2024届高三一轮复习课件(广东版)必修5 Unit4 Making the news

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2024届高三一轮复习课件(广东版)必修5 Unit4 Making the news

  4.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. (P26) 你只有提出了不同的问题之后才有可能获得你所需要知道的信息。 ◆ 词语归纳 acquire学到;获得;取得

  acquire a knowledge of...求得……的知识 ◆ 即学即练 A.完成下列句子 (1)We must work hard _______________(为了精通英语). (2)We must cherish the experience____________(用鲜血换来的). 答案:(1)to acquire a good knowledge of English

  (2)acquired at the cost of blood ◆ 词语辨析 get;obtain;acquire;gain ①get指以某种方式或手段得到某种东西。 ②obtain是比较正式的用语,指通过努力工作而得到所需要的东西。 ③acquire强调经过漫长的努力过程而逐渐获得。 ④gain 往往指通过努力或有意识的行动而获得某种有益或有利的东西。如: I got a letter from my sister this morning. 今天早晨我收到来自我姐姐的信。 We should acquire good habits. 我们应该养成良好的习惯。 I hope that you will gain greater success. 我希望你能获得更大的成功。 ◆ 即学即练 B.选用get,obtain,acquire,gain填空 (1)One way to understand thousands of new words is to ________a good knowledge of basic word formation. (2)I sat in the front of the bus to ________ a good view of the countryside. (3)Gradually we ________ experience in how to do the work. (4)They ________the victory after a bloody battle. 答案:(1)gain (2)get (3)obtained (4)gained 5.We say a good reporter must have a “nose” for a story(P26)我们说,一个好的记者必须有一个对资讯非常敏感的“嗅觉”。 ◆ 词语归纳 have a nose for 嗅觉灵敏,有探究和发现事物的能力 have an eye for很能鉴赏(判断);对...感兴趣 have a good ear for 对……会欣赏 have a gift for 有……方面的天赋 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述短语填空 (1)She is fond of music and she ________ music. (2)The lady dresses herself gracefully and she ________ color and style in clothes. (3)Her daughter is certain to be an actress because she________ performance. (4)Experienced teachers often ________ sharp ________ students' problems. 答案:(1)has an ear for (2)has an eye for (3)has a gift for (4)have...noses for 6.Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your journalist of getting the wrong end of the stick?(P27)你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实? ◆ 探究学习 阅读下列句子,注意accuse 的搭配及意思。 The police accused him of murder.警方指控他谋杀。(accuse...of 指控) Mary was accused as an accomplice.玛丽被指控为同谋犯。(accuse 指控,指责) ◆词语辨析 accuse;charge;blame ①blame 因……埋怨/责怪,如: He blames you for ignorance of his words. 他责怪你不听他的话。 ②accuse, charge,两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同。accuse与介词of连用;charge v.可以指因为小错而受的责备,也指因违法而受到控告,与介词with连用。如: The police charged him with murder. 警察指控他犯了谋杀罪。 ◆ 词语归纳 blame sb. For

  sth.因某事责备某人 accuse sb. of

  sth.因某事指控某人 charge sb. with指控某人…… rid sb. of sth.使某人去掉... remind sb. of sth.使某人想起…… rob. sb. of sth.抢了某人的…… inform sb. of sth.把某事告诉某人 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述词语填空 (1)Tom ____________his boss of having broken the law. (2)The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and ____________ him of speeding. (3)John was very upset because he was __________by the police with breaking the law. (4)The continuous rain was __________for the exceptional poor harvest. (5)He __________ me __________ your decision to marry Jane. So please __________ me of the date of your wedding and I'll give you a surprise. 答案:(1)accused (2)accused (3)charged (4)blamed (5)informed;of;inform 7.It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. (P26)这真是件进退两难的事,因为如果我们错了,他就可以向我们索要赔偿。 ◆ 词语归纳 dilemma左右为难的状况,窘境 be in a dilemma 左右为难

  place sb. in a dilemma 使某人处于进退两难的境地

  put sb. in/into a dilemma 使人左右为难;使人进退两难

  ◆ 即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子 (1)It is ______________(进退两难的境地) in that matter. (2)Some local officers believe it is ____________ between protection of environment and developing economy. But it is a fallacy. 答案:(1)a dilemma (2)a dilemma 如何写好说明文(2) 地点介绍(2) 根据第二单元所学写作知识,结合下列情景说明,写一篇介绍荔湾镇(The Town of

