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In fact, this is not the first time that Japanese government officials have proposed a bachelor tax. In 2004, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party suggested taxing single people to promote marriage, but the proposal ended up with nothing definite.

事实上,这并非日本政府官员第一次提出征收“单身税”(Bachelor Tax),早在2004年,日本自民党就曾经提出过向单身人士征税的议案,意图促进单身男女尽快结婚,不过最后还是不了了之。



NHK's documentary highlights the dilemma facing Japan's economy due to the number of childless couples and an aging population. In Japanese society, more and more young people choose to live alone. These young people not only have no life partners, but also reject the idea of engaging in normal social life.


With a higher unemployment rate and lower pensions, these young people are facing the threat of dying alone.


According to NHK's report, every year 32,000 Japanese people die alone. Japan's "Choose the Future Committee" estimates that if this situation continues, within 100 years the Japanese population will be less than half of what it is today.



Is "being single" a factor that effects the economy? For Japan, the answer may be yes. But there is another voice saying that the increasing single group stimulates the development of emerging industries like the Internet, entertainment, film and television. The term "single economy" was created due to this phenomena.


Alibaba released a report on "Empty Nester Youth in China" on May 3. The report shows that China has more than 50 million single "empty nester" young people.


This group consists of singles from 20 to 39 years old. They enjoy shopping online, eating take-away food and ordering on-site services. They watch movies and travel alone.


"The singles usually have more disposable income and tend to focus more on self spending." According to the report "Marketing the single consumers - China 2024", released by British market consulting firm Mintel, 61% of the single consumers are interested in movies and TV shows, followed by travel (56%) and fitness (48%).

“单身人士通常拥有更多的可支配收入,倾向于关注自我和把钱花在自己身上。” 英国市场咨询公司英敏特最新报告《针对单身消费者的营销——中国2024》显示,六成(61%)单身消费者最感兴趣的领域是电影、电视剧,其次是旅行(56%)和运动健身(48%)。

"16% of China’s urban population now lives alone, according to the Boston Consulting Group. The trend has been accompanied by a profound change in people’s perceptions of remaining single: the concept is no longer stigmatized, singles “dine, travel and pursue activities by themselves".




The Lex Papia Poppaea was introduced in 9 AD to encourage marriage. Penalties were imposed on those who were celibate and married people who had no children.




《汉书•惠帝纪》记载,公元前189年,刘盈下令:“女子年十五以上至三十不嫁,五算。”(Unmarried women from 15 to 30 need to pay taxes five times higher than married ones.)


“女子十五不嫁,家人坐之。”(Families members of the women who do not marry after 15 years old have to be imprisoned.)


In 1695, the English parliament passed The Marriage Duty Act or Registration Tax, which imposed a tax on childless couples, widowers and bachelors over the age of 25. It was primarily used as a revenue-raising mechanism for the war on France.

1695年,英国议会通过了“婚姻与注册税法”, 法律不仅规定了25岁以上的单身人士需要纳税,就连无子女的夫妇和丧偶个人也需要缴纳税款,主要目的用于征集英国对法战争的款项。


新加坡是世界上人口出生率(birth rate)最低的国家,新加坡政府公开招标并表示,希望通过企业策划特别优惠活动,并由政府为速配成功男女提供约会开销。


在韩国,全国相亲大会(blind date)也是由韩政府这个最不像媒人的媒人组织,政府对单身潮的焦虑可见一斑。2010韩国保健福祉部年开始推广全国相亲大会,场面非常壮观。




In fact, this is not the first time that Japanese government officials have proposed a bachelor tax. In 2004, a member of the Liberal Democratic Party suggested taxing single people to promote marriage, but the proposal ended up with nothing definite.

事实上,这并非日本政府官员第一次提出征收“单身税”(Bachelor Tax),早在2004年,日本自民党就曾经提出过向单身人士征税的议案,意图促进单身男女尽快结婚,不过最后还是不了了之。



NHK's documentary highlights the dilemma facing Japan's economy due to the number of childless couples and an aging population. In Japanese society, more and more young people choose to live alone. These young people not only have no life partners, but also reject the idea of engaging in normal social life.


With a higher unemployment rate and lower pensions, these young people are facing the threat of dying alone.


According to NHK's report, every year 32,000 Japanese people die alone. Japan's "Choose the Future Committee" estimates that if this situation continues, within 100 years the Japanese population will be less than half of what it is today.



Is "being single" a factor that effects the economy? For Japan, the answer may be yes. But there is another voice saying that the increasing single group stimulates the development of emerging industries like the Internet, entertainment, film and television. The term "single economy" was created due to this phenomena.


Alibaba released a report on "Empty Nester Youth in China" on May 3. The report shows that China has more than 50 million single "empty nester" young people.


This group consists of singles from 20 to 39 years old. They enjoy shopping online, eating take-away food and ordering on-site services. They watch movies and travel alone.


"The singles usually have more disposable income and tend to focus more on self spending." According to the report "Marketing the single consumers - China 2024", released by British market consulting firm Mintel, 61% of the single consumers are interested in movies and TV shows, followed by travel (56%) and fitness (48%).

“单身人士通常拥有更多的可支配收入,倾向于关注自我和把钱花在自己身上。” 英国市场咨询公司英敏特最新报告《针对单身消费者的营销——中国2024》显示,六成(61%)单身消费者最感兴趣的领域是电影、电视剧,其次是旅行(56%)和运动健身(48%)。

"16% of China’s urban population now lives alone, according to the Boston Consulting Group. The trend has been accompanied by a profound change in people’s perceptions of remaining single: the concept is no longer stigmatized, singles “dine, travel and pursue activities by themselves".




The Lex Papia Poppaea was introduced in 9 AD to encourage marriage. Penalties were imposed on those who were celibate and married people who had no children.




《汉书•惠帝纪》记载,公元前189年,刘盈下令:“女子年十五以上至三十不嫁,五算。”(Unmarried women from 15 to 30 need to pay taxes five times higher than married ones.)


“女子十五不嫁,家人坐之。”(Families members of the women who do not marry after 15 years old have to be imprisoned.)


In 1695, the English parliament passed The Marriage Duty Act or Registration Tax, which imposed a tax on childless couples, widowers and bachelors over the age of 25. It was primarily used as a revenue-raising mechanism for the war on France.

1695年,英国议会通过了“婚姻与注册税法”, 法律不仅规定了25岁以上的单身人士需要纳税,就连无子女的夫妇和丧偶个人也需要缴纳税款,主要目的用于征集英国对法战争的款项。


新加坡是世界上人口出生率(birth rate)最低的国家,新加坡政府公开招标并表示,希望通过企业策划特别优惠活动,并由政府为速配成功男女提供约会开销。


在韩国,全国相亲大会(blind date)也是由韩政府这个最不像媒人的媒人组织,政府对单身潮的焦虑可见一斑。2010韩国保健福祉部年开始推广全国相亲大会,场面非常壮观。




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