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  Passage 5

  International airlines have rediscovered the business travelers, the man or woman who regularly jets from country to country as part of the job. This does not necessarily mean that airlines ever _1_ their business travelers. Indeed, companies like Lufthansa and Swissair would rightly argue that they have always _2_ best for the executive class passengers. But many lines could be accused of concentrating too heavily in the recent past on attracting passengers by volume, often at the _3_ of regular travelers. Too often, they have seemed geared for quantity rather than quality. Operating a major airline in the 1980s is essentially a matter of finding the right mix of passengers. The airlines need to fill up the back end of their wide-bodied jets with low fare passengers,without forgetting that the front end should be filled with people who pay_4_ more for their tickets.

  It is no _5_ that the two major airline bankruptcies in 1982 were among the companies _6_ in cheap flights.but low fares require consistently full aircraft to make flights economically viable(可行的), and in the recent recession the volume of traffic has not grown. EquaUy the large number of airlines jostling for (争夺)the _7_ passenger has created a huge excess of capacity. The net result of excess capacity and cut-throat _8_ driving down fares has been to push some airlines into _9_ and leave many others hovering on the brink.

   Against this grim background, it is no surprise that airlines are turning increasingly to the business travelers to improve their rates of return. They have _10_ much time and effort to establish exactly what the executive demands for sitting apart from the tourists.

  A)competition B)entertained C)coincidence D)abandoned

  E)expense F)centralizing G)collapse H)attachable

  I)nvested J)ultimtely K)specializing L)available

  M)substantially N)approach O)catered

  Passage 5



  2.[0]have表明此处应填人动词的过去分词,且能与for搭配。catered for迎合,顾及符合句意,表示他们一直都在迎合商务阶层的乘客。

   3.[E] the... of结构表明此处应填入名词。空格所在句提到航空公司被谴责过于关注乘客的数量,由此可知那些定期乘坐航班的乘客被忽略了,at the expense of以为代价符合句意。at the approach of在快到的时候,意思不对,故排除approach。

  4.[M]此处应填人副词,修饰more。根据逗号前后内容的对比,此处应该选与low fare(低票价)意思相反的词,substantially大量修饰more,表示多得多,符合句意。

  5.[C] no表明此处应填入名词。空格后that从句提到,1982年破产的两家大航空公司都是廉价航空,由这个共性选择coincidence巧合最恰当。




  9.[G]此处应填入名词,作介词into的宾语。根据driving down fares(降低票价)和该段首句中的bankruptcies(破产)推断此处应该是讲低价竞争将一些公司逼垮,其他许多公司濒临倒闭。故collapse倒塌,崩溃正确。

  10.[I]have表明此处应填入动词的分词形式,作句子谓语。根据宾语time and effort,此处应选invested投人(资金、时间等)。

  Passage 5

  International airlines have rediscovered the business travelers, the man or woman who regularly jets from country to country as part of the job. This does not necessarily mean that airlines ever _1_ their business travelers. Indeed, companies like Lufthansa and Swissair would rightly argue that they have always _2_ best for the executive class passengers. But many lines could be accused of concentrating too heavily in the recent past on attracting passengers by volume, often at the _3_ of regular travelers. Too often, they have seemed geared for quantity rather than quality. Operating a major airline in the 1980s is essentially a matter of finding the right mix of passengers. The airlines need to fill up the back end of their wide-bodied jets with low fare passengers,without forgetting that the front end should be filled with people who pay_4_ more for their tickets.

  It is no _5_ that the two major airline bankruptcies in 1982 were among the companies _6_ in cheap flights.but low fares require consistently full aircraft to make flights economically viable(可行的), and in the recent recession the volume of traffic has not grown. EquaUy the large number of airlines jostling for (争夺)the _7_ passenger has created a huge excess of capacity. The net result of excess capacity and cut-throat _8_ driving down fares has been to push some airlines into _9_ and leave many others hovering on the brink.

   Against this grim background, it is no surprise that airlines are turning increasingly to the business travelers to improve their rates of return. They have _10_ much time and effort to establish exactly what the executive demands for sitting apart from the tourists.

  A)competition B)entertained C)coincidence D)abandoned

  E)expense F)centralizing G)collapse H)attachable

  I)nvested J)ultimtely K)specializing L)available

  M)substantially N)approach O)catered

  Passage 5



  2.[0]have表明此处应填人动词的过去分词,且能与for搭配。catered for迎合,顾及符合句意,表示他们一直都在迎合商务阶层的乘客。

   3.[E] the... of结构表明此处应填入名词。空格所在句提到航空公司被谴责过于关注乘客的数量,由此可知那些定期乘坐航班的乘客被忽略了,at the expense of以为代价符合句意。at the approach of在快到的时候,意思不对,故排除approach。

  4.[M]此处应填人副词,修饰more。根据逗号前后内容的对比,此处应该选与low fare(低票价)意思相反的词,substantially大量修饰more,表示多得多,符合句意。

  5.[C] no表明此处应填入名词。空格后that从句提到,1982年破产的两家大航空公司都是廉价航空,由这个共性选择coincidence巧合最恰当。




  9.[G]此处应填入名词,作介词into的宾语。根据driving down fares(降低票价)和该段首句中的bankruptcies(破产)推断此处应该是讲低价竞争将一些公司逼垮,其他许多公司濒临倒闭。故collapse倒塌,崩溃正确。

  10.[I]have表明此处应填入动词的分词形式,作句子谓语。根据宾语time and effort,此处应选invested投人(资金、时间等)。

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