  Liwan )的短文。必须使用5个句子表达全部内容。 位置 广东省东北部的名镇 面积 2 830.54平方公里 人口

  630,478 气候 终年温暖、潮湿、夏季多雨

  历史 将近2 000年 名胜 建于1 200前的普宁寺,温泉中外闻名,吸引中外游客 特产 西瓜、桔子

  经济状况 旅游业起重要作用


  Located in the northeast of Guangdong Province,the Town of


  is one of the famous towns. It covers a total area of 2,830.54 square kilometers with a population of 630,478.It is warm,wet all the year round here with a lot of rainfall in summer. Having a history of nearly 2,000 years,the Town of Liwan has many places of interests,among which the Puning Temple,which was built 1,200 years ago,and the Hot Spring attracts a good many tourists from every corner of the world. The town has varieties of fruit,such as water melons and oranges and tourism plays an important role in its economy. 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语

  必修 5



  Making the news

  Part A.模仿朗读 请听课文录音,并跟读课文,注意语音、语调和停顿 Part B.角色扮演 角色:周涛和周扬 情景:周涛在询问儿子周扬第一天上班的情况。 任务:请你扮演周涛,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演周扬,根据课文内容回答你的提问。 1.你们部门的负责人是谁? __________________________________________ 2.你的工作是什么? __________________________________________ 3.你可以独自去采访吗? __________________________________________ 4.外出采访时你需要摄影吗? ___________________________________________ 5.采访中你要注意什么? _________________________________ 答案:1.Q:Who is the boss in your department? A:Hu Xin. 2.Q:What is your first job? 答案:A:I am an assistant journalist. 3.Q:Can you go out on a story by yourself? A:No. I am an assistant of an experienced journalist. I can't cover a story myself until I'm more experienced. 4.Q:Do you need to take photographs? A:No. I have a professional photographer to do it. 5.Q:What must you keep in mind when covering a story? A:I must be curious and have a good nose for a story. I must listen to the interviewee patiently and take some notes. If the interviewee agrees,I can record what he says. Part C.故事复述 请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。 提示词:assistant,cover a story,curious,record,get the wrong end of the stick 答案:

  It was Zhou Yang's first day to work on a famous newspaper. Hu Xin,his boss,told him that his job was an assistant journalist. As a green hand,he couldn't cover a story himself until he was more experienced. While covering a story,he must be curious and have a good nose for a story. He must listen to the interviewee patiently and take some notes. If the interviewee agreed,he could record what the interviewee said for fear that he would be accused of getting the wrong end of the stick. Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.记者,资讯工作者n.______________ 2.编辑 n.______________ 3.任务,分配 n.______________

  4.最后期限n.______________ 5.约会, 任命n.______________

  6.同事 n.______________ 7.值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的 adj.______________ 8.业余爱好 n.______________ 9.精确的, 正确的 adj.______________ 10.过程, 程序, 步骤 n.______________ 11.递交,呈递v.______________ 12.怀疑的 adj.______________ 13.(进退两难的) 困境,窘境 n.______________ 答案: 1.journalist 2.editor 3.assignment 4.deadline 5.appointment 6.colleague 7.admirable 8.amateur 9.accurate 10.process 11.submit 12.sceptical 13.dilemma Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.职业,专业n.________;职业的,专业的adj.& n.专业人员________;教授n.________ 2.赞成,称许,批准v.________不赞成,不批准n.________ 3.犯罪的,有罪的,内疚的adj.________;犯罪,内疚n.________ 4.故意地adv.________;故意的 adj.________ 5.技术上的 adj.________;技术上,学术上,工艺上adv. ________;技术 n.________

