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  1 --May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


  A. Come on!

  B. Take care!

  C. Go ahead!

  D. Hold on!

  2. There is no doubt ________ America is a developed country.

  A. whether

  B. if

  C. that

  D. which

  3. ________ is often the case, he didn’t study hard and failed to pass the test.

  A. What

  B. Which

  C. It

  D. As

  4. People had to deal with the lack of food, clothing, fuel and almost everything, ________ the danger from enemy action.

  A. as far as

  B. as long as

  C. as well as

  D. as soon as

  5. He said the new bridge ________ near his village the next year.

  A. built

  B. had been built

  C. was built

  D. would be built

  6. ________ crash of France Air Bus in ________ Pacific Ocean has been one of the worst disasters for years.

  A. The; the

  B. An; 不填

  C. An; the

  D. The; 不填

  7 Choosing the right dictionary depends on ________ you want to use it for.

  A. what

  B. why

  C. how

  D. whether

  8. It seems that living green is ________ easy and affordable. A small step makes a big difference.

  A. exactly

  B. fortunately

  C. surprisingly

  D. hardly

  9. No matter how patiently I persuaded her, she wouldn’t admit ________ it.

  A. to do

  B. doing

  C. do

  D. done

  10. What ________ like to lie on the soft beach enjoying the summer sun?

  A. do you

  B. is it

  C. are you

  D. does it

  11. I got caught in the rain and my suit ________.

  A. has ruined

  B. had ruined

  C. has been ruined

  D. had been ruined

  12. The weather was ________ cold that I didn’t like to leave my room.

  A. really

  B. such

  C. too

  D. so

  13. The medicine really ________ his health. It seemed to have an ________ on him.

  A. effect; effect

  B. effect; affect

  C. affected; affect

  D. affected; effect

  14.Thank you for helping me out, John. I really ________ it.

  A. thank

  B. appreciate

  C. celebrate

  D. congratulate

  15.The dress I ________ 500 yuan was made in Linhai.

  A. spent on

  B. paid for

  C. cost

  D. bought for

  单项填空96. In this novel, he is

  ____ as a hero, actually he is a coward.

  A. explained

  B. narrated

  C. described

  D. recounted

  97. The terrible earthquake has almost _____ the whole city.

  A. ruined

  B. destroyed

  C. damaged

  D. hurt

  98. The success _____ him _____ in the west of China.

  A. determined; to stay

  C. determined; staying

  C. decided; staying

  D. determined; stay

  99. China is the biggest _____ country, while the U.S.A is the biggest ____ country.

  A. developed; developed

  B. developing; developed

  C. developing; developing

  D. developed; developing

  100. My cousin wants to be a scientist and _____ science of nuclear.

  A. devote to

  B. devote for

  C. devote himself to D. devote himself for

  101. Many English teachers like to _____ dictation _____ their students.

  A. have; to

  B. take; on

  C. make; on

  D. give; to

  102. In the minority nationality the custom doesn’t ____ and has come down from generation to generation.

  A. die away

  B. die of

  C. die from

  D. die out

  103. Can you _____ the difference _____ American English and British English?

  A. tell; among

  B. judge; between

  C. tell; between

  D. say; between

  104. --- What do you do in the theatre?

  --- I ____ plays.

  A. act

  B. direct

  C. perform

  D. watch

  105. The waters of this great lake, which is also the world's deepest, have been ____ by waste from a chemical factory.

  A. cleaned

  B. cleared

  C. dirtied

  D. thrown

  106. Where are my keys? They seem to have ____.

  A. found

  B. appeared

  C. disappeared

  D. discovered

  107. The Curies are best known for ____ radium and they won the Nobel Prize in 1903.

  A. discovering

  B. inventing

  C. finding

  D. creating

  108. Dr. Manette had been mentally ____ by his long years alone in prison and his hair had turned white.

  A. disturbed

  B. troubled

  C. worried

  D. damaged

  109. When he saw the enemies, the soldier _____ the gun.

  A. made a dive for

  B. took a dive for

  C. made a dive at

  D. took a dive at

  110. Take the orange and ____ it not in half, but into quarters.

  A. separate

  B. divide

  C. part

  D. divorce

  111. Morning exercises will ____ good to your health. You should keep early to bed and early to rise.

  A. do

  B. make

  C. become

  D. have

  112. His mother was ill yesterday, so he had to _____ a doctor.

  A. called in

  B. looked after

  C. come in

  D. see off

  113. He, out of breath

  _____ himself along the street. Perhaps he was badly ill.

  A. drew

  B. pulled

  C. dragged

  D. pushed

  114. Never _____ a conclusion without investigation.

  A. come to

  B. reach for

  C. arrive in

  D. draw

  115. The young man _____ in a red jacket is our history teacher.

  A. wearing

  B. dressed

  C. dressing

  D. worn







  116. His voice was ____ out by the traffic.

  A. lost

  B. drowned

  C. appeared

  D. disappeared

  117. The European’s wonderful performance _____ him a gold medal.

  A. made

  B. gained

  C. earned

  D. obtained

  118. --- How do you _____ your spare time?

