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  Centrally clearedderivatives;Clear and present danger


  Clearing-houses may add danger as well asefficiency;


  Stock exchanges have not been lucky in loverecently. Deutsche Borse s proposed merger withNYSE Euronext was blocked by regulators inFebruary. Romances between the exchanges ofSingapore and Australia, and between the Toronto bourse and the London Stock Exchange, have also fizzled.


  Tired of such dalliances, the LSE has taken up with the plumber. On April 3rd itsshareholders backed its plan to take control of LCH.Clearnet, a big clearing-house.Clearing-houses are the back-room wizards of the exchange-traded securities andderivatives markets. They ensure that once a deal has been agreed upon it will be honoured,even if one of the parties goes bust. The 2008 financial crisis proved their worth. Interbankmarkets seized up because no bank knew how big a risk the other was carrying, but theclearing-houses had a much better idea of their exposures and could rapidly demand morecash or other collateral from counterparties.

  LSE厌倦了此类周旋, 开始对管道工产生兴趣。4月3日该集团股东支持掌控LCH.Clearnet的计划,LCH.Clearnet是一家大型清算所。清算所是股票交易和衍生品市场的幕后向导。他们确保一旦交易达成,就会生效,即使交易一方破产。2008年发生的金融危机证明了清算所的价值。银行间市场失灵,因银行不知彼此担负多大的风险,但清算所对其敞口却知之甚详,进而可快速的要求交易方提供更多现金或其他抵押品。

  Regulators now want clearing-houses to act as central counterparties for as manyderivatives transactions as possible. Their biggest target is the mountain of over-the-counter derivatives products, whose notional amounts outstanding, reckoned at around 700trillion dollar in June 2011, easily dwarf the 83 trillion dollar of derivatives on exchanges.


  Some OTC derivatives are already centrally cleared: LCH.Clearnet s Swap Clear service has290 trillion dollar of interest-swaps on its books. Many are not. A G20 resolution in 2009 seta framework for moving standardised OTC products into clearing-houses. This is beingapplied through bits of legislation worldwide, most importantly via the Dodd-Frank Act inAmerica and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation in Europe, which wasvoted through the European Parliament on March 29th. Any remaining bilateral deals wouldbe much more expensive for banks to carry on their books.

  部分衍生品柜台交易已被集中清算: LCH.Clearnet的掉期清算业务中利率掉期账面值达290万亿美元。但多数OTC衍生品交易并未进行清算。2009年颁布的一项20国集团决议为标准化OTC产品进入清算所制定了一个框架。这一框架可通过世界范围内的零星立法来实施,最重要的立法有美国的多德弗兰克法案和欧洲的欧洲市场基础设施监管条例,该条例于3月29日获欧洲议会投票通过。剩下的双边交易对银行来说都要昂贵得多。

  All of which means that the volume of business flowing to clearing-houses, and the fees theycan charge, will rise. For a stock exchange like the LSE, whose trading volume in cashequities is being eroded by much cheaper multilateral platforms, it makes sense to riskoverpayingthe deal values LCH.Clearnet at around 800m to secure abusiness that is almost bound to grow by regulatory fiat.

  所有这些都意味着流向清算所的业务量,及其收取的费用会增加。对于像LSE 这样的证券交易所来说,其股票现货交易量将受到更便宜的多边交易平台打压,冒险多掏钱购入一项在监管法令下势必会增长的业务是有意义的。LSE购入 LCH.Clearnet 股权的交易额约达8亿欧元。

  Others are also crowding round. NYSE Euronext s merger with Deutsche Borse would haveplugged it into Eurex Clearing, the German exchange s CCP. Now it will work on making NYSELiffe Clearing, which clears the trades on London s Liffe futures exchange, a full CCP. OnMarch 28th it announced plans for its continental derivatives-clearing activity to migratethere by early 2023, subject to regulatory approval .


  This will create new concentrations of risk. If the CCPs consolidate into three or four bigplayers in Europe, and a handful more worldwide, that will be a lot of risk tied up in a fewinstitutions. Since they are involved in cross-border business and meant to beinteroperableie, allowing access to a wide number of counterpartiesthe responsibility forthe bail-out of a CCP may not be a clear-cut geographical one. All this should be sorted outbefore the game goes much further.


  Another looming problem is the quality of collateral that CCPs take. Apart from cash, themost common type of collateral posted with clearing-houses is government bonds. These nolonger have the risk-free status they used to enjoy. As more deals migrate to CCPs, thepressure to find suitable collateral could intensify .There is a risk that clearing-houses could expose themselves to assets which are not asstable as they should be.


  Clearers swear blind that they would never relax their standards. We re not plumbers, we rerisk-management firms, says Ian Axe, the boss of LCH.Clearnet. This is true, but it andmany other CCPs are run for profit, and are bound to steer a course between risk andreward. The European Securities and Markets Authority is supposed to set new capital rulesand collateral standards for CCPs by June 30th. What regulators give with one hand, theymay take away with the other.

  清算所誓言决不会放宽标准。LCH.Clearnet老板Ian Axe表示:我们不是管道工,我们是风险管理公司。虽然这是事实,但LCH.Clearnet和其他CCP都是逐利的公司,定会在风险和收益之间前行。欧洲证券与市场管理局应在7月30日前为CCP制定新的资本规则和抵押标准。上有政策,也许下就有对策。


  Centrally clearedderivatives;Clear and present danger


  Clearing-houses may add danger as well asefficiency;


  Stock exchanges have not been lucky in loverecently. Deutsche Borse s proposed merger withNYSE Euronext was blocked by regulators inFebruary. Romances between the exchanges ofSingapore and Australia, and between the Toronto bourse and the London Stock Exchange, have also fizzled.


