2024届高考英语二轮语法强化训练12 虚拟语气

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2024届高考英语二轮语法强化训练12 虚拟语气





  1(2024·北京卷)We ________the difficulty together,but why didn't you tell me?

  C.could have faced

  D.must have faced

  答案 C [题干的意思是:“我们原本可以一起面对困难的,可是,你为什么不告诉我呢?”由but和didn't可知,此处是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的主句形式为could/would/should/might have done,所以C项正确。A项和B项都是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,可排除;D项表示推测,故排除。]

  (2024·福建卷)We lost our way in that small village,otherwise we ________ more places of interest yesterday.

  C.would visit

  D.would have visited

  答案 D [句意:我们在那个小村庄迷了路,否则我们昨天就能浏览更多的名胜了。对于句中的otherwise“否则,要不然”它引起的虚拟语气属于含蓄型,由句中的时间状语yesterday可知是与过去的事实相反,此时主句用would have done形式。 ]

  (2024·北京西城期末考试)________ more energy to my study instead of being crazy about Internet games,I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.

  C.Would I be devoted

  D.Should I be devoted

  答案 B [考查倒装及虚拟语气。此处为省略if的虚拟条件句,因从句表示与过去的事实相反,谓语动词应使用过去完成时,此题是将had提至句首且省略if,故B。]

  (2024·西安一检)I was busy the other day,otherwise I ________ to help you.

  C.had come


  答案 A [考查虚拟语气。句意:前些天我很忙,否则我会来帮助你的。后半句是虚拟语气,再结合前半句的时态可知此处是对过去情况的虚拟,have done”结构。]

  (2010·江苏卷)George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but I'd rather he ________more on its culture.

  C.would focus

  D.had focused

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气。would rather后的宾语从句的谓语动词用过去式,表示对现在或将来事实的虚拟。]

  ,I ________the first prize in the English Writing Competition.

  C.would win

  D.would have won

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气。句中But for一词给出了暗示:没有英语老师的帮助,自己不会在英语写作竞赛中获奖是对过去的虚拟,谓语用情态动词+have done结构,而D项逻辑错误。]

  (2024·长沙一模)—Andrew has flew to Paris.

  ,how I wish he ________to my birthday party tonight.

  C.could come

  D.would have come

  答案 C [考查虚拟语气。根据语境可知,Andrew已经去了巴黎,今晚不可能参加说话人的生日聚会了,故这里是对发生在将来情况的虚拟。wish后的宾语从句,若表示将来不能实现的愿望,谓语用would/might/could+动词原形,故选C。]

  (2024·温州二模)Look at the trouble we're in.If only we ________our teacher's advice!

  C.would have taken

  D.had taken

  答案 D [考查虚拟语气。根据句意可知我们已经陷入了困境,老师提建议是发生在过去,因此本题的虚拟语气是与过去的事实相反,故选择had taken。if only表示“要是……就好了”。]

  (2024·宁夏联考)The story is so descriptive—I feel as if I ________there.


  D.have been

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气。根据语意“这个故事如此生动,我感觉好像身临其境一样”可知,空处是对现在事实的虚拟,故谓语动词用were,答案选B项。]

  (2024·杭高月考)—Want to ride on the roller coaster?

  !I ________on the roller coaster even if you paid me a million dollars!

  B.would have ridden

  C.would ride

  D.wouldn't have ridden

  答案 A [考查虚拟语气。与现实相反的假设,even if从句中要用过去时,主句中用would+动词原形,因此在A、C中选结合语意“给我一百万美元,我也不坐过山车”可知要用否定形式,故选A。]

  (2024·重庆市七区联考)________he driven more carefully,the accident would not have happened the other day.


  D.Would have

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气由the other day可知,这里是对过去的虚拟if从句中要用过去完成时态,而当if被省略时,该从句中的had要置于句首构成倒装。]

  (2024·辽宁丹东四校联考)________,it would be silly to argue any longer.

  C.Should that be true

  D.Could that be true

  答案 C [考查虚拟语气的用法。空白处为对将来不确定的虚拟的if从句,谓语动词应用过去式/should++,结合各选项可知,省掉if后should提前构成倒装。]

  —He looks hot and dry.

  —So ________you if you had a temperature of 40℃.





  答案 B [答语用了倒装句式,相当于“You would look hot and dry too if you had a temperature of 40℃.”。同时,由had可知是对现在情况的虚拟,主句应用would+动词原形。]

  ________a sudden loud noise.

  A.would there be

  B.should there be

  C.there was

  D.there having been

  答案 B [根据语意,原句应为...if there should be a sudden loud noise,if虚拟条件句中有should时,可以把if省略,should提前,构成倒装结构,据此选B项。]

  ,they ________the plane.