  6.居住、占用,职业n.________;与职业有关的adj.________;占用,占领,占据vt.________ 7.热心的,急切的adj._______;热心地,急切地adv._______;热切,渴望n.________ 答案:1.profession;professional;professor 2.approve;disapproval

  3.guilty;guilt 4.deliberately;deliberate 5.technical;technically;technology 6.occupation;occupational;occupy 7.eager;eagerly;eagerness ◆ 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.He didn't_____ of my leaving school this year. I desperately accepted his______ .(approve) 2.His_______ was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution(原告)and he feels_______ about not telling the truth to the judge. (guilt) 3.I couldn't hide my_______ to get back home. (eager) 4.Building such a bridge is not an easy job;we must have

  enough_______ engineers. (profession) 5.It was by accident that he broke the beautiful vase;he didn't do that________ .(deliberate) 答案: 1.approve;disapproval 2.guilt;guilty 

  3.eagerness 4.professional 5.deliberately Ⅲ.翻译下列必背短语 1.集中;全神贯注______________ 2.因……指责或控告______________ 3.应该______________ 4.使自己了解______________ 5.为某人辩护______________ 6.渴望干某事______________ 7.对……敏感______________ 8.批准;赞成______________ 9.有罪;因……内疚____

  10.对……感到好奇 _____ 11.职业诀窍_____

  12.完全搞错了_____ 13.与某人约会,预约___________ 14.解释______________ 答案:1.concentrate on 2.accuse...of... 3.be supposed to... 4.inform oneself of

  5.defend...against 6.be eager to do 7.have a nose for 


  9.be guilty of...  10.be curious about 11.a trick of the trade 12.get the wrong end of the stick 13.make an appointment with sb. 14.account for

  ◆ 活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子 1.She said she was old enough to live__________ (by herself) now. 2.You__________ (should) be here an hour ago. 3.In this lecture I will______ (fix one's attention on) China's present situation. 4.________(to be frank),I don't like the design of the picture. 5.As a reporter,Jane ________ a story. (have a special ability to find sth.) 6.I_______ (be ashamed) saying that to my teacher. I couldn't forgive myself. 答案:1.on her own 2.were supposed to 3.concentrate on 4.To tell the truth 5.has a nose for 6.was guilty of Ⅳ.重点句型 1.Not only am I interested in photograph,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills(P26) 对摄影我不仅仅是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。 ⇨句型:not only...but (also)...不仅……而且…… 当not only位于句首时,句子要倒装。 Not only is she clever but she is very diligent. 她不但聪明,而且非常勤奋。 ◆ 模仿造句 (1)她不仅工作出色,还很乐于助人呢。 ______________in her job,but she is always ready to help others. (2)网上购物不仅方便省时,还可以给予优惠呢。 ________________________________________________ 答案:(1)Not only does she do well

  (2)Not only is shopping on the Internet convenient and saves your time,but it can also give you discount. 2.This is how the story goes.事情是这样的。 ⇨句型:This is how... how 引导表语从句。此句型用来引出事情的原委, 或做事的方式。 This was how he came to Guangdong. 他就是这样来到广东的。 ◆ 模仿造句 (1)我们就是这样说服他改变主意的。 ___________________________________________________ (2)小姑娘就是这样被骗的吗? ________________________________________________ (1)This was how we persuaded him to change his mind. (2)Was this how the little girl was cheated? Ⅴ.语篇领悟 根据课文My First Work Assignment完成下列短文

  It is Zhou Yang's first day at the office of China Daily. He is excited and __1__to go out __2__ a story on his own,but he can't because he isn't __3__(experience)enough.His new boss,Hu Xin,is sharing with him how to be a good reporter.

