2024高考英语一轮课件优化复习(山东专用)人教版选修六Unit2 Poems——诗歌

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2024高考英语一轮课件优化复习(山东专用)人教版选修六Unit2 Poems——诗歌

  解析:选A。句意为:约翰收到一份宴请函而且他的工作也干完了,他就欣然接受了邀请。根据句意,工作应该是被完成,所以确定A、D。在with复合结构中,所缺部分作宾语补足语,D项只能作谓语。故选A。with的复合结构是高考的重点之一,因此要牢记它的基本结构并能熟练应用。 2.With the college entrance examination________near,both the parents and the students are more and more anxious. A.draws

  B.drawn C.drawing

  D.is drawing 解析:选C。考查with的复合结构。With the college entrance examination drawing near是with的复合结构,the college entrance examination与draw near之间是主动关系,此处该结构的意思是“随着高考的临近”。 3.(2010·高考山东卷)The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already ________for a meal to be cooked. A.laid

  B.laying C.to lay

  D.being laid 解析:选A。lay “摆放,搁”,与其逻辑主语table是动宾关系,already表明动作已经完成。表示被动和完成,应该用动词的过去分词形式。 4.(2024·杭州学军中学第一次月考)__________ of danger in the street at night,she had to go home with a friend __________ her. A.Warned;accompanied B.Having warned;accompanying C.Warning;accompanying D.Having been warned;accompanying

  解析:选D。句意为:被警告晚上在街上有危险,她回家必须有朋友陪伴。warn与主语之间是被动关系,且动作发生在谓语动词之前,故用现在分词的被动形式作状语。 5.Jack had no confidence and courage at that time.That was the reason ________he gave up the plan. A.why

  B.when C.what

  D.how 解析:选A。reason作为先行词后跟定语从句时,如定语从句中缺少状语时用关系副词why。 6.Is this the reason ________at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? A.he explained

  B.what he explained C.how he explained

  D.why he explained 解析:选A。此题考查定语从句,排除B、C两项。explain为及物动词,其句式为explain sth.to sb.,通过分析可知,定语从句中缺少宾语,故应用关系代词which或that或省略。 本部分内容讲解结束 按ESC键退出全屏播放 辨析run out of/run out run out of “用完”,相当于一个及物动词(use up)。多用于完成时和进行时,其主语一般是“人”。 run out 意思也是“用完,耗尽”,相当于一个不及物动词(give out)。不可用于被动语态,其主语一般为“物”。 ③Her money has been run_out of/used_up and her patience is also running out. 她的钱已经用完了,她的耐心也要耗尽了。 ④His strength gave out after he ran that long distance. 跑完这么长一段距离,他已精疲力竭。 3be made up of 由……构成 (教材P10)Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain,a poem made up of five lines. 另一种学生容易写的诗歌形式是五行诗,一首诗由5行构成。 归纳拓展 辨析make up/be made up of/consist of make up 用部分作主语,表示“部分构成整体”,用于主动语态。 be made up of 用整体作主语,表示“整体由部分构成”。 consist of 用整体作主语,表示“整体由部分构成”,引申为“包含有”,不能用于被动语态。 ①The medical team made up of/consisting of two doctors and five nurses had arrived. 由两位大夫和五位护士组成的医疗队已经到达。 ②(牛津P1222)After all the delays,we were anxious to make_up for lost time. 耽搁了这么久,我们急着想弥补失去的时间。 ③(牛津P1222)We need one more person to make up a team.我们还需要一个人才能组成一个队。 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.In the future,care for the environment will become very important as earth’s __________________________________ (自然资源濒临枯竭). natural resources run out 2.He accidentally ______________(泄露)he had quarreled with his wife and he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks. 3.—Susan ________________(熬夜看……)the late movie last night. —No wonder she was late for school. let out stayed up to watch 4.It is well-known that up to 70% of your total body weight ____________________(由水组成). 5.I wasn’t feeling too good,so I thought I’d _________________________________.(放松几天) is made up of water take it easy for a couple of days Ⅱ.单项填空 1.—I feel nervous before the exam. —________.It won’t be too difficult for you to pass. A.Take it easily

  B.Take things easy C.Take your time

  D.Take things easily 解析:选B。take things easy指在心理上放松。 2.—I’m sorry to keep you waiting.I’ll make short of this. —________.I’m not in a hurry. A.Take it easy

  B.Take your time C.Not at all

  D.Do as you like 解析:选B。由后面答语“I’m not in a hurry.”可知,说话者不慌,故B项正确。 3.My money __________.I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I’ve none in hand. A.has run out

