高考英语一轮复习精品课件《Module 6 Old and New》(外研版必修3)

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高考英语一轮复习精品课件《Module 6 Old and New》(外研版必修3)

  知识要点 ②Three minutes of silence on May 19th were kept to mourn for those _________ died in the earthquake. A.that B.whom C.who D.which 【解析】在限制性定语从句中,先行词是指人的代词时,关系代词通常用who,而不用that。 【答案】C 知识要点 ③Michael Phelps, _______ the feet are bigger than others,won eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympic Games. A.whose B.whom C.of who D.of whom 【解析】本句是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少定语,所以用of whom。此题容易误选A。因为缺少定语,马上想到选whose,但是句中有the,就不能选whose。 【答案】D 知识要点 ④Chinese Women Football Team lost the game against Japanese in the 29th Olympics, we didn’t expect. A./ B.as C.which D.that 【解析】这里是which引导的非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个主句。句意为:中国女足在第29届奥运会上输给了日本队,这是我们没料到的。 【答案】C 知识要点 2.定语从句的简化 有些含有定语从句的复合句很复杂,不容易理解,这就需要我们将其简化。简化方式主要有以下几种: (1)在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在从句中担任动词宾语时,关系代词可省略。 例句:The dam (that) we saw in the film wasn’t the Three Gorges Dam. 我们在电影中看到的大坝不是三峡大坝。 (2)在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在从句中担任介词宾语而介词在句尾时,关系代词可省略。 例句:I met a man (whom) my grandfather worked with thirty years ago. 我遇到了30年前和我爷爷一起工作的那个人。 知识要点

  (3)定语从句简化为分词短语 一般情况下,在定语从句中,如果谓语动词是主动语态,从句转化为现在分词短语;如果谓语动词是被动语态,则从句转化为过去分词短语。 例句:The girl who is reading English aloud is my younger sister. →The girl reading English aloud is my younger sister. 大声朗读英语的是我妹妹。 I have heard the report which was made by Professor Li. →I have heard the report made by Professor Li. 我听了李教授所作的报告。 注意:并非所有的定语从句都能简化,以下情况都不能简化。 知识要点 ①定语从句的谓语动词是现在完成时的主动语态。 例句:The man who has finished the work is Jack. 完成工作的那个人是杰克。 不能变为: The man having finished the work is Jack. ②定语从句中的谓语动词含有情态动词。 The professor who can speak Japanese is from Japan. 会说日语的教授来自日本。 不能变为: The professor speaking Japanese is from Japan. 知识要点 ③定语从句的谓语动词是一般过去时的主动语态。 The man who gave us a talk was his father. 给我们作报告的那个人是他父亲。 不能变为: The man giving us a talk was his father. (因为现在分词giving表示动作正在进行) 知识要点

  (4)定语从句简化为不定式短语 如果定语从句中的谓语是一般将来时或先行词前有序数词或last,only等修饰语时,该从句往往简化为不定式结构。 Mary is the only person that can save me from danger. →Mary is the only person to save me from danger. 玛丽是唯一一个从危难中解救我的人。 知识要点

  (5)定语从句简化为“介词+which+不定式”的形式。 The farmers uses wood to build a house in which they can store grain. →The farmers uses wood to build a house in which to store grain. 农民用木头建造房子用来储存粮食。 注意:在这种结构中引导词in which不可用where代替。 (6)定语从句简化为形容词短语 如果定语从句中的表语是形容词短语,则该定语从句可简化为形容词短语。 The bottle which is full of milk is on the table. →The bottle full of milk is on the table. 装满牛奶的瓶子放在桌子上。 知识要点

  (7)定语从句简化为介词短语 如果定语从句中的表语是介词短语,该从句常可简化为介词短语。 The apples which are in the box are bad. →The apples in the box are bad. 箱子里的苹果是坏的。 知识要点 【链接训练】 ①The man _______ was a friend of mine. A.you just talked to B.whom you just talked to him C.who you just talked to him D.which you just talked to 【解析】whom引导定语从句并在从句中作宾语时,可将whom省略。 【答案】A 知识要点 ②The scientists went into a large house _______ gold and treasure by chance. A.was full of

