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  说明文是用简洁的文字介绍事物的特性、构造、变化或结果的文章。高考中,说明文常见的话题有:产品介绍、地点描述、方位描写、变化分析、购物指南和操作说明等。写作这类文章需注意以下几点: 1. 首先要读题审题,弄清需要介绍的内容,把握信息要点,不可遗漏也不能添加。 2. 写作内容要条理清楚,层次分明。说明科技方面的内容常用定义法、比较对比法、分类法和因果法等;说明自然环境方面的内容常用时空次序法与分类法等。 3. 时态常用一般现在时,当然若是介绍其历史时,要用一般过去时;语态可能用到被动语态;若是介绍地点环境等,要善于运用there be结构。 30. 自动售货机的介绍 你应邀为一家生产自动售货机的厂家编写自动售货机的英语介绍。 [写作内容] 请根据以下中文提纲,编写一篇自动售货机的英语介绍: 功能:可卖各种商品,如像汽水之类的冷饮、咖啡之类的热饮、糖果、各种入场券、报纸以及各种小玩意儿等。 工作原理:顾客向自动售货机里投硬币、按一下按键就可以得到所购商品。 优点:省时、方便;无需工作人员;昼夜服务 缺点:所售商品价钱稍高。 参考词汇:自动售货机 vending machine Vending machines sell many different types of items, such as cold drinks like soda, hot drinks like coffee, candy, tickets, newspaper, and other types of small things. When the customer puts a coin into the machine and then pushes a button, he will get the merchandise he wants. Vending machines are convenient and can save time for customers.

  What’s more, no workers are needed vending machines can be used at any time of day or night. However, the prices of the items sold by vending machines are usually a little higher. 31. 楼盘介绍 以下是一套公寓(flat)的平面图,以及其周边的一些基本信息: 公寓平面图 基本信息

  1.①客厅,②-④房,⑤洗手间⑥厨房。 2.面积:110平方米。 3.价格:每平方米6000元。 4.周边有:超市,医疗室,幼儿园和公交车站,直通地铁口。 ④ ① ① ⑥ ⑤ ③ ② [写作内容] 假设暑假你到某楼盘打工,正好有几名外国客人看中了这套公寓楼,请用英文书面向这几位客人介绍一下这套公寓楼。内容包括: 1. 公寓的面积及由共有哪几个房间; 2. 公寓的朝向; 3. 周边环境; 4. 价格。

  The flat has 110 square metres, with one sitting-room, three bedrooms, one bathroom and one kitchen. Facing south, it is quite bright in the rooms at daytime. Not far away from the apartment there is a supermarket, a clinic, a kindergarten and a bus-stop. The bus can access the subway directly. The price for the flat is about 6000RMB per square metre.

  32. 机器人简介

  你校机器人兴趣小组制作了一个机器人,情况如下表: 概况 高度70厘米,重3公斤,外观漂亮。 性能 四肢活动灵活,可以伴随着音乐跳舞;可以用英语和汉语两种语言同人进行简单的日常对话。 指导 学校领导的支持,两位电脑老师的指导,兴趣小组的同学利用课余时间制作而成。 意义 课程改革和素质教育的结果,展示了我校学生的的创造力。 [写作内容]


  1. 在谁的指导和支持下制作出来的;

  2. 机器人的高度、重量和外观;

  3. 机器人的性能;

  4. 制作机器人的意义。

  Guided by two computer teachers as well as supported greatly by our school authorities, we members of the robot interest group created this robot in our spare time. As you can see, this robot, beautiful in appearance, measures 70 centimeters high and weighs 3 kilograms. Additionally, this robot with its flexible limbs is quite able to dance freely to music.

  Besides, it can also have simple daily conversations with people in either English or Chinese. This product, which fully and clearly shows the significant creativity of us students, is of a gorgeous outcome of curriculum reform and quality education in our school. 3. 据说中国计划在2024年建设空间站,在这之前,即2011年中国将建设一个简单的空间实验室,而这个空间站将有人在内照管。 4. 在建设空间站之前,卫星对接技术将在神州7号载人飞船之后进行认真检验。

  参考词汇: 卫星对接:orbiter docking

  记者招待会:press conference 33. 神州7号载人飞船 中国神州7号载人飞船的发射引人注目,作为一位科学家的你对将来相关的发展进行简介。 [写作内容] 1. 中国神州7号载人飞船成功升空和安全着陆表明在先进空间材料的研究和发展方面中国航天计划已经达到一个里程碑。 2. 神州7号一着陆,科学家就期待研究那些暴露在外的样品材料。 That the manned Shenzhou-7 successfully rose to the outer space and landed safely has indicated that the Chinese space program reached a milestone in research and development of advanced space materials. Scientists are expecting to study the exposed sample as soon as Shenzhou-7 lands. It is said that China aims to set up a space station in 2024 and before that it will launch a “simple” space lab in 2011.