  To be a good reporter,one needs to be curious,which __4__(able)one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he needs to know. Besides,it's important for a reporter to have a nose __5__a story,__6__(know)if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people,a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen to the __7__(detail)facts and prepare the next question __8__(depend)on what people say. If possible,a reporter can __9__(recorder)the interview in case he __10__(accuse)of printing lies. 答案:1.eager 2.on 3.experienced  4.enables 

  5.for 6.knowing 7.detailed 8.depending 9.record 10.is accused of Ⅵ.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文

  上个月,Jane被派去协助贝克汉姆写一篇关于著名球星Adam的头条资讯。 据说Adam受贿赂而故意不进球。 采访了传闻中的行贿人后,他们确信掌握了真相:Adam是有过错的。 Jane写好文章,精心润饰文字后,然后将它交给主编。 主编同意将该文作为独家资讯发表,并夸奖Jane有资讯的敏感性。三天后,主编告诉Jane有人指控她报道失实。 Jane集中精力收集证据证实报道的真实性。 Jane相信能赢官司,因为Adam在比赛中作弊是无可否认的。


  Last month Jane was sent to assist Beckham in writing a front page story about Adam,a famous footballer,who was said to have been bribed into not scoring goals deliberately. Having interviewed the man supposed to bribe him,they were sure that they had acquired the truth—Adam was guilty. Jane wrote the story,polished the style carefully and had it submitted to the chief editor who approved the article and had it published as a scoop,saying Jane had a nose for a story. But three days later,the chief editor informed Jane that she was accused of getting the wrong end of the story. Having concentrated herself on collecting detailed evidence to support the story,Jane believed she would win the case because there was no denying that Adam had cheated in the game. 1.Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself. (P26)晚些时候,你就可以独自去进行资讯采访并递交稿件了。 ◆ 探究学习 阅读下列句子,说出cover的意思 (1)More than 70 percent of the earth is covered with water. (2)Our school covers an area of 600 mu. (3)He laughed to cover (=hide) his nervousness. (4)The survey covers all aspects of the business. (5)Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. (6)They covered 100 miles on the first two days. (7)My brother was sent to cover the 16th Asian Games. 答案:1.探究学习:(1)覆盖 (2)占地 (3)掩盖 (4)涉及,论述 (5)支付学费 (6)走过100英里 (7)采访十六届亚运会 2.What do you imagine will be your future occupation?(P25)你想过自己未来的职业吗? ◆ 探究学习 阅读下列句子,注意occupation的搭配及意思 (1)I hope that teaching will be my future occupation. (n.职业) (2)Fishing is a peaceful occupation. (n.业余活动,消遣) (3)She was born in France during the German occupation. (n.占领,占有) ◆ 词语归纳 occupant n. 占有人,占有者  occupational adj.职业的,职业引起的 occupy v.占领,占有,使从事,使忙于 ◆词语辨析 occupation;job;work;profession

  四个词都有“工作”的意思。 ①occupation 较为正式,经常用在填写表格上 ②job是可数名词,可指一个单独任务,也可指工作职位。 ③work是不可数名词,泛指一切工作。 ④profession一般指需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一行业、职业,如医生或律师。 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述单词填空 (1)Please state your name,age and_______ below. (2)I have a few_______ to do in the house this morning. (3)Looking after children all day is hard________. (4)My husband is at the very top of medical__________. 答案:(1)occupation (2)jobs (3)work (4)profession

  3.Wait till you are more experienced. 等你积累一些经验了才行。 ◆ 词语归纳 experienced adj.有经验的,熟练的,经验丰富的 be experienced in/at 在某方面有经验,擅长于 be rich in experience 经验丰富 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子 (1)Who is ____________(很会做饭)in your home? (2)The company needs some ______________(有经验的工人) who have worked in this field for more than 3 years. (3)Young as she is,Miss Daisy ___________(很会掌控)the class. ◆ 即学即练 答案: (1)experienced in cooking (2)experienced

  workers (3)is experienced at controlling 高考总复习·人教版·英语

  4.Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. (P26) 你只有提出了不同的问题之后才有可能获得你所需要知道的信息。 ◆ 词语归纳 acquire学到;获得;取得

  acquire a knowledge of...求得……的知识 ◆ 即学即练 A.完成下列句子 (1)We must work hard _______________(为了精通英语). (2)We must cherish the experience____________(用鲜血换来的). 答案:(1)to acquire a good knowledge of English

