体坛英语资讯:Chinas 5 breakthroughs at Vancouver Games

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体坛英语资讯:Chinas 5 breakthroughs at Vancouver Games

BEIJING, Mar. 2 -- As the Vancouver Olympics concluded all competitions on Sunday, China is again celebrating unprecedented sporting success on the world stage. Before this year, the country had won only four gold medals in the history of the Winter Games- within a matter of weeks it has more than doubled that tally. Here are the five breakthroughs China has made at Vancouver:

Breakthrough 1: First top-eight finish at the medal tally-Chinese delegation

By taking top prizes in figure skating and short-track speed skating events, as well as six silver and bronze medals, China shared a seventh place at the medal tally with Sweden while tying its own 11-medal performance in Turin four years ago.

Breakthrough 2: Clean sweep in four women's short track speed skating events- Chinese women skaters

 China's Sun Linlin (L), Wang Meng (2nd L), Zhou Yang (front in R) and Zhang Hui celebrate after the women's 3000m relay final of short track speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 24, 2010. China's team won the title of the event with a world-record-breaking time 4:06.610.

When four Chinese skaters assumed a theatrical pose of Hollywood movie "Superman" on the top of the podium, they declared a new age has come to the short track speed skating at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

China made a historical sweep by taking all the four gold medals on offer in the women's events, only leaving the men's reign to their Asian neighbor.

Breakthrough 3: China's first female athlete to win three gold medals at a single Olympics-Wang Meng

 China's Wang Meng celebrates during the victory ceremony for the women's 1000m final of short track speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 26, 2010.

The 24-year-old team captain won titles in 500m and 1000m short track speed skating and led her teammates to top the podium of 3,000m relay at Vancouver to complete an incredible individual achievement.

Breakthrough 4: Zero breakthrough in figure skating-Shen Xue/Zhao Hongbo

 China's Shen Xue (R)/Zhao Hongbo pose with their medals during the awarding ceremony for the pairs skating of Figure Skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Pacific Coliseum stadium, Canada, Feb. 15, 2010

Shen Xue/Zhao Hongbo, two time Olympic bronze medalists, scored a personal best of 139.91 points to take the title with a total of 216.57, thus becoming the first ever non-European couple to be crowned in Olympic pairs free skating history.

The comeback pair made history for China by winning China's first gold from figure skating in Winter Olympics.

Breakthrough 5: China's first-ever team medal at Olympic Winter Games-Chinese women's curling team  China's Wang Bingyu, Liu Yin, Yue Qingshuang and Zhou Yan (from L to R) celebrate with the national flag after the women's curling bronze medal match against Switzerland at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 26, 2010. China won the bronze medal after defeating Switzerland 12 -6

The Chinese women curlers awarded China its first ever team medal in the winter Olympic history, overwhelming Switzerland 12-6 to win the curling bronze medal at the Vancouver Olympics.

BEIJING, Mar. 2 -- As the Vancouver Olympics concluded all competitions on Sunday, China is again celebrating unprecedented sporting success on the world stage. Before this year, the country had won only four gold medals in the history of the Winter Games- within a matter of weeks it has more than doubled that tally. Here are the five breakthroughs China has made at Vancouver:

Breakthrough 1: First top-eight finish at the medal tally-Chinese delegation

By taking top prizes in figure skating and short-track speed skating events, as well as six silver and bronze medals, China shared a seventh place at the medal tally with Sweden while tying its own 11-medal performance in Turin four years ago.

Breakthrough 2: Clean sweep in four women's short track speed skating events- Chinese women skaters

 China's Sun Linlin (L), Wang Meng (2nd L), Zhou Yang (front in R) and Zhang Hui celebrate after the women's 3000m relay final of short track speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 24, 2010. China's team won the title of the event with a world-record-breaking time 4:06.610.

When four Chinese skaters assumed a theatrical pose of Hollywood movie "Superman" on the top of the podium, they declared a new age has come to the short track speed skating at the Vancouver Winter Olympic Games.

China made a historical sweep by taking all the four gold medals on offer in the women's events, only leaving the men's reign to their Asian neighbor.

Breakthrough 3: China's first female athlete to win three gold medals at a single Olympics-Wang Meng

 China's Wang Meng celebrates during the victory ceremony for the women's 1000m final of short track speed skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 26, 2010.

The 24-year-old team captain won titles in 500m and 1000m short track speed skating and led her teammates to top the podium of 3,000m relay at Vancouver to complete an incredible individual achievement.

Breakthrough 4: Zero breakthrough in figure skating-Shen Xue/Zhao Hongbo

 China's Shen Xue (R)/Zhao Hongbo pose with their medals during the awarding ceremony for the pairs skating of Figure Skating at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Pacific Coliseum stadium, Canada, Feb. 15, 2010

Shen Xue/Zhao Hongbo, two time Olympic bronze medalists, scored a personal best of 139.91 points to take the title with a total of 216.57, thus becoming the first ever non-European couple to be crowned in Olympic pairs free skating history.

The comeback pair made history for China by winning China's first gold from figure skating in Winter Olympics.

Breakthrough 5: China's first-ever team medal at Olympic Winter Games-Chinese women's curling team  China's Wang Bingyu, Liu Yin, Yue Qingshuang and Zhou Yan (from L to R) celebrate with the national flag after the women's curling bronze medal match against Switzerland at the 2010 Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver, Canada, Feb. 26, 2010. China won the bronze medal after defeating Switzerland 12 -6

The Chinese women curlers awarded China its first ever team medal in the winter Olympic history, overwhelming Switzerland 12-6 to win the curling bronze medal at the Vancouver Olympics.

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