体坛英语资讯:I just want one more cookie: Kobe

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体坛英语资讯:I just want one more cookie: Kobe

Just like Kobe Bryant said in his biography, God gives every one 24 hours per day, just like 24 chances, and you need to use all your energy on matches and training.

On July 27, Kobe showed up in Changchun, a northeastern Chinese city for the first time for Kobe 24 Live activity, and he shared the understanding with people in Changchun.

Europe Basketball System Jumps Over America

Around 16:20, wearing a T-shirt with Black Manba on it, Kobe showed up in Changchun Gym. He enjoyed the rare 100% attending audience. Through the Nike Summer Basketball tour, people were absorbed by Peter Pan. An unbending hand waving, or a most brilliant signature smile can make fans extremely excited.

During the interaction activity, Kobe signed on 10 basketballs and threw them to audience. He praised high about the potentials of China games.

At the media conference, a reporter asked him what should CBA learn from NBA, and Kobe answered, "I think (it) start American system, start the league, and it is always going to be tough, that is, you have to make this good. I think this needs time. When NBA started, it was not the NBA we all know today. NBA, CBA, you can develop as years go on, and become the NBA. It takes time."

On what other countries need to learn from NBA and American basketball system, Kobe gave a surprising answer, and he said: "I believe that the system works best right now is not the US system, I believe it is the European system. Because they develop basketball players, and they teach them the skills. I think the European system has jumped over US system."

I Just Want One More Cookie

Five NBA championship rings represent the achievement Kobe has got while thousands of basketball players can not get one during their careers.

When a reporter asked how to keep the rings, Kobe smiled and detailed, "Nobody sees them, I just keep them in safe and put them away. I hide them. When my career is all over, I will bring them back out and look at them, but now I just prepare for the next game. For my next goal, I just want one more cookie."

On August 23, Kobe will be 32 years old. By far, Kobe won All-star MVP award for three times in 2002, 2007 and 2009, and he led the Los Angeles Lakers win the Championship five times. He was treated as the best shooting guard in NBA.

Talking about the team work, Kobe said "I know all the guys, It is about communicate. They are brothers, they are families. I will help them to be the best they can be."

However, Kobe said he never thinks he is a great player and he just enjoys the process of playing. "I am born for basketball, and I am born to do this. So, I tried my best."

I Will Come Back to Changchun.

Changchun is the second stop of Kobe 24 Live. On July 27, he watched the North China final of Nike Summer Basketball, interacted with audience, attended a commercial activity, and had close communication with Chinese young players. He taught about 30 young players in the noon, and these talents learned a lot.

Kobe praised high about the young players in China. "I saw the young players, I taught them in the morning. They were consistent, and they have the passion on the game. They all love to play, and they have hunger to learn. And if you have those, they help them to become successful because that was the start. You have to have the thirst to learn, you have to have to desire to be great. And they have that, that's why I keep coming back to teach them and show them more, because I see their eyes."

After Changchun, Kobe will go to other Chinese cities of Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Chengdu. Before leaving his fans here, Kobe said "I Love You" in Chinese, and this shocked all the people there.

Just like Kobe Bryant said in his biography, God gives every one 24 hours per day, just like 24 chances, and you need to use all your energy on matches and training.

On July 27, Kobe showed up in Changchun, a northeastern Chinese city for the first time for Kobe 24 Live activity, and he shared the understanding with people in Changchun.

Europe Basketball System Jumps Over America

Around 16:20, wearing a T-shirt with Black Manba on it, Kobe showed up in Changchun Gym. He enjoyed the rare 100% attending audience. Through the Nike Summer Basketball tour, people were absorbed by Peter Pan. An unbending hand waving, or a most brilliant signature smile can make fans extremely excited.

During the interaction activity, Kobe signed on 10 basketballs and threw them to audience. He praised high about the potentials of China games.

At the media conference, a reporter asked him what should CBA learn from NBA, and Kobe answered, "I think (it) start American system, start the league, and it is always going to be tough, that is, you have to make this good. I think this needs time. When NBA started, it was not the NBA we all know today. NBA, CBA, you can develop as years go on, and become the NBA. It takes time."

On what other countries need to learn from NBA and American basketball system, Kobe gave a surprising answer, and he said: "I believe that the system works best right now is not the US system, I believe it is the European system. Because they develop basketball players, and they teach them the skills. I think the European system has jumped over US system."

I Just Want One More Cookie

Five NBA championship rings represent the achievement Kobe has got while thousands of basketball players can not get one during their careers.

When a reporter asked how to keep the rings, Kobe smiled and detailed, "Nobody sees them, I just keep them in safe and put them away. I hide them. When my career is all over, I will bring them back out and look at them, but now I just prepare for the next game. For my next goal, I just want one more cookie."

On August 23, Kobe will be 32 years old. By far, Kobe won All-star MVP award for three times in 2002, 2007 and 2009, and he led the Los Angeles Lakers win the Championship five times. He was treated as the best shooting guard in NBA.

Talking about the team work, Kobe said "I know all the guys, It is about communicate. They are brothers, they are families. I will help them to be the best they can be."

However, Kobe said he never thinks he is a great player and he just enjoys the process of playing. "I am born for basketball, and I am born to do this. So, I tried my best."

I Will Come Back to Changchun.

Changchun is the second stop of Kobe 24 Live. On July 27, he watched the North China final of Nike Summer Basketball, interacted with audience, attended a commercial activity, and had close communication with Chinese young players. He taught about 30 young players in the noon, and these talents learned a lot.

Kobe praised high about the young players in China. "I saw the young players, I taught them in the morning. They were consistent, and they have the passion on the game. They all love to play, and they have hunger to learn. And if you have those, they help them to become successful because that was the start. You have to have the thirst to learn, you have to have to desire to be great. And they have that, that's why I keep coming back to teach them and show them more, because I see their eyes."

After Changchun, Kobe will go to other Chinese cities of Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Chengdu. Before leaving his fans here, Kobe said "I Love You" in Chinese, and this shocked all the people there.

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