  (2)acquired at the cost of blood ◆ 词语辨析 get;obtain;acquire;gain ①get指以某种方式或手段得到某种东西。 ②obtain是比较正式的用语,指通过努力工作而得到所需要的东西。 ③acquire强调经过漫长的努力过程而逐渐获得。 ④gain 往往指通过努力或有意识的行动而获得某种有益或有利的东西。如: I got a letter from my sister this morning. 今天早晨我收到来自我姐姐的信。 We should acquire good habits. 我们应该养成良好的习惯。 I hope that you will gain greater success. 我希望你能获得更大的成功。 ◆ 即学即练 B.选用get,obtain,acquire,gain填空 (1)One way to understand thousands of new words is to ________a good knowledge of basic word formation. (2)I sat in the front of the bus to ________ a good view of the countryside. (3)Gradually we ________ experience in how to do the work. (4)They ________the victory after a bloody battle. 答案:(1)gain (2)get (3)obtained (4)gained 5.We say a good reporter must have a “nose” for a story(P26)我们说,一个好的记者必须有一个对资讯非常敏感的“嗅觉”。 ◆ 词语归纳 have a nose for 嗅觉灵敏,有探究和发现事物的能力 have an eye for很能鉴赏(判断);对...感兴趣 have a good ear for 对……会欣赏 have a gift for 有……方面的天赋 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述短语填空 (1)She is fond of music and she ________ music. (2)The lady dresses herself gracefully and she ________ color and style in clothes. (3)Her daughter is certain to be an actress because she________ performance. (4)Experienced teachers often ________ sharp ________ students' problems. 答案:(1)has an ear for (2)has an eye for (3)has a gift for (4)have...noses for 6.Have you ever had a case where somebody accused your journalist of getting the wrong end of the stick?(P27)你们有没有过这样的情况:别人控告你的记者,说他(她)们的报道完全失实? ◆ 探究学习 阅读下列句子,注意accuse 的搭配及意思。 The police accused him of murder.警方指控他谋杀。(accuse...of 指控) Mary was accused as an accomplice.玛丽被指控为同谋犯。(accuse 指控,指责) ◆词语辨析 accuse;charge;blame ①blame 因……埋怨/责怪,如: He blames you for ignorance of his words. 他责怪你不听他的话。 ②accuse, charge,两个动词都有“控诉,指控”之意,但它们后面所搭配的介词不同。accuse与介词of连用;charge v.可以指因为小错而受的责备,也指因违法而受到控告,与介词with连用。如: The police charged him with murder. 警察指控他犯了谋杀罪。 ◆ 词语归纳 blame sb. For

  sth.因某事责备某人 accuse sb. of

  sth.因某事指控某人 charge sb. with指控某人…… rid sb. of sth.使某人去掉... remind sb. of sth.使某人想起…… rob. sb. of sth.抢了某人的…… inform sb. of sth.把某事告诉某人 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述词语填空 (1)Tom ____________his boss of having broken the law. (2)The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and ____________ him of speeding. (3)John was very upset because he was __________by the police with breaking the law. (4)The continuous rain was __________for the exceptional poor harvest. (5)He __________ me __________ your decision to marry Jane. So please __________ me of the date of your wedding and I'll give you a surprise. 答案:(1)accused (2)accused (3)charged (4)blamed (5)informed;of;inform 7.It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. (P26)这真是件进退两难的事,因为如果我们错了,他就可以向我们索要赔偿。 ◆ 词语归纳 dilemma左右为难的状况,窘境 be in a dilemma 左右为难

  place sb. in a dilemma 使某人处于进退两难的境地

  put sb. in/into a dilemma 使人左右为难;使人进退两难

  ◆ 即学即练 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子 (1)It is ______________(进退两难的境地) in that matter. (2)Some local officers believe it is ____________ between protection of environment and developing economy. But it is a fallacy. 答案:(1)a dilemma (2)a dilemma 如何写好说明文(2) 地点介绍(2) 根据第二单元所学写作知识,结合下列情景说明,写一篇介绍荔湾镇(The Town of