  B.is running out C.has been run out

  D.is being run out 解析:选B。考查时态和语态。句意为:我的钱快用光了。我必须在手头上一点钱没有之前去银行提一些积蓄。由后面的句意可知手头上还有钱,因此不能用完成时态,而用进行时态。run out是不及物动词,无被动语态。 4.It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldn’t __________ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years. A.make up for

  B.look up to C.put up with

  D.fit in with 解析:选A。句意为:Anne忽然想到金钱根本无法弥补过去五年Bob所遭受的一切。make up for “弥补”,符合题意。 5.American Indians ________ about five percent of the US population. A.fill up

  B.bring up C.make up

  D.set up 解析:选C。句意为:美洲印第安人大约占美国人口总数的5%。fill up 装满,填满;bring up教育,培养;提出(议题);make up组成,构成;编造,虚构,化妆,补足;set up竖立起来,建立,成立。 1(教材P10)There are various reasons_why people write poetry. 人们写诗有许多原因。 【点津】 本句中含有先行词为reason的定语从句。其常见的基本句式是:The reason why/for which...;The reason that/which...。 句型精析 ①The_reason_why he died young was that he paid no attention to health. 他英年早逝的原因是他不注意自己的身体健康。 ②The reason for which he failed the English exam was that he didn’t learn it well. 他英语考试不及格的原因是他没学好。 ③The reason that/which he explained to us is that he hadn’t read it before. 他给我们解释的理由是他之前没有读过。 【温馨提示】 the reason后的定语从句是用why/for which还是关系代词that/which引导,取决于关系词在从句中充当的成分。关系词在从句中充当状语时用why/for which,充当主语、宾语或表语时用that/which。 2(教材P11)With so many different forms of poetry to_choose_from,students may eventually want to write poems of their own. 因为有许多不同类型的诗可以选择,学生们可能最后都想写他们自己的诗歌了。 【点津】 句中的with so many different forms of poetry to choose from 为with的复合结构作状语。 “with+宾语+宾语补足语”称为with的复合结构,可位于句首或句尾,常作时间、原因、方式、伴随状语,亦可作后置定语。 结构如下: (1)with+宾语+doing (doing表主动或正在进行) (2)with+宾语+adj.(adj.表状态) (3)with+宾语+adv.(adv.表状态) (4)with+宾语+done (done表完成或被动) (5)with+宾语+介词短语 (6)with+宾语+to do (to do表将来,有时用主动形式表示被动意义

  ①He lay on the grass with his eyes looking at the sky. 他躺在草地上,两眼望着天空。(伴随状语) ②With_his_hair_cut,he looked much younger. 理了头发,他显得年轻多了。(原因状语) ③With a lot of homework to do,I can’t go skating with you.因为有很多作业要做,我不能和你一起去滑冰了。(原因状语) ④In summer,she usually sleeps with_the_windows_open. 夏天,她通常开着窗子睡觉。(伴随状语) 跟踪训练 1.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work________,he gladly accepted it. A.finished

  B.finishing C.having finished

  D.was finished 归纳拓展 ①(朗文P84)It is not appropriate to ask such personal questions in an interview. 采访中问这样私人的问题不合适。 ②(朗文P84)We will take appropriate action once the investigation is over. 一旦调查结束我们将采取恰当的行动。 ③(牛津P83)The book was written in a style appropriate to the age of the children.这本书的文体适合儿童阅读。 ④It is appropriate that he should do more exercise. 他多进行锻炼是恰当的。 4exchange n.交换;交流;互换 vt.& vi.调换;交换 (教材P13)If there had not been an exchange programme,he would not have found a sponsor to help him study abroad. 如果以前没有交换学生的项目,他不会找到资助人赞助他出国。

  助 记

  归纳拓展 ①Exchange your idea with your partner and then write it down.与你的同伴交换想法然后记录下来。 ②(牛津P691)I shook hands and exchanged a few words with the manager.我与经理握手,相互交谈了几句。 ③(牛津P691)If it doesn’t fit,take it back and the store will exchange it. 如果不合适就把它拿回来,商店将给你调换。 ④(山东高考)I have offered to paint the house in_exchange_for a week’s accommodation. 我主动粉刷房子来交换一周的住宿。 5load n. 负担,负荷物(尤指沉重的) v.装载,加重,把弹药装入(枪炮) (教材P16)Slowly the old man carries his load. 老人慢慢地挑着沉重的担子。 归纳拓展 助 记 图解load的一词多义:

  ①(牛津P1185)She thought she would not be able to bear the load of bringing up her family alone. 她认为她无法独自一人担负起养家的重任。 ②(牛津P1185)Knowing that they had arrived safely took_a_load_off_my_mind.得知他们平安到达后我如释重负。 ③The

  table was loaded with many kinds of delicious food. 餐桌上摆满了各式各样的美味食品。 ④How long will it take to load the coal into the truck? 装这车煤需要多长时间? 跟踪训练 Ⅰ.完成句子 1.They __________(装载)the trucks with boxes of food and sent the goods to the disaster areas in Sichuan Province. loaded 2.She used to be terribly shy,but a year abroad has completely ________________(转变) her. 3.You have helped me so much that no words can ____________(传达)my thanks. transformed convey 4.Never will I forget the ideas and thoughts we __________(交换)at college. 5.Now that the problem has been found out,__________(适当的) action can be taken. exchanged appropriate Ⅱ.单项填空 1.People wrote letters to get in touch.Nowadays email has __________ the way people communicate. A.Conveyed

  B.translated C.transformed

  D.exchanged 解析:选C。考查动词辨析。convey传达;translate使变成;exchange交换,交流;transform彻底改变,改善。句意为:过去人们通过写信相互联系,而如今电子邮件改变了人们的交流方式。 2.(2010·高考湖北卷)It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money __________ favors to them. A.in preference to

  B.in place of C.in agreement with

  D.in exchange for 解析:选D。考查短语辨析。A项意为“优先于”;B项意为“代替”;C项意为“同意,与……一致”;D项意为“作为交换”。句意为:公职人员向人们索取礼品或金钱作为给人们带来恩惠的交换是非法的。故选D。 3.As far as I’m concerned,Mr.Black’s formal style of speaking was appropriate ________the occasion. A.in

  B.with C.at

  D.to 解析:选D。be appropriate to表示“适合于……”。句意为:就我而言,布莱克先生郑重其事的讲话方式适合那个场合。 4.Nowadays sending e-mails to each other is a way many a student __________ what they think. A.conveys

  B.convey C.account

  D.accounts 解析:选A。考查动词辨析及主谓一致。convey表达;account认为。句意为:现在,互相发送电子邮件是许多学生表达他们所想的一种方式。many a+名词/more than one+名词/every...and every.../no...and no...等作主语,虽表示复数意义但谓语动词用单数。 5.The workers are loading the goods________a car,that is,they’re loading the car________goods. A.with;with

  B.into;into C.into;with

  D.with;into 解析:选C。考查load的用法。load sth.into...把……装入;load sth.with sth.用……装载……,故选C。 短语精释 1take it easy(=take things easy) 轻松;不紧张;从容 (教材P10)...if we hadn’t taken it easy,... ……如果我们紧张点的话,…… 归纳拓展 ①(牛津P633)The doctor told me to take it easy for a few weeks.医生叫我休息几周。 ②Take_it_easy,you are sure to succeed. 放心好了,你一定会成功的。 ③Believe it or not,I always take your suggestions seriously.信不信由你,我总是认真对待你的建议。 2run out of 用尽,用完 (教材P10)...if we hadn’t run out of energy. ……如果我们没有用完力气。 ①My car broke down on the way to the beach because it had run_out_of petrol. 在去海滩的路上,我的车因为汽油耗尽而抛锚了。 ②(牛津P1751)Time is running out for the trapped miners. 被困矿工的时间不多了。 Unit 2 Poems——诗歌 基础盘点自测自评 核心单词

  1.To his ____________(悲伤),his beloved pet dog died in a traffic accident. 2.He turned off the light and the room was in complete ____________(黑暗). sorrow darkness 3.They set up many ____________(分公司)throughout the country with the development of their business. 4.At that time,I found it hard to ____________(传达,表达)my feelings in words. branches convey 5.The government needs a more ____________(灵活的)approach to education. 6.I don’t understand,so please give me a(n)____________(具体的)example. flexible concrete 7.Supporting such a large family is a heavy ____________(负担)for him. 8.I think it isn’t ____________(适当的)for you to attend the party in such a casual coat. load appropriate 9.The disabled lady decided on a career as a ____________ and has ____________ hundreds of books from English into Chinese so far.Her ____________ of some great works is popular among young people.(translate) translator translated translation 10.用end的适当形式填空 (1)—How did the story ____________? —Just like most romantic stories,it had a happy ____________. (2)I can’t put up with his ____________complaints any more. end ending endless 高频短语 1.________________有意义 2.________________

