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  21. Paper cutting,

  traditional folk art form which originated in ancient China, was listed as

  world cultural heritage(遗产) by the United Nations in 2002.

  A. the; a

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. a; a

  22. My father ________ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick ________ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.

  A. advised; up

  B. persuaded; out

  C. intended; up

  D. managed; out

  23. Computer lessons must be ________ to students of all grades, so that they can master this modern communication and learning tool.





  24. She spoke ill of him out of ________.

  A. curiosity

  B. interest

  C. sympathy

  D. envy

  25. I don't understand how you should spend so much money in only one month. Please ________ each sum of the money you spent to me.

  A. make out

  B. account for

  C. describe

  D. record

  26. ---Where_____ the recorder?

  I can’t see it anywhere.

  ---I ______ it right here. But now it’s gone!

  A. did you put; have put

  B. have you put; put

  C. had you put; was putting

  D. were you putting; have put

  27. So you have to leave. How nice it ________ if you ________a bit longer!

  A. would be; could stay

  B. is; can stay

  C. should be; stay

  D. was; are able to stay

  28. In many countries in the world, breakfast is a snack ________ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.

  A. other than

  B. more than

  C. rather than

  D. less than

  29. —Have you found the MP3 player you lost?

  —No, I haven't found ________, but I have bought ________.

  A. it; one

  B. one; it

  C. it; it

  D. one; one

  30. — Must I pay the fine, sir?

  — __________. You shouldn’t have driven drunk.

  A. That goes without saying

  B. Not to worry

  C. I have got it

  D. Good for you

  31. It was in time of danger ________ he made the final decision ________ they should send more doctors there.

  A. where; that        B. when; which

  C. where; what        D. that; that

  32.________ it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich, many other people who are outstanding in their fields take little notice of personal possessions.

  A. While 

  B. Since 

  C. Unless

   D. If

  33. The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing ________ should have attracted the local government's attention.

  A. solving          

  B. solve

  C. to solve       

       D. solved

  34. With everything she needed ________, she went out of the shop, with her hands full of shopping bags.

  A. bought  

  B. to buy

   C. buying 

    D. buy

  35. It’s really very dangerous. One more step, _____the baby will fall into the well.

  A. or

  B. so

  C. but

  D. and



  When it comes to eating smart for your heart, stop thinking about short-term solutions and simplify your life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.

  Smart eating goes beyond analyzing every bite of food you lift __36__ your mouth. “In the past we used to believe that __37__ amounts of individual nutrients were the __38__ to good health,” Linda Van Horn, professor of the American Heart Association's Nutrition Committee. "But now we have a __39__ understanding of healthy eating and the kinds of food necessary to __40__ not only heart disease but disease __41__ general," she adds.

  Scientists now __42__ on the broader picture of the balance of food eaten __43__ several days or a week __44__ than on the number of milligrams of this or that __45__ at each meal.

  Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, for example, provide nutrients and plant-based compounds __46__ to good health. “The more we learn, the more __47__ we are by the wealth of essential substances they __48__," Van Horn continues, "and how they __49__ with each other to keep us healthy."

  You'll automatically be __50__ the right heart-healthy track if vegetables, fruits and whole grains make __51__ three quarters of the food on your dinner plate. __52__ in the remaining one quarter with lean meat or chicken, fish or eggs.

  The foods you choose to eat as well as those you choose to __53__ clearly contribute to your well-being. Without a __54__, each of the small decisions you make in this can make a big __55__ on your health in the years to come.

  36. A between

  B through

  C inside

  D to

  37. A serious

  B splendid

  C specific

  D separate

  38. A key

  B point

  C lead

  D center

  39. A strict

  B different

  C typical

  D natural

  40. A rescue

  B prevent

  C forbid

  D offend

  41. A in

  B upon

  C for

  D by

  42. A turn

  B put

  C focus

  D carry

  43. A over

  B along

  C with

  D beyond

  44. A other

  B better

  C rather

  D sooner

  45. A conveyed

  B consumed

  C entered

  D exhausted

  46. A vital

  B initial

  C valid

  D efficient

  47. A disturbed

  B depressed

  C amazed

  D amused

  48. A preserve

  B contain

  C attain

  D maintain

  49. A interfere

  B interact

  C occupy

  D rest

  50. A at

  B of

  C on

  D within

  51. A out

  B into

  C off

  D up

  52. A Engage

  B Fill

  C Involve

  D Pack

  53. A delete

  B escape

  C avoid

  D spoil

  54. A notion

  B hesitation

  C reason

  D doubt

  55. A outcome

  B function

  C impact

  D commitment


  An American friend of mine who was high up in a big corporation had worked out a way of handling a flood of e-mails before most of us had even heard of the concept. If any information he was sent was vital enough, his lack of response would ensure the sender rang him up, if the sender wasn’t important enough to have his private number, the communication couldn’t be that important, my friend is now even more senior in the same company so the strategy must work.

  Almost every week now there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of e-mail. If this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.