  Liwan )的短文。必须使用5个句子表达全部内容。 位置 广东省东北部的名镇 面积 2 830.54平方公里 人口

  630,478 气候 终年温暖、潮湿、夏季多雨

  历史 将近2 000年 名胜 建于1 200前的普宁寺,温泉中外闻名,吸引中外游客 特产 西瓜、桔子

  经济状况 旅游业起重要作用


  Located in the northeast of Guangdong Province,the Town of


  is one of the famous towns. It covers a total area of 2,830.54 square kilometers with a population of 630,478.It is warm,wet all the year round here with a lot of rainfall in summer. Having a history of nearly 2,000 years,the Town of Liwan has many places of interests,among which the Puning Temple,which was built 1,200 years ago,and the Hot Spring attracts a good many tourists from every corner of the world. The town has varieties of fruit,such as water melons and oranges and tourism plays an important role in its economy. 祝 您 高考总复习·人教版·英语

  必修 5



  Making the news

  Part A.模仿朗读 请听课文录音,并跟读课文,注意语音、语调和停顿 Part B.角色扮演 角色:周涛和周扬 情景:周涛在询问儿子周扬第一天上班的情况。 任务:请你扮演周涛,根据中文提示提出问题,请你的同桌扮演周扬,根据课文内容回答你的提问。 1.你们部门的负责人是谁? __________________________________________ 2.你的工作是什么? __________________________________________ 3.你可以独自去采访吗? __________________________________________ 4.外出采访时你需要摄影吗? ___________________________________________ 5.采访中你要注意什么? _________________________________ 答案:1.Q:Who is the boss in your department? A:Hu Xin. 2.Q:What is your first job? 答案:A:I am an assistant journalist. 3.Q:Can you go out on a story by yourself? A:No. I am an assistant of an experienced journalist. I can't cover a story myself until I'm more experienced. 4.Q:Do you need to take photographs? A:No. I have a professional photographer to do it. 5.Q:What must you keep in mind when covering a story? A:I must be curious and have a good nose for a story. I must listen to the interviewee patiently and take some notes. If the interviewee agrees,I can record what he says. Part C.故事复述 请结合上述问题答案,用自己的话复述课文。 提示词:assistant,cover a story,curious,record,get the wrong end of the stick 答案:

  It was Zhou Yang's first day to work on a famous newspaper. Hu Xin,his boss,told him that his job was an assistant journalist. As a green hand,he couldn't cover a story himself until he was more experienced. While covering a story,he must be curious and have a good nose for a story. He must listen to the interviewee patiently and take some notes. If the interviewee agreed,he could record what the interviewee said for fear that he would be accused of getting the wrong end of the stick. Ⅰ.写出下列必考单词 1.记者,资讯工作者n.______________ 2.编辑 n.______________ 3.任务,分配 n.______________

  4.最后期限n.______________ 5.约会, 任命n.______________

  6.同事 n.______________ 7.值得赞扬的,令人钦佩的 adj.______________ 8.业余爱好 n.______________ 9.精确的, 正确的 adj.______________ 10.过程, 程序, 步骤 n.______________ 11.递交,呈递v.______________ 12.怀疑的 adj.______________ 13.(进退两难的) 困境,窘境 n.______________ 答案: 1.journalist 2.editor 3.assignment 4.deadline 5.appointment 6.colleague 7.admirable 8.amateur 9.accurate 10.process 11.submit 12.sceptical 13.dilemma Ⅱ.写出下列单词的变化形式 1.职业,专业n.________;职业的,专业的adj.& n.专业人员________;教授n.________ 2.赞成,称许,批准v.________不赞成,不批准n.________ 3.犯罪的,有罪的,内疚的adj.________;犯罪,内疚n.________ 4.故意地adv.________;故意的 adj.________ 5.技术上的 adj.________;技术上,学术上,工艺上adv. ________;技术 n.________