  B.was filled with C.full of D.that filled with 【解析】此题考查形容词短语作定语,修饰house。full of=which is full of。 【答案】C Thank you ! 必修3 Module 6

  Old and New 课程解读 话题 Old and New(古代的和现代的)连线高考[2010福建,完形填空] 功能 Adjectives expressing strong feelings(表达强烈情感的形容词) 语法 1.Nondefining attributive clauses(非限制性定语从句) 2.Contraction of attributive clauses(定语从句的省略形式) 课程解读 重点词汇及拓展 1.date vi.始于(某一历史时期) 2.generate vt.发(电) 3.harness vt.利用;将(自然力)变成动力 4.narrow adj.狭窄的 5.remove vt.迁移;搬迁 6.ridiculous adj.荒唐的;可笑的 7.enormous adj.庞大的;巨大的 8.foggy adj.有浓雾的 9.crash vi.(飞机)失事;坠毁 10.civil adj.民用的,国内的→civilize v.使文明,使开化→civilization n.文明 11.engineering n.(土木)工程→engineer n.工程师→engine n.发动机 12.accommodate vt.容纳(乘客等)→accommodation n.容纳 13.construction n.建造;建筑→construct vt.建造→constructive adj.建设性的 14.freezing adj.极冷的→freeze v.冷冻 课程解读 重点短语 1.date from起源于 2.hold back阻止 3.come true(梦想等)变成现实 4.bring an end to结束,终止 5.work out算出,解决 6.dream of梦想 7.now that既然 8.make sense有意义,有道理 重点 句型 1.It took six years to build and cost US $20 billion.它花费了6年时间建成,耗资200亿美元。 2.sb.be surprised to do sth.某人惊奇地做某事 知识要点 要点一

  单词 1. date n. 日期,年代;时代;约会 v. 加日期于;起始于(某时期);属于(某时期) 归纳拓展 (1)date from/back to属于(某一历史时期);始于……;追溯到……(二者作谓语时常用一般现在时,且无被动语态和进行时态。若句中有信息提示从过去某一时间往前推,则用过去时态。) (2)to date到目前为止;迄今,至今 out of date 过时的;过期的 up to date现代的,直到最近 set a date for选定……的日期 go out for a date出去约会 知识要点 例句:The use of peas as food dates back to very early time. 豌豆作为食物很早以前就开始了。 The computer is out of date/up to date. 这台电脑是过时/新式的。 To date there has been no improvement in his condition. 到现在为止,他的状况还是没有好转。 What’s the date today?/What date is it today? 今天是几月几号? 知识要点 【链接训练】 Though this kind of clothes are beginning to be ________, she was very happy to wear it. A.out of date B.up to date C.old D.bad 【解析】句意为:尽管这种衣服不再开始流行,她仍乐意穿着。out of date“过时的”,符合题意。up to date“新式的”。 【答案】A 知识要点 2. accommodate vt.&vi. 容纳;向……提供住宿;(使)适应;使迁就;调节 归纳拓展 (1)accommodate sb.for the night留某人过夜 accommodate sb.with...向某人提供…… accommodate oneself to使自己适应……(to为介词,故其后的宾语应用doing形式) (2)accommodation n.住宿,住处,膳宿服务 知识要点 例句:This hotel can accommodate 600 guests. 这家旅馆可供600位客人住宿。 We could accommodate you with a room on the second floor for the period you mention. 我们可以按你提供的住宿期限向你提供2楼的一个房间。 Wherever he goes,he can accommodate himself to new circumstances. 无论走到哪里他都能适应新环境。 知识要点 【链接训练】 The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to ________ over two hundred people. A.include B.provide C.reside D.accommodate 【解析】句意为:几个月前完工的这座新公寓大到可以容纳二百多人。accommodate “为……提供住宿,容纳”。A项include“包括”;B项provide “提供”,其结构为provide sb.with sth.或provide sth.for sb.;C项reside “居住”。 【答案】D 知识要点 3. remove vt. 移动;搬迁;除去;使离开vi. 迁移,搬家 n. 移动,距离,升级 归纳拓展 (1)remove...from...把……从……移开 remove sth. from some place to...把某物从……搬迁到…… be removed from school被开除,勒令退学 be removed from与……远离,与……疏远,与……不一样 (2)removal n.移动,迁居;免职 例句:Because of the serious air-pollution,the family is removing to the countryside. 由于空气污染严重,这一家决定要搬到乡下。 He was removed from school for playing truant too often.他因逃学太多被开除了。 知识要点 同类辨析 move与remove (1)move指从一地到另一地的移动,移动某物的位置或改变某人的姿势,既是及物动词又是不及物动词。 (2)remove“取消,去掉”,含有把不利的东西“除掉”的意思,强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置,有时相当于take away/off,表示“迁居”时,二者均可。 知识要点 知识要点 【链接训练】 The department store will _______ forty employees after the holiday rush. A.hire B.fire C.remove D.B or C 【解析】remove和fire都有“开除,解雇”的意思。 【答案】D 知识要点 4. freezing adj. 冻结的;极冷的;冷淡的n. 冰点 归纳拓展 (1)freeze v.使冻结;冻僵 frozen adj.冷冻的;冻结的 be frozen to death 被冻死 (2)above/below freezing 零度以上/以下 the freezing point 冰点 freezing cold 极冷 知识要点 例句:The cold weather can even freeze petrol in car engines. 寒冷的天气甚至能使汽车发动机里的汽油凝固。 The temperature has dropped to the freezing point. 气温已降到了冰点。 Seeing the car accident,he was frozen with terror. 看到车祸,他吓呆了。 知识要点 【链接训练】 用freeze的适当形式填空 ①It’s freezing cold outside. ②The water of the lake frozen last night. ③Take frozen meat from the fridge and I will use it. 知识要点 要点二