  C.would have caught

  D.will have caught

  答案 C [Ten minutes earlier相当于虚拟条件句If they had left ten minutes earlier,是对过去情况的相反假设,因此空格处用would have done结构,表示与过去事实相反。]

  —Well,if you ________to the teacher carefully yesterday,you ________how to do it now.

  ;would know

  ;would have known



  答案 A [句意:——告诉我怎么做这道练习题,好吗?——如果你昨天认真听讲,现在你就知道怎么做了。根据语境,答语要用虚拟语气,注意该if条件从句表示与过去事实相反,而主句则表示与现在事实相反。故选A项。]

  ________ice cream on the beach if his father______last year,leaving nothing but debts.

  ;should die

  ;had not died

  ;had not died

  ;had died

  答案 C [句意:如果不是他父亲去年去世了,只是留下了债务的话,他现在就不用在海滩上卖冰激凌了。这个句子使用了混合虚拟语气,主句表示与现在事实相反,故谓语用“情态动词+had+过去分词”的形式,因此选C项。]

  ,we ________in Beijing earlier.

  C.could arrive

  D.should have arrived

  答案 D [but for表示对过去的含蓄虚拟,句子的谓语应用“情态动have done”结构。]

  ,you ________in trouble now.

  C.would not be

  D.would not have been

  答案 C [由从句时态可知从句表示与过去事实相反的假设,由now可知,主句表示与现在事实相反的假设,因此,主句谓语动词应该用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”。句意:你要是早听我的话,现在你就不会遇到这么大的麻烦了。]

  ________rudely to her yesterday.

  A.you not speak

  B.you not speaking

  C.you didn't speak

  D.you hadn't spoken

  答案 D [would rather后跟从句,表示主语“宁愿……”,这时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语]





  Given the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation.________



  24.as good as(熟义:与……一样好)






  Eggs are graded from small to extra­large.




  答案 21.使情绪低落;身体虚弱 22.考虑到 23.发出刺眼的光 24.差不多,几乎 25.影响;支配 等级,分数;分等级;给分数 27.(pl.)绿色蔬菜





  1(2024·北京卷)We ________the difficulty together,but why didn't you tell me?

  C.could have faced

  D.must have faced

  答案 C [题干的意思是:“我们原本可以一起面对困难的,可是,你为什么不告诉我呢?”由but和didn't可知,此处是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的主句形式为could/would/should/might have done,所以C项正确。A项和B项都是与现在事实相反的虚拟语气,可排除;D项表示推测,故排除。]

  (2024·福建卷)We lost our way in that small village,otherwise we ________ more places of interest yesterday.

  C.would visit

  D.would have visited

  答案 D [句意:我们在那个小村庄迷了路,否则我们昨天就能浏览更多的名胜了。对于句中的otherwise“否则,要不然”它引起的虚拟语气属于含蓄型,由句中的时间状语yesterday可知是与过去的事实相反,此时主句用would have done形式。 ]

  (2024·北京西城期末考试)________ more energy to my study instead of being crazy about Internet games,I would be sitting in a comfortable office now.

  C.Would I be devoted

  D.Should I be devoted

  答案 B [考查倒装及虚拟语气。此处为省略if的虚拟条件句,因从句表示与过去的事实相反,谓语动词应使用过去完成时,此题是将had提至句首且省略if,故B。]

  (2024·西安一检)I was busy the other day,otherwise I ________ to help you.

  C.had come


  答案 A [考查虚拟语气。句意:前些天我很忙,否则我会来帮助你的。后半句是虚拟语气,再结合前半句的时态可知此处是对过去情况的虚拟,have done”结构。]

  (2010·江苏卷)George is going to talk about the geography of his country,but I'd rather he ________more on its culture.

  C.would focus

  D.had focused

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气。would rather后的宾语从句的谓语动词用过去式,表示对现在或将来事实的虚拟。]

  ,I ________the first prize in the English Writing Competition.

  C.would win

  D.would have won

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气。句中But for一词给出了暗示:没有英语老师的帮助,自己不会在英语写作竞赛中获奖是对过去的虚拟,谓语用情态动词+have done结构,而D项逻辑错误。]

  (2024·长沙一模)—Andrew has flew to Paris.

  ,how I wish he ________to my birthday party tonight.