  _________. Firstly, you junk nothing with an exclamation mark or a string of capital letters, or from any address you don’t recognize or feel confident about.

  Secondly, e-mails don’t all have to be answered. Because e-mailing is so easy, there’s a tendency for correspondence to carry on forever, but it is permissible to stop an endless discussion or to accept a point of information sent by a colleague without acknowledging it.

  Thirdly, a reply e-mail doesn’t have to be the same length as the original. We all have e-mail pals who send long, chatty e-mail, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply. The charm of e-mail can consist in the simple, incomplete sentence, totally regardless of the format of the letter sent by post. You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a better reply.

  76. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

  The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e-mails


  77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. (within 10 words )


  78. What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words)


  79. For what purpose does the author mention his American friend in Paragraph 1? (within 10 words)


  80. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.




  A senior high school student gets seriously ill and needs a transplant(移植) at once, which will cost much money. Knowing this, many students and their parents reach out their helping hands. On this planet, everyone may need help and everyone should give a helping hand to the people in need.







  单选:21-35 ACBDB




  41-45: ACACB

  46-50: ACBBC

  51-55: DBCDC

  76. If this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.

  77. E-mail(s) can be handled in the following ways. / Here are the ways to deal with e-mail(s). / handling e-mail(s) is an art.

  78. You may reply to a long e-mail briefly./ You don’t have to write a long reply e-mail.

  79. To show a way of handling e-mail(s) with an example. / To introduce the topic of the text.

  80.用简短的话回复冗长的邮件完全不失礼节。/ 用简短的话回复马拉松式的电子邮件也是礼貌的。

  作文:One possible version:

  Helping others is considered a treasured virtue of human kind, which definitely brings us tremendous happiness. Whoever lives in the world depends on others’ help, which is necessary and important.

  I’ve received a lot of help from other people, which enables me to overcome the difficulties and troubles in my way. I once failed an important exam, as a result of which I almost lost heart. It was the encouragement and comfort of my classmates that cheered me up.

  Not until then did I realize what help really meant. From then on, I began to do what I can to help others in need, which both benefited me as well as others.

  As the saying goes “Roses given, fragrance in hand” We should always be ready to give others a hand in return for their help. Only in this way can we truly live in a word of love.




  21. Paper cutting,

  traditional folk art form which originated in ancient China, was listed as

  world cultural heritage(遗产) by the United Nations in 2002.

  A. the; a

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. a; a

  22. My father ________ my brother for driving but he wanted to pick ________ the knowledge of the computer during his spare time.

  A. advised; up

  B. persuaded; out

  C. intended; up

  D. managed; out

  23. Computer lessons must be ________ to students of all grades, so that they can master this modern communication and learning tool.





  24. She spoke ill of him out of ________.

  A. curiosity

  B. interest

  C. sympathy

  D. envy

  25. I don't understand how you should spend so much money in only one month. Please ________ each sum of the money you spent to me.

  A. make out

  B. account for

  C. describe

  D. record

  26. ---Where_____ the recorder?

  I can’t see it anywhere.

  ---I ______ it right here. But now it’s gone!

  A. did you put; have put

  B. have you put; put

  C. had you put; was putting

  D. were you putting; have put

  27. So you have to leave. How nice it ________ if you ________a bit longer!

  A. would be; could stay

  B. is; can stay

  C. should be; stay

  D. was; are able to stay

  28. In many countries in the world, breakfast is a snack ________ a meal, but the traditional English breakfast is a full meal.

  A. other than

  B. more than

  C. rather than

  D. less than

  29. —Have you found the MP3 player you lost?

  —No, I haven't found ________, but I have bought ________.

  A. it; one

  B. one; it

  C. it; it

  D. one; one

  30. — Must I pay the fine, sir?

  — __________. You shouldn’t have driven drunk.

  A. That goes without saying

  B. Not to worry

  C. I have got it

  D. Good for you

  31. It was in time of danger ________ he made the final decision ________ they should send more doctors there.

  A. where; that        B. when; which

  C. where; what        D. that; that

  32.________ it is true that a successful businessman or inventor will usually become rich, many other people who are outstanding in their fields take little notice of personal possessions.

  A. While 

  B. Since 

  C. Unless

   D. If

  33. The traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing ________ should have attracted the local government's attention.

  A. solving          

  B. solve

  C. to solve       

       D. solved

  34. With everything she needed ________, she went out of the shop, with her hands full of shopping bags.

  A. bought  

  B. to buy

   C. buying 

    D. buy

  35. It’s really very dangerous. One more step, _____the baby will fall into the well.

  A. or

  B. so

  C. but

  D. and



  When it comes to eating smart for your heart, stop thinking about short-term solutions and simplify your life with a straightforward approach that will serve you well for years to come.