  短语 1. hold back阻挡;抑制,控制(情绪、情感等);犹豫 归纳拓展 (1)hold on to 抓住……不放,保留 hold up阻挡,使停顿(常用于被动语态);把……抬起来;支持住 (2)get/catch/take hold of抓住 例句:They had erected the barriers to hold back the flood.他们筑起屏障阻挡洪水。 Hearing her daughter’s success,she could not hold back tears of joy. 听到她女儿成功了,她禁不住流下喜悦的泪水。 She held back,not knowing how to break the terrible news. 她踌躇着,不知如何说出这一可怕的消息。 知识要点 【链接训练】 ①—Why are you so late? —Bad luck.A car accident took place not far outside the town, and so we were _________ on the way. A.stopped B.kept C.held up D.prevented 【解析】此句应表示“我们受阻”,而A、B、D三项需与from doing连用;hold up“阻挡”,符合题意。 【答案】C 知识要点 ②Despite the attacks we ________ the bridge for 3 more days. A.hold on B.hold over C.hold up D.hold on to 【解析】考查hold的短语。hold on“坚持,不挂断”,为不及物动词短语;hold over“推迟”;holp up“阻挡”。hold on to“抓住……不放手”,符合题意。 【答案】D 知识要点 2. make sense有意义,有道理;讲得通,可理解 归纳拓展 (1)make sense of了解……的意义,懂得 a sense of duty/humour/beauty/direction责任/幽默/审美/方向感 in no sense绝不 come to one’s senses恢复理性,苏醒 There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理/没意义 知识要点 (2)make sense与make sense of的区别: make sense“有意义;有道理;讲得通;可理解”,物作主语,无被动语态,用to引出人。 make sense of“弄懂;理解”,人作主语,可以用于被动语态,用of引出物。 注意:以上两个短语中,sense前不加冠词,也不能用复数形式。 例句:What he said just now makes no sense to me. =I make no sense of what he said just now. 我没明白他刚才说的话。 He has a very good sense of direction. 他的方向感很强。 There is no sense in getting upset about it now. 现在为这件事苦恼是没有意义的。 知识要点 【链接训练】 In a word,I don’t think what you said ________ at all. A.makes some sense B.make any sense C.makes sense D.make sense 【解析】句意为:总之一句话,我认为你说的一点道理也没有。此题考查make sense的用法,意为“有道理,讲得通”。因为what you said作主语,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,排除B、D,答案为C。 【答案】C 知识要点 要点三