  The station will be attended by human beings. Before setting up the space station, the orbiter docking technology will be tested after the Shenzhou-7 mission.

  34. 中国南极长城站简介 利用以下表格中的信息,写一篇描绘中国南极长城站简介的短文。 建站的时间及地址 1985年2月20日,南极洲西部的乔治王岛上 建站的目的 为考察队员提供衣食住等基本生活需要 长城站拥有的建筑物 有各种建筑25座。其中包括办公楼、宿舍楼、气象楼、通讯楼和科研楼等 长城站开展的科考活动 科研人员在这里可以进行天气观测、卫星观测、地震观测等活动 参考生词: 乔治王岛King George Island 观测observation 考察队员investigation team

  China set up the Great Wall Station on King George Island of Antarctica west on February 20th, 1985. In order to provide the basic life necessities of clothing, food and shelter to the investigation team, China established the station there. There are 25 buildings in the Great Wall Station in all, including office building, dormitory,

  communication building and research building etc. The researchers here can have the activities such as weather observation, satellite observation, earthquake observation and so on. We all expect to visit the Great Wall Station one day. 35. 介绍清明节 Abby是美籍华人,最近常听同学们提起清明节(Tomb Sweeping Day),她对此非常感兴趣。作为她的朋友,请你以清明节为题,向Abby介绍一些清明节的活动,内容包括: 1. 时间:通常是每年的4月4--6号 2. 清明节是我国传统节日,也是人们拜祭先人的日子。 3. 按照旧的习俗,祭祀(扫墓)时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱、花等物品到墓地。对墓地进行简单清理之后,人们将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将香和纸钱焚化,然后叩头行礼祭拜。 4. 这是我们悼念先人,缅怀他们丰功伟绩的日子。 参考词汇:墓cemetery, 香incense

  Tomb Sweeping Day usually falls on April 4—6 every year. It’s one of the Chinese traditional festivals, in which people offer sacrifices to their ancestors. According to the Chinese customs, people will bring along some food, wine, paper money and some flowers to the cemetery of their ancestors.

  After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, then burn the incense and paper money, and bow before the memorial tablet. It’s in this special day that people morn over their ancestors and remember their great contribution to the development of our society. * *

  说明文是用简洁的文字介绍事物的特性、构造、变化或结果的文章。高考中,说明文常见的话题有:产品介绍、地点描述、方位描写、变化分析、购物指南和操作说明等。写作这类文章需注意以下几点: 1. 首先要读题审题,弄清需要介绍的内容,把握信息要点,不可遗漏也不能添加。 2. 写作内容要条理清楚,层次分明。说明科技方面的内容常用定义法、比较对比法、分类法和因果法等;说明自然环境方面的内容常用时空次序法与分类法等。 3. 时态常用一般现在时,当然若是介绍其历史时,要用一般过去时;语态可能用到被动语态;若是介绍地点环境等,要善于运用there be结构。 30. 自动售货机的介绍 你应邀为一家生产自动售货机的厂家编写自动售货机的英语介绍。 [写作内容] 请根据以下中文提纲,编写一篇自动售货机的英语介绍: 功能:可卖各种商品,如像汽水之类的冷饮、咖啡之类的热饮、糖果、各种入场券、报纸以及各种小玩意儿等。 工作原理:顾客向自动售货机里投硬币、按一下按键就可以得到所购商品。 优点:省时、方便;无需工作人员;昼夜服务 缺点:所售商品价钱稍高。 参考词汇:自动售货机 vending machine Vending machines sell many different types of items, such as cold drinks like soda, hot drinks like coffee, candy, tickets, newspaper, and other types of small things. When the customer puts a coin into the machine and then pushes a button, he will get the merchandise he wants. Vending machines are convenient and can save time for customers.

  What’s more, no workers are needed vending machines can be used at any time of day or night. However, the prices of the items sold by vending machines are usually a little higher. 31. 楼盘介绍 以下是一套公寓(flat)的平面图,以及其周边的一些基本信息: 公寓平面图 基本信息

  1.①客厅,②-④房,⑤洗手间⑥厨房。 2.面积:110平方米。 3.价格:每平方米6000元。 4.周边有:超市,医疗室,幼儿园和公交车站,直通地铁口。 ④ ① ① ⑥ ⑤ ③ ② [写作内容] 假设暑假你到某楼盘打工,正好有几名外国客人看中了这套公寓楼,请用英文书面向这几位客人介绍一下这套公寓楼。内容包括: 1. 公寓的面积及由共有哪几个房间; 2. 公寓的朝向; 3. 周边环境; 4. 价格。

  The flat has 110 square metres, with one sitting-room, three bedrooms, one bathroom and one kitchen. Facing south, it is quite bright in the rooms at daytime. Not far away from the apartment there is a supermarket, a clinic, a kindergarten and a bus-stop. The bus can access the subway directly. The price for the flat is about 6000RMB per square metre.

