’t. I have never visited

  New York.

  c. Yes, I have. I’ve wanted to travel

  around the world. Now listen and repeat.

  8 Work in pairs. Ask and answer

  questions. A: Have you ever wanted to travel

  around the world? B: Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. A: Have you ever …? …written a book …gone to a rock concert …eaten foreign food …swum in the sea … cooked a western meal Exercise --- Have you got some water to drink? --- Here you are. There _______ still some in the bottle. A. are

  B. has

  C. is

  D. have


  2. — Have you seen Bill?

  — Yes, he   to the library.

  A. has gone B. had gone

  C. has been

  (2005年湖北武汉中考) C A 3. —Have you brought??????? with you? We won’t have time to come back. ? —Don’t worry. All the things we need are here, in this big bag.

  A. something??? B. anything???

  C. nothing???

  D. everything

  (2010中考真题) D Homework Finish the exercises in the

  workbook Ex. 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9. 外研初中二年级上册 Module 2


  Unit 1 Have you ever entered a competition? New words experience



  airport cabin steward captain country take off

  经验;经历 曾经 竞争,竞赛 机场;航空港 (飞机的)客舱 乘务员 机长;船长 国家 起飞 before problem

  wonderful prize reckon sound brilliant dream someone kind 以前;在……之前 问题,难题 绝妙的;了不起的 奖品,奖金 考虑;认为 听起来 好极了 n.梦想/梦;v. 做梦/梦想 某人;有人 种类 airport take off land 飞机场 (飞机) 起飞 (飞机)着陆 乘客 空中乘务员 (飞机等)机长 passenger cabin steward captain Make a short passage with the

  words and expressions. Last summer holiday, my parents and I visited Dalian. We took the plane to go there. The plane took off at 11:00 am and landed at Dalian airport one hour later. There were many passengers from different countries on the plane and the cabin steward gave each person a bottle of water. I also saw the captain. It was a nice and comfortable trip.

  Listen and number the words and expressions as

  you hear them. 1. passenger 2. captain

  3. take off 4. cabin 6. land 5. steward

  What’s the prize of the competition?

  2. Where has Lingling wanted to go? Listen and read. Pre-listening questions: It’s the holiday in England. She has wanted to go to the USA and Europe. Lingling

  Sally visit China watch a DVD about China

  enjoy message about life in Beijing √ √ Check the things Lingling and

  Sally have done. want to travel around the world want to go to the USA and Europe

  invite someone to stay

  look at today’s newspaper enter a competition √ √ √ (

  ) 1. Has Sally Maxwell visited

  China before?

  A. Yes, she has.

  B. No, she hasn’t. (

  ) 2. Has she enjoyed the message

  about my life?

  A. No, she hasn’t

  B. Yes, she has B Listen again and choose the correct answers.

  B (

  ) 3. Have Lingling ever wanted

  to travel around the world?

  A. Yes, she has.

  B. No, she hasn’t. (

  ) 4. What is the problem of the


  A. The price.

  B. The tickets have been sold

  out. A A Ask and say what Lingling and Sally have or haven’t done. No, she hasn’t. Has Lingling entered a competition? Now listen again and check.

  Match the words with their







  _______: A group of thoughts, ideas or feelings happened in your mind when you go to sleep.

  ______: the money you spend in buying something, i.e. a plane ticket to the USA. dream price 3. __________: A test of ability or skill, we usually see it on television, in newspaper or at our school. 4.

  __________: Something that happens

  to you and has an effect on the mind

  and the feelings. 5.

  ______: Something that given to you

  when you are successful in a game or

  a competition. competition experience prize






  Answer the questions about the

  words in the box. What was your most exciting experience? 2. When you go to sleep, what do you dream about? Where do you want to go for the holiday of your dreams? 3. What

  competitions are there on

  television, in newspapers or at your

  school? 4. What kind of prizes are there for

  these competitions? 5. What’s the price of a plane ticket

  to the USA?

  What about you?

  Guess what?

  …the holiday of your dreams

  What do you reckon?

  It sounds brilliant! 你呢? 你猜怎么着? ……你梦想中的假期 你觉得怎么样? 听起来很棒! Everyday English

  Important sentences 1. Has she visited China before?

  2. Have you ever wanted to travel around

  the world?

  3. Take off from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London.

  4. The first prize is the holiday of your dreams in England. 她以前参观过中国吗? 你曾经想过环游世界吗? 在北京首都机场起飞,在伦敦着陆。 一等奖是你梦想的英国假期。 Language points

  1. Has she visited China before?

  她以前参观过中国吗? 2. She’s watched it. = She has watched it.

  她已经看过了。 3. Have you ever wanted to travel

  around the world?

  你曾经想过要环球旅行吗? 现在完成时:

  Have/Has + sb + (ever) done (过去分词)

  sth?某人(曾经) 做过某事吗?