  语法 1.非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句和主句的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词进行附加的说明,如果去掉,主句的意思仍然很清楚。这种从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,翻译成汉语时一般都另成一句,一般不用that引导。 (1)非限制性定语从句的主要应用场合 ①若先行词指代明确时,如专有名词和独一无二的事物。 例句:Paul,whom everyone suspected,turned out to be innocent. 一开始大家都怀疑保罗,后来证明他是无辜的。 ②若关系代词作复杂介词的宾语时。 He is ill,in spite of which he keeps on studying. 他病了,尽管如此,他仍坚持学习。 知识要点 ③若关系代词作of的宾语,且of前有数词、代词或名词时。 例句:The buses,most of which were already full,were surrounded by an angry crowd. 公共汽车大部分都已满载,周围是一大群愤怒的人。 ④先行词指代主句的整个内容时。 例句:He invited us to dinner,which was very kind of him.他请我们吃饭,这是他的好意。 知识要点

  (2)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 ①语法结构上的区别 限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,若去掉,主句的意思就不完整或失去意义;而非限制性定语从句与主句的关系不那么密切,只是对先行词进行一些补充说明,若去掉,主句意思仍然清楚和完整。 例句:I was the only person in my office that was invited.我是我们办公室里唯一受到邀请的人。 Mr Smith,for whom I was working,was very generous about overtime payments. 史密斯先生是我的老板,在付加班费方面很大方。 知识要点 ②关系代词和关系副词的区别 非限制性定语从句中的关系代词不能使用that,而应使用which,且不能省略,同时也不能使用关系副词why;限制性定语从句中既可使用that,也可使用why,that在从句中作宾语时也可省略。 例句:Football,that is a very interesting game,is played all over the world.(×) Football,which is a very interesting game,is played all over the world.(√) 足球是一项非常有趣的运动,世界各地都踢足球。 知识要点 限制性定语从句的先行词为名词或代词,但专有名词除外;非限制性定语从句的先行词可以是名词、短语、另一从句或整个主句。 例句:We are ready to do anything that is of some help to others. 我们愿意做对别人有帮助的任何事情。 He said that Li Hong had passed the college entrance examination,which I thought to be possible. 他说李红考上了大学,我认为这是可能的。 He has to work on Sundays,which he doesn’t like.他星期天得工作,这是他不喜欢的。 知识要点 ③先行词的区别 ④形式上的区别 限制性定语从句同其先行词的关系十分密切,是先行词不可缺少的成分,因此,书写时不能用逗号隔开;而非限制性定语从句可和主句用逗号隔开,译成汉语时主句、从句间有停顿。 例句:The man who lives next to us sells vegetables. 住在我们隔壁的那个人卖菜。 This is George,whose class you will be taking. 这是乔治,你将接手教他的班。 知识要点 ⑤译文的区别 在译成汉语时,限制性定语从句往往在先行词之前,有时也可译为并列分句或状语从句;非限制性定语从句多译成并列句。 例句:One morning an elephant was led down the road where they stood. 有一天上午,有人赶着一头大象沿着他们站的那条路走过来。 They went to the Royal Theatre,where they saw Ibsen’s Peer Gent. 他们去了皇家剧院,在那里他们看了易卜生的《彼尔·英特》。 知识要点 【链接训练】 ①The humans are destroying nature day by day, ________ of course,will cause severe punishment from it sooner or later. A.who B.when C.on which D.which 【解析】考查which引导非限制性定语从句,代指前面整个句子。 【答案】D