  6.居住、占用,职业n.________;与职业有关的adj.________;占用,占领,占据vt.________ 7.热心的,急切的adj._______;热心地,急切地adv._______;热切,渴望n.________ 答案:1.profession;professional;professor 2.approve;disapproval

  3.guilty;guilt 4.deliberately;deliberate 5.technical;technically;technology 6.occupation;occupational;occupy 7.eager;eagerly;eagerness ◆ 活学活用 用所给单词的适当形式填空 1.He didn't_____ of my leaving school this year. I desperately accepted his______ .(approve) 2.His_______ was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution(原告)and he feels_______ about not telling the truth to the judge. (guilt) 3.I couldn't hide my_______ to get back home. (eager) 4.Building such a bridge is not an easy job;we must have

  enough_______ engineers. (profession) 5.It was by accident that he broke the beautiful vase;he didn't do that________ .(deliberate) 答案: 1.approve;disapproval 2.guilt;guilty 

  3.eagerness 4.professional 5.deliberately Ⅲ.翻译下列必背短语 1.集中;全神贯注______________ 2.因……指责或控告______________ 3.应该______________ 4.使自己了解______________ 5.为某人辩护______________ 6.渴望干某事______________ 7.对……敏感______________ 8.批准;赞成______________ 9.有罪;因……内疚____

  10.对……感到好奇 _____ 11.职业诀窍_____

  12.完全搞错了_____ 13.与某人约会,预约___________ 14.解释______________ 答案:1.concentrate on 2.accuse...of... 3.be supposed to... 4.inform oneself of

  5.defend...against 6.be eager to do 7.have a nose for 


  9.be guilty of...  10.be curious about 11.a trick of the trade 12.get the wrong end of the stick 13.make an appointment with sb. 14.account for

  ◆ 活学活用 根据括号中的解释,从课文中找出恰当的短语完成下列句子 1.She said she was old enough to live__________ (by herself) now. 2.You__________ (should) be here an hour ago. 3.In this lecture I will______ (fix one's attention on) China's present situation. 4.________(to be frank),I don't like the design of the picture. 5.As a reporter,Jane ________ a story. (have a special ability to find sth.) 6.I_______ (be ashamed) saying that to my teacher. I couldn't forgive myself. 答案:1.on her own 2.were supposed to 3.concentrate on 4.To tell the truth 5.has a nose for 6.was guilty of Ⅳ.重点句型 1.Not only am I interested in photograph,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills(P26) 对摄影我不仅仅是感兴趣,在大学里我还专修过业余摄影课来更新我的技术。 ⇨句型:not only...but (also)...不仅……而且…… 当not only位于句首时,句子要倒装。 Not only is she clever but she is very diligent. 她不但聪明,而且非常勤奋。 ◆ 模仿造句 (1)她不仅工作出色,还很乐于助人呢。 ______________in her job,but she is always ready to help others. (2)网上购物不仅方便省时,还可以给予优惠呢。 ________________________________________________ 答案:(1)Not only does she do well

  (2)Not only is shopping on the Internet convenient and saves your time,but it can also give you discount. 2.This is how the story goes.事情是这样的。 ⇨句型:This is how... how 引导表语从句。此句型用来引出事情的原委, 或做事的方式。 This was how he came to Guangdong. 他就是这样来到广东的。 ◆ 模仿造句 (1)我们就是这样说服他改变主意的。 ___________________________________________________ (2)小姑娘就是这样被骗的吗? ________________________________________________ (1)This was how we persuaded him to change his mind. (2)Was this how the little girl was cheated? Ⅴ.语篇领悟 根据课文My First Work Assignment完成下列短文

  It is Zhou Yang's first day at the office of China Daily. He is excited and __1__to go out __2__ a story on his own,but he can't because he isn't __3__(experience)enough.His new boss,Hu Xin,is sharing with him how to be a good reporter.