  --- Travelling, fishing and surfing through the internet.

  A. employ

  B. elect

  B. choose

  D. cost

  119. _____ the cinema, Jack and his friend found all the seats _____.

  A. Entering; taken

  B. To enter; kept

  C. Entrance; lost

  D. Entered; sit

  120. Please _____ an envelop clearly. Otherwise, your letter can’t be delivered.

  A. enquire

  B. educate

  C. address

  D. enclose

  121. Those who managed to _____ the prison will be punished.

  A. run away

  B. erase

  C. escape

  D. escape from

  122. The homesick girl found that she missed her parents more than she had _____.

  A. hoped

  B. exposed

  C. wanted

  D. expected

  123. The student carefully

  to the headmaster that his late arrival was caused by traffic jam.

  A. told

  B. explained

  C. exposed

  D. talked

  124. When the audience heard the funny story, they _____ with laughter.

  A. excited

  B. burst into

  C. exploded

  D. explained

  125. All the parents at the meeting

  their concerns about their children's safety.

  A. explained

  B. announced

  C. expressed

  D. told

  126. The reason for the strike was that the company _____ its workers _____ long hours and low pay.

  A. employed; with

  B. exploited; with

  C. exploited; by

  D. employed; by

  127. The South African student always keeps in touch with his family by e-mail and never _____ to write to his mother.

  A. fades

  B. declines

  C. fails

  D. succeeds

  128. Their voices __________ to a whisper and I didn’t know what they were talking about.

  A. became

  B. had

  C. felt

  D. fell

  129. After a long riding, the passengers in the bus were very tired and some of them ____ asleep.

  A. went to

  B. fell

  C. put to

  D. became.

  130. On the side of the pool, there stands a board which reads: “No Fishing Here, Or


  A. Punish

  B. Lose

  C. Fine

  D. Fee







  31. Some of the exercises appear to be ____ ones that you have done, but after taking ____ second look, you will find that they are different.

  A. /; the

  B. the; the

  C. the; a

  D. /; a

  32. MSN, as well as telephones, _____ an important role in our everyday communication.

  A. is playing

  B. play

  C. have played

  D. have been playing

  33.Could you tell me ____ you have bought this fur coat?

  A. by whom

  B. for whom

  C. through which

  D. in which

  34. Can you tell me when _____back ?

  A. will he be

  B. does he come

  C. he will be

  D. did he come

  35. _____ where to go, the foreign woman called 110 for help.

  A. Having lost her way and not knowing

  B. Losing her way and didn’t know

  C. Lost her way and knew

  D. Lost her way and not knowing

  36. Rabbits make their homes in fields and prairies _____ they can hide their young under bushes or grasses.

  A. that

  B. which

  C. where

  D. when

  37. The launch of Chang’e I has ______ a success.

  A. turned

  B. proved

  C. come out

  D. changed

  38. That pudding was the most delicious dessert we ______.

  A. have had

  B. had never had

  C. would

  D. had ever had

  39. don like the way ___ d he looks at me.

  A. in that??????? B. which??????? C. of which?????

  D. /

  A. have had


  40.on call me between 12 olock and 1 olock, ____ I am usually having lunch.ad n

  A. during which time?????????

  B. at which, ____ I

  C. by which time????????????

  D. by whichh, ____ I am

  41. - Do you know where David is? I couldn't find him anywhere.   -- Well. He _______ have gone far , for his coat is still here.   

  A. shouldn't      

  B. mustn't    

  C. can't     

  D. wouldn't 42. _____ Tracy found she had left her handbag in Bob’s car.

  A. Hardly did she get home

  B. It was until she got home

  C. No sooner she got home

  D. It was not until she got home that

  43. --Do you mind if I keep my dog here?


  A. I’d rather you didn’t, actually.

  B. You are welcome.

  C. Great! I love pets.

  D. No, you can’t

  44. Mike’s interests include playing basketball and surfing the Web _____ studying his favorite subjects.

  A. instead of

  B. as well as

  C. rather than

  D. less than

  45. The girl put on a snow-white dress and became quite _____person.

  A. the other

  B. other

  C. each

  D. another





