国内英语资讯:Xi stresses Internet innovation, security

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国内英语资讯:Xi stresses Internet innovation, security

BEIJING, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has called for more independent innovation in the Internet and information technology, as well as enhanced cyberspace security.

Xi made the remarks Sunday afternoon at a study session attended by members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

He called for the construction of a safe and controllable information technology system, and for major breakthroughs in the fields of high-performance computing, mobile communication, quantum communication, core chips and operating systems.

At the meeting, Xi said the digital economy should play a greater role in pushing forward economic development and that the country's Internet management and cyberspace security defense should also be enhanced.

The Internet and information technology should be better used to advance social governance, Xi said, calling for a greater voice from China in setting the rules of the Internet, as well as greater efforts to build China into an Internet power.

At the session, Wei Shaojun, director of the Institute of Microelectronics at Tsinghua University, gave a lecture on China's strategy on developing Internet power.

Noting that the Internet and information technology are developing rapidly and increasingly integrated with society, Xi warned of the gap between China and the world's frontiers in relevant fields.

"We should work with solidarity in mind, improve our knowledge and strengthen strategic planning," he said.

Xi said Internet and information technology is a "highland" of global technological innovation and a magnet for research and development investment around the world.

He called on relevant industries in China to concentrate on developing core technologies and enhancing security defence measures for key information infrastructure.

Xi called for greater investment in information infrastructure, increased integration of the Internet and the real economy, and better development of the digital economy, so as to create new space for economic growth.

Given the rising power of the Internet in mobilizing people, Xi said that efforts should be made to ensure that "positive energy," which means bright and patriotic information, circulates in cyberspace.

As Internet-based communication highlights interaction, first-hand experience and sharing, it should be used to give voice to the public, to benefit their livelihood and address their concerns, Xi said.

Efforts should be made to uphold cyber security, as well as to safeguard the integrity, safety and reliability of Internet data, Xi said.

Development of the Internet has also prompted social governance to shift from pure government supervision to greater emphasis on coordinated governance across society, Xi said, calling for the building of a national center of big data to promote coordinated management across different administerial levels, regions, departments and businesses.

The Internet should be used to encourage scientific decision-making by governments, as well as to enhance social governance and efficient public services, Xi said.

Xi stressed the importance of confidently safeguarding the sovereignty of China's cyberspace and explicitly expressing China's assertions.

He also asked officials at all levels to learn, understand and use the Internet. "Officials, particularly the high-ranking ones, cannot work efficiently without Internet know-how or proper understanding of the Internet," Xi said.

Officials should build up their understanding of the rules of the Internet, be more capable of guiding public opinion on the Internet, lead information technology development and guarantee cyber security, Xi said.

BEIJING, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has called for more independent innovation in the Internet and information technology, as well as enhanced cyberspace security.

Xi made the remarks Sunday afternoon at a study session attended by members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee.

He called for the construction of a safe and controllable information technology system, and for major breakthroughs in the fields of high-performance computing, mobile communication, quantum communication, core chips and operating systems.

At the meeting, Xi said the digital economy should play a greater role in pushing forward economic development and that the country's Internet management and cyberspace security defense should also be enhanced.

The Internet and information technology should be better used to advance social governance, Xi said, calling for a greater voice from China in setting the rules of the Internet, as well as greater efforts to build China into an Internet power.

At the session, Wei Shaojun, director of the Institute of Microelectronics at Tsinghua University, gave a lecture on China's strategy on developing Internet power.

Noting that the Internet and information technology are developing rapidly and increasingly integrated with society, Xi warned of the gap between China and the world's frontiers in relevant fields.

"We should work with solidarity in mind, improve our knowledge and strengthen strategic planning," he said.

Xi said Internet and information technology is a "highland" of global technological innovation and a magnet for research and development investment around the world.

He called on relevant industries in China to concentrate on developing core technologies and enhancing security defence measures for key information infrastructure.

Xi called for greater investment in information infrastructure, increased integration of the Internet and the real economy, and better development of the digital economy, so as to create new space for economic growth.

Given the rising power of the Internet in mobilizing people, Xi said that efforts should be made to ensure that "positive energy," which means bright and patriotic information, circulates in cyberspace.

As Internet-based communication highlights interaction, first-hand experience and sharing, it should be used to give voice to the public, to benefit their livelihood and address their concerns, Xi said.

Efforts should be made to uphold cyber security, as well as to safeguard the integrity, safety and reliability of Internet data, Xi said.

Development of the Internet has also prompted social governance to shift from pure government supervision to greater emphasis on coordinated governance across society, Xi said, calling for the building of a national center of big data to promote coordinated management across different administerial levels, regions, departments and businesses.

The Internet should be used to encourage scientific decision-making by governments, as well as to enhance social governance and efficient public services, Xi said.

Xi stressed the importance of confidently safeguarding the sovereignty of China's cyberspace and explicitly expressing China's assertions.

He also asked officials at all levels to learn, understand and use the Internet. "Officials, particularly the high-ranking ones, cannot work efficiently without Internet know-how or proper understanding of the Internet," Xi said.

Officials should build up their understanding of the rules of the Internet, be more capable of guiding public opinion on the Internet, lead information technology development and guarantee cyber security, Xi said.

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