  To be a good reporter,one needs to be curious,which __4__(able)one to ask many different questions and acquire all the information he needs to know. Besides,it's important for a reporter to have a nose __5__a story,__6__(know)if someone is telling the truth. And while interviewing people,a reporter has to listen to the answers carefully because he has to listen to the __7__(detail)facts and prepare the next question __8__(depend)on what people say. If possible,a reporter can __9__(recorder)the interview in case he __10__(accuse)of printing lies. 答案:1.eager 2.on 3.experienced  4.enables 

  5.for 6.knowing 7.detailed 8.depending 9.record 10.is accused of Ⅵ.考点活用 用本单元所学词组、句型翻译下列短文

  上个月,Jane被派去协助贝克汉姆写一篇关于著名球星Adam的头条资讯。 据说Adam受贿赂而故意不进球。 采访了传闻中的行贿人后,他们确信掌握了真相:Adam是有过错的。 Jane写好文章,精心润饰文字后,然后将它交给主编。 主编同意将该文作为独家资讯发表,并夸奖Jane有资讯的敏感性。三天后,主编告诉Jane有人指控她报道失实。 Jane集中精力收集证据证实报道的真实性。 Jane相信能赢官司,因为Adam在比赛中作弊是无可否认的。


  Last month Jane was sent to assist Beckham in writing a front page story about Adam,a famous footballer,who was said to have been bribed into not scoring goals deliberately. Having interviewed the man supposed to bribe him,they were sure that they had acquired the truth—Adam was guilty. Jane wrote the story,polished the style carefully and had it submitted to the chief editor who approved the article and had it published as a scoop,saying Jane had a nose for a story. But three days later,the chief editor informed Jane that she was accused of getting the wrong end of the story. Having concentrated herself on collecting detailed evidence to support the story,Jane believed she would win the case because there was no denying that Adam had cheated in the game. 1.Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself. (P26)晚些时候,你就可以独自去进行资讯采访并递交稿件了。 ◆ 探究学习 阅读下列句子,说出cover的意思 (1)More than 70 percent of the earth is covered with water. (2)Our school covers an area of 600 mu. (3)He laughed to cover (=hide) his nervousness. (4)The survey covers all aspects of the business. (5)Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees. (6)They covered 100 miles on the first two days. (7)My brother was sent to cover the 16th Asian Games. 答案:1.探究学习:(1)覆盖 (2)占地 (3)掩盖 (4)涉及,论述 (5)支付学费 (6)走过100英里 (7)采访十六届亚运会 2.What do you imagine will be your future occupation?(P25)你想过自己未来的职业吗? ◆ 探究学习 阅读下列句子,注意occupation的搭配及意思 (1)I hope that teaching will be my future occupation. (n.职业) (2)Fishing is a peaceful occupation. (n.业余活动,消遣) (3)She was born in France during the German occupation. (n.占领,占有) ◆ 词语归纳 occupant n. 占有人,占有者  occupational adj.职业的,职业引起的 occupy v.占领,占有,使从事,使忙于 ◆词语辨析 occupation;job;work;profession

  四个词都有“工作”的意思。 ①occupation 较为正式,经常用在填写表格上 ②job是可数名词,可指一个单独任务,也可指工作职位。 ③work是不可数名词,泛指一切工作。 ④profession一般指需要专门技能,尤指需要较高教育水平的某一行业、职业,如医生或律师。 ◆ 即学即练 选用上述单词填空 (1)Please state your name,age and_______ below. (2)I have a few_______ to do in the house this morning. (3)Looking after children all day is hard________. (4)My husband is at the very top of medical__________. 答案:(1)occupation (2)jobs (3)work (4)profession

  3.Wait till you are more experienced. 等你积累一些经验了才行。 ◆ 词语归纳 experienced adj.有经验的,熟练的,经验丰富的 be experienced in/at 在某方面有经验,擅长于 be rich in experience 经验丰富 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子 (1)Who is ____________(很会做饭)in your home? (2)The company needs some ______________(有经验的工人) who have worked in this field for more than 3 years. (3)Young as she is,Miss Daisy ___________(很会掌控)the class. ◆ 即学即练 答案: (1)experienced in cooking (2)experienced

  workers (3)is experienced at controlling 高考总复习·人教版·英语