考前30天之备战2024高考英语精品学案:专题二 完形填空 第一节解题方法突破 能力摸底

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考前30天之备战2024高考英语精品学案:专题二 完形填空 第一节解题方法突破 能力摸底




  Lebron James isn't the first high school basketball player to go straight into the NBA, but he's probably the best. He has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an all-star. This ___1____ was on ___2____ as he scored 41 points to take Cleveland Cavaliers to a 107-104 win over the New Jersey Nets on march 28. Aged of 19 years and 87 days, James became the ___3 ____ player to score 40 or more in the NBA. "It was by far James' best ____4___ ," said Cleveland coach Paul Silas.

  Known to his friends ____5___ "the king", this was the day James earned his crown. but he was ____6___ from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streets of Akron, Ohio. ____7___ many other African-American basketball players, James' early years were a ____8 ___ . His mother Gloria was just 16 when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. Mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live. ____9 ___ help from his grandmother and neighbors, James would ___10 ____ have died when he was young. This spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any ____11___ he finds. "I ____12___ losing, I don't like losing," said James of his 41-point display. "I ___13____ the opportunity for us to win and I was ____14___ to capture it." At 2.03 meters, he is no Yao Ming but this didn't ___15____ him being first choice in 2003 NBA draft. This was ____16 ___ to his strength and skill, much of which he learned from high school American football.

  Although he has a ___ 17____ brain, James has never had to concentrate on ___18____ . Some people think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to college to ____19___ his mind. But James is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune ___20____ a diploma. On the court, he is king.

  1. A. performance

  B. activity

  C. action

  D. talent

  2. A. sale

  B. exhibition

  C. show

  D. duty

  3. A. oldest

  B. strongest

  C. tallest

  D. youngest

  4. A. performance

  B. lesson

  C. action

  D. appearance

  5. A. for

  B. as

   C. by

  D. with

  6. A. well

  B. far

  C. deep

  D. late

  7. A. As

  B. Like   

  C. Likely

  D. Alike

  8. A. fight

  B. struggle

  C. battle

  D. war

  9. A. Except for

  B. Except  

  C. Besides

  D Without

  10. A. certainly

  B. impossible

  C. hardly

  D. probably

  11. A. goal

  B. game  

  C. match

  D. chance

  12. A. hate

  B. refuse

  C. object

  D. reject

  13. A. grasped

  B. seized

  C. caught

  D. held

  14. A. afraid

  B. unlucky

  C. able

  D. certain

  15. A. keep

  B. forbid

  C. protect

  D. stop

  16. A. according

  B. referring

  C. thanks

  D. sticking

  17. A. fast

  B. quick

  C. high

  D. top

  18. A. studying

  B. resting

  C. sleeping

  D. eating

  19. A. advance

  B. march  

  C. increase

  D. develop

  20. A. apart from

  B. but

  C. except

  D. without




  这是一篇介绍美国素有NBA篮球“小皇帝”之称詹姆士. 勒布朗成长历程的短文。詹姆士. 勒布朗,新一代的NBA篮球王。他,取胜欲望强,得分能力高,把握机会好,简直是一个全才, 获得2006年全明星赛MVP(最有价值球员)。然而这位年轻的篮球天才的成长过程也充满了艰辛,可谓一路"挣扎"。

  1. D

  2. C

  3. D

  4. A

  5. B

  6. B

  7. B

  8. B

  9. D

  10. D


  12. A

  13. B

  14. C

  15. D

  16. C

  17. B

  18. A

  19. D

  20. D


  1. Lebron James的童年经历是怎样的?


  3. 为什么说他是球场上的“king”?




  Lebron James isn't the first high school basketball player to go straight into the NBA, but he's probably the best. He has the body, skills and the basketball brain of an all-star. This ___1____ was on ___2____ as he scored 41 points to take Cleveland Cavaliers to a 107-104 win over the New Jersey Nets on march 28. Aged of 19 years and 87 days, James became the ___3 ____ player to score 40 or more in the NBA. "It was by far James' best ____4___ ," said Cleveland coach Paul Silas.

  Known to his friends ____5___ "the king", this was the day James earned his crown. but he was ____6___ from being a king during a childhood spent in the back streets of Akron, Ohio. ____7___ many other African-American basketball players, James' early years were a ____8 ___ . His mother Gloria was just 16 when she gave birth to him; he knows nothing about his father. Mother and son battled for everything from food to a place to live. ____9 ___ help from his grandmother and neighbors, James would ___10 ____ have died when he was young. This spirit of survival has served him well on court, forcing him to take any ____11___ he finds. "I ____12___ losing, I don't like losing," said James of his 41-point display. "I ___13____ the opportunity for us to win and I was ____14___ to capture it." At 2.03 meters, he is no Yao Ming but this didn't ___15____ him being first choice in 2003 NBA draft. This was ____16 ___ to his strength and skill, much of which he learned from high school American football.

  Although he has a ___ 17____ brain, James has never had to concentrate on ___18____ . Some people think this is a mistake and say he should have gone to college to ____19___ his mind. But James is one of the lucky few who has found fame and fortune ___20____ a diploma. On the court, he is king.

  1. A. performance

  B. activity

  C. action

  D. talent

  2. A. sale

  B. exhibition

  C. show

  D. duty

  3. A. oldest

  B. strongest

  C. tallest

  D. youngest

  4. A. performance

  B. lesson

  C. action

  D. appearance

  5. A. for

  B. as

   C. by

  D. with

  6. A. well

  B. far

  C. deep

  D. late

  7. A. As

  B. Like   

  C. Likely

  D. Alike

  8. A. fight

  B. struggle

  C. battle

  D. war

  9. A. Except for

  B. Except  

  C. Besides

  D Without

  10. A. certainly

  B. impossible

  C. hardly

  D. probably

  11. A. goal

  B. game  

  C. match

  D. chance

  12. A. hate

  B. refuse

  C. object

  D. reject

  13. A. grasped

  B. seized

  C. caught

  D. held

  14. A. afraid

  B. unlucky

  C. able

  D. certain

  15. A. keep

  B. forbid

  C. protect

  D. stop

  16. A. according

  B. referring

  C. thanks

  D. sticking

  17. A. fast

  B. quick

  C. high

  D. top

  18. A. studying

  B. resting

  C. sleeping

  D. eating

  19. A. advance

  B. march  

  C. increase

  D. develop

  20. A. apart from

  B. but

  C. except

  D. without




  这是一篇介绍美国素有NBA篮球“小皇帝”之称詹姆士. 勒布朗成长历程的短文。詹姆士. 勒布朗,新一代的NBA篮球王。他,取胜欲望强,得分能力高,把握机会好,简直是一个全才, 获得2006年全明星赛MVP(最有价值球员)。然而这位年轻的篮球天才的成长过程也充满了艰辛,可谓一路"挣扎"。

  1. D

  2. C

  3. D

  4. A

  5. B

  6. B

  7. B

  8. B

  9. D

  10. D


  12. A

  13. B

  14. C

  15. D

  16. C

  17. B

  18. A

  19. D

  20. D


  1. Lebron James的童年经历是怎样的?


  3. 为什么说他是球场上的“king”?