  知识要点 ②Three minutes of silence on May 19th were kept to mourn for those _________ died in the earthquake. A.that B.whom C.who D.which 【解析】在限制性定语从句中,先行词是指人的代词时,关系代词通常用who,而不用that。 【答案】C 知识要点 ③Michael Phelps, _______ the feet are bigger than others,won eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympic Games. A.whose B.whom C.of who D.of whom 【解析】本句是非限制性定语从句,从句中缺少定语,所以用of whom。此题容易误选A。因为缺少定语,马上想到选whose,但是句中有the,就不能选whose。 【答案】D 知识要点 ④Chinese Women Football Team lost the game against Japanese in the 29th Olympics, we didn’t expect. A./ B.as C.which D.that 【解析】这里是which引导的非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个主句。句意为:中国女足在第29届奥运会上输给了日本队,这是我们没料到的。 【答案】C 知识要点 2.定语从句的简化 有些含有定语从句的复合句很复杂,不容易理解,这就需要我们将其简化。简化方式主要有以下几种: (1)在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在从句中担任动词宾语时,关系代词可省略。 例句:The dam (that) we saw in the film wasn’t the Three Gorges Dam. 我们在电影中看到的大坝不是三峡大坝。 (2)在限制性定语从句中,当关系代词在从句中担任介词宾语而介词在句尾时,关系代词可省略。 例句:I met a man (whom) my grandfather worked with thirty years ago. 我遇到了30年前和我爷爷一起工作的那个人。 知识要点

  (3)定语从句简化为分词短语 一般情况下,在定语从句中,如果谓语动词是主动语态,从句转化为现在分词短语;如果谓语动词是被动语态,则从句转化为过去分词短语。 例句:The girl who is reading English aloud is my younger sister. →The girl reading English aloud is my younger sister. 大声朗读英语的是我妹妹。 I have heard the report which was made by Professor Li. →I have heard the report made by Professor Li. 我听了李教授所作的报告。 注意:并非所有的定语从句都能简化,以下情况都不能简化。 知识要点 ①定语从句的谓语动词是现在完成时的主动语态。 例句:The man who has finished the work is Jack. 完成工作的那个人是杰克。 不能变为: The man having finished the work is Jack. ②定语从句中的谓语动词含有情态动词。 The professor who can speak Japanese is from Japan. 会说日语的教授来自日本。 不能变为: The professor speaking Japanese is from Japan. 知识要点 ③定语从句的谓语动词是一般过去时的主动语态。 The man who gave us a talk was his father. 给我们作报告的那个人是他父亲。 不能变为: The man giving us a talk was his father. (因为现在分词giving表示动作正在进行) 知识要点

  (4)定语从句简化为不定式短语 如果定语从句中的谓语是一般将来时或先行词前有序数词或last,only等修饰语时,该从句往往简化为不定式结构。 Mary is the only person that can save me from danger. →Mary is the only person to save me from danger. 玛丽是唯一一个从危难中解救我的人。 知识要点

  (5)定语从句简化为“介词+which+不定式”的形式。 The farmers uses wood to build a house in which they can store grain. →The farmers uses wood to build a house in which to store grain. 农民用木头建造房子用来储存粮食。 注意:在这种结构中引导词in which不可用where代替。 (6)定语从句简化为形容词短语 如果定语从句中的表语是形容词短语,则该定语从句可简化为形容词短语。 The bottle which is full of milk is on the table. →The bottle full of milk is on the table. 装满牛奶的瓶子放在桌子上。 知识要点

  (7)定语从句简化为介词短语 如果定语从句中的表语是介词短语,该从句常可简化为介词短语。 The apples which are in the box are bad. →The apples in the box are bad. 箱子里的苹果是坏的。 知识要点 【链接训练】 ①The man _______ was a friend of mine. A.you just talked to B.whom you just talked to him C.who you just talked to him D.which you just talked to 【解析】whom引导定语从句并在从句中作宾语时,可将whom省略。 【答案】A 知识要点 ②The scientists went into a large house _______ gold and treasure by chance. A.was full of