  32. 机器人简介

  你校机器人兴趣小组制作了一个机器人,情况如下表: 概况 高度70厘米,重3公斤,外观漂亮。 性能 四肢活动灵活,可以伴随着音乐跳舞;可以用英语和汉语两种语言同人进行简单的日常对话。 指导 学校领导的支持,两位电脑老师的指导,兴趣小组的同学利用课余时间制作而成。 意义 课程改革和素质教育的结果,展示了我校学生的的创造力。 [写作内容]


  1. 在谁的指导和支持下制作出来的;

  2. 机器人的高度、重量和外观;

  3. 机器人的性能;

  4. 制作机器人的意义。

  Guided by two computer teachers as well as supported greatly by our school authorities, we members of the robot interest group created this robot in our spare time. As you can see, this robot, beautiful in appearance, measures 70 centimeters high and weighs 3 kilograms. Additionally, this robot with its flexible limbs is quite able to dance freely to music.

  Besides, it can also have simple daily conversations with people in either English or Chinese. This product, which fully and clearly shows the significant creativity of us students, is of a gorgeous outcome of curriculum reform and quality education in our school. 3. 据说中国计划在2024年建设空间站,在这之前,即2011年中国将建设一个简单的空间实验室,而这个空间站将有人在内照管。 4. 在建设空间站之前,卫星对接技术将在神州7号载人飞船之后进行认真检验。

  参考词汇: 卫星对接:orbiter docking

  记者招待会:press conference 33. 神州7号载人飞船 中国神州7号载人飞船的发射引人注目,作为一位科学家的你对将来相关的发展进行简介。 [写作内容] 1. 中国神州7号载人飞船成功升空和安全着陆表明在先进空间材料的研究和发展方面中国航天计划已经达到一个里程碑。 2. 神州7号一着陆,科学家就期待研究那些暴露在外的样品材料。 That the manned Shenzhou-7 successfully rose to the outer space and landed safely has indicated that the Chinese space program reached a milestone in research and development of advanced space materials. Scientists are expecting to study the exposed sample as soon as Shenzhou-7 lands. It is said that China aims to set up a space station in 2024 and before that it will launch a “simple” space lab in 2011.

  The station will be attended by human beings. Before setting up the space station, the orbiter docking technology will be tested after the Shenzhou-7 mission.

  34. 中国南极长城站简介 利用以下表格中的信息,写一篇描绘中国南极长城站简介的短文。 建站的时间及地址 1985年2月20日,南极洲西部的乔治王岛上 建站的目的 为考察队员提供衣食住等基本生活需要 长城站拥有的建筑物 有各种建筑25座。其中包括办公楼、宿舍楼、气象楼、通讯楼和科研楼等 长城站开展的科考活动 科研人员在这里可以进行天气观测、卫星观测、地震观测等活动 参考生词: 乔治王岛King George Island 观测observation 考察队员investigation team

  China set up the Great Wall Station on King George Island of Antarctica west on February 20th, 1985. In order to provide the basic life necessities of clothing, food and shelter to the investigation team, China established the station there. There are 25 buildings in the Great Wall Station in all, including office building, dormitory,

  communication building and research building etc. The researchers here can have the activities such as weather observation, satellite observation, earthquake observation and so on. We all expect to visit the Great Wall Station one day. 35. 介绍清明节 Abby是美籍华人,最近常听同学们提起清明节(Tomb Sweeping Day),她对此非常感兴趣。作为她的朋友,请你以清明节为题,向Abby介绍一些清明节的活动,内容包括: 1. 时间:通常是每年的4月4--6号 2. 清明节是我国传统节日,也是人们拜祭先人的日子。 3. 按照旧的习俗,祭祀(扫墓)时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱、花等物品到墓地。对墓地进行简单清理之后,人们将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将香和纸钱焚化,然后叩头行礼祭拜。 4. 这是我们悼念先人,缅怀他们丰功伟绩的日子。 参考词汇:墓cemetery, 香incense

  Tomb Sweeping Day usually falls on April 4—6 every year. It’s one of the Chinese traditional festivals, in which people offer sacrifices to their ancestors. According to the Chinese customs, people will bring along some food, wine, paper money and some flowers to the cemetery of their ancestors.

  After slightly sweeping the tombs, people offer food, then burn the incense and paper money, and bow before the memorial tablet. It’s in this special day that people morn over their ancestors and remember their great contribution to the development of our society. * *