  C.could come

  D.would have come

  答案 C [考查虚拟语气。根据语境可知,Andrew已经去了巴黎,今晚不可能参加说话人的生日聚会了,故这里是对发生在将来情况的虚拟。wish后的宾语从句,若表示将来不能实现的愿望,谓语用would/might/could+动词原形,故选C。]

  (2024·温州二模)Look at the trouble we're in.If only we ________our teacher's advice!

  C.would have taken

  D.had taken

  答案 D [考查虚拟语气。根据句意可知我们已经陷入了困境,老师提建议是发生在过去,因此本题的虚拟语气是与过去的事实相反,故选择had taken。if only表示“要是……就好了”。]

  (2024·宁夏联考)The story is so descriptive—I feel as if I ________there.


  D.have been

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气。根据语意“这个故事如此生动,我感觉好像身临其境一样”可知,空处是对现在事实的虚拟,故谓语动词用were,答案选B项。]

  (2024·杭高月考)—Want to ride on the roller coaster?

  !I ________on the roller coaster even if you paid me a million dollars!

  B.would have ridden

  C.would ride

  D.wouldn't have ridden

  答案 A [考查虚拟语气。与现实相反的假设,even if从句中要用过去时,主句中用would+动词原形,因此在A、C中选结合语意“给我一百万美元,我也不坐过山车”可知要用否定形式,故选A。]

  (2024·重庆市七区联考)________he driven more carefully,the accident would not have happened the other day.


  D.Would have

  答案 B [考查虚拟语气由the other day可知,这里是对过去的虚拟if从句中要用过去完成时态,而当if被省略时,该从句中的had要置于句首构成倒装。]

  (2024·辽宁丹东四校联考)________,it would be silly to argue any longer.

  C.Should that be true

  D.Could that be true

  答案 C [考查虚拟语气的用法。空白处为对将来不确定的虚拟的if从句,谓语动词应用过去式/should++,结合各选项可知,省掉if后should提前构成倒装。]

  —He looks hot and dry.

  —So ________you if you had a temperature of 40℃.





  答案 B [答语用了倒装句式,相当于“You would look hot and dry too if you had a temperature of 40℃.”。同时,由had可知是对现在情况的虚拟,主句应用would+动词原形。]

  ________a sudden loud noise.

  A.would there be

  B.should there be

  C.there was

  D.there having been

  答案 B [根据语意,原句应为...if there should be a sudden loud noise,if虚拟条件句中有should时,可以把if省略,should提前,构成倒装结构,据此选B项。]

  ,they ________the plane.

  C.would have caught

  D.will have caught

  答案 C [Ten minutes earlier相当于虚拟条件句If they had left ten minutes earlier,是对过去情况的相反假设,因此空格处用would have done结构,表示与过去事实相反。]

  —Well,if you ________to the teacher carefully yesterday,you ________how to do it now.

  ;would know

  ;would have known



  答案 A [句意:——告诉我怎么做这道练习题,好吗?——如果你昨天认真听讲,现在你就知道怎么做了。根据语境,答语要用虚拟语气,注意该if条件从句表示与过去事实相反,而主句则表示与现在事实相反。故选A项。]

  ________ice cream on the beach if his father______last year,leaving nothing but debts.

  ;should die

  ;had not died

  ;had not died

  ;had died

  答案 C [句意:如果不是他父亲去年去世了,只是留下了债务的话,他现在就不用在海滩上卖冰激凌了。这个句子使用了混合虚拟语气,主句表示与现在事实相反,故谓语用“情态动词+had+过去分词”的形式,因此选C项。]

  ,we ________in Beijing earlier.

  C.could arrive

  D.should have arrived

  答案 D [but for表示对过去的含蓄虚拟,句子的谓语应用“情态动have done”结构。]

  ,you ________in trouble now.

  C.would not be

  D.would not have been

  答案 C [由从句时态可知从句表示与过去事实相反的假设,由now可知,主句表示与现在事实相反的假设,因此,主句谓语动词应该用“would/should/could/might+动词原形”。句意:你要是早听我的话,现在你就不会遇到这么大的麻烦了。]

  ________rudely to her yesterday.

  A.you not speak

  B.you not speaking

  C.you didn't speak

  D.you hadn't spoken

  答案 D [would rather后跟从句,表示主语“宁愿……”,这时,从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语]





  Given the general state of his health,it may take him a while to recover from the operation.________



  24.as good as(熟义:与……一样好)






  Eggs are graded from small to extra­large.




  答案 21.使情绪低落;身体虚弱 22.考虑到 23.发出刺眼的光 24.差不多,几乎 25.影响;支配 等级,分数;分等级;给分数 27.(pl.)绿色蔬菜