  B.was filled with C.full of D.that filled with 【解析】此题考查形容词短语作定语,修饰house。full of=which is full of。 【答案】C Thank you ! 必修3 Module 6

  Old and New 课程解读 话题 Old and New(古代的和现代的)连线高考[2010福建,完形填空] 功能 Adjectives expressing strong feelings(表达强烈情感的形容词) 语法 1.Nondefining attributive clauses(非限制性定语从句) 2.Contraction of attributive clauses(定语从句的省略形式) 课程解读 重点词汇及拓展 1.date vi.始于(某一历史时期) 2.generate vt.发(电) 3.harness vt.利用;将(自然力)变成动力 4.narrow adj.狭窄的 5.remove vt.迁移;搬迁 6.ridiculous adj.荒唐的;可笑的 7.enormous adj.庞大的;巨大的 8.foggy adj.有浓雾的 9.crash vi.(飞机)失事;坠毁 10.civil adj.民用的,国内的→civilize v.使文明,使开化→civilization n.文明 11.engineering n.(土木)工程→engineer n.工程师→engine n.发动机 12.accommodate vt.容纳(乘客等)→accommodation n.容纳 13.construction n.建造;建筑→construct vt.建造→constructive adj.建设性的 14.freezing adj.极冷的→freeze v.冷冻 课程解读 重点短语 1.date from起源于 2.hold back阻止 3.come true(梦想等)变成现实 4.bring an end to结束,终止 5.work out算出,解决 6.dream of梦想 7.now that既然 8.make sense有意义,有道理 重点 句型 1.It took six years to build and cost US $20 billion.它花费了6年时间建成,耗资200亿美元。 2.sb.be surprised to do sth.某人惊奇地做某事 知识要点 要点一

  单词 1. date n. 日期,年代;时代;约会 v. 加日期于;起始于(某时期);属于(某时期) 归纳拓展 (1)date from/back to属于(某一历史时期);始于……;追溯到……(二者作谓语时常用一般现在时,且无被动语态和进行时态。若句中有信息提示从过去某一时间往前推,则用过去时态。) (2)to date到目前为止;迄今,至今 out of date 过时的;过期的 up to date现代的,直到最近 set a date for选定……的日期 go out for a date出去约会 知识要点 例句:The use of peas as food dates back to very early time. 豌豆作为食物很早以前就开始了。 The computer is out of date/up to date. 这台电脑是过时/新式的。 To date there has been no improvement in his condition. 到现在为止,他的状况还是没有好转。 What’s the date today?/What date is it today? 今天是几月几号? 知识要点 【链接训练】 Though this kind of clothes are beginning to be ________, she was very happy to wear it. A.out of date B.up to date C.old D.bad 【解析】句意为:尽管这种衣服不再开始流行,她仍乐意穿着。out of date“过时的”,符合题意。up to date“新式的”。 【答案】A 知识要点 2. accommodate vt.&vi. 容纳;向……提供住宿;(使)适应;使迁就;调节 归纳拓展 (1)accommodate sb.for the night留某人过夜 accommodate sb.with...向某人提供…… accommodate oneself to使自己适应……(to为介词,故其后的宾语应用doing形式) (2)accommodation n.住宿,住处,膳宿服务 知识要点 例句:This hotel can accommodate 600 guests. 这家旅馆可供600位客人住宿。 We could accommodate you with a room on the second floor for the period you mention. 我们可以按你提供的住宿期限向你提供2楼的一个房间。 Wherever he goes,he can accommodate himself to new circumstances. 无论走到哪里他都能适应新环境。 知识要点 【链接训练】 The new apartment built a few months ago is large enough to ________ over two hundred people. A.include B.provide C.reside D.accommodate 【解析】句意为:几个月前完工的这座新公寓大到可以容纳二百多人。accommodate “为……提供住宿,容纳”。A项include“包括”;B项provide “提供”,其结构为provide sb.with sth.或provide sth.for sb.;C项reside “居住”。 【答案】D 知识要点 3. remove vt. 移动;搬迁;除去;使离开vi. 迁移,搬家 n. 移动,距离,升级 归纳拓展 (1)remove...from...把……从……移开 remove sth. from some place to...把某物从……搬迁到…… be removed from school被开除,勒令退学 be removed from与……远离,与……疏远,与……不一样 (2)removal n.移动,迁居;免职 例句:Because of the serious air-pollution,the family is removing to the countryside. 由于空气污染严重,这一家决定要搬到乡下。 He was removed from school for playing truant too often.他因逃学太多被开除了。 知识要点 同类辨析 move与remove (1)move指从一地到另一地的移动,移动某物的位置或改变某人的姿势,既是及物动词又是不及物动词。 (2)remove“取消,去掉”,含有把不利的东西“除掉”的意思,强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置,有时相当于take away/off,表示“迁居”时,二者均可。 知识要点 知识要点 【链接训练】 The department store will _______ forty employees after the holiday rush. A.hire B.fire C.remove D.B or C 【解析】remove和fire都有“开除,解雇”的意思。 【答案】D 知识要点 4. freezing adj. 冻结的;极冷的;冷淡的n. 冰点 归纳拓展 (1)freeze v.使冻结;冻僵 frozen adj.冷冻的;冻结的 be frozen to death 被冻死 (2)above/below freezing 零度以上/以下 the freezing point 冰点 freezing cold 极冷 知识要点 例句:The cold weather can even freeze petrol in car engines. 寒冷的天气甚至能使汽车发动机里的汽油凝固。 The temperature has dropped to the freezing point. 气温已降到了冰点。 Seeing the car accident,he was frozen with terror. 看到车祸,他吓呆了。 知识要点 【链接训练】 用freeze的适当形式填空 ①It’s freezing cold outside. ②The water of the lake frozen last night. ③Take frozen meat from the fridge and I will use it. 知识要点 要点二