  Smart eating goes beyond analyzing every bite of food you lift __36__ your mouth. “In the past we used to believe that __37__ amounts of individual nutrients were the __38__ to good health,” Linda Van Horn, professor of the American Heart Association's Nutrition Committee. "But now we have a __39__ understanding of healthy eating and the kinds of food necessary to __40__ not only heart disease but disease __41__ general," she adds.

  Scientists now __42__ on the broader picture of the balance of food eaten __43__ several days or a week __44__ than on the number of milligrams of this or that __45__ at each meal.

  Fruits, vegetables and whole grains, for example, provide nutrients and plant-based compounds __46__ to good health. “The more we learn, the more __47__ we are by the wealth of essential substances they __48__," Van Horn continues, "and how they __49__ with each other to keep us healthy."

  You'll automatically be __50__ the right heart-healthy track if vegetables, fruits and whole grains make __51__ three quarters of the food on your dinner plate. __52__ in the remaining one quarter with lean meat or chicken, fish or eggs.

  The foods you choose to eat as well as those you choose to __53__ clearly contribute to your well-being. Without a __54__, each of the small decisions you make in this can make a big __55__ on your health in the years to come.

  36. A between

  B through

  C inside

  D to

  37. A serious

  B splendid

  C specific

  D separate

  38. A key

  B point

  C lead

  D center

  39. A strict

  B different

  C typical

  D natural

  40. A rescue

  B prevent

  C forbid

  D offend

  41. A in

  B upon

  C for

  D by

  42. A turn

  B put

  C focus

  D carry

  43. A over

  B along

  C with

  D beyond

  44. A other

  B better

  C rather

  D sooner

  45. A conveyed

  B consumed

  C entered

  D exhausted

  46. A vital

  B initial

  C valid

  D efficient

  47. A disturbed

  B depressed

  C amazed

  D amused

  48. A preserve

  B contain

  C attain

  D maintain

  49. A interfere

  B interact

  C occupy

  D rest

  50. A at

  B of

  C on

  D within

  51. A out

  B into

  C off

  D up

  52. A Engage

  B Fill

  C Involve

  D Pack

  53. A delete

  B escape

  C avoid

  D spoil

  54. A notion

  B hesitation

  C reason

  D doubt

  55. A outcome

  B function

  C impact

  D commitment


  An American friend of mine who was high up in a big corporation had worked out a way of handling a flood of e-mails before most of us had even heard of the concept. If any information he was sent was vital enough, his lack of response would ensure the sender rang him up, if the sender wasn’t important enough to have his private number, the communication couldn’t be that important, my friend is now even more senior in the same company so the strategy must work.

  Almost every week now there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of e-mail. If this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.

  _________. Firstly, you junk nothing with an exclamation mark or a string of capital letters, or from any address you don’t recognize or feel confident about.

  Secondly, e-mails don’t all have to be answered. Because e-mailing is so easy, there’s a tendency for correspondence to carry on forever, but it is permissible to stop an endless discussion or to accept a point of information sent by a colleague without acknowledging it.

  Thirdly, a reply e-mail doesn’t have to be the same length as the original. We all have e-mail pals who send long, chatty e-mail, which are nice to receive, but who then expect an equally long reply. The charm of e-mail can consist in the simple, incomplete sentence, totally regardless of the format of the letter sent by post. You are perfectly within the bounds of politeness in responding to a marathon e-mail with a better reply.

  76. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

  The possible existence of annoyance results from our inability to sort out e-mails


  77. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with a proper sentence. (within 10 words )


  78. What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words)


  79. For what purpose does the author mention his American friend in Paragraph 1? (within 10 words)


  80. Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.




  A senior high school student gets seriously ill and needs a transplant(移植) at once, which will cost much money. Knowing this, many students and their parents reach out their helping hands. On this planet, everyone may need help and everyone should give a helping hand to the people in need.







  单选:21-35 ACBDB




  41-45: ACACB

  46-50: ACBBC

  51-55: DBCDC

  76. If this is the case, it’s only because we haven’t developed an appropriate discrimination in dealing with it.

  77. E-mail(s) can be handled in the following ways. / Here are the ways to deal with e-mail(s). / handling e-mail(s) is an art.

  78. You may reply to a long e-mail briefly./ You don’t have to write a long reply e-mail.

  79. To show a way of handling e-mail(s) with an example. / To introduce the topic of the text.

  80.用简短的话回复冗长的邮件完全不失礼节。/ 用简短的话回复马拉松式的电子邮件也是礼貌的。

  作文:One possible version:

  Helping others is considered a treasured virtue of human kind, which definitely brings us tremendous happiness. Whoever lives in the world depends on others’ help, which is necessary and important.

  I’ve received a lot of help from other people, which enables me to overcome the difficulties and troubles in my way. I once failed an important exam, as a result of which I almost lost heart. It was the encouragement and comfort of my classmates that cheered me up.

  Not until then did I realize what help really meant. From then on, I began to do what I can to help others in need, which both benefited me as well as others.

  As the saying goes “Roses given, fragrance in hand” We should always be ready to give others a hand in return for their help. Only in this way can we truly live in a word of love.