  熬夜,不睡觉;挺立 3.________________

  轻松;不紧张;从容 4.________________

  用完 5.________________

  (多用于被动结构)由……构成 make sense stay up take it easy run out of be made up of


  转化成,改造为 7.________________

  尤其;特别 8.________________

  去远足 9.________________

  测试;试验 10.________________

  发出;放走 transform into in particular go for a hike try out let out 典型句式

  1.reason后定语从句的关系词 There are various _________________________________(人们为什么写诗的原因). reasons why people write poetry 2.way后定语从句的关系词 Some poems tell a story or describe something ________________(以……方式)will give the reader a strong impression. in a way that 3.while表对比 Some rhyme(like B)__________(而)others do not(like C). 4.with+n.+to do sth. __________so many different forms of poetry ________________(由……供选择),students may eventually want to write poems of their own. while With to choose from 虚拟语气(Ⅱ) 1.(2024·福建四地六校模拟)The headmaster recommended that we________to school on time for the afternoon English reading. A.had comeB.would come C.come

  D.came 单元语法 解析:选C。考查虚拟语气的用法。在此,recommend表“建议,劝告”,其后的宾语从句的谓语用“should+动词原形”,且should可以省略。 2.(2024·南通二模)—How much of the foreign expert’s speech have you understood? —Next to nothing.I wish I________harder at English. A.worked

  B.had worked C.would work

  D.were working 解析:选B。考查虚拟语气。wish后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,此处表示与过去事实相反,后半句句意为:我希望我(过去)更努力地学习英语了。 3.(2024·龙岩一检)—I didn’t attend the lecture yesterday. —I________,either,if my mother hadn’t reminded me. A.wouldn’t

  B.wouldn’t have C.didn’t

  D.hadn’t 解析:选B。考查虚拟语气。从句子中if my mother hadn’t reminded me知,此处是对过去状况的虚拟,主句应该用should/would/could/might+have+done结构,从选项中看只有B项合适(I wouldn’t have是I wouldn’t have attended the lecture的省略。) 4.(2024·安徽合肥模拟)I didn’t know your mobile number;otherwise,I________you the second I got to Changsha. A.had rung

  B.would ring C.should have rung

  D.would have rung 解析:选D。otherwise相当于“If I had known your mobile number”,所以本句是考查虚拟语气在条件句中的运用,当表示对过去情况的虚拟时,主句要用would have done结构。 5.(2024·济宁检测)Had I been a little more careful,I________such a foolish mistake. A.won’t make

  B.hadn’t made C.didn’t make

  D.wouldn’t have made 解析:选D。考查虚拟语气。Had I been a little more careful 是If I had been a little more careful的省略倒装形式,由此可知是对过去事实的假设,所以主句谓语用wouldn’t have done。句意为:如果我再细心点,就不会犯这么愚蠢的错误了。 考点串讲讲练互动 单词精研 1convey vt.传达,表达;运送;传导,传播 (教材P10)Others try to convey certain emotions. 其他的试图传达特定的情感。 归纳拓展

  convey sth.to sb.向某人表达/传递某物 convey sb./sth.from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地 convey one’s feelings/meanings表达某人的感情/意思 ①The police asked the driver to convey the_passengers_to the destination safely. 警察要求司机把乘客安全地送到目的地。 ②Please convey my good wishes to your mother. 请向你母亲转达我美好的祝愿。 ③Premier Wen Jiabao conveyed his sorrow for the dead and ordered the necessities should be conveyed immediately to the earthquakehit areas.温家宝总理表达了对死者的哀悼,并命令立即把必需品运送到地震灾区。 2transform vi.& vt.转化;转换;改造;变换 (教材P11)Transformed into stone. 变成了石头。 (1)transform...into...把……变成…… transform sb./sth.from...把某人/物从……中转变 (2)transformation n.改变,变革  归纳拓展 ①(牛津P2148)It was an event that would transform my life.那是能够彻底改变我一生的一件事。 ②In only 20 years the country has_been_transformed_into an advanced industrial power. 这个国家只用了20年就变成了一个先进的工业强国。 ③Ten years of hard work transformed Mathilde completely into an ordinary housewife.十年的艰苦劳动,彻底使玛蒂尔德变成了一个普通家庭妇女。 3appropriate  adj.适当的;正当的 (教材P13)Match the beginning of each sentence with the appropriate ending. 把每个句子的开头与恰当的结尾搭配起来。 (1)

  (2)appropriately adv.适当地