  Tired of such dalliances, the LSE has taken up with the plumber. On April 3rd itsshareholders backed its plan to take control of LCH.Clearnet, a big clearing-house.Clearing-houses are the back-room wizards of the exchange-traded securities andderivatives markets. They ensure that once a deal has been agreed upon it will be honoured,even if one of the parties goes bust. The 2008 financial crisis proved their worth. Interbankmarkets seized up because no bank knew how big a risk the other was carrying, but theclearing-houses had a much better idea of their exposures and could rapidly demand morecash or other collateral from counterparties.

  LSE厌倦了此类周旋, 开始对管道工产生兴趣。4月3日该集团股东支持掌控LCH.Clearnet的计划,LCH.Clearnet是一家大型清算所。清算所是股票交易和衍生品市场的幕后向导。他们确保一旦交易达成,就会生效,即使交易一方破产。2008年发生的金融危机证明了清算所的价值。银行间市场失灵,因银行不知彼此担负多大的风险,但清算所对其敞口却知之甚详,进而可快速的要求交易方提供更多现金或其他抵押品。

  Regulators now want clearing-houses to act as central counterparties for as manyderivatives transactions as possible. Their biggest target is the mountain of over-the-counter derivatives products, whose notional amounts outstanding, reckoned at around 700trillion dollar in June 2011, easily dwarf the 83 trillion dollar of derivatives on exchanges.


  Some OTC derivatives are already centrally cleared: LCH.Clearnet s Swap Clear service has290 trillion dollar of interest-swaps on its books. Many are not. A G20 resolution in 2009 seta framework for moving standardised OTC products into clearing-houses. This is beingapplied through bits of legislation worldwide, most importantly via the Dodd-Frank Act inAmerica and the European Market Infrastructure Regulation in Europe, which wasvoted through the European Parliament on March 29th. Any remaining bilateral deals wouldbe much more expensive for banks to carry on their books.

  部分衍生品柜台交易已被集中清算: LCH.Clearnet的掉期清算业务中利率掉期账面值达290万亿美元。但多数OTC衍生品交易并未进行清算。2009年颁布的一项20国集团决议为标准化OTC产品进入清算所制定了一个框架。这一框架可通过世界范围内的零星立法来实施,最重要的立法有美国的多德弗兰克法案和欧洲的欧洲市场基础设施监管条例,该条例于3月29日获欧洲议会投票通过。剩下的双边交易对银行来说都要昂贵得多。

  All of which means that the volume of business flowing to clearing-houses, and the fees theycan charge, will rise. For a stock exchange like the LSE, whose trading volume in cashequities is being eroded by much cheaper multilateral platforms, it makes sense to riskoverpayingthe deal values LCH.Clearnet at around 800m to secure abusiness that is almost bound to grow by regulatory fiat.

  所有这些都意味着流向清算所的业务量,及其收取的费用会增加。对于像LSE 这样的证券交易所来说,其股票现货交易量将受到更便宜的多边交易平台打压,冒险多掏钱购入一项在监管法令下势必会增长的业务是有意义的。LSE购入 LCH.Clearnet 股权的交易额约达8亿欧元。

  Others are also crowding round. NYSE Euronext s merger with Deutsche Borse would haveplugged it into Eurex Clearing, the German exchange s CCP. Now it will work on making NYSELiffe Clearing, which clears the trades on London s Liffe futures exchange, a full CCP. OnMarch 28th it announced plans for its continental derivatives-clearing activity to migratethere by early 2023, subject to regulatory approval .


  This will create new concentrations of risk. If the CCPs consolidate into three or four bigplayers in Europe, and a handful more worldwide, that will be a lot of risk tied up in a fewinstitutions. Since they are involved in cross-border business and meant to beinteroperableie, allowing access to a wide number of counterpartiesthe responsibility forthe bail-out of a CCP may not be a clear-cut geographical one. All this should be sorted outbefore the game goes much further.


  Another looming problem is the quality of collateral that CCPs take. Apart from cash, themost common type of collateral posted with clearing-houses is government bonds. These nolonger have the risk-free status they used to enjoy. As more deals migrate to CCPs, thepressure to find suitable collateral could intensify .There is a risk that clearing-houses could expose themselves to assets which are not asstable as they should be.


  Clearers swear blind that they would never relax their standards. We re not plumbers, we rerisk-management firms, says Ian Axe, the boss of LCH.Clearnet. This is true, but it andmany other CCPs are run for profit, and are bound to steer a course between risk andreward. The European Securities and Markets Authority is supposed to set new capital rulesand collateral standards for CCPs by June 30th. What regulators give with one hand, theymay take away with the other.

  清算所誓言决不会放宽标准。LCH.Clearnet老板Ian Axe表示:我们不是管道工,我们是风险管理公司。虽然这是事实,但LCH.Clearnet和其他CCP都是逐利的公司,定会在风险和收益之间前行。欧洲证券与市场管理局应在7月30日前为CCP制定新的资本规则和抵押标准。上有政策,也许下就有对策。


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