  短语 1. hold back阻挡;抑制,控制(情绪、情感等);犹豫 归纳拓展 (1)hold on to 抓住……不放,保留 hold up阻挡,使停顿(常用于被动语态);把……抬起来;支持住 (2)get/catch/take hold of抓住 例句:They had erected the barriers to hold back the flood.他们筑起屏障阻挡洪水。 Hearing her daughter’s success,she could not hold back tears of joy. 听到她女儿成功了,她禁不住流下喜悦的泪水。 She held back,not knowing how to break the terrible news. 她踌躇着,不知如何说出这一可怕的消息。 知识要点 【链接训练】 ①—Why are you so late? —Bad luck.A car accident took place not far outside the town, and so we were _________ on the way. A.stopped B.kept C.held up D.prevented 【解析】此句应表示“我们受阻”,而A、B、D三项需与from doing连用;hold up“阻挡”,符合题意。 【答案】C 知识要点 ②Despite the attacks we ________ the bridge for 3 more days. A.hold on B.hold over C.hold up D.hold on to 【解析】考查hold的短语。hold on“坚持,不挂断”,为不及物动词短语;hold over“推迟”;holp up“阻挡”。hold on to“抓住……不放手”,符合题意。 【答案】D 知识要点 2. make sense有意义,有道理;讲得通,可理解 归纳拓展 (1)make sense of了解……的意义,懂得 a sense of duty/humour/beauty/direction责任/幽默/审美/方向感 in no sense绝不 come to one’s senses恢复理性,苏醒 There is no sense in doing sth. 做某事没道理/没意义 知识要点 (2)make sense与make sense of的区别: make sense“有意义;有道理;讲得通;可理解”,物作主语,无被动语态,用to引出人。 make sense of“弄懂;理解”,人作主语,可以用于被动语态,用of引出物。 注意:以上两个短语中,sense前不加冠词,也不能用复数形式。 例句:What he said just now makes no sense to me. =I make no sense of what he said just now. 我没明白他刚才说的话。 He has a very good sense of direction. 他的方向感很强。 There is no sense in getting upset about it now. 现在为这件事苦恼是没有意义的。 知识要点 【链接训练】 In a word,I don’t think what you said ________ at all. A.makes some sense B.make any sense C.makes sense D.make sense 【解析】句意为:总之一句话,我认为你说的一点道理也没有。此题考查make sense的用法,意为“有道理,讲得通”。因为what you said作主语,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,排除B、D,答案为C。 【答案】C 知识要点 要点三

  语法 1.非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句和主句的关系不十分密切,只是对先行词进行附加的说明,如果去掉,主句的意思仍然很清楚。这种从句和主句之间往往用逗号分开,翻译成汉语时一般都另成一句,一般不用that引导。 (1)非限制性定语从句的主要应用场合 ①若先行词指代明确时,如专有名词和独一无二的事物。 例句:Paul,whom everyone suspected,turned out to be innocent. 一开始大家都怀疑保罗,后来证明他是无辜的。 ②若关系代词作复杂介词的宾语时。 He is ill,in spite of which he keeps on studying. 他病了,尽管如此,他仍坚持学习。 知识要点 ③若关系代词作of的宾语,且of前有数词、代词或名词时。 例句:The buses,most of which were already full,were surrounded by an angry crowd. 公共汽车大部分都已满载,周围是一大群愤怒的人。 ④先行词指代主句的整个内容时。 例句:He invited us to dinner,which was very kind of him.他请我们吃饭,这是他的好意。 知识要点

  (2)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 ①语法结构上的区别 限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,若去掉,主句的意思就不完整或失去意义;而非限制性定语从句与主句的关系不那么密切,只是对先行词进行一些补充说明,若去掉,主句意思仍然清楚和完整。 例句:I was the only person in my office that was invited.我是我们办公室里唯一受到邀请的人。 Mr Smith,for whom I was working,was very generous about overtime payments. 史密斯先生是我的老板,在付加班费方面很大方。 知识要点 ②关系代词和关系副词的区别 非限制性定语从句中的关系代词不能使用that,而应使用which,且不能省略,同时也不能使用关系副词why;限制性定语从句中既可使用that,也可使用why,that在从句中作宾语时也可省略。 例句:Football,that is a very interesting game,is played all over the world.(×) Football,which is a very interesting game,is played all over the world.(√) 足球是一项非常有趣的运动,世界各地都踢足球。 知识要点 限制性定语从句的先行词为名词或代词,但专有名词除外;非限制性定语从句的先行词可以是名词、短语、另一从句或整个主句。 例句:We are ready to do anything that is of some help to others. 我们愿意做对别人有帮助的任何事情。 He said that Li Hong had passed the college entrance examination,which I thought to be possible. 他说李红考上了大学,我认为这是可能的。 He has to work on Sundays,which he doesn’t like.他星期天得工作,这是他不喜欢的。 知识要点 ③先行词的区别 ④形式上的区别 限制性定语从句同其先行词的关系十分密切,是先行词不可缺少的成分,因此,书写时不能用逗号隔开;而非限制性定语从句可和主句用逗号隔开,译成汉语时主句、从句间有停顿。 例句:The man who lives next to us sells vegetables. 住在我们隔壁的那个人卖菜。 This is George,whose class you will be taking. 这是乔治,你将接手教他的班。 知识要点 ⑤译文的区别 在译成汉语时,限制性定语从句往往在先行词之前,有时也可译为并列分句或状语从句;非限制性定语从句多译成并列句。 例句:One morning an elephant was led down the road where they stood. 有一天上午,有人赶着一头大象沿着他们站的那条路走过来。 They went to the Royal Theatre,where they saw Ibsen’s Peer Gent. 他们去了皇家剧院,在那里他们看了易卜生的《彼尔·英特》。 知识要点 【链接训练】 ①The humans are destroying nature day by day, ________ of course,will cause severe punishment from it sooner or later. A.who B.when C.on which D.which 【解析】考查which引导非限制性定语从句,代指前面整个句子。 【答案】D